M AN AGEMENT (MGMT) - General Announcements < … practical applications to real problems, the...

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Management (MGMT)           1

MANAGEMENT (MGMT)MGMT 500 - BCM HEALTH SERVICES ADMINISTRATIONShort Title: BCM HEALTH SERVICES ADMIN.Department: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: ResearchCredit Hours: 15Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA program.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Health services research project/externship; arranged byBCM faculty with input from Jones School faculty as part of the MD/MBA(BCM/RICE) dual degree program. Course work, research, etc. taken atBaylor College of Medicine.

MGMT 501 - FINANCIAL ACCOUNTINGShort Title: FINANCIAL ACCOUNTINGDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 3Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA program.Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Introduction to the preparation, analysis, and use ofcorporate financial reports. Covers the basic techniques of financialreporting and analysis from the perspective of managers as well asexternal users of information such as investors. Required for MBA.

MGMT 502 - MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTINGShort Title: MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTINGDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs. Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Introduction to the use of financial and cost informationby managers in budgeting, resource allocation, pricing, quality control,and other contexts to help managers set goals and monitor and evaluateperformance. Required for MBA.

MGMT 503 - MANAGEMENT CONTROLShort Title: MANAGEMENT CONTROLDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs. Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: This course builds on earlier courses on cost managementand corporate strategy and focuses on the management control systemsthat can be used for the effective implementation of strategy. Includedtopics are the balanced scorecard, stretch budgets, performanceevaluation and incentives, organizational and operational controls, andthe development of metrics to motivate and evaluate performance.Required for MBA.

MGMT 510 - ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIORShort Title: ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIORDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA program.Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Study of the many factors, which influence how individuals,groups, and teams behave and function in complex organizations andhow they can be effectively managed. Required for MBA.

MGMT 512 - LEADING CHANGEShort Title: LEADING CHANGEDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 0.75Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs. Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Emphasizes understanding of what constitutes effectiveorganizational designs; considers both the macro designing of changeinitiatives and the micro execution of those initiatives.

MGMT 540 - MANAGERIAL ECONOMICSShort Title: MANAGERIAL ECONOMICSDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA program.Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: We study production and pricing decisions under differentassumptions about firm market power. Emphasis is placed onunderstanding the relevant costs in firm decision-making. Examples areused from marketing and accounting areas. Required for MBA.

MGMT 541 - ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT OF BUSINESSShort Title: ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT OF BUSDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs. Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Examination of the global economic environment that servesas a backdrop for business decision making, with emphasis on the keymacroeconomic policy goals and tools and how they affect exchangerates, interest rates, business cycles, and long-term economic growth.Required for MBA.

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MGMT 543 - FINANCEShort Title: FINANCEDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 3Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA program.Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Introduction to the theory and practice of corporate finance,with emphasis on topics such as valuation, capital budgeting, risk andreturn, and capital structure. Required for MBA.

MGMT 560 - CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITYShort Title: CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITYDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 0.75Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA program.Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: An exploration of the ethical and legal bases of managerialdecision making and the social dimension of the business firm. Requiredfor MBA.

MGMT 561 - BUSINESS-GOVERNMENT RELATIONSShort Title: BUSINESS-GOVERNMENT RELATIONSDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs. Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Study of how public policy influences the private competitiveenvironment of the firm. Examines the major political institutionsand actors--Congress, the President, interest groups, the media, andadministrative agencies--that shape U.S. public policy. Students analyzebusiness political strategies and formulate several of their own. Requiredfor MBA.

MGMT 570 - COMPETITIVE AND INDUSTRY ANALYSISShort Title: COMPETITIVE STRATEGYDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA program.Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Systematic examination of models and techniques usedto analyze a competitive situation within an industry from a strategicperspective. Examines the roles of key players in competitive situationsand the fundamentals of analytical and fact-oriented strategic reasoning.Examples of applied competitive and industry analysis are emphasized.Required for MBA.

MGMT 571 - STRATEGY FORMULATION AND IMPLEMENTATIONShort Title: STRATEGY FORMULATIONDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs. Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: This course focuses on formulating and implementingeffective organizational strategy, including competitive positioning, corecompetencies and competitive advantage, cooperative arrangements,and tools for implementation.

MGMT 574 - OPERATIONS MANAGEMENTShort Title: OPERATIONS MANAGEMENTDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs. Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Introduction to the principles of production management andprocess improvement. Required for MBA.

MGMT 580 - MARKETINGShort Title: MARKETINGDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 3Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA program.Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Introduction to the key concepts underlying the functionof marketing and its interaction with other functions in a businessenterprise. Explores marketing's role in defining, creating, andcommunicating value to customers. Primarily case-based with capstonesimulation exercise, providing a foundation for advanced course work inmarketing. Required for MBA.

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MGMT 591 - ACCOUNTING THEORYShort Title: ACCOUNTING THEORYDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 3Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduatePrerequisite(s): MGMT 601Description: The aim of this seminar is to impart an understanding of thehistorical evolution of the literature on financial accounting theory andaccounting principles, as well as emerging developments in accountingresearch. A companion objective is to come to understand the evolvingdynamic of the standard-setting process for financial reporting in theUnited States and at the international level, including consideration of the“political” intrusions into this process. Readings will be drawn from theperiodical literature, books and monographs, and reports. A term paperwill be required. The prerequisite for undergraduates is BUSI 405, but thecourse will also be open also to a small number of other students whohave taken just BUSI 305. MBA students: Prerequisite is MGMT 601. PhDstudents: no prerequisites. All students must obtain the prior permissionof the instructor. Course may not be taken pass/fail and may not beaudited. Enrollment will be limited. Mutually Exclusive: Credit cannot beearned for MGMT 591 and BUSI 491/MACC 591.

MGMT 594 - STRATEGIC BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONShort Title: STRAT BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Satisfactory/UnsatisfactoryCourse Type: Lecture/LaboratoryCredit Hours: 0.75Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA program.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Introduction to the strategy and practice of businesspresentations. Includes frequent oral presentations (both individual andteam) and feedback.

MGMT 595 - DATA ANALYSIS IShort Title: DATA ANALYSIS IDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA program.Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: The ever-increasing capacity of computers to analyze dataand the explosion of the amount of data available have resulted in anincreased role for data analysis as an aid to business decision-making.This course exposes the student to the most important ideas andmethods relevant for data analysis in a business context. Emphasizingpractical applications to real problems, the course covers the followingtopics: sampling, descriptive statistics, probability distributions, andregression analysis. Required for MBA.

MGMT 596 - STRATEGIC BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONS IIShort Title: STRATEGIC BUSINESS COMM IIDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Satisfactory/UnsatisfactoryCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 0.75Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA program.Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Introduction to the strategy and practice of managementcommunication. Assignments are based on core courses integratedacross the curriculum. Includes individual communication skillsassessment and development and team-based oral and writtencommunication instruction. Required for M.B.A.

MGMT 597 - DATA ANALYSIS IIShort Title: DATA ANALYSIS IIDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs. Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: The ever-increasing capacity of computers to analyze dataand the explosion of the amount of data available have resulted in anincreased role for data analysis as an aid to business decision-making.This course exposes the student to the most important ideas andmethods relevant for data analysis in a business context. Emphasizingpractical applications to real problems, the course covering the followingtopics: sampling, descriptive statistics, probability distributions, andregression analysis. Required for MBA.

MGMT 599 - ACTION LEARNING PROJECTShort Title: ACTION LEARNING PROJECTDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: Intensive Learning ExperienceCredit Hours: 3Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA program.Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Group project in which students, under the guidance offaculty and a corporate liaison, study the scope of improvementsneeded, examine a company's processes, and then provide writtenrecommendations and present findings to senior management. Requiredfor MBA.

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MGMT 600 - INTERNATIONAL ENERGY SIMULATIONShort Title: INTL ENERGY SIMULATIONDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Satisfactory/UnsatisfactoryCourse Type: Intensive Learning ExperienceCredit Hours: 0.75Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: The Jones Graduate School of Business International EnergySimulation is designed to create a real world environment in whichmultiple actors align and compete to achieve their distinct objectives.This year we focus on Discordia, a fictitious West African nation. Youwill be assigned to one of about 15 teams including government, energycompanies, media, villagers, public policy institutions and others. Criticalsuccess factors include strategic thinking, the ability to build alliances,and a deep understanding of the perspectives of multiple stakeholders.Expect the unexpected. Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 601 - FINANCIAL STATEMENT ANALYSISShort Title: FINANCIAL STATEMENT ANALYSISDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 3Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the following programs:EMBA MBA PMBA WMBA XMBA Enrollment is limited to Graduate levelstudents.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Study of how investors, financial analysts, creditors,and managers use financial statement information in evaluating firmperformance and in valuing firms. Emphasizes industry and firm-levelanalysis of accounting information using financial accounting conceptsand finance theory.

MGMT 603 - FEDERAL TAXATIONShort Title: FEDERAL TAXATIONDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 3Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the following programs:EMBA MBA PMBA WMBA XMBA Enrollment is limited to Graduate levelstudents.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Survey of the basic federal tax law concepts of businessincome and deductions, proceeding to tax aspects of different forms ofbusiness organizations, emphasizing corporations. Includes sections oftax planning for mergers and acquisitions, compensation planning, andinternational tax effects. Introduces tax research.

MGMT 604 - MINDFULNESS AND PERFORMANCE IN HIGH RELIABILITYORGANIZATIONSShort Title: MINDFULNESS AND PERFORMANCEDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the following programs:EMBA MBA PMBA WMBA XMBA Enrollment is limited to Graduate levelstudents.Course Level: GraduateDescription: While organizations frequently discuss the importanceof safety, safety incidents are both commonplace and costly across anumber of industries. This course is designed to equip you with tools andinsights that will help you and your organization prevent costly, safety-related errors and achieve higher and more reliable performance.

MGMT 606 - CORPORATE FINANCIAL REPORTING: US GAAP & IFRSPART IShort Title: CORP FIN REP:US GAAP & IFRS IDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 3Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA program.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Course covers aspects of interest to corporate financeofficers and financial statement readers on a number of critical financialreporting issues, including those related to merchandise inventories,fixed and intangible assets, business combinations, intercorporateinvestments, consolidated financial statements and segment reporting,and the effects of changing prices on net income and rate of return.The strategic role of the newly restructured International AccountingStandards Board, especially as viewed by the Securities and ExchangeCommission and the European Commission, will be explored. Studentswill be apprised of the sweeping and fundamental changes that areoccurring today in the milieu of international financial reporting.Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 608 - COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE IN THE AMZNShort Title: COMMERCIAL RE IN THE AMZNDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: Intensive Learning ExperienceCredit Hours: 0.75Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs.Course Level: GraduateDescription: With seismic shift in comm real estate due to tech,developers face challenging and evolving opportunities. How do youadapt and thrive when customer desires change at lightning speed andeveryone competes against Amazon? Through simulations and a real-time case study, students learn to capture the rewards of customer-centric design using psychographics and quantitative methodologies.

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MGMT 609 - MANAGING ENERGY TRANSITIONSShort Title: MANAGING ENERGY TRANSITIONSDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs. Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: “Managing in a Carbon-Constrained World” focuses on thebusiness challenges and opportunities presented by the fast-changingdynamics of climate change and renewable/alternative sources of energy- at the international, federal, and state levels. Consideration will begiven to successes and failures of “first movers.” We will consider howto reconcile conflicts between the goal of a lower carbon future and thepriorities of energy security and restoring a strong, sustainable, economy.The course will close with corporate responses to the challenge. Thecourse is intended to benefit students who intend to pursue careersas leaders in industry, finance, government, diplomacy, internationalagencies, non-government organizations (NGO’s), media, or in academia.The course will challenge you to understand diverse points of view. Abackground in economics, finance, management, engineering, or publicpolicy will provide a strong foundation, but other disciplines may alsoapply. Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 610 - FUNDAMENTALS OF THE ENERGY INDUSTRYShort Title: FUNDAMENTALS OF THE ENERGY INDDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the following programs:EMBA MBA PMBA WMBA XMBA Enrollment is limited to Graduate levelstudents.Course Level: GraduateDescription: The course is based on the principle that one cannotunderstand commodity markets without a good grasp of the technologyand physical infrastructure behind production, transportation,and distribution of energy commodities and linkages betweendifferent segments of the energy complex. The review of the industryinfrastructure will be followed by discussion of the institutionalframework of the energy markets in the US and other developedeconomies, including discussion of the different types of participatingbusiness entities, types of transactions and regulatory infrastructure. Thecourse will be divided into three groups of lectures, covering the naturalgas industry, power and coal business and oil / refined products markets,with an additional shorter lecture on regulatory issues.

MGMT 611 - GEOPOLITICS OF ENERGYShort Title: GEOPOLITICS OF ENERGYDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the following programs:EMBA MBA PMBA WMBA XMBA Enrollment is limited to Graduate levelstudents.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Geopolitics of Energy builds on critical thinking developedin core courses such as Strategy, Finance and Ethics. The modulesdeal with historical themes, access to resources, operational issuesoccurring during the life of an investment, and decisions at the end ofinvestment life (at expected maturity or prematurely). Scenario Planningis used - not to predict the future but to consider the viability of strategiesunder alternate future directions. The course uses the case method to asignificant extent and deals with diverse regions and levels of economicdevelopment. Class participation, individual and group exercises, alongwith a final examination account for grading. Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 612 - COMPETITION, CARBON AND ELECTRICITY POLICYShort Title: COMP,CARBON & ELECT POLICYDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the following programs:EMBA MBA PMBA WMBA XMBACourse Level: GraduateDescription: MGMT 612 covers the changes that have occurred over thelast twenty years in the electric power industry and the challenges andprofit potential of efforts to reduce the industry’s emissions of carbondioxide. The course will use original source materials to explore theimpacts of policy choices on companies and consumers. We will covereconomics, finance, engineering, and public policy, and a background inthose disciplines will prove useful. Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 613 - HUMAN AND SOCIAL CONTEXT AND QUESTIONS INTECHNOLOGY ENTREPRENEURSHIPShort Title: SOCIAL & HUMAN CONTEXT IN TECHDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs. Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: This course explores the human and social dynamics criticalto the evolving world of technology innovation and entrepreneurship.Topics include: social systems; entrepreneurial mindset; the future ofwork and organizations; understanding new fields and data; the changingrelationship between humans and technology; and questions in privacy,security, and regulation.

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MGMT 614 - CORPORATE FINANCIAL REPORTING: US GAAP & IFRSPART IIShort Title: CORP FIN REP:US GAAP & IFRS IIDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA program.Course Level: GraduateDescription: This course can be taken without having taken Part I. Wetake up revenue recognition, bonds and leases for lessees, incometax reporting, shareholders’ equity (including earnings per share), andmarketable securities, long-term investments and consolidated financialstatements. Throughout, comparisons will be made between US GAAPand IFRS. The same textbook will be used for Parts I and II. Repeatablefor Credit.

MGMT 615 - BARGAININGShort Title: BARGAININGDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs. Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Strategic Problem Solving examines theories, conceptsand techniques used by highly effective managers and executivesto solve challenging strategic problems facing their organizations.Strategic problems of two major types are addressed-problems as threatsand problems as opportunities. The course integrates relevant ideasfrom decision sciences and strategic decision making and presentsa coherent framework managers can use to become more effectivestrategic problem solvers. Focus is on analyzing and learning how tosolve strategic problems course participants have faced or are likelyto deal with in their future careers. Requires second year Jones Schoolstanding or permission of the instructor. Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 616 - ENERGY MARKET ORGANIZATIONShort Title: ENERGY MARKET ORGANIZATIONDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the following programs:EMBA MBA PMBA WMBA XMBA Enrollment is limited to Graduate levelstudents.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 617 - INFOMATION GOVERNANCEShort Title: INFORMATION GOVERNANCEDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Course Level: GraduateDescription: Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 618 - COMPLEXITIES OF PEOPLE AND ORGANIZATIONSShort Title: COMPLEX. OF PEOPLE & ORGDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: SeminarCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the following programs:EMBA MBA PMBA WMBA XMBACourse Level: GraduateDescription: A seminar focused on contemporary issues onorganizational behavior. Potential topics include the changing natureof work and organizations, the meaning of work in people's lives, theintersection of work and family, and functions and dysfunctions ofalternative ways of organizing, managing, and leading people in complexorganizations.

MGMT 619 - CORPORATE GOVERNANCEShort Title: CORPORATE GOVERNANCEDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: SeminarCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs.Course Level: GraduateDescription: The aim of this course is to gain an in-depth understandingof corporate governance and how it influences a firm's strategy andperformance. The course covers the theory and mechanisms of corporategovernance and comparative systems of governance and how theyrelate to contemporary trends. We focus on problems in listed firms,how they can be mitigated by regulation, ownership, boards, incentives,and other mechanisms, and how alternative governance models handletheir problems. The course will enable students to undertake a corporategovernance review of an individual company including an assessmentof how ownership, board structure, managerial incentives and systemcharacteristics influence company strategy and performance. We use acombination of readings, conventional cases, and real-time cases and thevariety of governance issues and solutions around the globe. The courseis appropriate for those who desire to run their own companies, thosewho are interested in investment portfolio management, and those whoaspire to be senior corporate managers. Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 620 - THE ENTREPRENEURIAL TOOLKITShort Title: THE ENTREPRENEURIAL TOOLKITDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: SeminarCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA program.Course Level: Graduate

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MGMT 621 - THE NEW ENTERPRISEShort Title: THE NEW ENTERPRISEDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: SeminarCredit Hours: 3Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs. Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Evaluating opportunities and developing a business concept;analyzing new ventures; pricing, selling, and cost control; attractingstakeholders and bootstrap finance; the legal form of business andtaxation; financing, deal structure and venture capital; harvesting value;developing a business plan.

MGMT 622 - FOUNDATIONS OF SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENTShort Title: FOUNDATIONS OF SUPPLY CHAINDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the following programs:EMBA MBA PMBA WMBA XMBACourse Level: GraduateDescription: This course explores strategic operations and supply chainmanagement. It provides content and pragmatic executive perspectiveson overall operations/supply chain strategies as well as delve intofour major capabilities (supply & demand management, sourcing& procurement, manufacturing/service delivery, and performanceimprovement/quality). The concepts are applicable to manufacturingand service industries; and, they are applicable to large corporationsand small businesses. Course activities provide the opportunity to buildcontent knowledge, apply their expertise to operations and supply chainmanagement situations, and explore cutting-edge topics in operationsand supply chain management. They will benefit students who may berelatively new to operations and supply chain management, as well asstudents who may bring real-world experience. The course environmentwill be collegial, collaborative, and highly interactive with a mixture ofteam-based and individual activities. Class sessions include multipleactivities and student preparation will be critical to maximize the valueof the class to themselves, as well as their classmates. Repeatable forCredit.

MGMT 623 - COMMERCIALIZATION IN PHARMA/BIOTECHShort Title: COMMERCIALIZATION IN PHARMADepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs. Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Provides an insider's perspective on workings andchallenges of an early to mid-stage pharmaceutical company. Currentcompany issues and case studies are used to discuss topics includingpre-clinical & clinical development, licensing & business developmentand intellectual property and patent strategies. Intended for studentsconsidering a career in an entrepreneurial biotechnology company.Previous coursework in entrepreneurship or healthcare is preferred.

MGMT 624 - REAL ESTATEShort Title: REAL ESTATEDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs.Course Level: GraduateDescription: This course emphasizes the components and processes ofreal estate industry including identification and analysis of investmentand development opportunities from an entrepreneurial standpoint. Itutilizes Harvard Cases and requires a major field project. Guest lectureswill constitute a portion of most sessions.

MGMT 625 - CREATIVE ENTREPRENEURSHIPShort Title: CREATIVE ENTREPRENEURSHIPDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: SeminarCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the following programs:EMBA MBA PMBA WMBA XMBACourse Level: GraduateDescription: Designed for those wishing to form their own business. Ittakes the prospective entrepreneur from the conception stage throughthe opening of the doors on the first day of business. Students willform teams to make final presentations of their business plans. Thewinning team of the final presentation will be eligible to participate inthe Southwest Business Plan Competition at Rice University. Numerousinvited speakers. Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 626 - VENTURE CAPITALShort Title: VENTURE CAPITALDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: SeminarCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the following programs:EMBA MBA PMBA WMBA XMBA Enrollment is limited to Graduate levelstudents.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Overview of the venture capital industry; the organizationand operation of venture capital funds; investment methodology;monitoring and portfolio liquidation; leveraged investing; and specializedinvestments.

MGMT 627 - ENTERPRISE ACQUISITIONShort Title: ENTERPRISE ACQUISITIONDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: SeminarCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs. Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: The needs approach to buying and selling businesses;enterprise valuation; deal and contract structuring; mergers andacquisitions; leveraged buyouts; consolidating fragmented industries.

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MGMT 628 - ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN THE ENERGY INDUSTRYShort Title: ENTREPRENEURSHIP ENERGY INDUSTDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: SeminarCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs.Course Level: GraduateDescription: The goal of Entrepreneurship In the Energy Industry is toexamine the process by which entrepreneurial ideas are formed and howthey obtain the technical, financial and managerial support to becomeviable businesses. We will use current examples of companies goingthrough the process, cases which highlight key elements of the process,meet entrepreneurs who are living the journey and share the experiencesof the classroom team, both students and teacher. Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 629 - BUSINESS PLAN DEVELOPMENTShort Title: BUSINESS PLAN DEVELOPMENTDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the following programs:EMBA MBA PMBA WMBA XMBACourse Level: GraduateDescription: This course is based on reading, analyzing and discussingbusiness plans of actual companies in motion. Class participation isimportant for this course. Reading the material, discussing the businessplans, and interacting with company management will also make thecourse more enjoyable and meaningful. During the course, we will haveentrepreneurs and founders as guest lecturers. SalvageSale, BizSuppliesand SimDesk are examples of business plans we will discuss.

MGMT 630 - FINANCIAL MARKETS AND INSTRUMENTSShort Title: FINANCIAL MARKETSDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs. Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: The content of this course is a microeconomic focuson the functioning and structure of financial markets and financialinstitutions. By the end of the course students will be able to describehow information asymmetry problems affect financial transactions andmarket outcomes, analyze different financial market structures, andunderstand how no-arbitrage concepts apply to valuation tasks. We willstudy how firms raise external capital to fund investment in real assetsand how markets and financial intermediaries assist in this. We will learnmany of the details that are assumed away in other core courses, andthis class will help you see how corporate finance and investments fittogether as a cohesive whole. Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 631 - HEALTH INSURANCE IN THE U.S.: THE ESSENTIALSShort Title: HEALTH INSURANCE IN THE U.S.Department: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: SeminarCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA program.Course Level: GraduateDescription: The basics that all executives, especially those working inthe health care industry, need to know about health insurance programs,public and private markets, pricing, risk management and how insurancecompanies think about their business. After covering the basics, thecourse examines the rapid shifts occurring as a result of the AffordableCare Act and other environmental and legislative changes. DepartmentPermission Required.

MGMT 632 - FINANCIAL REPORTING AND GOVERNANCEShort Title: FINANCIAL REPORT & GOVERNANCEDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs.Course Level: GraduateDescription: The focus of the course is on the economics of financialreporting. Specifically, the course will emphasize the role of financialreporting as an important control system in corporate governance. Inlight of the major corporate scandals such as Enron, Tyco, WorldCom,Xerox, and Société Générale as well as the recent global financialcrisis, there have been increased concerns over the failure of financialreporting as a control system. As a result, many voluntary and mandatorychanges to the corporate governance structure have been proposed orimplemented. Within this context of the sea of governance changes,the course will examine corporate governance functions, includingtop management, boards of directors and audit committees, internalcontrol and risk assessment, external auditors and independence, frauddetection, and SEC reviews of filings and enforcement activities. Wewill evaluate how these functions have performed historically as wellas identify and evaluate the financial reporting policies, procedures, andcontrols that can be employed to promote good corporate governanceand ethical decisions. Special attention will be paid to the rapidlychanging environment affecting corporate management as they respondto the requirements of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and various followupreforms. The course will combine leading edge academic thought withcontemporary real-life cases to examine these issues. Repeatable forCredit.

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MGMT 633 - LIFE SCIENCE ENTREPRENEURSHIP & ROLES OFFOUNDERS & VENTURE CAPITAL IN HIGH-TECH STARTUPSShort Title: LIFE SCIENCE ENTREPRENEURSHIPDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs. Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: The roles of physicians, scientists, engineers, and MBA’sin biotech, medical device, and other life science companies willbe described and characterized. The major trends and innovationsdriving the creation of new products in large established companiesand venture-capital-backed startup companies are discussed. Thispragmatic, experienced-based course describes the venture capitalprocess, formation, and capitalization of high-tech companies, sourcesof technologies, role of tech transfer at universities and medical schools,startup operational issues, role of VCs and board members, executiontime frames, liquidity process, IPOs and mergers, and payout prospectsfor founders and investors. Live, ongoing case studies are presented byguest entrepreneurs. These case studies of ongoing biotech, medicaldevice, and healthcare informatics companies are presented by manynotable M.D. and Ph.D. founders and CEOs. Rules of professional andethical conduct of M.D.s, Ph.D.s, scientific advisory boards, clinicaladvisory boards, and boards of directors are reviewed. In the final classes,a high-tech, career-planning guide is discussed, plus a special lectureon leadership, intelligence, and entrepreneurship will be presented.Insider secrets and success stories from decades of highly successfulVC practice in medical, biotech and infotech companies will be shared.Cross-list: BIOE 633.

MGMT 634 - COMMERCIALIZING TECHNOLOGY IN DEVELOPINGCOUNTRIESShort Title: TECH IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIESDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs.Course Level: GraduateDescription: This course provides a unique opportunity for students to1) apply their business school knowledge, 2) learn about business indeveloping countries and 3) learn about entrepreneurship. The courseincludes lectures, cases, and discussions around needs, opportunities,challenges, delivery mechanisms, manufacturing, and selling indeveloping countries for both large and small companies and for startups. Students taking this course may also be able to participate in aonce-in-a-lifetime trip to Africa that tourism can never duplicate. Allstudents will be on project teams and will participate in the developmentof business plans for commercializing new technologies. Repeatable forCredit.

MGMT 635 - EMERGING TECHNOLOGIESShort Title: SOCIAL ENT. IN DEV. COUNTRIESDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA program.Course Level: GraduateDescription: This course provides a unique opportunity for students to1) apply their business school knowledge, 2) learn about business indeveloping countries, 3) learn about social entrepreneurship 4) and helpthe poor. . The course includes lectures, cases, and discussions aroundneeds, opportunities, and challenges of operating social enterprises(including both for-profits and non-profits) in developing countries.Students taking this course may also be able to participate in a once-in-a-lifetime trip to Africa that tourism can never duplicate. All students willbe on project teams and will participate in the development of businessplans for commercializing new technologies in developing countries.Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 636 - MARKETING FOR SMALL BUSINESSShort Title: MARKETING FOR SMALL BUSINESSDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the following programs:EMBA MBA PMBA WMBA XMBACourse Level: GraduateDescription: This course is designed to help students develop andmanage a creative and economical marketing strategy for a smallbusiness. We will use real world examples to learn how to effectivelymarket through the use of web sites, search engine optimization (SEO),social media, online and local advertising. Students will experience abalance of theory and practical learning to apply these tools in harmonywhich will intensify awareness and profitability. Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 637 - DILEMMAS IN FOUNDING NEW VENTURESShort Title: DILEMMAS IN FOUNDING VENTURESDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the following programs:EMBA MBA PMBA WMBA XMBA Enrollment is limited to Graduate levelstudents.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Frameworks for making informed decisions about humancapital when founding a new venture, including co-founders, early hires,advisors, board members, and investors.

MGMT 638 - QUANTITATIVE INVESTMENT STRATEGIESShort Title: QUANTITATIVE INVESTMENT STRATDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the following programs:EMBA MBA PMBA WMBA XMBA Enrollment is limited to Graduate levelstudents.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Repeatable for Credit.

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MGMT 639 - MARKETING OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES IN THE GLOBALECONOMYShort Title: MKTING OF PROF SERVICESDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs.Course Level: GraduateDescription: This fast-paced, highly interactive and energetic coursewill explore the fundamental concepts, strategies and best practices ofmarketing professional services in today’s global economy—and how thismarketing differs from marketing tangible goods and non-professionalservices. Students will learn the importance of branding, public relations,crisis communications and Web 2.0 to promoting professional servicestoday, and how to successfully integrate those vehicles with traditionalmarketing strategies. Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 640 - THE ENTREPRENEURIAL EXPERIENCEShort Title: THE ENTREPRENEURIAL EXPERIENCEDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA program.Course Level: GraduateDescription: The class will answer the question "What does it take tolead and manage a New Enterprise?" Once a New Enterprise is launched,the challenges facing an entrepreneur are unique, dynamic and requirea much different skillset than managing an established business.This class will explore how to manage an uncertain environment withextremely limited resources, develop an "entrepreneurial" mindset, findthe right support resources and advisors, appease investors, maintaina work life balance and manage everting that will be thrown at theentrepreneur. This class will pull from the Instructor 30+ years as anentrepreneur and advisor including starting and exiting two Inc. 500companies and will include practical input from a number of guestspeakers. Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 641 - ENTREPRENEURIAL STRATEGYShort Title: ENTREPRENEURIAL STRATEGYDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: SeminarCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the following programs:EMBA MBA PMBA WMBA XMBACourse Level: Graduate

MGMT 642 - FUTURES AND OPTIONS IShort Title: FUTURES AND OPTIONS IDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the following programs:EMBA MBA PMBA WMBA XMBA Enrollment is limited to Graduate levelstudents.Course Level: GraduateDescription: An introduction to forward, futures, option, and swapcontracts, including the basic valuation principles, the use of thesecontracts for hedging financial risk, and an analysis of option-likeinvestment decisions. Recommended for finance students.

MGMT 643 - EQUITY PRACTICUM I - WRIGHT FUNDShort Title: EQUITY PRACTICUM I WRIGHT FUNDDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: Internship/PracticumCredit Hours: 2Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs. Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduatePrerequisite(s): MGMT 543Description: Students will gain hands on exposure to many aspects ofinvestment management by managing 'live' portfolio (the M.A. WrightFund) of endowed assets. The first semester's work (students mustcontinue to MGMT 644) is predominately focused on stock analysis andvaluation. Admission is by application and interview only. DepartmentPermission Required.

MGMT 644 - EQUITY PRACTICUM II - WRIGHT FUNDShort Title: EQUITY PRACTICUM II WRIGHT FNDDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: Internship/PracticumCredit Hours: 2Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs. Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduatePrerequisite(s): MGMT 643 and MGMT 648Description: Recommended Prerequisite(s): MGMT 645 (may taken thesame semester).

MGMT 645 - PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENTShort Title: PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENTDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: SeminarCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the following programs:EMBA MBA PMBA WMBA XMBA Enrollment is limited to Graduate levelstudents.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Review of classic investment theory, with emphasis onmeasuring and managing investment risk and return. Includes thedevelopment of modern portfolio theory and asset pricing models, anintroduction to option and futures contracts, market efficiency, and stockvaluation. Recommended for most finance students.

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MGMT 646 - CORPORATE INVESTMENT POLICYShort Title: CORPORATE INVESTMENT POLICYDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the following programs:EMBA MBA PMBA WMBA XMBA Enrollment is limited to Graduate levelstudents.Course Level: GraduateDescription: This course examines the investment decisions facedby corporate financial managers. We begin by developing a generalframework for corporate valuation, and then we use this framework toreview and expand on the capital budgeting issues developed in thecore finance course. For example, we review the foundations of optionvaluation, and then apply these tools to value real options. We alsocover new material on estimating the cost of capital and the effects ofleverage. In this course, you will learn the state of the art in the analysisof corporate investment decisions. The course format is a mixture oftheory, empirical evidence, and practical application. The theory providesthe framework for our analysis. The empirical evidence provides a coreof stylized facts to support our theoretical intuition. And, the practicalapplications put to use the theoretical foundations and empiricalevidence in real world decision making.

MGMT 647 - CORPORATE FINANCIAL POLICYShort Title: CORPORATE FINANCIAL POLICYDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the following programs:EMBA MBA PMBA WMBA XMBA Enrollment is limited to Graduate levelstudents.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Examination of corporate investment and financing, withemphasis on valuation methods and how financial policy impactscorporate value. Includes the implications of agency costs, asymmetricinformation and signaling, taxes, mergers and acquisitions, corporaterestructuring, real and embedded options, and financial risk management.Recommended for finance students.

MGMT 648 - APPLIED FINANCEShort Title: APPLIED FINANCEDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the following programs:EMBA MBA PMBA WMBA XMBA Enrollment is limited to Graduate levelstudents.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Study of the theory and practice of the fundamentalprinciples in finance emphasizing hands-on experience with a wide rangeof corporate finance and investments applications. The course providesextensive opportunity to implement finance theory at a practical level andto develop advanced analytical spreadsheet expertise.

MGMT 649 - DATA MINING FOR BUSINESS ANALYTICSShort Title: DATA MINING FOR BUS ANALYTICSDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: SeminarCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA program.Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduatePrerequisite(s): MGMT 595 or MGMP 595 or MGMW 595Description: This course covers fundamental principles behind datamining applications, introduce popular data mining algorithms andtechniques, examine how data mining technology can be used in decisionmaking, work on real-world data “hands-on” with open-source software,explore Deep Learning and their impact. Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 650 - FUTURES AND OPTIONS IIShort Title: FUTURES AND OPTIONS IIDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the following programs:EMBA MBA PMBA WMBA XMBA Enrollment is limited to Graduate levelstudents.Course Level: GraduatePrerequisite(s): MGMT 543 and MGMT 642Description: In-depth analysis of the theory and practice of derivativesecurities. Develops a general set of valuation, hedging, and riskmanagement techniques which are then applied to the equity, interestrate, currency, and commodity markets.

MGMT 651 - FIXED INCOME MANAGEMENTShort Title: FIXED INCOME MANAGEMENTDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs. Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Study of fixed income securities and markets in the U.S.and abroad, with an emphasis on the term structure of interest rates andthe pricing of fixed income securities, derivatives, and portfolios. IncludeTreasury, Corporate Debt, and Mortgage-Backed Securities.

MGMT 652 - MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONSShort Title: MERGERS & ACQUISITIONSDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the following programs:EMBA MBA PMBA WMBA XMBA Enrollment is limited to Graduate levelstudents.Course Level: GraduateDescription: The course examines the merger and acquisition processfrom the perspectives of buyers and sellers. Attention is paid to theinternal (make) versus external (buy) growth opportunities and their valueconsequences. The course also analyzes the M&A transaction processthrough the study of cases. An additional focus will be in the interactionof strategic planning, value planning, financial strategies, and investmentdecisions.

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MGMT 653 - CROSS-BORDER INVESTMENTSShort Title: CROSS-BORDER INVESTMENTSDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Cross-Border Investments builds on critical thinkingdeveloped in Core courses such as Strategy, Finance and Ethics. Thecourse examines the strategic rationale and valuation of internationalinvestments in various real-world scenarios including corporateacquisitions, leveraged buyouts, and public equities. While the primaryfocus is on fundamental analysis and return on investment, students willalso deepen their understanding of the international economy, politicalrisk, corporate governance and other non-financial considerations.The approach is case-oriented and class participation will be a criticaldeterminant of grades. Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 654 - REAL ESTATE CAPITAL MARKETS: PUBLIC & PRIVATEShort Title: RE CAP MARKETS: PUBLIC & PRIVDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs. Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: This course has two major objectives: First, to provide anoverview of topics related to real estate capital markets. Specifically,this course will focus on how to raise capital for: private real estatedevelopment, construction, acquisition, and investment; and, PublicCompanies, more specifically, REITs. It will build on your real estateand finance knowledge and interest; and provide depth and breadthof the financial markets and its players, on Wall Street, and outside ofWall Street. This course will devote time to understand the workingof the Capital Markets, considered by most industry leaders to be thesource of the “lubricant” necessary to turn the wheels towards thecreation of value; and, by others, to be source of the ” leverage” necessaryto profit from a “Zero Sum Game.” Second, this course is an electiverelated to real estate in a series available to prepare Rice MBA studentsinterested in career opportunities in the Real Estate Industry in finance,and more specifically in Banking, and Investment banking, Private RealEstate Companies, and REITs. You need to have a reasonably goodunderstanding of the creation of value through the workings of variousasset classes of real estate, and be able to build on that knowledge bylearning the sources of Capital and how Capital can accessed. You will bechallenged to determined what came first the “chicken” or the “egg,” (i.e.Does having control of the “real estate,” give you access to capital; or,alternatively by having control of the “capital” give you the opportunityto acquire real estate? You will also need to have an understanding offinancial analysis to evaluate the Capital needs of an investment, and todetermine alternative financial strategies. Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 655 - DIGITAL DISRUPTION IN FINANCIAL SERVICESShort Title: DIGITAL DISRUPTION IN FINANCEDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: Intensive Learning ExperienceCredit Hours: 0.75Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Analyze how firms like Square, PayPal, Stripe, Lending /club are disrupting the value chain in financial services. What drives thedevelopment of new disruptive platforms for processing payments, loansor investments? Look into the next wave of technologies which are likelyto further accelerate the disruption: blockchain, cryptocurrencies androbotics.

MGMT 656 - ENERGY DERIVATIVESShort Title: ENERGY DERIVATIVESDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 3Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs. Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Examines the physical energy markets, common financialinstruments, and their applications, including cross-commodity hedges,dual variable assets, synthetic options, and swaps. Decision criteria forboth outright and risk management trading are covered with respect toboth fundamental and technical analysis. Eight guest speakers fromvarious companies throughout the industry will participate.

MGMT 657 - INTERNATIONAL FINANCEShort Title: INTERNATIONAL FINANCEDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Exploration of special problems encountered by financialofficers in international arenas. Includes the economics of the foreignexchange market, exchange rate risk management, internationalportfolio management, capital budgeting for international projects, andinternational financing strategies.

MGMT 658 - APPLIED RISK MANAGEMENTShort Title: APPLIED RISK MANAGEMENTDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs. Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduatePrerequisite(s): MGMT 642Description: This course focuses on applied risk management projects.The hands-on experience allows in-depth analysis and understandingof practical risk management issues and exposure to different riskmanagement tools including Value at Risk and Monte Carlo simulations.The course emphasizes student development and application of skillsrather than lectures.

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MGMT 659 - REAL ESTATE FINANCE: ASSET VALUATIONShort Title: REAL ESTATE FINANCEDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the following programs:EMBA MBA PMBA WMBA XMBA Enrollment is limited to Graduate levelstudents.Course Level: GraduateDescription: This course provides an introduction to the concepts andtechniques used to analyze and commercial real estate assets andthe instruments commonly used to finance these assets. The topicscovered include financial analysis of income-generating real property,analysis of mortgage instruments, commercial mortgage-backedsecurities (CMBS), and real estate investment trusts (REITs). This courseis designed for students who are interested in commercial real estate;topics pertaining to single-family residential real estate will be coveredonly in passing. The course will offer all students an opportunity todevelop their business presentation skills through case discussions and afinal project presentation. The final project involves the detailed analysisof a CMBS deal, including separate, linked analyses of the mortgagecollateral pool, the mortgages, and the note structure. The final projectwill require the use of all of the tools developed in the course.

MGMT 660 - REAL ESTATE CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS FOR BUSINESSPROFESSIONALSShort Title: REAL ESTATE CONTRACT NEGDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs. Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Legal risk pervades business dealings. This course exploreslegal risk by educating the student on legal theories, then how to identify,quantify, reduce and accept legal risk, in the context of real estatetransactions. Effective interaction with legal counsel will be emphasized.Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 661 - INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS LAWShort Title: INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS LAWDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 3Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs. Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Exploration of U.S. and foreign law as it relates to thelaw-business interface of importing-exporting trade problems, foreignoperations, and foreign investments. Includes the extraterritorial impactof U.S. law, corporate organization, foreign exchange, joint ventures,withdrawal from foreign ventures, and third-country manufacturing.

MGMT 662 - ADVANCED OPERATIONS AND SUPPLY CHAINShort Title: ADV OPERATIONS & SUPPLY CHAINDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs.Course Level: GraduateDescription: - Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 663 - INVESTMENTS IIShort Title: INVESTMENTS IIDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs.Course Level: GraduatePrerequisite(s): MGMT 645Description: This is a project-based course. The class will act as a teamto construct a portfolio of large cap stocks designed to outperformthe S&P 500 with minimal tracking error. Stock selection will be byquantitative methods. The basic approach will be to assume a factormodel and use the Arbitrage Pricing Theory to find the mean-variancefrontier for active weights. Other quantitative methods – for example,pairs trading – may be explored to improve portfolio selection. Alternativevolatility and correlation estimation methods will be examined. Theeffects of model misspecification, estimation error, and parameterinstability will be analyzed by evaluating performance out of sample.Initial analysis will be done industry by industry. Each student will beresponsible for analyzing the returns of the stocks in one industry. Whenthese analyses are complete, other tasks will be assigned as the teambuilds a portfolio and develops risk analysis methods. Students willpresent their results to the class via oral and written reports. Repeatablefor Credit.

MGMT 664 - OPERATIONS LEADERSHIP LABShort Title: OPERATIONS LEADERSHIP LABDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Satisfactory/UnsatisfactoryCourse Type: LaboratoryCredit Hours: 0.75Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA program.Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: This course is designed to give students a close up andpersonal view of two private Houston companies whose owners haveled successful change efforts in the operations of their businessesRepeatable for Credit.

MGMT 665 - GLOBAL SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENTShort Title: GLOBAL SUPPLY CHAIN MGMTDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Repeatable for Credit.

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MGMT 667 - APPLIED CAPITAL MARKETSShort Title: APPLIED CAPITAL MARKETSDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Focuses on essentials of corporate finance for studentsinterested in capital markets, banking and investment banking. It buildson the basic principles of the structure of the banking system, capitalmarket structures and functions, funding and solvency issues, and alsolooks at current regulatory, political and agency issues. The emphasis ison an overview of how the banking and investment banking businessesfunction, empirical evidence / industry speakers, and case studies andrequires an understanding of the basic principles of capital markets andfinance. Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 668 - INTERNATIONAL TRADEShort Title: INTERNATIONAL TRADEDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA program.Course Level: GraduateDescription: An overview of the economic and political environment ofinternational trade, foreign investment, and competitiveness, focusing oninstitutions that affect international commerce. Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 669 - BUSINESS STRATEGY IN THE ENERGY INDUSTRYShort Title: BUS STRATEGY IN THE ENERGY INDDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs.Course Level: GraduateDescription: This course is designed to examine business in the energyindustry from a strategic standpoint, and provide students with a basicunderstanding of major business issues in the energy industry, includinghistorical and current events. Emphasis will be on oil and gas, but mayalso touch on other energy subset such as utilities. Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 670 - OPERATIONS STRATEGYShort Title: OPERATIONS STRATEGYDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs. Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Examination of strategic planning approaches and methodsfor managing 21st Century organizations. Emphasizes design andimplementation of planning systems that are highly responsive to thedynamic, competitive, stakeholder-influenced planning contexts facingmodern organizations. Examples of excellent planning performed by avariety of actual companies and industries are analyzed. Repeatable forCredit.

MGMT 671 - CORPORATE CRISIS MANAGEMENT AND COMMUNICATIONShort Title: CORP CRISIS MGMT&COMMUNICATIONDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the following programs:EMBA MBA PMBA WMBA XMBA Enrollment is limited to Graduate levelstudents.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Studies current methods of crisis communications withpractical application utilizing numerous recent real-world case studies.Class will research and prepare strategies, make recommendations,then dissect and analyze each crisis situation, the processes, policiesand results. This process will enhance strategic thinking, allow theconsideration of pros and cons of alternative courses of action andprovide a better understanding of the management decision makingprocess. Class time will be interactive with individual and small groupparticipation. Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 672 - INTRODUCTION TO SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENTShort Title: INTRO TO SUPPLY CHAIN MGMTDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 673 - COST ANALYSIS IN HEALTHCAREShort Title: COST ANALYSIS IN HEALTHCAREDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA program.Course Level: GraduatePrerequisite(s): MGMT 502 or MGMP 502 or MGMW 502Description: Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 674 - REAL ESTATE FINANCE: SECURITIESShort Title: REAL ESTATE FINANCE:SECURITIESDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: SeminarCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs. Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: Graduate

MGMT 675 - CORPORATE REAL ESTATEShort Title: CORPORATE REAL ESTATEDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs. Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Repeatable for Credit.

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MGMT 676 - SOCIAL ENTERPRISEShort Title: SOCIAL ENTERPRISEDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the following programs:EMBA MBA PMBA WMBA XMBA Enrollment is limited to Graduate levelstudents.Course Level: GraduateDescription: What might constitute social responsibility in a marketsetting? If social responsibility connotes a connection between a personand a social problem say between you and a poor person in Bangladeshor Houston how might it be exercised in a market transaction of buying orselling? Is there a role of private enterprise or of private consumption foralleviating some of the social problems (e.g., health, education, pollution,poverty, etc.) that we observe and experience in communities acrossthe world? Social Enterprise explores these and related questions in thecontext of business.

MGMT 678 - U.S. HEALTH CARE MANAGEMENTShort Title: U.S. HEALTH CARE MANAGEMENTDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the following programs:EMBA MBA PMBA WMBA XMBA Enrollment is limited to Graduate levelstudents.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Sequence of offerings that provides an introduction to thebusiness of health care in the U.S. Topics include health care systems,health service organizations, and issues relating to the aging problem andthe technology explosion in health care. Required elective for MD/MBA'sdual degree students. Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 679 - COST AND QUALITY IN HEALTH CAREShort Title: COST & QUALITY IN HEALTH CAREDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5-3Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Sequence of offerings that provides further analysis of thebusiness of health care in the U.S. Topics include issues of cost andquality, health care financial management, and national and internationalsolutions to the challenge of providing health care to a population. Thisclass is designed to stand-alone, yet build upon MGMT 678. Requiredelective for MD/MBA dual degree students. Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 680 - CUSTOMER ANALYTICS FOR SATISFACTION AND LOYALTYShort Title: CUSTOMER ANALYTICSDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs.Course Level: GraduatePrerequisite(s): (MGMT 580 or MGMP 580 or MGMW 580) and(MGMT 595 or MGMP 596 or MGMW 596)Description: Introduction to major concepts in the analysis of customersatisfaction and loyalty, with emphasis on managerial applications. Alsoexamines related consumption and post-purchase phenomena relatedto customer satisfaction and loyalty. Open only to second-year MBAstudents.

MGMT 681 - MARKETING COMMUNICATIONSShort Title: MARKETING COMMUNICATIONSDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the following programs:EMBA MBA PMBA WMBA XMBA Enrollment is limited to Graduate levelstudents.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Marketing Communications is the Promotion “P” of thetraditional 4 Ps of the Marketing Mix (Product, Price, Place, Promotion)as taught in marketing courses. In Services Marketing courses, theysometimes add three additional Ps (People, Processes and PhysicalEvidence) to the Marketing Mix (becoming 7 Ps) due to the intangiblecharacteristics of services that add to the marketing challenges. Inthis course, we will focus on the concept of Integrated MarketingCommunications. We will consider the unique situations of variousorganizations and the implications for the Integrated MarketingCommunications (IMC) program. And we will discuss the IMC processes,media and tools and their roles in contributing to the success of theprogram. The tools available include Advertising, Direct Marketing,Interactive/Internet Marketing, Sales Promotion, PR/publicity, andPersonal Selling. We will look at the various tools/media available and thestrengths and weaknesses of each when applied to a given organizationand its situation. Some organizations leverage all of these tools in theirIMC programs while some will emphasize as few as one or two. That isbecause each organization’s situation (internally and environmentally) isunique.

MGMT 682 - PRICING STRATEGIESShort Title: PRICING STRATEGIESDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the following programs:EMBA MBA PMBA WMBA XMBA Enrollment is limited to Graduate levelstudents.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Study of the paradigm that success of a product lies not onlyin its acceptance by the end consumer but also in how it is priced andhow it reaches the intended consumer, with emphasis on understandingand analyzing the issues, problems, and opportunities characteristic ofthe channel relationship and of the various faces of pricing. Repeatablefor Credit.

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MGMT 683 - GLOBAL BUSINESS TO BUSINESS MARKETINGShort Title: GLOBAL BZB MARKETINGDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Course Level: GraduateDescription: Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 684 - BRAND STRATEGYShort Title: BRAND STRATEGYDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: Lecture/LaboratoryCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs. Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: The Brand Management short course addresses importantbranding decisions faced by an organization. The focus of the course ison understanding how consumers, develop brand attitudes and behaviorsand on developing a framework for planning and evaluating brandstrategies.

MGMT 685 - GO-TO-MARKET STRATEGYShort Title: GO-TO-MARKET STRATEGYDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs. Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: An effective “Go-to-Market” strategy is a critical componentof commercial success and building customer preference. This course isdesigned to build capability in the design and management of route-to-market channels. Students will gain understanding of the importance ofcustomer-focused channel design, how to build channel power (and use itresponsibly), and create a performance-driven channel culture.

MGMT 686 - MARKETING RESEARCHShort Title: MARKETING RESEARCHDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs. Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: The objective of the course is to provide a comprehensivelook at the marketing research process and the associated datacollection techniques that can be used to collect information to bettermanage the marketing mix. Qualitative, survey-based, and experimentalresearch designs will be discussed.

MGMT 687 - APPLIED MARKETING STRATEGYShort Title: APPLIED MARKETING STRATEGYDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the following programs:EMBA MBA PMBA WMBA XMBA Enrollment is limited to Graduate levelstudents.Course Level: GraduateDescription: The course lays out a framework for marketing strategyand guides students through each step in the development process.While business challenges are inevitable, developing and following a well-structured marketing strategy, as laid out in this course, will help avoidmany of the pitfalls that can lead businesses into trouble. Case studies,together with examples from the professor’s lengthy business career, willbe used to illustrate the principles and identify pathways out of troubleshould it occur. Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 688 - BUYER BEHAVIORShort Title: BUYER BEHAVIORDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Drawing on established theoretical frameworks of cognitiveand social psychology, this course examines three aspects of consumerbehavior: (1) individual, social and cultural influences on consumers, (2)psychological mechanisms of pre- and post-consumption processessuch as decision-making and attitude formation and change, and (3)methodological issues in consumer analysis. Implications for strategyas well as marketing program design, measurement and execution arediscussed. These topics will be studied through discussion of academicarticles, cases and projects.

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MGMT 689 - DECISION MODELSShort Title: DECISION MODELSDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 3Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the following programs:EMBA MBA PMBA WMBA XMBA Enrollment is limited to Graduate levelstudents.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Successful management requires the ability to recognizea decision situation, understand its essential features, and make achoice. However, many of these situations - particularly those involvinguncertainty and/or complex interactions - may be too difficult to graspintuitively, and the stakes may be too high to learn by experience. Thiscourse introduces spreadsheet modeling, simulation, decision analysisand optimization to represent and analyze such complex problems.The skills learned in this course are applicable in almost all aspects ofbusiness and should be helpful in future courses. The course is dividedinto two parts. In the first part, we discuss the use of decision treesfor structuring decision problems under uncertainty. In the secondpart of the course, we discuss Monte Carlo simulation, a technique forsimulating complex, uncertain systems. Throughout the course, we willuse Microsoft Excel as a modeling environment, using add-in programsas necessary. Familiarity with Excel is an important prerequisite for thiscourse. Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 690 - HEALTHCARE STRATEGYShort Title: HEALTHCARE STRATEGYDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs. Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: The Healthcare sector, which includes areas such as healthcare delivery, payment, pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, etc., is animportant part of any economy and society in all countries of the worldincluding the US. This sector presents an exciting platform for upcomingbusiness leaders in pursuit of a promising and transformationalprofessional career. This elective course offer students interested inthis sector the opportunity to study and review core strategy concepts,analytical techniques, and frameworks relevant to developing, evaluating,and implementing value-creating strategies for organizations operating invarious sectors of the healthcare space. Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 691 - BREAKTHROUGH NEGOTIATIONS IN A HEALTH CARECONTEXTShort Title: BREAKTHROUGH NEGOTIATIONSDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the following programs:EMBA MBA PMBA WMBA XMBACourse Level: GraduateDescription: This course is tailored for an audience interested inhealthcare. We will talk about how the characteristics of the healthcareindustry impinge on negotiations, and the exercises and simulationsconducted are based in a healthcare context. Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 692 - CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENTShort Title: CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MGMTDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the following programs:EMBA MBA PMBA WMBA XMBACourse Level: GraduateDescription: Increasingly, firms want to enhance profitability by usingstrategies and tactics that fall under the broad domain of customerrelationship management (CRM). In this course, students take amarketer’s perspective when assessing the strategic and operationalimpacts of CRM in a variety of industry/customer settings. BecauseCRM requires crossfunctional coordination, successful implementationoften expands the role and impact of the marketing organization withinthe firm. Thus, students also will learn how customercentricity, as anorganizational mindset, changes expectations chief marketing officers, aswell as other senior marketing managers, as they attempt engage othersin CRM strategy development and execution. Three perspectives serve asa foundation for learning about CRM in this course: (1) CRM as a strategythat prioritizes the allocation of organizational resources toward servingcustomers profitably, (2) CRM as a organizational capability to gather anduse customer intelligence to create value for both customers and the firmand 3) CRM as a technology-enabled process that supports customer-centric goals and tactics. Thus, students will gain an appreciation forthe critical roles that information management and technology playin supporting CRM strategies but content of the course will focus onstrategic and operational issues related to CRM success. Repeatable forCredit.

MGMT 693 - NEW PRODUCTSShort Title: NEW PRODUCTSDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs. Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Exploration of the critical role of new products within thecorporation and in small businesses, focusing on consumer products.Discusses the critical steps in new product development from idealgeneration to business analysis and cross-functional team managementto product launch into the marketplace. Students will work in groups todevelop their own new products and to prepare the key elements of a newproduct introduction. Repeatable for Credit.

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MGMT 694 - INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION IN HEALTHCAREShort Title: INTERPERSL COMM IN HEALTHCAREDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs. Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: How to listen well, converse productively, use body language,and communicate across different cultures – all these fundamentals arecovered and customized to healthcare settings.  The course integrateslecture, discussion, and in-class exercises every week, providing manyopportunities to apply lessons and practice skills. Students oftenbreak into small teams to simulate typical healthcare interactions andreceive feedback on what they are doing well and what can be improved.Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 695 - STOCK ANALYSISShort Title: STOCK ANALYSISDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs.Course Level: GraduateDescription: This course brings together some of the topics fromAccounting, Finance, Economics and Strategy to better make investmentdecisions in your personal or corporate portfolio, as an investmentmanagement professional or helping you analyze how equity marketsview different management decisions. The course will consist of hands-on stock analysis and will touch upon various aspects of improving yourodds in making good investment decisions through both quantitative andqualitative fundamental analysis. We will touch on analyzing a company’sfranchise, assessing the quality of the management, formulating yourown investment thesis, and will use various valuation methods to assessthe attractiveness of different stocks. We will also review how differentpolitical/regulatory, economic, and or sector-specific macro factors mayaffect your investment decision. The course will make use of currentand historical events including touching upon the aspects of how theemerging markets secular growth impacts different stocks. Variousother topics may include how the following affect stock valuation andprices: cash flow, leverage, mergers & acquisitions, spinoffs, corporategovernance issues, currency and country exposures, new share offerings,restructuring, and competitive pressures. Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 696 - SECURITIES VALUATIONShort Title: SECURITIES VALUATIONDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs.Course Level: GraduateDescription: This new course will focus on valuing income streamsfrom different types of securities. Below is a quick list of topics whichbuild from very simple to increasingly complex variations on the theme.(1)Review net present value calculation under conditions of perfectcertainty with respect to all inputs. Review broad application to manytypes of income streams. (2)Successively begin to relax assumptions:treasuries, agencies, corporates, and to be topical, sovereign debt.(3)Brief detour into the world of credit default swaps somewhere alongthe line. (4)Equity security valuation. (5)Blended securities, impliedoptions. (6)Asset backed securities Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 697 - STRATEGIC PROCESS MANAGEMENT IN HEALTHCAREShort Title: STRATEGIC MGMT HEALTHCAREDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 2Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the following programs:EMBA MBA PMBA WMBA XMBACourse Level: Graduate

MGMT 698 - APPLIED BUSINESS PROCESS OPITMIZATIONShort Title: BUSINESS PROCESS OPTIMIZATIONDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs. Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: This quantitative class will tie concepts presented in coreclasses and available data to resolve real business issues. We willuse various constrained optimization and simulation techniques toshed light on common operations issues such as the efficient frontier,production mix, optimal scheduling, supply chain and marketing channelcoordination, revenue management and even waiting in lines.

MGMT 699 - STRATEGIC CONSIDERATIONS IN CAPITAL INVESTMENT:HEALTH CARE AND BEYONDShort Title: STRAT CONS IN CAP INV:HLTHCAREDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Repeatable for Credit.

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MGMT 700 - INDEPENDENT STUDYShort Title: INDEPENDENT STUDYDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: Independent StudyCredit Hours: 0.25-4Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs. Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Independent study or directed reading on an approvedproject under faculty supervision. Contact MBA program office forapplication information. No more than 3 credit hours of independentstudy will count towards graduation unless approved by the JonesSchool Academic Standard Committee. Department Permission Required.Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 701 - MANAGEMENT CONSULTINGShort Title: MANAGEMENT CONSULTINGDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs.Course Level: GraduateDescription: This course will introduce students to the basics ofmanagement consulting, with a focus on what it means to be asuccessful management consultant. The course will include instructionon managing client relations and projects, determining and controllingthe scope of engagements, working effectively in, and leading clientteams, and integrating strategic/analytic, organizational/process, andbehavioral/anthropological disciplines into lasting impact for clients.Class work will include case studies, role-play, and interaction with realclients.

MGMT 702 - JONES EDGE INTERNATIONAL STUDYShort Title: JONES EDGE INTERNATIONAL STUDYDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Satisfactory/UnsatisfactoryCourse Type: SeminarCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs. Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 703 - FIELD STUDY IN AMERICAN BUSINESS IShort Title: FIELD STUDY - AMERICAN BUS IDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Satisfactory/UnsatisfactoryCourse Type: SeminarCredit Hour: 1Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA program.Course Level: GraduateDescription: The purpose of this course is to expose students to theAmerican business enterprise. This exposure is accomplished throughtwo primary means: (1) readings about the drivers of success in U.S.firms; and (2) a summer internship with a firm in the United States. Thereadings are meant to complement much of your course work in thefirst year of the MBA program. A final paper is due at end of summer tosummarize experience. Instructor Permission Required.

MGMT 704 - FIELD STUDY IN AMERICAN BUSINESS IIShort Title: FIELD STUDY - AMERICAN BUS IIDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Satisfactory/UnsatisfactoryCourse Type: SeminarCredit Hour: 1Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA program.Course Level: GraduateDescription: The purpose of this course is to expose students to theAmerican business enterprise. This exposure is accomplished throughtwo primary means: (1) readings about the drivers of success in U.S.firms; and (2) a fall internship with a firm in the United States. Thereadings are meant to complement much of your course work in thesecond year of the MBA program. Report due at end of term summarizingwork experience.

MGMT 705 - FIELD STUDY IN AMERICAN BUSINESS IIIShort Title: FIELD STUDY - AMERICAN BUS IIIDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Satisfactory/UnsatisfactoryCourse Type: SeminarCredit Hour: 1Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs. Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: The purpose of this course is to expose students to theAmerican business enterprise. This exposure is accomplished throughtwo primary means: (1) readings about the drivers of success in U.S.firms; and (2) a spring internship with a firm in the United States. Thereadings are meant to complement much of your course work in thesecond year of the MBA program. Department Permission Required.

MGMT 706 - CORPORATE TALENT ACQUISITION AND MANAGEMENTShort Title: CORP TALENT ACQ & MGMTDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs. Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: The course takes students through contrasting modelsof talent identification and sourcing. An emphasis is placed on talentattraction methodologies and theories among Fortune 500 companies,consulting and banking firms and entrepreneurial ventures. Talentsourcing utilizing on line and social networking is explored. Differencesbetween management training programs and experienced hiringrecruiting are discussed with global development programs withincompanies such as ExxonMobil and GE explored and contrasted. Finally,analytics measuring successful sourcing, attraction and retentionstrategies are reviewed. Repeatable for Credit.

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MGMT 707 - MARKETING ANALYTICS FOR MANAGERS ANDCONSULTANTSShort Title: MARKETING ANALYTICSDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the following programs:EMBA MBA PMBA WMBA XMBA Enrollment is limited to Graduate levelstudents.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 708 - PRICING STRATEGIES: OIL & GAS INDUSTRYShort Title: PRICING STRATEGIES-OIL&GAS INDDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs. Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: In rapidly changing business environments, with globalcompetition and maturing markets, demonstrating in-market growthand competitive advantage is extremely important. This class exploreshow companies utilize existing information and custom data to createframeworks that facilitate strategic growth-oriented decisions. Classsessions will emphasize experimental learning and will include acombination of case studies, real-time business examples and hands-onfieldwork where applicable. Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 709 - MARKETING IN THE ENERGY INDUSTRYShort Title: MARKETING IN THE ENERGY IND.Department: ManagementGrade Mode: Satisfactory/UnsatisfactoryCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs. Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 710 - LEADERSHIP ILEShort Title: LEADERSHIP ILEDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Satisfactory/UnsatisfactoryCourse Type: Intensive Learning ExperienceCredit Hours: 0.75Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA program.Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Over two days, we will engage in an intensive learningexperience. You will each get the chance to serve as the interim CEOof a sensor manufacturing company. Under your leadership, yourmanagement team will be responsible for strategy, marketing, financing,operations, research, and development. While keeping a companyprofitable (or even out of bankruptcy) will be a challenge itself, you willface some difficult situations throughout the simulation. These will testsome of the skills you've learned during MGMT 510 as well as somecommunication skills necessary for good leadership. Accordingly, I will beassisted by members of the communications faculty during parts of theclass.

MGMT 711 - NEGOTIATIONS ILEShort Title: NEGOTIATIONS ILEDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Satisfactory/UnsatisfactoryCourse Type: Intensive Learning ExperienceCredit Hours: 0.75Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA program.Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Development of analytical and behavioral skills for effectivenegotiation, including topics such as diagnosing conflict, decisionmaking, adversarial versus cooperative strategies, ethical and culturalfactors, and third-party intervention. Required for MBA

MGMT 712 - PROCESS MANAGEMENT AND QUALITY IMPROVEMENTShort Title: PROCESS MGMT & QUALITY IMPROVDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs. Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: Graduate

MGMT 713 - STRATEGIC ISSUES FOR GLOBAL BUSINESSShort Title: STRAT ISSUES FOR GLOBAL BUSDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the following programs:EMBA MBA PMBA WMBA XMBA Enrollment is limited to Graduate levelstudents.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Seeks to provide students with the skills, knowledge andsensitivity required to attain and maintain sustainable competitiveadvantage within a global environment. Emphasizes a strategicperspective and highlights topics such as global environment analysis,global strategy, global strategic alliances, and the important role oforganizational structure and strategic control.

MGMT 714 - CAREER STRATEGYShort Title: CAREER STRATEGYDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs.Course Level: GraduateDescription: The course emphasizes active discussion of short casestudies of people making career decisions. The course also includesreadings from psychologists who have researched what it is that givespeople satisfaction from their work Repeatable for Credit.

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MGMT 715 - STATE INNOVATION AND COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE INTECHNOLOGYShort Title: STAT INNOV & COMP ADV IN TECHDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the following programs:EMBA MBA PMBA WMBA XMBA Enrollment is limited to Graduate levelstudents.Course Level: GraduateDescription: This course will help students apply the key strategicmanagement frameworks and concepts into the innovation managementcontext in technology industries and help them understand thatinnovation is an essential and integral part of strategic management.Within this strategic perspective, this course draws upon strategicmanagement, organization theory, product innovation, and technologymanagement for analytical tools to address important challenges facedby managers in technology-based firms. Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 716 - INNOVATION IN THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTIONINDUSTRYShort Title: INNOV.DESIGN & CONST. INDUSTRYDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: Lecture/LaboratoryCredit Hours: 3Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Process innovation in the design and construction industriesis far too rare. Even with access to powerful tools such as CADD and theInternet, many opportunities for process improvement are overlookedand problems are repeatedly ignored. Within this course, cross-disciplineproject teams will use contemporary business tools to evaluate long-standing industry practices and develop ideas for process innovation.At the end of the semester, students will present innovation concepts tomembers of the Project Delivery Innovation Forum, a group of industryleaders that may select student ideas for further research on realprojects. Space is limited and registration does not guarantee a space inthis course. The final course roster is formulated on the first day class bythe individual instructor. Cross-list: ARCH 616.

MGMT 717 - GLOBAL LEADERSHIPShort Title: INTERNATIONAL BUSINESSDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Satisfactory/UnsatisfactoryCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1-3Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA program.Course Level: Graduate

MGMT 718 - MARKETING BASED PROJECT ANALYSISShort Title: MARKETING BASED PROJ ANALYSISDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs.Course Level: GraduateDescription: This course provides an overview of the role of marketresearch in real estate development. Students will learn the steps used toconduct a market study, the role of economic data in evaluating a market,the use of comparable properties in preparing financial projections fora real estate project and the importance of public/private financingoptions in making a project feasible. This course would be useful tostudents interested in pursuing a career in real estate development.Students interested in real estate investments may also benefit from thiscourse. While the principals learned in the course are applicable to all realestate development, the examples used in the course will focus on hoteldevelopment. Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 719 - SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT: AN INTEGRATEDAPPROACHShort Title: SUPPLY CHAIN: INTEGRATED APPDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs. Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Developing sourcing strategies for materials or servicesthat are based on a fact based approach that is driven by businessneeds. Topics explored include Operations to Commercial Translation,Stakeholder Engagement, Strategic Sourcing, Category Management,e-Commerce, Bid Formulation, Bid Evaluation, Actionable MarketIntelligence, Cost Modeling, Total Cost of Ownership, Regulatory Impact,Sustainability, Ethics and communication.

MGMT 720 - STRATEGY AND MANAGING INTERNATIONAL STRATEGICALLIANCESShort Title: STR & MNG INTL STRAT ALLIANCESDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the following programs:EMBA MBA PMBA WMBA XMBA Enrollment is limited to Graduate levelstudents.Course Level: GraduateDescription: This course seeks to provide students with the skills,knowledge, and sensitivity required to structure and manage strategicalliances/joint ventures within a global environment. This course willdiscuss the following topics: motivations for joining strategic alliances/joint ventures, partner selection, structuring strategic alliances/jointventures to meet firms' strategic objectives, control and managementof alliances/joint ventures, evaluation of performance of alliances/jointventures, and exiting alliances/joint ventures. Case studies will also beused to develop students' capacity to identify issues, to reason carefullythrough various options and improve students' ability to manage theorganizational process by which alliances/joint ventures get formed andexecuted. We will also read and discuss recent articles from the businesspress and academic journals.

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MGMT 721 - BUSINESS LAWShort Title: BUSINESS LAWDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the following programs:EMBA MBA PMBA WMBA XMBA Enrollment is limited to Graduate levelstudents.Course Level: GraduateDescription: This course examines the broad subject of law as itrelates to business and is designed to help the student develop “legalastuteness.” That is, the ability to communicate effectively with counseland to work together with counsel to solve complex problems and/or toprotect and leverage the firm’s resources. It is designed to be a guide tounderstanding how the law impacts daily management decisions andbusiness strategies, to spotting legal issues before they become legalproblems, and to using laws and legal tools to marshal resources andmanage risk. Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 722 - SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT: MAINTAINING ANDOPTIMIZING VALUEShort Title: SUPPLY CHAIN: OPTIMIZING VALUEDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs. Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Executing sourcing strategies for materials or services thatsustain value, drives performance, encourages innovation and ethicalbehaviors. Topics explored include Operations to Commercial Translation,Contract Negotiation, Contracting, Performance Management, RiskAssessment, Risk Mitigation, Supplier Relationships, StakeholderEngagement and Communication.

MGMT 723 - PROFESSIONAL SERVICE FIRMSShort Title: PROFESSIONAL SERVICE FIRMSDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the following programs:EMBA MBA PMBA WMBA XMBACourse Level: GraduateDescription: Professional service firms – consulting, moneymanagement, private equity, venture capital, advertising, medical service,and law firms – are confronted with significant challenges as theyexperience increased competition from boutique firms as well as globaland international competitors. Clients are more demanding, and thereare significant, strategic and organizational challenges which requiredifferent approaches from traditional approaches. One observer notedthat this competition has moved from gentlemanly competition toa “blood sport”. Interestingly, the service sector in the US furnishes68 percent of the GDP1 and this is growing in emerging economies;for example, the service sector in India contributed 56 percent to theGDP during 2008-09. Additionally, many of these firms’ leaders areoverwhelmed by the expectation of a dual role where they are not onlymanagers but also high profile producers. As such, it is important for acourse to examine the strategy and leadership challenges these firmsface and likewise to expose students to the challenges they will face asprofessionals in one of these organizations, and ultimately as leaders insuch professional service firms. The course will also include visits frommanagers associated with professional service firms. Repeatable forCredit.

MGMT 724 - SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIPShort Title: SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIPDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs. Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Millennials are no longer satisfied with pursuing a careerthat allows them just to make money. They are driven as well to makea difference in the lives of others, and live a richer life themselves. Thispractical course will study social entrepreneurship and its ability tocreate social change by applying business principles and earned incomestrategies; it will explore the elements needed to start and grow a socialenterprise, using as a real-life example the organization founded andled by the lecturer; and it will allow students to explore areas they feelpassionate about and utilize the knowledge gained through their MBA todraft a business plan for a plausible social enterprise. Guest speakers forthis course include nationally-renowned major philanthropists, who willshare their view of what it takes to be a successful social entrepreneur.Repeatable for Credit.

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MGMT 725 - INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY STRATEGY FORENTREPRENEURS: LEGAL AND STRATEGIC ASPECTSShort Title: IP FOR ENTREPRENEURSDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the following programs:EMBA MBA PMBA WMBA XMBA Enrollment is limited to Graduate levelstudents.Course Level: GraduateDescription: This course examines: theory and logic of alliances invalue creation, alliance evolution in various industries, the spectrum ofalliance types from a low level of interdependence to a high. The courseis discussion-based, focusing on reading material, case studies andproblem sets. Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 726 - FIXED INCOME PRACTICUM I - RICE FI FUNDShort Title: FIXED INCOME PRACTICUM IDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs. Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduatePrerequisite(s): MGMT 648 and MGMT 645Corequisite: MGMT 651Description: In this course, students will gain hands-on experience inthe challenges and excitement of managing a simulated Fixed Incomeportfolio (U.S. Treasuries, corporate bonds and mortgages). FIP Sim'student-managers' will actively learn and utilize the resources of theEl Paso Finance Center to set up, research, and manage/trade theirsimulated portfolios. Each portfolio will consist of securities selected bythe 'student manager' from an index in conformance with pre-establishedinvestment guidelines - analogous to the real investment managementworld. Monthly portfolio performance will be calculated and benchmarkedagainst the index. Classroom time will be used for a combination oflectures, speakers, interactive Finance Center activities, and professor/student consultation sessions on investment strategy. This coursework will leverage off of material learned in MGMT 651, and to receivecredit, you must simultaneously take MGMT 651. Instructor PermissionRequired. Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 727 - FIXED INCOME PRACTICUM II - RICE FI FUNDShort Title: FIXED INCOME - PRACTICUM IIDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: Internship/PracticumCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA program.Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: Graduate

MGMT 728 - REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENTShort Title: REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENTDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs. Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: The Real Estate Development course follows thedevelopment process from an entrepreneurial and "deal making" point-of-view. Course topics include market analysis, site selection, projectbudgeting/financial analysis, land acquisition, marketing and leasing,joint ventures, financing, design and construction management, anddispositions.

MGMT 729 - MANAGEMENT OF INNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGYShort Title: MGMT OF INNOVATION AND TECHDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs. Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Companies that successfully select, adopt, and exploit IT willsooner or later open up large competitive gaps that are difficult to close.Business leaders, executives, strategists, innovators and line managersare the principal determinants of a company's success with IT. But, aswe shall see in this course, they don't need to become technologistsin order to get involved; they just need to master a set of concepts,frameworks, and models about IT's impact. There are no technicalprerequisites for this course. (You will complete an online course that willgive you a sufficient introduction to the technology.) In the classroom,our focus will be on cases in which business leaders have tried to use ITto create enhance organizational development and support competitivestrategy. Some succeeded and others failed. From our analysis of theirexperiences and ideas and principles I will present, we will develop somegeneral guidelines for businesses seeking to exploit IT. Because wehave only a short time to consider a number of complex matters, I willconcentrate on industries in which IT has great potential to promoteoutcomes that are of interest to general managers.

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MGMT 730 - LEGAL ASPECTS OF ENTREPRENEURSHIPShort Title: LEGAL ASPECTS OF ENT.Department: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the following programs:EMBA MBA PMBA WMBA XMBA Enrollment is limited to Graduate levelstudents.Course Level: GraduateDescription: This course focuses on the legal dimensions ofentrepreneurship and is designed to help students develop themanagerial capability to work effectively with legal counsel to solvecomplex problems and to protect and leverage firm resources. Likeinformation technology, the legal dimensions of business should notbe treated as an after-thought or add-on to the business strategydevelopment process. Corporate leaders with an understanding ofAmerican law have a unique capacity to protect and enhance shareholderwealth. Conversely, managers who lack the ability to integrate lawinto the development of strategy can place the firm at a competitivedisadvantage and imperil its economic viability. The overarching purposeof Legal Aspects of Entrepreneurship is to prepare students to meet thelegal and regulatory challenges and opportunities they can expect toencounter as entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, and managers of privateand public businesses. The course provides a conceptual frameworkfor understanding both the societal context within which businessesare organized and operate, as well as the various legal tools availableto managers engaged in evaluating and pursuing opportunities. LegalAspects of Entrepreneurship will offer strategies and tactics for workingwith counsel to use the law as a positive force to increase realizablevalue while managing the attendant risks and keeping the legal costsunder control. The objective is not to teach business students how tothink like lawyers, but rather to teach students how to become morelegally astute so they can handle with confidence the legal aspectsof entrepreneurship and management. This includes developing legalliteracy and learning what to look for when selecting an attorney andknowing when to call one. Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 731 - REPUTATION AND CRISIS MANAGEMENTShort Title: REPUTATION MANAGEMENTDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA program.Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Companies with strong reputations gain competitiveadvantage. However, reputation is not a tangible attribute of a firm, butrather an intangible asset held in the minds of the firm's constituents. Thegoal of this course is to provide students with analytical tools to assesshow an organization can build, damage, and repair its reputation.

MGMT 732 - ANTITRUST FOR BUSINESS MANAGERSShort Title: ANTITRUST - BUSINESS MANAGERSDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 733 - STRATEGIES FOR GROWTHShort Title: STRATEGIES FOR GROWTHDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the following programs:EMBA MBA PMBA WMBA XMBA Enrollment is limited to Graduate levelstudents.Course Level: GraduatePrerequisite(s): (MGMW 570 or MGMP 570 or MGMT 570) and(MGMW 571 or MGMP 571 or MGMT 571)Description: This course focuses on examining various strategies thatcompanies can adopt to achieve sustainable and profitable growth. Thecourse will use a variety of real-life cases of companies and supplementthem with relevant readings, lectures, or other exercises, as necessary.

MGMT 734 - TECHNOLOGY ENTREPRENEURSHIPShort Title: TECH ENTREPRENEURSHIPDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: SeminarCredit Hours: 3Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the following programs:EMBA MBA PMBA WMBA XMBACourse Level: GraduateDescription: The goal of this course is to provide the student withexposure to early stage technology entrepreneurship. Evaluation ofopportunities, business model, capitalization, and early operations arecovered. The focus is on the parts of entrepreneurship that are unique todealing with the commercialization of research discoveries. A significantamount of time will be spent on university to business transitions and inthinking about how to take research discoveries and create a business.Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 735 - MARKETING LABShort Title: MARKETING LABDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: SeminarCredit Hours: 1.5-3Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs. Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduatePrerequisite(s): (MGMT 580 or MGMP 580 or MGMW 580) and MGMT 684Description: Provides students with an opportunity to build theirmarketing and management skills by applying their coursework to ahands-on, real-world project. Students who maximize their experiential/applied learning experiences in the program generally help maximize theircareer opportunities and "hit the ground running" in their new positionsafter graduation. Instructor Permission Required.

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MGMT 736 - STRATEGIC AND MORAL LEADERSHIPShort Title: STRATEGIC & MORAL LEADERSHIPDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA program.Course Level: GraduateDescription: This elective course examines strategies of effectiveleaders, with emphasis on the roles of strategy and ethics in leadershipeffectiveness. The course emphasizes group discussion of cases,examples, and readings. Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 737 - INVESTOR RELATIONSShort Title: INVESTOR RELATIONSDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Students learn theory and practice of investor relations, withemphasis on the role of investor relations/financial communications.Subjects covered include: history of the stock market, formationof the SEC, evolution of SEC regulations, dynamics of the equitymarkets, flow of investor information, planning and implementing aninvestor relations program, fitting investor relations into a corporation'scommunications program. Students will be mentored by local investorrelations practitioners who will serve as real world guides for courseassignments. Students will learn specifics about filing with the SEC, thecreation of annual reports, road shows, stockholder meetings, preparingfinancials, and more. Investor relations managers, analysts, and CEOswill serve as guest lecturers to talk about their challenges in today'sworkplace.

MGMT 738 - CUSTOMER FOCUS IN HEALTH CARE AND SERVICEINDUSTRIES: A STRATEGIC APPROACHShort Title: CUSTOMER FOCUS IN HEALTH CAREDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA program.Course Level: GraduatePrerequisite(s): MGMT 683

MGMT 739 - CAPITAL FORMATION IN THE ENERGY INDUSTRYShort Title: CAPITAL FORMATION IN ENERGYDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the following programs:EMBA MBA PMBA WMBA XMBA Enrollment is limited to Graduate levelstudents.Course Level: GraduateDescription: A capstone course for second year MBAs. Students forma private startup exploration and production company that grows tobecome a mid-cap ($10 billion) and then suffers a severe contraction.Students will learn the various forms of capital available dependingon the size of the company and state of the capital market and thecommodity markets.

MGMT 740 - MURPHREE VENTURES INTERNSHIPShort Title: MURPHREE VENTURES INTERNSHIPDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Satisfactory/UnsatisfactoryCourse Type: ResearchCredit Hours: 3Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA program.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 741 - MANAGING GROWTHShort Title: MANAGING GROWTHDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the following programs:EMBA MBA PMBA WMBA XMBACourse Level: GraduateDescription: Companies are either thought of as small start-ups or large,mature businesses. The small start-up is considered to be the domain ofthe entrepreneur, where by force of personality, spark of creativity, or boldopportunism, a business is formed ex nihilo. On the other extreme, thelarge business is considered to be the domain of the manager, where byforce of scale and scope, imposition of process, and careful analysis, anempire is sustained and expanded. In summary, the focus of the coursewill be how to create wealth by buying a small business, putting systemsand processes in place to create a foundation for future growth, drivinggrowth both internally and externally, and, finally, selling the business.Students will learn to apply those skills to small businesses with growthpotential.

MGMT 742 - INTERNATIONAL PRIVATE EQUITY REAL ESTATEShort Title: INTL PRIVATE EQTY REAL ESTATEDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs. Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: - Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 743 - MANAGING INNOVATION IN ENERGY TECHNOLOGIESShort Title: INNOVATION IN ENERGY TECHDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs. Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Innovation is critical to the survival of the energy industry,both for traditional carbon-based energy and for renewable and "green"energy. Management of innovation requires a special set of skills beyondthose of typical management. We will discuss the issues faced by energymanagers in addressing innovation, and look at cases where these issuesplayed a central role.

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MGMT 744 - SERVICES OPERATIONSShort Title: SERVICES OPERATIONSDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the following programs:EMBA MBA PMBA WMBA XMBA Enrollment is limited to Graduate levelstudents.Course Level: GraduatePrerequisite(s): MGMT 574 or MGMW 574 or MGMP 574Description: This course aims to provide students with a theoreticaland practical understanding of current challenges faced by serviceorganizations. It explores both highly quantitative and qualitative toolsand meddles for the effective design, management, improvement andmarketing of service operations.

MGMT 745 - INTERNATIONAL ENERGY DEVELOPMENTShort Title: INTL ENERGY DEVELOPMENTDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs. Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: This course examines how energy companies constructportfolios of international assets. The first half of the course focuseson the lifecycle of international energy projects, from the point at whicha company decides it wishes to acquire an international project to thepoint at which the company divests that interest. These initial classeswill discuss the business development processes companies employ toidentify, analyze and acquire overseas assets; the typical commercialstructures and contracts used to acquire rights and obligations indifferent types of energy projects; how companies build and managerelationships with host governments, including cultural difference,negotiation and corruption; issues related to joint ventures and jointoperations with other companies; threats to international project cashflow such as renegotiation, expropriation and force majeure; and howcompanies structure exits and divestments from international energyprojects. The last half of the course examines in detail a few specificprojects that Professor Gaille has been involved in – including oil and gasexploration in Africa and a 2 billion cubic feet per day natural gas pipelineproject in the Middle East. The course concludes with students beingdivided into teams or “companies” and then engaging in a dynamic bidround and petroleum exploration exercise, whereby students competewith one another to acquire acreage and then create (or destroy) netpresent value.

MGMT 746 - REAL PROPERTYShort Title: REAL PROPERTYDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the following programs:EMBA MBA PMBA WMBA XMBA Enrollment is limited to Graduate levelstudents.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Survey course providing a short but intensive overview ofreal estate and the real estate industry.

MGMT 747 - REGULATION OF BUSINESS AND FINANCIAL MARKETSShort Title: REGULATION OF BUS&FIN MARKETSDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs. Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: This course examines the broad subject of governmentregulation of business and financial markets and is designed to help thestudent develop what the authors of the text term “legal astuteness.”That is, the ability to exercise informed judgment based on context-specific knowledge of the law and the regulatory environment. To achievethis, we will apply the methodology of neoclassical economic analysisto understand the role and function of government and governmentaldecision-making; explore the intersection between economics and thelaw; and learn to spot legal issues before they become grounds fortermination, lawsuits, or criminal indictments. Emphasis is placed on highimpact regulatory programs, such as antitrust, security regulation, civilrights, and environmental laws. Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 748 - INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS BRIEFING - AFRICAShort Title: INTL BUS BRIEFING - AFRICADepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: Internship/PracticumCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs.Course Level: GraduateDescription: This course provides a unique opportunity for studentsto travel to Africa during fall break and 1) apply their business schoolknowledge, 2) learn about business in developing countries, 3) learnabout entrepreneurship 4) learn about social enterprise, and 5) help thepoor. Students taking this course will also have a once-in-a-lifetime tripto Africa that tourism can never duplicate. The travel to Africa includesextensive on the ground field work and also includes visits with leadersin business, government, non-profits, and various social enterprises. Allstudents will be on project teams and will participate in the developmentof business plans for commercializing new technologies in developingcountries and preparing a written and oral public presentation to somefaculty, students, potential donors and investors, and others. InstructorPermission Required. Repeatable for Credit.

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MGMT 749 - TOPICS IN FAMILY BUSINESS MANAGEMENTShort Title: TOPICS IN FAMILY BUSINESS MGMTDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Family businesses present a more complicated decision-making environment due to the overlap of three distinct systems:family, ownership and control. This course is a case-based course thatsurvey’s key topic areas for owners and managers of family-ownedbusinesses: overlap of family system with the business, governing thefamily business, conflicts in family relationships, entering the familybusiness, succession, estate planning, special valuation issues andownership transfer. All of the above will be covered in case analysesand supplemented with readings in the text (Gersick, et.al.) and relatedarticles. Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 750 - STRATEGIC CONSIDERATIONS IN HEALTH INFORMATICSShort Title: HEALTH INFORMATICSDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs. Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 751 - ECONOMICS OF HEALTH CARE SECTORSShort Title: ECON OF HEALTH CARE SECTORSDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: SeminarCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs. Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 752 - OPERATIONS LAB: ENERGYShort Title: OPERATIONS LAB: ENERGYDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Satisfactory/UnsatisfactoryCourse Type: LaboratoryCredit Hours: 0.75-3Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA program.Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: Graduate

MGMT 753 - OPERATIONS LAB: HEALTH CAREShort Title: OPERATIONS LAB: HEALTH CAREDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LaboratoryCredit Hours: 0.75-3Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs. Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: Graduate

MGMT 754 - REAL ESTATE: ULI LABShort Title: REAL ESTATE: ULI LABDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: SeminarCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs. Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: Graduate

MGMT 755 - HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT - THE BUILDING BLOCKSShort Title: HOSPITAL MGMT BUILDING BLOCKSDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the following programs:EMBA MBA PMBA WMBA XMBACourse Level: GraduateDescription: Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 756 - MANAGEMENT OF HEALTHCARE ORGANIZATIONSShort Title: MGMT OF HEALTHCARE ORGS.Department: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the following programs:EMBA MBA PMBA WMBA XMBACourse Level: GraduateDescription: Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 757 - REAL ESTATE LAB: DEVELOP, DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTIONShort Title: RE LAB: DEVELOP DESIGN CONSTR.Department: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: Lecture/LaboratoryCredit Hours: 3Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the following programs:EMBA MBA PMBA WMBA XMBA Enrollment is limited to Graduate levelstudents.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Cross-list: ARCH 691. Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 758 - ECONOMIC FORECASTINGShort Title: ECOMONIC FORECASTINGDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Covers forecasting techniques and time series analysis.

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MGMT 759 - DIGITAL BUSINESS EXCELLENCEShort Title: DIGITAL BUSINESS EXCELLENCEDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Organizational dysfunctions remain the norm despitedecades of management attention. Year after year, management gurustake passionate positions that are mutually exclusive, contrast “IT doesn’tmatter” with “IT savvy is critical.” Clever executives see opportunity amidthis controversy. This course steps directly into the controversy. It isdesigned to equip future business leaders with knowledge needed toposition their firms among the 30% that do succeed. This is a businessclass that will focus on the use of information technology to achievebusiness goals. While specific technologies are discussed, as are hottechnology trends, the objective is always to clarify the underlyingbusiness principles that business and IT executives require for success.Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 760 - E-LAB: VENTURE CAPITALShort Title: E-LAB: VENTURE CAPITALDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Satisfactory/UnsatisfactoryCourse Type: LaboratoryCredit Hours: 0.75-3Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs. Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 761 - E-LAB: ENTERPRISE ACQUISITIONShort Title: E-LAB: ENTERPRISE ACQUISITIONDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Satisfactory/UnsatisfactoryCourse Type: Lecture/LaboratoryCredit Hours: 0.75-3Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs. Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 762 - E-LAB: NEW ENTERPRISEShort Title: E-LAB: NEW ENTERPRISEDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Satisfactory/UnsatisfactoryCourse Type: LaboratoryCredit Hours: 0.75-3Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs. Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 763 - E-LAB: TECHNOLOGYShort Title: E-LAB: TECHNOLOGYDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Satisfactory/UnsatisfactoryCourse Type: LaboratoryCredit Hours: 0.75-3Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 764 - ENTREPRENEURSHIP LAB: ENERGYShort Title: ENERGY E-LABDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LaboratoryCredit Hours: 3Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs. Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 765 - IGNITE ENTREPRENEURSHIPShort Title: IGNITE ILEDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Satisfactory/UnsatisfactoryCourse Type: Intensive Learning ExperienceCredit Hours: 0.75Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs. Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: Graduate

MGMT 766 - E-LAB: HEALTH CAREShort Title: E-LAB: HEALTH CAREDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Satisfactory/UnsatisfactoryCourse Type: SeminarCredit Hours: 0.75-3Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs. Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: Graduate

MGMT 767 - QUANTITATIVE FINANCE LABShort Title: QUANTITATIVE FINANCE LABDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: Lecture/LaboratoryCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs. Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduatePrerequisite(s): MGMT 642 and MGMT 648Description: Class focuses on fixed income, securitization, pricing andhedging of derivatives, banking regulation, and reserve requirements pre-and post-crisis. We consider issues of risk from perspectives across thecapital structure, rigorously considering financial risk management andcapital markets. The format of the class combines theory, case study andquantitative applications. Repeatable for Credit.

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MGMT 768 - LEGAL ISSUES IN MERGERS & ACQUISITIONSShort Title: LEGAL ISSUES IN M&ADepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs.Course Level: GraduateDescription: This course will examine the deal from a legal perspective.The course will focus on what executives need to know to deal effectivelywith key legal issues in a transactional context and in general takeoverdefense. We will discuss contractual and strategic issues in structuring,negotiating, and protecting a deal. We will study deals between strategicpartners as well as deals involving non-strategic investors such as privateequity) and will address discrete issues arising in each scenario. We willalso explore the role of the board of directors in negotiated and hostiletransactions and in addressing issues of shareholder activism. In thatregard, we will discuss the underlying tension between the duties andauthority of the board pursuant to state corporate law, on one hand, andthe individual interests of shareholders, on the other.

MGMT 769 - WASTE MANAGEMENT INTERNSHIPShort Title: WASTE MANAGEMENT INTERNSHIPDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Satisfactory/UnsatisfactoryCourse Type: Internship/PracticumCredit Hours: 3Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Waste Management (WM) has established a formalinternship program with the Jones Graduate School of Management(JGSM) at Rice University in order to give students more exposure tothe emerging field of sustainable solutions. Students will gain valuableexperience in the launch of new enterprises within WM and associateddeal analysis. Instructor Permission Required. Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 770 - CONSULTATIVE SELLINGShort Title: CONSULTATIVE SELLINGDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs. Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: This course introduces students to the communicationsskills and behaviors required for success in the field of consultativeselling, including effective questioning, active listening, client learningstyle and personality assessment, creating and delivering persuasivepresentations, and proposal writing.

MGMT 771 - DIGITAL MARKETINGShort Title: DIGITAL MARKETINGDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs. Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Course provides an introduction to digital marketingand examines ways it should be implemented. In addition to learningfundamental constructs and principles, students will focus on tools andskills needed for setting goals, implementing campaigns, and measuringsuccess. Guest speakers and in-class exercises are used to provideinsights and relevancy to this swiftly expanding area of marketing.Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 772 - RICE ALLIANCE INTERNSHIPShort Title: RICE ALLIANCE INTERNSHIPDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Satisfactory/UnsatisfactoryCourse Type: Internship/PracticumCredit Hours: 3Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 773 - SURGE INTERNSHIPShort Title: SURGE INTERNSHIPDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Satisfactory/UnsatisfactoryCourse Type: Internship/PracticumCredit Hours: 3Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA program.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 774 - LEADERSHIP COACHINGShort Title: LEADERSHIP COACHINGDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Satisfactory/UnsatisfactoryCourse Type: SeminarCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: The best leaders understand the importance of developingthe next generation - ensuring they have prepared successors andeffective teams. This course will examine models and frameworksfor coaching and development and is intended for those interestedin practicing coaching as a manager or peer. Department PermissionRequired.

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MGMT 775 - SUPPLY CHAIN ILEShort Title: SUPPLY CHAIN ILEDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Satisfactory/UnsatisfactoryCourse Type: Intensive Learning ExperienceCredit Hours: 0.75Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA program.Course Level: GraduateDescription: The Supply Chain for most companies is a very vitalingredient in their success, maybe even survival. Whether you are acompany such as Apple, where your core competency is the design/styling of products, or your company designs, manufactures anddistributes all of your products, the supply chain’s has to perform at ahigh level. In the face of increasing customer expectations and globalcompetitions, companies have to become more efficient in controllingthe flow of materials throughout the supply chain. This ILE is designedto provide an introduction to the major components important in theSupply Chain. Topics discussed will include: Strategies for the SupplyChain, Procurement & Global Financial Decisions Processes such asSales and Operations Planning (S&OP), Negotiation, Supplier SelectionSystems for Manufacturing Planning & Control, & MRP/ERP Managementof Suppliers using Performance Assessments, Developing CapabilitiesDecisions affecting Inventory, and Logistics Jobs in the Supply ChainCorporate Social Responsibility in the Supply Chain The course willbe a combination of lectures and some thought-provoking activitiesand discussions of current events from the Supply Chain affectingcompanies will be part of the class, and participants are encouraged tobring in relevant examples from their previous work experience to share.Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 776 - INTRODUCTION TO REAL ESTATE INDUSTRYShort Title: INTRO TO REAL ESTATE INDUSTRYDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Satisfactory/UnsatisfactoryCourse Type: Intensive Learning ExperienceCredit Hours: 0.75Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs.Course Level: GraduateDescription: An introductory survey course intended to provide afoundational understanding of the real estate industry. This course aimsto be useful to students interested in pursuing a career in the real estateindustry who have no or limited experience in real estate. This course isopen to MBA students in each program. Outside graduate students canenroll with instructor permission provided space is available. Repeatablefor Credit.

MGMT 777 - INVESTMENT BANKING AND MARKETS ILEShort Title: INVESTMENT BANKING & MARKETSDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Satisfactory/UnsatisfactoryCourse Type: Intensive Learning ExperienceCredit Hours: 0.75Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 778 - CUSTOMER DRIVEN STRATEGY: METRICS ANDIMPLEMENTATIONShort Title: CUSTOMER DRIVEN STRAT: METRICSDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 3Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the MBA, PMBA, WMBA orXMBA programs.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 779 - BUSINESS AND URBAN ANALYTICSShort Title: BUSINESS & URBAN ANALYTICSDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: Lecture/LaboratoryCredit Hours: 3Course Level: GraduateDescription: The project based class offers the unique opportunity forstudents from distinct fields of business and engineering to solve areal world data driven problem in a collaborative way. The data and theproblem statement will come from the Rice University's AdministrativeCenter for Sustainability and Energy Management (ACSEM) at the start ofthe semester. Instructor Permission Required. Cross-list: ENGI 779.

MGMT 781 - TEAM DYNAMICS IShort Title: TEAM DYNAMICS IDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Satisfactory/UnsatisfactoryCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 0.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the EMBA program.Course Level: GraduateDescription: During the Executive MBA program the students work inteams frequently to complete group assignments. This course providesthem with concepts and methods to promote the learning of teammembers as well as the successful completion of assignments. Manyof these concepts and methods can be used in work with team in othercontexts.

MGMT 782 - TEAM DYNAMICS IIShort Title: TEAM DYNAMICS IIDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Satisfactory/UnsatisfactoryCourse Type: LaboratoryCredit Hours: 0.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the EMBA program.Course Level: Graduate

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MGMT 783 - CORPORATE FINANCIAL POLICYShort Title: CORPORATE FINANCIAL POLICYDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the EMBA program.Course Level: GraduateDescription: This course examines the investment decisions faced bycorporate managers. It begins by developing a general framework forcorporate valuation, and then uses this framework to review and expandon the capital budgeting issues introduced in the core finance course.The course will review the foundations of option valuation, and then applythose tools to value real investments. It will also cover new materialon estimating the cost of capital , including the effects of leverage andtaxes. The course format is a mixture of theory, empirical evidence, andpractical application.

MGMT 786 - INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS BRIEFING - CHINAShort Title: JONES EDGE - ASIADepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: SeminarCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the EMBA program.Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: An overseas course trip involving intensive meetings withcompany and commercial bank executives, directors in consulting andinvestment banking firms, executives in public sector and health careenterprises, and government officials and academics. The objective isto enhance students' appreciation of the opportunities and obstaclesto doing business in different parts of the world and to heighten theirinterest in engaging in global ventures. Department Permission Required.Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 789 - GLOBAL FIELD EXPERIENCEShort Title: GLOBAL FIELD EXPERIENCEDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: SeminarCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the EMBA program.Course Level: GraduateDescription: This unique experiential learning opportunity requiresstudents to apply what was learned in the first year of the programthrough consulting projects on the ground in a designated country. Thecourse fosters a global mindset and further develops the ability to tacklebusiness challenges in dynamic, divers and complex environments.Department Permission Required. Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 790 - LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENTShort Title: LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENTDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Satisfactory/UnsatisfactoryCourse Type: LaboratoryCredit Hours: 0.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the EMBA program.Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: Graduate

MGMT 792 - INVESTMENTS / PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENTShort Title: INVESTMENTS / PORTFOLIO MGMTDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the EMBA program.Course Level: GraduateDescription: This course examines the determinants and behavior ofasset prices and provides a framework for portfolio management. Werely on both financial theory and analytical tools. Topics covered willinclude asset pricing models, market efficiency, asset allocation, portfoliomanagement, and performance evaluation. The course is designed toprovide a conceptual understanding of investment returns and portfoliomanagement processes coupled with a strong quantitative focus thatdevelops analytical tools and spreadsheet modeling techniques.

MGMT 796 - LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT IIShort Title: LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT IIDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Satisfactory/UnsatisfactoryCourse Type: SeminarCredit Hours: 0.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the EMBA program.Course Level: Graduate

MGMT 797 - EDGE INTERSESSION ABROAD - SOUTH AMERICAShort Title: JONES EDGE - SOUTH AMERICADepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: SeminarCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the EMBA program.Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 798 - PSYCHOLOGICAL FOUNDATIONS OF PROFESSIONAL LIVESShort Title: PSYCH FOUNDATIONS OF PROF LIFEDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: SeminarCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Course draws from psychology and management research,exploring complexity of professional lives and identity dynamics,underlying career decisions, compromises, and regrets. Throughexercises, cases, and discussions, students develop an understandingof the type of professional path they want and why, and how to get it andovercome setbacks and successes.

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MGMT 799 - HEALTHCARE INNOVATION AND ENTREPRENEURSHIPShort Title: HEALTHCARE INNOV & ENTREPDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: Lecture/LaboratoryCredit Hours: 3Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: This course is designed for healthcare entrepreneurswho want to build innovative medical technologies. Students work ininterdisciplinary teams comprised of engineering, business, and medicalstudents. Key concepts include: how to validate and scope clinical needs,ideate solutions, draft a business model, and determine regulatory andreimbursement strategies. Instructor Permission Required.

MGMT 800 - INDEPENDENT STUDYShort Title: INDEPENDENT STUDYDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: Independent StudyCredit Hours: 1.5-3Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the EMBA program.Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 801 - FINANCIAL ACCOUNTINGShort Title: FINANCIAL ACCOUNTINGDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 3Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the EMBA program.Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Introduction to the preparation, analysis, and use ofcorporate financial reports. Covers the basic techniques of financialreporting and analysis from the perspective of managers as well asexternal users of information such as investors. Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 802 - MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTINGShort Title: MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTINGDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the EMBA program.Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Provides general managers with an understanding of thedesign and function of a firm's management accounting system toenable them to become active consumers of accounting information. Thecourse describes how accounting information can assist managers inmaking decisions about products, services, and customers; improvingexisting processes; and aligning organizational activities toward long-term strategic objectives.

MGMT 806 - EXECUTIVE 2ND YEAR CAPSTONEShort Title: EXEC 2ND YEAR CAPSTONEDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: SeminarCredit Hours: 3Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the EMBA program.Course Level: GraduateDescription: The second-year capstone is an applied management coursein the program’s core curriculum, where student teams learn how to workthrough an end-to-end strategic assessment and planning effort on acurrent real-life strategic challenge faced by a Houston-based, socially-oriented community organization. It provides students the opportunity toapply their multi-functional (strategy, finance, marketing, organizationalbehavior, etc.) knowledge from the program and their own professionalexperience, as well as provides background on management of non-profitorganizations. Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 807 - LEADERSHIPShort Title: LEADERSHIPDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the EMBA program.Course Level: GraduateDescription: This course covers key elements of sound leadership theoryand practice in various organizational settings. Emphasis is on readingsconcerning leadership skill development and cases concerning effectiveversus ineffective leadership practices. Applications range from teamsettings to business units to executive suites. Course emphasizesstrategic, moral, and organizational dimensions of leadership.

MGMT 809 - ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIORShort Title: ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIORDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the EMBA program.Course Level: GraduateDescription: The purpose of this course is to help students become betterdecision makers, motivators, and leaders. Topics include perception,attribution, decision making, motivation, influence, leadership, culture,and innovation. Special attention is paid to the importance of managingbased on evidence (evidence-based management).

MGMT 813 - LEADING FOR CREATIVITY AND INNOVATIONShort Title: LEADING FOR CREATIVITY & INNOVDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the EMBA program.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Study of the nature of creativity, creative thinking skillsand ways to encourage, promote, and effectively manage creativity andinnovation in complex organizations.

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MGMT 815 - BARGAININGShort Title: BARGAININGDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Course Level: GraduateDescription: Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 817 - DECISION STRATEGIESShort Title: DECISION STRATEGIESDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the EMBA program.Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Decision analysis is the discipline that helps people choosewisely under conditions of uncertainty. Decision analysis provides theonly logical, consistent way to incorporate judgments about risks anduncertainties into an analysis.

MGMT 820 - COMPLEXITIES OF PEOPLE AND ORGANIZATIONSShort Title: COMPLEXITIES OF PEOPLE & ORGSDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: SeminarCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the EMBA program.Course Level: GraduateDescription: A seminar focused on contemporary issues in organizationalbehavior.

MGMT 821 - OPTIMIZING THE WORKFORCE OF THE FUTUREShort Title: OPTIMIZING THE WORKFORCEDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the EMBA program.Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Students consider optimal ways to plan for, encourage,and manage diversity in organizations. We explore the data and analyzethe business case for diversity and evaluate strategies to recruit andretain diverse talent. This active-learning course relies on the latestempirical research and provides practical skills for managing tomorrow'sworkforce.

MGMT 830 - STRATEGIC ITShort Title: STRATEGIC ITDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 2Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the EMBA program.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Today, businesses spend several trillion dollars annuallyon information technology (IT). To gain the greatest benefit fromthis investment, managers need to understand the interaction ofthis technology with ways of working. Our focus will be on cases inwhich business leaders have tried to use IT to enhance organizationaldevelopment and support competitive strategy. From our analysis oftheir experiences, we will develop some management guidelines forbusinesses seeking to exploit IT.

MGMT 833 - TECHNOLOGY, KNOWLEDGE AND BUSINESSShort Title: TECH, KNOWLEDGE & BUSINESSDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the EMBA program.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Within companies, technology supports new ways tocoordinate undertakings and share best practices across organizationalboundaries. In this course, we will first consider the development ofknowledge management and how it relates to improved performance. Wewill then consider how the pervasive use of digital technology is changingideas about privacy, security, authority, social relations and knowledgeitself.

MGMT 840 - ECONOMICS FOR BUSINESSShort Title: ECONOMICS FOR BUSINESSDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 3Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the EMBA program.Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: Graduate

MGMT 841 - ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT OF BUSINESSShort Title: ECONOMIC ENVIR OF BUSINESSDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the EMBA program.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Examination of the global economic environment that servesas a backdrop for business decision making, with emphasis on the keymacroeconomic policy goals and tools and how they affect exchangerates, interest rates, business cycles, and long-term economic growth.

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MGMT 843 - CORPORATE FINANCIAL MANAGEMENTShort Title: CORPORATE FINANCIAL MANAGEMENTDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 3Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the EMBA program.Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: This course emphasizes concepts and skills related tovaluation tasks in a corporate setting. Topics include financial marketstructure and efficiency, time value of money, net present value, internalrate of return, capital budgeting, risk and return, capital asset pricingmodel, cost of capital, capital structure, payout policy, and real optionsanalysis.

MGMT 845 - CORPORATE FINANCIAL STRATEGY FOR EXECUTIVESShort Title: CORP FIN STRATEGY FOR EXECSDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the EMBA program.Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: This is a case study course based on current corporatefinance transactions and topics. The intent is to expose Executive MBAcandidates to some of the practical challenges and opportunities withinthe primary financial decision governed by Corporate Financial policies(Capital Structure, Financial Risk Management, Liquidity, Funding/Financing, and Payout Policy).

MGMT 848 - APPLIED FINANCEShort Title: APPLIED FINANCEDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the EMBA program.Course Level: Graduate

MGMT 860 - BUSINESS ETHICSShort Title: BUSINESS ETHICSDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the EMBA program.Course Level: GraduateDescription: This course addresses moral obligations of firms andmanagers. The focus is on preparing for moral leadership andprofessionalism. Emphasis is on readings concerning best businesspractices and cases concerning effective versus ineffective handling ofethical analysis and moral issues. Topics include relationship of businessethics and laws, corporate social responsibility, sustainability, and humanrights.

MGMT 861 - BUSINESS-GOVERNMENT RELATIONSShort Title: BUSINESS-GOVERNMENT RELATIONSDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the EMBA program.Course Level: GraduateDescription: The course exposes students to the governmentalinstitutions that surround the business environment. Strategies forinfluencing and responding to governmental factors are explored as wellas other issues related to business-government relations.

MGMT 865 - GLOBALIZATION OF BUSINESSShort Title: GLOBALIZATION OF BUSINESSDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the EMBA program.Course Level: GraduateDescription: This course examines the increasing importance of tradeand foreign direct investment and the global political-economy to U.S.business. We first study the historical roots of globalization and moveforward to consider the impact on business of the global trade rulespromulgated by the World Trade Organization. We also consider U.S.policies towards trade and foreign direct investment.

MGMT 866 - PUBLIC POLICY MANAGEMENT AND ADVOCACYShort Title: PUBLIC POLICY MGMT & ADVOCACYDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 2Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the EMBA program.Course Level: GraduateDescription: This course demonstrates how organizations, especiallycorporations, set up processes for identifying and managing public policyissues. Then, to help achieve their public policy objectives, it discusseshow corporations use best practices in engaging with stakeholders--governments, media, communities and non-profit NGOs. The coursecovers both good and bad practices in communications with thesestakeholders, including in crisis situations. Finally, it illustrates howcorporations can use social responsibility activities to enhance theirreputation and help achieve success in the public policy arena.

MGMT 870 - COMPETITIVE STRATEGYShort Title: STRATEGY THEORY & ACTIONDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the EMBA program.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Systematic examination of models and techniques usedto analyze a competitive situation within an industry from a strategicperspective. Examines the role of key players in competitive situationsand the fundamentals of analytical and fact oriented strategic reasoning.Examples of applied competitive and industry analysis are emphasized.

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MGMT 872 - STRATEGY THEORY AND ACTION IIShort Title: STRATEGY THEORY & ACTION IIDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the EMBA program.Course Level: Graduate

MGMT 874 - OPERATIONS MANAGEMENTShort Title: OPERATIONS MANAGEMENTDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the EMBA program.Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Introduction to the design and improvement of operations,including manufacturing technologies, quality management and control,and organizational issues in operations. Understand, manage, andimprove process/operations. Lean management and six sigma concepts.

MGMT 880 - STRATEGIC MARKETINGShort Title: STRATEGIC MARKETINGDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 3Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the EMBA program.Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Introduction to the key concepts and perspectives underlyingthe function of marketing in a business enterprise. Emphasis is placed onstrategic marketing issues and the formulation of marketing strategies.Includes value proposition; customer & market analysis; segmentation& targeting, product strategy; branding; pricing strategy; marketingchannels; marketing communication and selling. Lectures and extensiveanalysis of marketing management case studies.

MGMT 881 - CONSULTATIVE SELLINGShort Title: CONSULTATIVE SELLINGDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 2Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the EMBA program.Course Level: GraduateDescription: This course introduces students to the knowledge, skills,and behaviors required for success in the field of consultative selling.Topics include effective questioning, active listening, client learning styleand personality assessment, principles of influence, effective sales callplanning and execution, and delivering persuasive presentations.

MGMT 884 - BRAND MANAGEMENTShort Title: BRAND MANAGEMENTDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the EMBA program.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Application of various dimensions of marketing strategyand management to the role of the product manager responsible for allmarketing activities of a given product.

MGMT 885 - MARKETING CHANNELSShort Title: MARKETING CHANNELSDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 2Course Level: GraduateDescription: Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 886 - DECISION MODELSShort Title: DECISION MODELSDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 2Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the EMBA program.Course Level: GraduateDescription: Successful management requires the ability to recognizea decision situation, understand its essential features, and make achoice. However, many of these situations - particularly those involvinguncertainty and/or complex interactions - may be too difficult to graspintuitively, and the stakes may be too high to learn by experience. Thiscourse introduces spreadsheet modeling, simulation, decision analysisand optimization to represent and analyze such complex problems.The skills learned in this course are applicable in almost all aspects ofbusiness and should be helpful in future courses. The course is dividedinto two parts. In the first part, we discuss the use of decision treesfor structuring decision problems under uncertainty. In the secondpart of the course, we discuss Monte Carlo simulation, a technique forsimulating complex, uncertain systems. Throughout the course, we willuse Microsoft Excel as a modeling environment, using add-in programsas necessary. Familiarity with Excel is an important prerequisite for thiscourse.

MGMT 892 - CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT STRATEGYShort Title: CUSTOMER REL MGMT STRATEGYDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Course Level: GraduateDescription: Repeatable for Credit.

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MGMT 895 - BUSINESS ANALYTICSShort Title: BUSINESS ANALYTICSDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 3Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the EMBA program.Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Course Level: GraduateDescription: The ever-increasing capacity of computers to analyze data,and the explosion of the amount of data available, has resulted in anincreased role for data analysis as an aid to business decision-making.This course exposes the student to the most important ideas andmethods relevant for data analysis in a business context. Emphasizingpractical applications to real problems, the course covers the followingtopics: Sampling, Descriptive Statistics, Probability Distributions, andRegression Analysis. Students are strongly encouraged to bring datafrom work; projects from previous years have returned significantmonetary value to students’ current employers and examples of theseprojects will be provided in class. Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 896 - LEADERSHIP COMMUNICATION IShort Title: LEADERSHIP COMMUNICATION IDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the EMBA program.Course Level: GraduateDescription: This course is an introduction to corporate communicationstrategy, internal corporate communications, and interpersonalcommunications including listening and feedback. A separate, optionaltrack allows students to practice and develop public speaking and writingskills.

MGMT 897 - LEADERSHIP COMMUNICATIONS IIShort Title: LEADERSHIP COMMUNICATIONS IIDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Satisfactory/UnsatisfactoryCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the EMBA program.Course Level: GraduateDescription: This course focuses on advanced communication topicsincluding crisis communications, intercultural communications, andmastering difficult conversations. A separate, optional track allowsstudents to continue practicing and developing public speaking andwriting skills.

MGMT 901 - FINANCIAL STATEMENT ANALYSISShort Title: FINANCIAL STATEMENT ANALYSISDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the EMBA program.Description: Examines the role of financial statements in the evaluationof a firm’s financial condition and the prediction of its future prospects.Covers the strategic, financial, and accounting analysis of a firm’sprofitability and riskiness by means of financial statement data, andintroduces the fundamentals of financial statement forecasting andbuilding pro-forma financial statements.

MGMT 902 - FINANCIAL STATEMETN ANALYSIS IIShort Title: FINANCIAL STATEMNT ANALYSIS IIDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Description: Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 903 - TAXES AND MULTINATIONAL BUSINESS STRATEGYShort Title: TAXES/MULTINATIONAL BUS STRATDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Students in the EMBA program may not enroll.Description: Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 904 - STRATEGIC COST ACCOUNTINGShort Title: STRATEGIC COST ACCOUNTINGDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5

MGMT 906 - VALUATION APPLICATIONS IN ACCOUNTINGShort Title: VALUATIONDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the EMBA program.

MGMT 908 - NEGOTIATION AND CONFLICT RESOLUTION IIShort Title: NEGOTIATIONS IIDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Satisfactory/UnsatisfactoryCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the EMBA program.

MGMT 909 - NEGOTIATION AND CONFLICT RESOLUTIONShort Title: NEGOTIATION & CONFLICT RESDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Satisfactory/UnsatisfactoryCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 0Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the EMBA program.Description: Development of analytical and behavioral skills for resolvingconflict and negotiating successfully in a business context. Topicsinclude analysis of your negotiation counterpart, adversarial versuscooperative bargaining, influence tactics, and ethics.

MGMT 919 - CORPORATE GOVERNANCEShort Title: CORPORATE GOVERNANCEDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the EMBA program.Description: Repeatable for Credit.

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MGMT 922 - GLOBAL SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENTShort Title: GLOBAL SUPPLY CHAIN MGMTDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 2Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the EMBA program.Description: Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 926 - VENTURE CAPITALShort Title: VENTURE CAPITALDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the EMBA program.Description: The course is an overview of the venture capital industry;the formation, organization and operation of a venture capital fund;monitoring the portfolio companies and mentoring their managementteams; valuation methodology and term sheets; legal issues; problemsthat a VC faces; exiting a portfolio company; failure and how to deal withit. The class has guest speakers from the industry and utilizes severalrelevant cases to give students situational experience. The entire courseis based on real-world situations.

MGMT 927 - THE NEW ENTERPRISEShort Title: THE NEW ENTERPRISEDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the EMBA program.Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Description: Evaluating opportunities and developing a business concept;analyzing new ventures; pricing, selling, and cost control; attractingstakeholders and bootstrap finance; the legal form of business andtaxation; financing, deal structure and venture capital; harvesting value;developing a business plan.

MGMT 928 - ENTERPRISE EXCHANGEShort Title: ENTERPRISE EXCHANGEDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 2Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the EMBA program.Description: The needs approach to buying and selling businesses;enterprise valuation; deal and contract structuring; mergers andacquisitions; leveraged buyouts; consolidating fragmented industries.

MGMT 930 - FINANCIAL MARKETSShort Title: FINANCIAL MARKETSDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Description: Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 932 - CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND FINANCIAL REPORTINGShort Title: CORP GOV & FINANCIAL REPORTINGDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 2Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the EMBA program.Description: Repeatable for Credit.

MGMT 952 - MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONSShort Title: MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONSDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 2Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the EMBA program.Description: Critical study of the motivation, valuation, and integrationof merging established businesses. While focusing on the application ofM&A to further corporate strategy, the course also investigates the role ofprivate equity, hostile transactions and asset restructurings in the M&Aprocess.

MGMT 954 - CORPORATE FINANCIAL RESTRUCTURINGShort Title: CORP FINANCIAL RESTRUCTURINGDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the EMBA program.Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Description: Houstonians know that every boom is followed inevitablyby a bust. Corporate Restructuring provides financial, strategic and legalframeworks that are essential for every manager’s toolbox. From Enronto TXU to LyondellBasell to American Airlines, you will learn the complexissues that arise when collecting from bankrupt customers, managingthe impact of a vendor’s distress, turning around underperformingbusinesses, and acquiring or divesting troubled businesses. Why docompanies fail? How do you manage a failing business with dwindlingliquidity? How can lessons from major bankruptcies be applied to turningaround troubled business units? How can one company’s distressdisrupt an entire supply chain? How can a plan of reorganization enablea bankrupt competitor to lower prices? How do you value a business withnegative earnings? When is a deep value investment a diamond-in-the-rough versus fool’s gold? How can you monetize bankruptcy claims?When does a corporate spinoff risk a fraudulent transfer? How can youdefend against voidable preference litigation? What rights do you havewhen your counterparty defaults on a derivatives contract? Why wouldyou want to serve on a creditors’ committee? What are effective biddingstrategies for a 363 auction? What can credit default swaps reveal aboutyour competition? Should you expect international insolvency laws to besimilar to the U.S. Bankruptcy Code?

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MGMT 955 - ADVANCED FINANCIAL RESTRUCTURINGShort Title: ADV FINANCIAL RESTRUCTURINGDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the EMBA or MBAprograms. Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Prerequisite(s): MGMT 954Description: Now that you have mastered the basics of corporatefinancial restructuring, advanced financial restructuring will focus on (1)investing in distressed debt, (2) energy sector bankruptcies, (3) complexreorganizations, (4) advanced credit default swaps, and (5) internationalinsolvencies.

MGMT 957 - INTERNATIONAL FINANCEShort Title: INTERNATIONAL FINANCEDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the EMBA program.Description: Exploration of issues encountered in international financialarenas, including foreign exchange rate risk management, capitalbudgeting for international projects, and international financingstrategies.

MGMT 959 - STRATEGY AND MANAGING INTERNATIONAL STRATEGICALLIANCESShort Title: STRAT & MANAGING INTL STRAT.Department: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the EMBA program.

MGMT 960 - STRATEGIC INNOVATION MANAGEMENTShort Title: STRATEGIC INNOVATION MGMTDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the EMBA program.Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Description: Innovation is critical for firms to achieve better performanceand sustainable competitive advantage. However, the management ofinnovation is inherently difficult and risky because customer demandand preferences change quickly and technological changes are highlyunpredictable and thus most new products and technologies are not acommercial success. This course is designed to help executives applythe key strategic management frameworks and concepts to addressimportant challenges they face in innovation management: How tomanage market uncertainty, technological uncertainty and competitivevolatility? what are the enemies of innovation in both new venturesand successful established firms? How to build strategic alliances fortechnology/product innovation? And how to manage innovation in theglobal market?

MGMT 961 - BUSINESS LAWShort Title: BUSINESS LAWDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the EMBA program.Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.Description: An overview of the legal system and survey of legalstandards applicable to companies, including laws impacting corporateformation and governance, contracts, tort liability, employment law andunfair competition. The course is designed to help executives understandhow to manage risk in light of applicable standards.

MGMT 962 - APPLIED CONTRACT LAWShort Title: APPLIED CONTRACT LAWDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the EMBA program.Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

MGMT 970 - OPERATIONS STRATEGYShort Title: OPERATIONS STRATEGYDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the EMBA program.Description: Examination of strategic planning approaches and methodsfor managing 21st Century organizations. Emphasizes design andimplementation of planning systems that are highly responsive to thedynamic, competitive, stakeholder-influenced planning contexts facingmodern organizations.

MGMT 973 - OPERATIONS LEADERSHIPShort Title: OPERATIONS LEADERSHIPDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the EMBA program.Description: This course is designed to be interactive, thought provokingand / or validate current methods of operating or managing withinthe supply chain. This course will explore the many working aspectsand functions in plant and multi-plant system operations. Discussionsand course content will delve into executive and managerial roles inmaintaining efficient and effective plant and system wide operations.The course will also discuss the importance of establishing a system ofearly warning signs that identify and use critical success measures to beproactive towards emergent problems. Selected readings and exercisescoupled with group presentations and discussions will examine functionsin operations with a focus on manufacturing in the areas of: Strategy,Leadership, Execution, Operations Maintenance/Process Supportsystems for control, and General Discussions – Lessons Learned.

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MGMT 985 - GLOBAL LEADERSHIPShort Title: GLOBAL LEADERSHIPDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Satisfactory/UnsatisfactoryCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment limited to students in the EMBA program.Description: Leadership challenges, skills and strategies in the globalcontext. Cross-cultural differences in characteristics of followership,values, information- processing styles, interpersonal relationships, groupdynamics and many other areas. Implications of these differences foremployee attitudes and behavior, and for leadership effectiveness in theworkplace. Scientifically- proven course material and dynamic, interactiveteaching style.

MGMT 995 - BUSINESS ANALYTICS FOR EXECUTIVESShort Title: BUSINESS ANALYTICS FOR EXECSDepartment: ManagementGrade Mode: Standard LetterCourse Type: LectureCredit Hours: 1.5Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.