Luna the five kingdoms

Post on 21-Jan-2018

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Animal kingdom.

Animals are multicellular living things that feed onother living things.

Most animals move to forage for food to signal shelteror to escape predators.

Plant kingdom.

Plants are multicellular living things that producetheir own food.They make their food through fhotosynthesis.

They cannot move because their roots are fixed to the ground.

Alga and protista kingdom.

Alga can be unicellular or multicellular.They maketheir own food but don’t have tissues or organs.

Protozoa are unicellular living things that feed onother living things.

Fungus kingdom.

There are multicellular fungi and unicellular ones.

Fungi do not have tissues or organs .They do not produce their onw food,but feed on the remains of other living things.In addition,fungi,like plants,cannot move.

Bacteria kingdom.

Bacteria are the simplest organisms on Earth.They areunicellular and are so small that are only visible trhouga microscope.

Some bacteria such cyanobacteria,can make their onwfood.There are some bacteria,such as the bacillus,eat other living things.

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