M ic h ig a .. G m te N e w s -...

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M i c h i g a . . G m t e N e w sV O L U M E 1® FRIDAY, M AY 28, 1926 Numlier 61

SET DATE FOR-7«0" Goldkette’s Original Breeze BlowersALL-COLLEGESPECIAL ELECTION

to fw-fafc m•, „ fw«th ANNUALto burnish Music for 1926 Sophomore Prom unncr SHOW IS

OPENED TODAYSin' to V o te O n 1 92 7 W o l ­

verine E d ito r an d D e c id e O n

Pu b lica tio n Fee .

h>,in |. I- the time net b>i tniiii H in i M r in-» ti i

|mv i;i| IlMtftllftff flfM't loll i editor of In* W oIv o iIim* .

,i fur h im y in r tin«] tin* In* i\ •*!» lilt* op|Mirttlll|l>

L «(til'll loll «I' ¡1 Nl Hilt'll t• it »line

l .tti.mI i HHil Kol'orl Wilson •mIHIi i I«-* j J io i f i i h.V lit«*

i i. ;il i " i i s fo r III« ' jjos il jon ».• editor. In tM'fitftlflitt«*

lit rttUllg of t lie* I )• hi ri| i ho Wt.lv orlno editor liithor tliiiti it junior

lift'- I»«*'**HH' mt .ill--o

if t lie* *tl|«l«Hlt foo for Ih'1'H pri'HOllloil lo | III'

il, i III* Wi.miitrH Sol!,\ «XM'iiltiotl, llllll tllO

ihlit iilloiw iiihI «1 piiro\«'«I rgirnlxntfori*. I f llio *tu

t.f iho f»*«* in flit* vote I In' luforrot! lo till'

j. nliiirt* for rut ill* ¡itioii


H ead G a rd e n e r.

u'I.litHin of I I. I,. It• .ill gardener of ih*a

plans are b«'lng for*>r their extension, to In-

■ r iiH«*fultieM t** tin* |*ho|*|o ion.

'he future of the garden, hr,, ugh Never«I yearn of ra il for 'he filling In of

i t " i • * iia r river. <*©* foreign plants de-

• in ited Htatea tle- t: iiltun» in lis tin g

plant* that tnight - l Ttilted Status, and

c >f the varletloH plant- •• 11 garden w ill «-oni-

ornhly w ith th»* better ipal iiarib'na as il doe*

1 the l»<tmil..11 gar- * r rhoola.

m is a graduate of the I at the K ew garden* II** has h«*en at work

plot* -into it was pos• ■it of doors, and al-

»• i vast itnprovotnent• • method*. II»' cornea• fo llow ing experience

|»**at ku<*wn Kngliah

N l'M f.RO US E V E N T S R E M A IN

ON W . A . A . S C H E D U L E

o d tiled for the retnain- •Ttn on the W A. A.

numerous, f'aptnin* .re to lie ho-«mi tbia-

r 'he has* hall final*.Tuesday when th«*

<1 sophomore* meet. The lasses w ill p lay on th«* y and the final* w ill he day A track meet i*

r Ju n e 5. w ith a canoe anquet the fo llow ing

P rom ised Good W e a llte r fo r B o lli

Days of Show; A l l C lasses

A re F ille d .

I light


past a (I II:pr«*i

111*111 t


* h u - p a r t i n t h e I t u s " t l r e g g . w h o

a m i e l and « o r l ie I , l y . vs h o I . i r n i s h e s

■ I hand in turtiMh I tfh >n .«hand.mt

P o l l t h e • ( t u p l e s

* a. « e ss ! a l p .ir t> .


PROTEST AGAINST STATE MILITARYPresident of State Board ot Aijrt

culture (lives Petition Slight Consideration


Out Krernt Improvement* al College.

• ktrn- ■mnual

•vt . k of . iiiiuiii<iii’i-nii n t tt.*- .«-I iap , ii 'h* prepur.i'ion for ?h. production o f ! In» fi ve ac t ! r ic*-«J> a-« •-•••■n and< rt *k* n

W e d n e n d a y t h e ■ a-t w a s m e a s u r e d l o r t h e i r coat u tn e .s , « h u h * t i l h e l i p d e i i r e i ' from » It* fri»«. >• hol*» C o .

o f C h i c a g o . T h * - xa-nir p r o p e r t i e s

dAll of

r«>.* t i r m a v e ;»**«■ n a n d o n l y

At The Union- t


•h t «a ilM l

M e I u g u l i

Iller«- Mill he- IMI I, »«err r f (Ul;»r I oèftii p.iri ie» thè** t«*rtn.

.de r , j T h e r e i* .1 ' I I I . i l l - e le v i leefl *.f I

! *ke .th« | initialled pijiet* »1 the main ilrwl«. J *v* monta I IT >ihi utsli .trailhrr it iju i jJ i t m u s t j lie ordered for >**«• gislative j - Iinulti in, j I f ' 1 • *« ha•• • e.-* .•>.,• i iiiuu 1« • m a j o r i I ' 1" "** -h * " t l* l v . -n r * -* 'r a j

1 r ^ ' r ^ . r . ’r !I (H N |


Marble in Library Contains Million Year Old fossilsi . .- 'h e r s i- i i ik n H to rm i I ' 11 d is a p p o in te d Io-d on page 4) ^ ̂ T T ^

RHODES SCHOLARSHIP ✓ < • «. » MAWARD TO BE MADE U M e* e FurmshesJUany Jobs

— tor Graduate Studens• r .nter«*.»t to tboac

"llege lib ra ry »houid d n * a p p '- a*r m arking* that adorn orig inal•! 'he in terio r

- la b * of the floor* ubd -.t r«»> * d :' »Hy filled w ith foaail.*. of the •<»f .«nnnal* thnt lived M«.r*-

•*-«r»-,Nago in allm y wal- iw p rin t -

• IR LS H O S T T O ailed

K JR C O - E D S V R O A S T nn»-t >“ n tn a ti > • -1 :

!■ Stylo lied* enjoyed the hike to1 'he “ weenie*’ roa*» u n d e r pi

senior g irls tendered '<» along th<'-'•'mber* of the jun io r or irn > 1'• >)' • vening. The affair ro t W*

• vent o f It* kind to be th e i lL . i l-enlor cl*.»** for the Jun- t io b * <>f

U be made a part of the d !**«>! ved' **» in the future. Mabel opposite

head of the com mittee in that dev*ding as {

\njr!<T' t fie


• large hum nil a varied

H 'h heglUA il nt ''ip«nrii

, r a al 1*1«

r.»* *nd .‘.ornore r.t neuat Nnd 2S

•rjr three thin •* to name a

,e third v>‘*r. no I from Michigan

Aydelotte of i* the \m< rl- an

«de» icholar»blp

. . ,id* km ,;»* !FiiiU :.n ;,*** we n•n* ,r au t..« un. .,i , nooU for a

« month».\ arge number t tn- tt hav« triad«

iint-H tor tfii-inselvea »Ad »otli« ut ,*re s*-ry recent graduates, one

o lia t« of ! be agricu ltura l di tri* ion •ne *-ditor */f r«)A*r Farm ing, an

h*-r « .* government ¿ugar beet *«a- •rt. Th« eriginnwritig taff of the ■t,»muera Tower 'ornpanjr is made

U rg r ly of M ichigan rftnte gradu* » hverjr division turn» out a « tuber of teacher» for - ur g ran* mar id nigh *chooia, while a few »Uqp id ’ .«k* . r.tduat*- work *t«d «orne of *-»»- 'each here or at other collègue Th« engineering department offert• graduating student» a larger num- •r of jobs then any other diviaien

ciailza t .mi O erigiti»-»

h ! egree 1*1« field aft ruent


*•0 for

T w o

*>r* »tel ind ¡cm 'here - ompari>

*mpanj 1« iper.ro» nt*i

be .argeet one inatituttea .er than the u t . i l f natltu

n are going te mpany in I«ee omg ¡nto roa-

» iru rtion work T *r»»- u n d or en other for cooetracUon om pen leearound 'he country, in * r cm f*rp*M rd l iThgkqjwypkuJ

In the egrtcQ ltural on eech•I'-partt .ent »ende o*jt * number of m«'D to »-ach of the various branches

I < «intmued oo pepe I I

d » a , irger ,*.** 1 .-ver -en' n t.«-for » K«*o Motor Car -

Th« ree» are• mg

M ic h ig a n S l a t e N e w sPublish'd twice weekly dartag tfc# w llw r year by the students o f the Mlchtgaa State OoUegOL Altered aa aarond olaa* matter at the post- office, mf a* f-a— l f , Advert lain* rate* furnished upon

applies tioa to the Bustoem Manager


K JD ITH H IM E B A U O H . H I -------------------G O RD O N W H IT B U R N . 17a. H e ra la a House B R V A PRBSC 'O TT . *S7h. Kappa I*atta House Jo e Porter. 1M . Ph i Kappa Tau House - Georgia IJg h tfo o t.

... Editor Buaineaa Manager

. Do-od Rdltor Sporta Bdltor


A aa la t in i Kdltara i r rnn Horton. I*ale Medili. John Brlsbin.

Reporter* » I» Hill. Maria» Ben net?. K Mclunis. Wm. Muller. George H. Moore, Berh «*1111*. Far Gillia, V F. Kiiubut, J. A. Healing.

flsctoty Reporters Wanner a 9im*>n. Sditi» Slaionton. Ruby Newman. Gertrode Walker. Mildred Brass. Henriette Seorell

Bualmee RtaE—Adrsrtiaing— L. 8nyd«r *29. Vie Ander*»o, 28; Tekl« Sparks. 28; la*wia Snider. 29 i im la tio o — M ai Goodwin. 29

O FF IC E *—B A S E M E N T NM W L IB R A R Y B l 1 L IU N G Printed at the C a n pus Press— Phone 2 8415

Editor lain appearing in the M IC H IG A N 8 T A T E N E W S are w rit­ten by the editor-ln-chlef and hta sm uean’s, who are students. They ran In no way be Interpreted aa r e p r in t in g the official viewpoint of the rolleg'N or of college officials.

S U B S C R IP T IO N —S250 T H E SC H O O L Y B A It

Hirvt; Kf.\h n gm i u »m iK i \i -i t i M » :

I h i* i I : t lld*< O f t i l l

.d til.' it .‘I tid that

I crowd I to dis

.tod I hef r i l l t f “ f

I '• titillili


gentletuen, (and we heHevt* il i* l H tdmuld le* proteeted b.v ;i fune of men who are not devoid of Ibi* cluirnder-

|istle* of a gentleman, it nitiy !»«• ihat thè officers were uierely oarrylng out ordera of thè beati of Ila* depnriimHit li (ake* very little InlelHcem-e to club and nntagonize ti gì "d t

. hnt it in a t»t*k wortliy ol perse one |n*ii «-«»f*111y

The tlesk sergentiI w! student prisotiera. witliepifhels iltltit te prilli i l

and ealled thè stndents ¡inideile*, did ned n i’-*“ darò* in *•• doinu. " in woman asked t<* >•*<• er ristori student* *he h :i* iviiy bui iliat yvIiii• li "• gentleman When sia w ith ber nhnser for li - was toìd t<> gel "Ut Su«h treatment of Inda word* " f thè Journal ed ma ni y and !»••!» in*l thè offleer* ubo look ila jé*»r itt thè |iri*uner* safely Indiihd thè bar*eon r a gè.

T e l i m e n w e r e •!••'a i t o '

h o | o U h i e l i t h è n i : i \ " f

b o e h « p i o t e d a * d e - « n i*

il d e a d m a n T lu * > v\. ■

f o r o h a ! t l i e y d f d a - o

a * a m e a t i * o f • s p a n k i u .

b o d y A * Ilo * J o u r n a l

• ali - l a n d I la * d a m a l e

h i l m I r e i ! d o l l a r - ÌV>r a '■ o f p » v « H U e t i t l . a n - i n g - li

a l e l e l n a t i o t i .


NO MORE E X T R A S(.■ill)» of itaU I'ompanjr no longer M a k e the HOC each charm

extra iwisNengexs. ____Therefore, two, throp. four or tiro paasangera may bow rids for

price of of»«*. _ _This should appeal to students as groups of At« an y now

taxleaba at but slightly more than street ca r fara.

TH E M A C K E Y C A B COM PANYDial »1-444 *lw» i n , t



I- .in

r.iki* aV» illop, make a hit w ith her

(bedotiinti*%« ill do lltivt

^ rr— for you. - .

Priced * • .51» to $10

i.iin lit«

A lug pre i lie farm

Tin* program will H a r k v m a N1 * S H O E SHR WASMIMCTOM AVB.

l’Io .lout nal did how, ■' aiitag«* of tie* ««pporninir> itself by following up r*>. w nil tie* pubii-liIng of a pn

the ¡--u»' elearlv atei fed I rained and paid to write >i w bat is going on

l e i p i I-»*- ,i- k n

fhou-alel- 1.4 d«> He Lansing .d r biting the ion

laili-ihg Inia,(i«>ii < f

"Y A L E BOW I.”

\ •



"I-.I frm it 'an.ima ■*. sn a p p fil

t -iin**.!

W h en silvery/

moonlight falls on town and field— and the long, joyous tour home is ready to begin

— have a Camel!

that tie olir*, aud seli.it lanisti

We «»il contint

•vi and Si»\ u lo r> fo r Ih c s s . S J to SH

M A Y B R O S.*11m H a t s t o r e o f U w To s t i

•A5 9 W «ahlug?on Ave.


g. f. Bevo«»1*1G e t E x tra C red its a t H o m e —

M »ire than 4>0 »v*ur-«s in 111-; Fngh-h iativ'sA'h»nn'*t^-Z4s 4.«rn , M .*k in L a ’«; -sg»-v U S vn ii.y v .c ts .aie gnen cw w w yow Jr iw «. I M u 8 •» the cw iit they \i» ld may hr aj'p iuii on your o4k*gc JV cr.i -. C a la i < dnw.Ttting csiiTMH tullv. furmahiAl > a t*\4 .» -t W ‘U. i *ia>

7 hr Mmhrraty of ChicagoSB OLi IS MALA CM4CA«SO ILLINOIS


W fu \ moonlight washaa wiHKiland ami hills with

light. And the four home is ready to begin— have 4 Camei!

For Camel makes every s m o o t h tour imoothrr, adds of its own contentm ent to every delightful journey. Om rls never tire your t.iste or leave a cigaretty alter-taste. Pay what you will, yotiMl never get choicer tobaccos than those in Camels.

this night as the forrst'topped hills race hv in moonlit procès* sionai. As the magic road curves through the t 'lonnades of birches — ha\ r then the finest made« regardless of price.

Have 4 Came//Cém ti» .dsMM ffce »cr% r liN rrtl tahtcco* grown in a ll thtoo tid ( am*U are blended by the n o tld ’* m.i ’ expertblender*. St*ihm g it h*o g*tod 1er < atmel». /n tl~e naktng of tht* one brnnd vr «;tmeentrate the lukii• •> knowledge and tktll of the largett «>»gam ;*tum of etpettt in (heworld. S o i»iher ctgorette mode it tike ('<1*0 , 1*. I he y are

the o*er9 helming thvuo of ««psrn n .ed »moier*.

The Social Whirl **V A P1W C0TT Kann UaMa

irins th.' week many Impromptu parti«. » , .P„ ....„V.T the M ic h ig a n b a r b a l i nine. F,,r ih* « .m ià i ........

w ill be decidedly lim ited due !.. the fact that manv• u l it » I™ •l“ J' ■>' vacation at their home* The \l.,h.„te rm al In the arm ory, the Hyth lan in the I'nion Fn,,l iiv the Delta Sigm a Phi un Hi«* following night , i' ,„i schedule. The Trlmolra and Phi lielt,, ¡,V 'T ,V(.»•it hollies.

i to theend th»* Staters (in tu tn n

ivunlng,»to« th entertain

%V|»tm tlamma licit n irtive and a lum nae mem- |ir

ii chapter of Alpha (In inma braska . , . entertained at th«» home llari \ Newman at a bridge tea fratern ity gtn v .ititTiioon. week

•i|:iy evening w ill lie th«* date fraternity inform al to lie t „ the arm ory. Dean and j»j,j s Shaw ami Dr. and Mr« ,jav ' 11

i .tun w ill act as patron« for p, ., t r -,. '. w ill!« the munlc w ill b«» j’. («..lit

t,y th*» A in ph Ion Itev.der»»^ jMl( iif ' , tl.-rs' ‘lay of III«* local chap- s,h.*ol

. celebrated by ap«*riaf ac- ^ linker I t Dean Sh aw ’« cabin Satur- njnnding p.-n

I ’lil KappH Tan ,s “ f N u i li a p t o r - *' KU.-st M«IClark or Detroit guest during th


at N*o ul av was ;



Mr, Hara R i w n

H i l l L , . ' " " " " " th ei h!.'! ,',,''' .'1''' 'Irs lw >1ndvisi.r i.f women in n.e PntvI.'rHUv

;. f fr i.,11 „h i. i , ¡.Mlinthm j« il l n ic h e the .......... ,i , r

i I 'o n li.T w ' l l I ’eu e l'l' N i ‘ “?<»nm n*u.lo .| !. , - I. I I iUS a w . in a t i o f n iro .

' l " ‘I’Sol!al (|llalh \ !,:

««‘ImlMiship atn| insin- « i .im iliar u ,, |( ,

, I" !’ 1 In'-»- ve.-.r«

NO PAPKB TCIXIIAVTh«*re will la» no («suo of thè

Stato Xows Tnesdu.v, .Inno l owltig• o thè fa.t flint th«»r«> wltl* la» no «ch.w»l oli Molalav and i hat tho• a i n p i i s l 'n - s s w h e r e t h « ' S t a l o

\ i-h s is printiHl • wfH oh«orve thè bolide) Mollila \'

• •i»«»rg). Oli , | k


• r fh< T ilos- i stands ‘

•I' Dii will uh,- i„

Xs• I

,z»»|| w ill «*nt«*rtain the* ,i i.-a Sa tu rd ay afternoon.

!•>«• AIpliian itnnion« w ill ent*»rtain «ov-

so< lety Uteflfbers at Dong i- week-end-• ( 'la rk »pent the w»«-k-

!war«l Matson was a hous«* i,c ilio past week-end.I iiion Ml**rar> tv' w ill oolebrate it« ft nth .Ino.» Ik hy a party to

,t r ia rk take, near iaek-

, >. polds spent the w oek- r»it. " I I . hhI and W . Van . di Ionia, while M Ki n k

!.• \ i«lt.*.| m W yandotte« »D to p ic

-lilri-ks and Kr.-.l Pa rker at tIn- hous.* a fte r til.

T I)


To Make Trip lo Kalamaroo For Annual State Conrlavr of

Knight Templars.

Lavrork lo Talk (In Picture«

'A N VOU D A N C E ?

| M Many NewxoA N C Iliè \ LIFTS

forne to your porlner and j Graduation


Drv G oods

(The ìùntt Jfoníi i'lmpIjiaI t>mod Kitw Avenue ( . i l i I Anaína

drlriigonr 2315

Í .

Hero lb-low We List a Few of the latest Hits On Columbia Records

• in



lila .TS«

Hie Dm IN II.M.t Ko\ Tr**t llr«-;tkoi‘ Tfie In K.*\ V»Drifting i in I llm m iing K«*\

Ma* Monlte) lltHNile I»«»«.

Il* re t .mws Mai inda I • \ i '■•old I? I Certain!) Could

Thai FeUon the ll«N»r K-

^tatir Mrtil K<-\ Tr-a

We Im h all the lal«M biU ««a M m r * . H l j i r f t o Kolia Mid Short Muak

B u d d ’ s M u s i c H o u s e“ EV ER Y T H IN G IN MUSIC”

*>• Muth IVoohlngtoa A lm o l » m * . Sl-ddgm-Toiir. <H»*N SATI’RDAV RVBNLNOS I 'T IL 1« O tM K *

.1 V .fl till Wt

.m filial T. ni pia


I'Im* imislr depart men I w ill give the of a «eri«*« or recital« when Ml««

••in '¡/ir.ln.*r and Mr tM«»rre K«*n- •II appear in a r.-.iial in till* l.ittlo In-afro al th.* homo ocfaioiiiio« ImiM y Tiios.lav. .1 li in- I at s o‘c|.«*kIi..* following program will I..» given A ,l" •' '•'•* pillili.- it i or.lialty invit-

ala Op lit . I'alh.'ti.|it.-1 H.»i»thovi*n AlHegrao Adagio

M i- ‘ ¡aitln.*r Moon or Mt Delight ,|»,.^ian

I.Ixn LehmanMi Kelivol)N " • C h o p in

1 ' .1,1 1 minor Ita.-hiiianiiiolT t M i- «¡ardner

n.'»w*»r ‘ n ia p iw ll T ip to nS'ng ri,.*.- Song« ..i Arah.v o , n

Mi Kenvon I l " I - H i l l . t l „ . I. , i r l i S e i,u b e r i 1.1, «

........is ,ni,,,, n r..» ,,• >ii,pi lip -js Hbeinbohi


Ahou. Twenty-right Studenti Ex­pected to Attend.

M llil • i l.vpertnient»'•«I about |NSt.* Mari.* It

a lt o ll L*H t 'ld .lll«at thl« camp

1 til•'t'poitlte.l

or.«fry . and t«work • » ito- Dunbar4* e

«tallen lor the n th " tiorth. ru

and Pro f «'bitten

d « -p r i III. wt f,,r tbn»""» lookout

pr*- •cling Mo new


Over 350,000 Treee Seat Out Through thè Stale.

T h l* year'R «hipment of s«*n.dling* ha« c«*a«»»d. wltl» ¡150,000 tr«*«*« ni ready s»»nt out. arcordlng to Prof. A. K. Chittenden. h«»ad of thè f«»re«try department.

The tre.»« h n v e b«»en «etit to farm- .*r« throiighout tho «tate for wood- lo t reforestratinn. wind break« and tlt«* like Moni of.theMo are «prue.» aftd pine taketi troni (he college numerimi hot*.*

Prof. Phlttenden pian« to «end out ««»edlingH front Di«* Dunbar nur«- ery tiear Sault sto. Marie next yenr

PROF. C0X T0 ADDRESS NAT. FARM SCH00L C0NFERENCEl 'm f l 'u t » i l i rfH.uk un llie |iro

gratti of ih.* Nat lottiti Kartn Sehool conferen«*«» .Dine 7 in New York city at thè Itiltnior.- hotel un thè èubject, "< tpport nnitle« C ity Hoy« attd D iri« llnvo for Agrieutfural l!du cafitili," l'resiilent l'.ilvtn t'oolhlge says ' I wi«h io , \pr. «« itiy sincere ut«h for 1 li" surre«« of thè contlng National Kartn Seho.d < onfer. nce Ir« purpoHt» to interi*«! thè young non and wonten of ih.» largo ‘‘iti«*« in seletttlHc agricu lture a« un hon- oruble and useful Vocatlun i« to he comm**nd«*«l Not only do voti hold out th«* rtdvatitngc« of «neh u lift* vvork. Iiitt yotj alni to make a\atl able th»* traiiiitik. iiect»««nry for «neh

APPOINT NEW INSTRUCTORK a r l *Dr«*«xo|. w h o -ju<«t c o m p ie i

ti« g r a d iu r te w o rk tu fo r . t r v , I ••-"ti a p p o in te d a lt ìn « f r t ic jo r in i l le p a r t i t i c n t . a m i e* le a c h lin .’ iti t in i.' .1 fo r e s t r y th i« ». r iti

>1 I I i.l II IIM-III >| ,M ............> >IM o i s MAYER GETS APPOINTMENT


COMPANYHalf Tones /Ine Klrhinifs

( ‘«»lorplatcs

*30 \. Uanhington Ave. I.ASNI NO

limile 519tt

m :\ k ia m ic v m iM .

Harii'tu aiti» dii ft '¿lutpI * I. pi..mi.- al \i.or m t i in* Dpp II i: llltlg.

Make the

i i í a r t j ^ t i 't u n r t ^ h n pYour M(*(‘ting IMa«*e


123 Luti XfirhlgMi

t i t i l l i i m i r 1111111111 « i t i i tn tK

i i U s \l»\ K ltT I 'l i:

l l 1‘nys lo T rad *’ ul


I try t tiMidd

itm d > - to -W «M


Kraut) far tor. Third floor

Te* Koooi. Hocowd Floort a M il m i . to n .


\ ay where anytime. Parlor roaches ac­commodating twenty to thirty-live






P R in .tr . m a t « A ••


"Lafty” Tall«* Hold« Teacher* At Bay WhHe Mate* Poood Oat Vic­tory; Bayoea, Syiekenoam, Kiebler Star.


Western 8tnte Normal, which haa toyed with the ball clubs It haa met this year, turned out to be a play* thing' In the baoda of the confident Michigan State nine yesterday after­noon » nd subsided, 7-4. Western State tvhieb boasts of one of the best round­ed out pitching staffs In college base­ball, had a chance to pitrmle its gun tiers in front of th«* Spartan ramparts, and saw two moundnmen s«*nt to the showers aft«*r a couple innings apie<"c of futile work in trying to stiu** the i;r«*«*ri and W hite nttuck and the third hard bit hut lucky in having one of tils team iiiat«*s camp in un«l«*r the «Irivt*. Ruse, who tinlshe«! th«* burling for the Brown and (told itIlow«*d only one bit, that by t 'a rl Bayn«*s who got flirts* saf«* drives in four tim«** up. Hiigc.u and Binebaum were tou«h«»d fur four aph’co in th«* innings they worked.

■■|*efty" Tolies, Kolw soiithptiy star. start«*«l against" the Haymeameii ami although b** allowed eight hits, they were not bundled for any success un- tIII the ninth when singles by Neater, Yost. M « arty ami Bus«* protlne«*«! two runs. Two of the «piartet were seratcli hits.

Western scored twice in tin* sixth In- fling when w ith one away. Howley threw high to Mpiekerman on Rue*»* sinnsh and lie was safe, (tighter ami i i.v iiigton singled, scoring Raise ami

—— —Rigbter going to third. Covington I took second <*n the throw in. Tolies, tossed out S. brumpf. holding Bighter : at third. Johnson lifted a high fly, to Splekcrman who* d r .m td th e l*all. | R ichter c oring Nesfer ^ tu l to 7.1m- mertnan A fter Johnson bad tiled toj Kles«*r in th«* ninth. N«*«ter singled sharpie through the infield Y"*»t hit ?.. Spiekerman who threw to K idder \ to get Nester but th«' ball hit Nester oil tin* homi and !••*«It were safe. 5 Meaner l»att«s| t r «.rahatn and r«dl.sl ... r,,¡|.-~ who t.»«««l him "'it at Hr«t. \..-r.*r and Y"«t a.Ivan, ing M .t ’urtv«tngtori ring Nest.-r ill.I Yost, itnsij>ingb*«| !.. left btlt Ititfbt.T lined III Davi»«-« .vlio ntade a brilliant otic-hand ud in retiring him.

Max Good win, ’29. won lhl pua fencing ch am p ion ,!,H '»11’1 now ie the fencing champion campus for the coming was awarded the ram pm ship cup by Joseph W aff a

Good win Is elected « is expected to lead the 8* to a promised successful year.

catti­ti and

»fon of the year. He chantplott-

ptain and te foil men icnsott next


D etro it N o rtk w e a te n i W k * « r P a «« T m h Y a m ; C aaa T e d . K s |a a iM , I C e a tra l F o n w Ja W e ; P r i B w t o a r i i i F r id a y


WI*«*!» inglcd to right.II left instead of i red his ankle. J .«* going to third..t i hev both or- j«imrlcd to lefi

i? 11. Kigbt«*r toj • eng to second, j.r Rmvley cu n t

•]. o her« had not k night his hit j a .I.,III.I" 11« well III* i»*« which were

I , Kmel.aiitn to id he got by in .f|.i*f!cd fin* f "• • r • 11

ti-eeuf ive hit and Fb-er hit I-

to third and Bow kenn au - ingld I "

(Continued from i#ige 1» 1 against any trouble of a phys business nature

Th«* protest takes th*- j the fact that a man i« take m ilita ry tra lnninc hind»* deters him in his pur« n knowledge. It state«

.who wish to become !•■->■ tors are not required rl' sort of tra in ing in tin* - they attend and tha*

j m ild reason why thos«* this school because ’ type of tra in ing wiie

! should lie compelled !! ject which the pr-u* '' the cop selene«» of in m rep ly to this Mr. Wa'fk * ’ ¡it,it has h*»»*n his .»!•«. n most persistent «»bj»* typ<* of tra i n in tig .if •

•nl or

i that cd :«'

v hi eh

Tw»*nty-one schools comprising "•« entries in the 2 Uth annual Mich- gan H igh School A th le tic associw ion track anil Held meet «rill awing ¡„to action F rid ay afternoon at 4:30

the »la,Hum in the pre lim inary round« of the meet. Detroit .North- western, w inner tor the last two Years is considered again as a strong ossibility lor lir«t honors, w ith be-

t r.»it Cass Tech and Kalam azoo Cen­tral as strong contenders.

North western won the indoor ligati interscholastic at Ann Ar- last w inter w ith Kalam azoo and i Tech runners up. Tech won National Interscho lastic meet at


unston, Ioil

I I I .." I ! "it

F lin t ( • mi Art I

U tile Northwestern rity title. Kalatna- W estern S la te Nor- to establish its rep- ontrul and Sag inaw ur i l l l l loom as poa-

C.iss Tech won the lastic at Ann Arbor

and Nortti­ler. F lin t

-si the

lb- we • •I lo ll" ft\


Your Meat? Summer ?FLYS?

The I ’ rithh-m S o lt eH


llrfler MralxCleaner Mrnls

Quicker Service


• hed .» it"

•.|i|!.«| !':» .-e

I.e. k th.- in- goes ?.. Kill:»

( «dehnt«* \\ ill* .i KF l l , v H IM 1! Shoe« I lavina*«! and lh«*.l IIüIn

4 leaned and Wnrfced.m u ll. h ih h m i i m ; p i r m i k

I'nukieti Ihiildlng M»*«l Mbhig.in tienile

H o t e l K e r n sC A F E and C A FE T E R IA

Ballroom Private Dinners

TWO GOOD USED ESSE X 1, 1924 1. 1926

A Bargain for This Week. In ( « « M id Kondition,

liook Them Over


G R A D U A T E S ;( i.nimcniitralr Ik* Important E t n l of (iradualutn by Ha»-

Ing a I'holovraph of » u tttv ll.


Le C L E A R PHOTOGRAPH CO.I t o n u r Ornimi MM— I H u t BMf.

H t t i 1 MM..

faced .Individuals w i bene fit by it.

In conclusion. Mr t hat he w ill us** hi* vote to prevent fsiv. ing taken on the pr

Mr W a tk in s tak* th** churches shoub! the m ilita ry forc«*s of peine, stating * come -in his noticet«.' the arm y has except as a mean« <> homes, our women even our country

f rs ch u las- ith K .tiati liowing i ;m : iw v a l l e y m e e t .

onks and I'Vnk.-r of Kal "ssel and I>ull " ! Musk» rolan and Lew is of th

Ols. Versey of Musk» zoo, Youn

Ve f Kri

Mo Port« a rid

rand Itupbi Muskegon

l .K O C S l l l t K T \ l h "\T I M O '* M IO K F R

(C o n u m n s l f r r not thunder t»i have courage. ! auf state or city 1

w ill be a tine l ! *n tribu te some • i.ility and tittie ’ »at tins given youv to .... *'Th,* governor "»»


Lo v in g of Cass «ad l western are Ih trw it strong poM ibtlitie« t« distance runs hnve K : Rap ids South ; DeYout Rogers, Kalamaxoc* Zah linger. S u i t a * Crelger. Poo tiac: K ;. Kavanaugh and G rab w»»st»*rn and Lew ? -•*. Tech entered.

D ill and O ’Neil of B a tt le «'r»< «Jam.«on. K a la a itG rand Itapids So a ’h et. Ba to r and \Y dn possibilities ;n the broad ju m p find* F* zoo, H a rro l *»f Fliu* Turchoff o f r a m T - • 20 f»*et or be^t^r T»*ch; Johns«-»*8 cb rie r, Kalam ar* Sag inaw Eastern; nr- high jump, w ith M it «nd Pe ttle o f iV 'r- • Kalam azoo an ! *»- keeon favor'»**-« »• ••

The pr*-l!rr*'r - - 4 3») F r id a y af»*»mo als tak ing pla»»- > • a t 10 o ’clock.

Fo llo w in g tr- - w ith the numb» r 4

«’.‘n tm l I . iM rw it tro it W estern 7. it-- .-rn b. Detroit N- - *.■ ro lt W estern 4 ern I . H igh Ur:-! Par', tra l 23. G rand K

Muskegon I .Pontiac 15 Sagtr m aw A rth u r HU 1 ". Bedford 1

"go in public life tiof <o wast.* any 1 to serve tin- gov a .If. «I tie* «eli sa.I .lilt oln as a n e\a lotted in the servi.

won' * Iiim ' - II» ''


oi Varlrty A Gift Sh

w a r n s

KjmB loaalag. Ml»1

J. W. Edmonds SonsTRI M t* w t PINK M U T U I » IW M M

107 W uMnfUm A venne Sonili Innaing. Wfh,

Chita hi is bed 71 Tear#

\ | i It l i I'« » V T

1 1 1 !1 1 1 "

k iii| I li-


t s 0.4

pies, 1 It,.»» i"Vp..lies

- Hiiget! HI .»*1

\ It it I I P«» \ V. I o o :i «I •4 1» 1 j o «» «1 1 '1 '

Match Those Knickers With BLOND SHOES B LU E STIT« Il I»

rn » . I .\ T I> T

$4.95 \ t . $5.95

I.(Nil her ilcrU and limad Tihn

Itlack and Can Im».

Merrit & BaileyI I I ’ « Naartli Wanhlnfflon \ iraar

i p n t a ik n o u ;k h k %t m >

I '« " "I. "hits FI.««» r.dles I *»•» S|*‘"k ": Ii.»»> I big. I. 2• it « tr iKliH-bnum t 1. 4 luniiig«


Lansing Laundry■J I tin 1 ugs .»IT Bu s . I tu p iré «ir.M-.i

- I4Where the good work

comes from"


n w i o v a i r n c n m s h i m .

24-Hour Service214 A to M to ad


STUDENTS COMETo Eat at ̂ jM . S . C . R E S T A U R A N T