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Lyza Saint Ambrosena

Creating the Life You Love

Lyza Saint Ambrosena

7 Secrets to overcoming emotional overwhelm

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Overcoming Emotional Overwhelm MEANS Finding Balance.

Body, Mind & Soul Balance = Physical, Mental and Emotional Balance.

When these are in alignment then we can control emotional overwhelm and

can handle thoughts, tasks, priorities, relationships, and life as a whole.

“When we suppress our true selves in one area of our life, to please

others this eventually leads to imbalance and overwhelm”.

When you begin to feel the first hint of overwhelm, take a moment and

contemplate quickly, the three elements of BODY, MIND & SPIRIT and see

where your balance is out...

Is it your Health? (Body)

Do you need to do something for your BODY?

Drink Water instead of Coffee or other stimulants to calm you down?

Eat something healthy?

Get outside for a quick walk in the sun?

Is it your Thoughts? (Mind)

Do you need to do something for your Thoughts?

Close your eyes take a deep breath and clear your head?

Write a list of solutions to the stressful thoughts in your mind?

Change your thoughts that create Stress to positive thoughts?

Is it your Feelings? (Soul)

Do you need to do something for your feelings?

Do you need to plan something uplifting to look forward to in your life?

Do you need to forgive someone who you feel hurt by?

Do you need to read or listen to something inspiring to uplift you?

Find the part of you that needs assistance and CREATE TIME quickyly to bring it

back into BALANCE. Replenish your mental, emotional and physical treasure

chests. Soon you’ll begin to recognise your Balancing Needs automatically!

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- SECRET 1 -

Our body, mind & soul will tell us when we are close to burning out... the hints


Looking fatigued,

Reacting to situations strongly that we usually wouldn’t react to,

No motivation to do positive things that we know would uplift us,

Constantly feeling there’s no time to do what we want for ourselves,

Resenting “others” for not giving us what we could give to ourselves,

Sometimes we need to push the STOP button and take a DEEP BREATH and

RELAX ~ this allows our body, mind and soul to rest and regenerate, to

rebalance and then approach our task (our life) from a calmer perspective.

If you find yourself in OVERWHELM, STOP. Close your eyes. Take a DEEP

BREATH in through your nose (fill your belly with air). Hold it softly for 3

seconds then breathe it all out through your mouth. Step away from what you

are doing if you can, for 5 – 15 minutes and let your breathing calm you down.

Drink a glass of water to help your mind calm. Let yourself think of something

different for a few moments. Your new CALMER perspective will help you to

RELAX and potentially approach your overwhelming situation differently.

Surrender to your inner knowing of health, peace, forgiveness, gratitude,

peace, joy and actions that will help you feel more relaxed. Practice STOPPING,

BREATHING and RELAXING so you can simply surrender to the simplicity of life.

Here are some things to jog your memory

Switch off the phone Long relaxing salt baths,

Walking the dog Massages

Sleeping in Going to the gym

Taking a rest/sleep in nature Going on a bush walk

Pedicures Walking on the beach alone or with a friend

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Write a list now of the things that help you to STOP, BREATHE & RELAX! Then

begin to integrate your ideas into your everyday life. Do it now...















Go to bed by 9.30- sleep by 10pm

Eating Healthy Meals (phone off)

Setting clear family boundaries

Focus while you work – (Switch off

social web search tools)

Social text only AFTER work

Complete tasks BEFORE moving on.

Switch to decaf or green tea

Drive with calm music on

Delegate the jobs you can

Say no to social events that drain you.

Limit your daily TO DO LIST Spread

your TO DO List over several days

Detach from stressful people

Watch inspiring Movies

Listening to inspiring calming music

Set reasonable start & finish times for



Getting to bed at midnight

Eating lousy on the run

Working too much

Letting family meddle in your affairs

Too much web surfing

Too much text messaging

Multi-tasking without completing

Too much caffeine

Driving like a maniac

Forgetting to delegate

Over socialising –wearing out

Over piling your daily to do list

Stressing over arrangements Stressing

over circumstances

Letting other people stress you

Watching violent movies

Watching horror stressful movies

Listening to stressful music

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- SECRET 2 -

When we have too many things to do, we can freeze.

We can become overwhelmed and so don’t do any of them.

When there’s so much competing for our attention, we don’t know where to

begin and so we don’t begin anywhere. We feel like we are on a hamster

wheel, spinning –The result can be Emotional Overwhelm:

When we clear our head of our TO DO’s, our brain can let go of ALL THE

DETAILS. This helps us to FOCUS MORE CLEARLY on the task at hand.

Write down everything you have to do on a piece of paper.

Grab all the notes & notepads where you have been writing things

to do plus the STUFF IN YOUR HEAD & put them all onto one list!




WORKING ON YOUR DREAMS (eg: writing that book, researching

travel dreams) PLAN FOR AN AWESOME LIFE!!! .

Write down beside it HOW LONG you believe it will take to

achieve and double it.









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FIND A TIMER: on your phone or watch to help you time yourself & tasks

FAST THINGS FIRST: Spend 15 minutes — no more — knocking out as

many of the easiest, fastest tasks as you can.

Make quick phone calls.

Send short emails.

Don’t worry about whether these are the most important tasks on

your list. Just get yourself moving. The goal is to cross off as many

items as possible in the shortest time. Use a timer to stay focused.


When your 15 minutes are up, turn off your phone, close down all

the windows on your computer, and choose the most daunting

thing on your list.

One that instils the most stress or is the highest priority.

Then work ONLY IT - without distraction for 45 minutes.

Then take a break for 15 minutes ... sit in the sun, drink a cup of

tea, sit quietly and decide if you would like to continue another 45

minutes. OR PLAN a time to come back to it.

Ditch time wasting tasks: Less time on facebook, social calls, chit chat

Delegate:Delegate or offload the items on your to-do list which are priority

items that add value but do NOT need to be completed by you.

Recheck Your Plans: Check your plans each night, note discrepancies from

today, revisit tomorrow’s plan.

Include the Fun Things: Include the things you Love to do that enrich your soul.

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Find a GREAT Calendar that YOU WANT to use.

GMAIL CALENDAR: You can use a google calendar, (free as part of your gmail account), or invest in a diary or a year wall planner. I colour code my gmail planning so that at a glance I can see my balance of work, rest and play. I can access my calendar on my phone, ipad and computer it’s easy to adjust.

WHITEBOARD ANNUAL CALENDAR: We also have a large whiteboard 12 month calendar so at a glance we can all see our year ahead. We plan holidays, events, workshops birthdays etc. Whiteboard markers ensure we can make changes and can erase months when we’ve completed them.

WALL CALENDAR: Monthly wall calendars are also great, especially if they are in a group room (the kitchen) where all the family has access. Everyone can write activities into the calendar and can see what others are up to without overlapping each other. It solves a HUGE potential for overwhelm by being able to SEE into the future events and prepare accordingly.

PREPERATION: We can plan in advance and then everyone can simply glance to know what is happening months into the future. We can see future FUN rewarding events are coming up to motivate us in our everyday work.


FUN: Schedule Time for FUN so you have things to look forward to after a week of working hard and focusing on less fun tasks. Your reward may be

Bushwalks, picnics or swimming at the beach, alone or with friends

Brunch or visiting local craft markets

REST : Schedule time for REST where you cannot be reached by phone

To sleep in or lay in the back yard or a park during lunch break to REST

To lay on a couch and read a book

BUILDING YOUR DREAMS: Schedule Time to work on your dreams.

Travel – research airfares, accommodation costs for a dream holiday

Writing a book – schedule ½ hour every few days to write.

Creating a craft, quilt, painting, stitch work, floral art,

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Color Code this calendar below as if it is your average weekUse a different color for WORK, EXERCISE, FUN, ACTIVITES, FAMILY TIME, COOKING, REST TIME, TIME TO BUILD YOUR DREAMS, RELAXING TIME, REWARDS

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- SECRET 4 -

Sometimes, when we’re feeling positive and motivated, we can go out into a

crowd (to the movies or work etc) and come home feeling stressed, upset or

angry, with no real understanding of how this has come about.

What this can mean, is that you have taken “into your energy field”, the

heaviness of a person you have been in contact with from “their energy field”.

An example is; you may have sat in a chair at a cafe, movie or work where

others have left their unpleasant energy in the chair and you’ve absorbed it.

Become aware of your “mood” and “feelings”, BEFORE and AFTER interacting

with others. Sometimes energy can even transfer over a phone conversations.

How often have you hung up the phone after a long chat with someone only to

feel more heavy, sad or worse than before you had the phone call? This is

when you have picked up their “mood” and “feelings”.

GOOD NEWS - You can clear your energy fields and thus your MOOD rapidly

and transform the emotional heaviness you feel ( whether it is your own or

someone else’s) using some of the techniques listed below.

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Have you ever arrived home from a day at work or an evening out and felt you

had to rush into the shower and “wash the day off”. Well it’s true; you are

literally washing the energetic remnants of your day, down the plug hole.


Take a warm relaxing bath in salt and essential oils to wash away tension. Salt

cleans your energy field and therefore your mood. Set the intention in your

mind, to LET GO and RELAX. Swim in the ocean or a pool till you feel the

heaviness wash off you.


Use some of the visualisation techniques to surround yourself with light inside

your body and within your aura. Try some of these from my Healthy Hints &

Tips Blog -


Clothes can carry old energy from from arguments, tension at work, others etc.

This means when you wear it next, you’ll feel the old feelings. To clear it, wash

thoroughly & dry in sunlight then see how you feel next time you wear it. Some

clothes carry old energy no matter what you do. If this is the case you may

have to replace them. Keep a set of RELAXING clothes JUST for relaxing in!


Make sure you drink enough water. This strengthens your aura, body and

mind. You’ll think and feel more positive and peaceful in minutes. Add lemon

to alkalise the acid levels in your body. This will calm feelings of overwhelm.


Do some breathing and grounding exercises to empty the mind and focus on

the intention of clearing your aura and bringing vital energy into you and your

aura and your space.

Refer to my blog for meditation exercises ~

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How can clearing and cleaning your environment help you overcome

emotional overwhelm?

1. Have you ever felt you could sense emotions that had gone on in a room before you arrived?

2. Have you ever just wanted to leave an environment?

3. Have you ever walked into someone’s home and felt so calm you didn’t want to leave?

That’s energy.

For example: You may have had a great day then come home to a chaotic home environment because of the vibes that had been left there. EG: Dirty Laundry, Unwashed Floors, Sheets that need changing after tossing and turning all night, dishes undone, the lingering feeling of arguments in the air.

Thoroughly clean and organize your room/home/office space.

Play Awesome MUSIC, Wear exercise clothes, GET INTO IT use it as a fun

exercise and put your FUN into the ROOM !!! You CAN do it! ZEN your DEN!

Vacuum, Clear dust from table tops, sills, Curtains.

Air out the space, open and clean windows, sills curtains, Let fresh

air cleanse the room

Washing Floors can make a huge difference to clearing the energy.

Eliminate any noise except nature or very gentle relaxing music

where possible.

Turn off any and all electrical appliances where possible.

Change sheets and even wash duvets and dry in the sunshine to


Clean, clear, dust and vacuum your bedroom and under beds also

side tables and in the closet(s)

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Now add ambience to your environment to help you feel relaxed and peaceful

and happy when you enter your room/home/office.

Water Spray:

Using a clean spray bottle (previously unused by any chemicals) filled with

fresh water. Gently, lightly spray it into the air around the room. You can put

sea salt in the water if you like.


Place one or more fresh, new, plain, unscented candles in the room, and light

it/them. I like to use 3 around the room to create a sacred space between the

3 of them, so that any heavy energy may be transformed into light by the



Light some incense or sage or resin and gently guide the smoke around the

room. Once you ignite the bundle, blow out the flame, and the bundle will

continue to smoke, then, set the bundle in the centre of a bowl. With the bowl

in one hand and either use your own palm or a feather, slowly move around

the space guiding the smoke into all areas of the room. Make sure to fan the

smoke around the furniture, under tables and around any appliances. (Be sure

not to activate the fire alarms).

Play uplifting music:

Play calm or happy music, rather than drama’s from a television show or loud

chaotic music. Play it even while you are not in the room, and you will find

when you re-enter the room it will feel happier, more uplifted.

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- SECRET 6 -

Learn to control your attitude and you will transform your life.

When we are in a state of overwhelm our bodies create chemicals that stress

our bodies and minds even further. Calm your thoughts to calm your body.

The mind is making choices in every moment so make these moments count.

Catch your thoughts! When you catch yourself feeling emotionally

overwhelmed with thoughts such as;

There is no way out.

I can’t possibly do it on my own.

There is nothing I am able to do to get out of this situation.

I‘ll have to stay in this lifestyle because I can’t change it.

Change your ATTITUDE, your thinking, change your inner dialogue to one of

gratitude and positivity and CAN statements. Harness the power of your mind

by focusing on your passions, your goals and your positivity.

Fill your mind with Gratitude for what you already have and you will be blessed

with more of the same. For where focus goes, energy grows... so focus on what

you love and are grateful for in your life and watch universal abundance open

up and dance before you playing your song of joy. Check out my Healthy Hints

& Tips Blog here

Statements that assist with dealing with overwhelm, can include;

Everything will work out perfectly in divine perfect timing

Even though I can’t see the outcome, i trust that this is all happening for the

perfect reason

Everything always works out perfectly

I trust that I am always being led to the right situations at the right time for

me to achieve my heartfelt dreams.

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- SECRET 6 -

Write a list of things you are grateful for in your life right now:
















Write a list of your talents & the kind things you do for yourself, your

family, others... Your gifts to the world: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
















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- SECRET 7 -

Do you OVERLOAD your best friend with stress, work, worries, chaos?

WHY do it to yourself?

HOW do I become my own best friend?


Sometimes we need compassion for ourselves to cut ourselves some slack

when we find ourselves with more things on our “to do” list than we can

possibly achieve in the time frame we have set for ourselves. Or we may have

high expectations of ourselves in business, relationships, physical looks and so

on, that we are simply unable to keep up with because we have set our

standards beyond what we are capable of achieving at this time.

This is when it is most beneficial for us to begin to treat ourselves the same

way we would treat a best friend, a child, someone we love .

We often find it is easier to show others compassion than it is to show this to

ourselves. Here is where we learn the simple skill of treating ourselves with

kindness, with self respect and with love.

When you become your own best friend, then you will treat yourself the way a

true best friend would treat you. You will do things TO & FOR yourself as a

best friend would. Think and speak about yourself kindly, treat yourself kindly

and honestly, give yourself opportunities to relax and enjoy life, treat yourself

in a balanced respectful way.

As cheesy as “loving yourself” sounds... there is real value in developing an

attitude of love and kindness towards yourself in “thought, word and deed”.

Behaving as a best friend would towards you is a BRILLIANT start in the right

direction to a loving relationship with yourself.

Treating yourself kindly is at the core of creating a balanced life. Creating a life

that you can love and a life that is healthy on all levels, work, home,

relationships, body, mind and soul. You are worth it... start now.

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- SECRET 7 -

Close your eyes for 3 minutes and imagine a relationship with an

amazing best friend – Then answer these questions below:

How would they treat you? How do they feel about you?

What would they say to you and about you?

What kind things would they do for you?

How would you feel about them?

























YOU are your own best friend. THIS is how to feel about and treat yourself.

PLAN the ACTION into your weekly schedule so that you can begin taking

ACTION to create the solution.

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PLAN the ACTION into your weekly schedule so that you can begin taking

ACTION to create the solution.

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