Lydiard Millicent CE Primary€¦ · Web viewDinosaur Astronaut your Maths Compare number...

Post on 03-Aug-2020

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Believe ~ Learn ~ GrowLydiard Millicent CE Primary School




Reading Watch and read the story of the ‘The Colour Monster’. Talk to someone in your family about what you thought of it. When you think of your feelings, do they have the same colours or are they different?

Spelling Write down your spellings for this week. Can you give each word a meaning? If you are not sure of the meaning, ask an adult or research using a dictionary.

Words using the ‘aw’ sound SawDrawyawn

Crawl Clawauthor


Maths Compare number sentences. Watch the White Rose Maths video and complete this worksheet.

Writing Have a look at this picture. It is called ‘Girl and Dragon’. Look closely at the dragon – what does he look like? What do you think his skin feels like? Does he have big or small eyes? Use your best adjectives to write about what the dragon looks like. You could print the picture and label the dragon or a write a list of sentences.

Topic History: The Same or Different?Have a look at these photos of Tudor houses – the same kind that would have been around during the Great Fire of London. There is some extra information here that you can ask an adult to read to you. Are there any similarities and differences between these houses and your own house? Once you have done some research, complete the Compare Homes 2Do on Purple Mash.



Reading Can you remember the different colours from ‘The Colour Monster’ and what emotions these represented? Create a picture of different coloured jars (like in the story) and label them.

Spelling Have another practise of your spellings for this week. Once you feel confident, have a go at the Week 13 Spellings Quiz 2Do on Purple Mash.

Maths Compare length and height. Watch the White Rose Maths video and complete this worksheet.

Writing If you got to meet the dragon from the image, what would you ask him? Create a list of questions. Don’t forget, questions needs question marks!

Topic Mindfulness: Lie on your back outside and close your eyes so you can use all of your senses except for sight. Notice the feel of the air, the feel of the ground, the sounds that surround you and any smells that are present.




Reading In ‘The Colour Monster’ there were 6 colours to show 6 emotions. Can you think of any other colours to show some different emotions?

Spelling Using your spellings for this week, create some sentences. I wonder who can come up with the silliest sentence?! Send me your creations

Maths Measure length (1). Watch the White Rose Maths video and complete this worksheet.

Writing Have another look at ‘The Girl and the Dragon’. Think about where they are. Are they in the mountains? Is it cold or is it hot? Do you think they like being there? Label the picture or write some sentences that describe the setting.

Topic Science: Materials Detective! Choose a room in your house and then make a list of all the different materials you can find in that room (you might need some help with this!) Can you find items made from plastic, wood, metal, glass, cotton? Then, have a go at the Describing Materials 2Do task on Purple Mash.



Reading Watch ‘The Colour Monster’ video again. This time, make a list of all of the adjectives you can spot. Remember: we use adjectives to describe someone or something.

Spelling Use your Common Exception Word bookmarks to practise our tricky words. Use this game to help you!

Maths Measure length (2). Watch the White Rose Maths video and complete this worksheet.

Writing Using ‘The Girl and the Dragon’ make a prediction. Why do you think they are there? What are they going to do next? What has happened before?

Topic French: Ma Famille! Watch this short clip to help you to say these French words:

Mother – la mère Father – le père Sister – la souer Brother – le frère

Can you have a go at saying the words? You could record or film yourself saying the words and send it to the class email for me to see!


ayReading At the end of ‘The Colour Monster’, he is all pink! What emotion do you think this

was showing? Why do you think this? What is telling you this?

Spelling Amazing Alphablocks!We love watching Alphablocks in school so have a go at these new quizzes:School Words QuizMissing Letter Quiz

Maths Introduce weight and mass. Watch the White Rose Maths video and complete this worksheet.

Writing Write a story based around ‘The Girl and the Dragon’ . Have the picture printed out in front of you if you can. Use all the knowledge you have gained so far this week, including adjectives and your prediction to support your story. Take a picture of your story and send it in to me

Topic PE: Keep Dancing!Watch this video of a Fire Dance. Can you copy the moves? Can you make up your own movements? Think about how the flames move to help you create your own actions.

Year1 Learning