M learning

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  • 1.mLearning
    EDC3100-ICT & Pedagogy
    By Lachlan Dale

2. What is mLearning?
Learning using a portable electronic device.
Examples: iPod, iPhone, Nintendo DS, Netbook, iPad.
3. Why mLearning?
Without adapting the way you teach to the technology available students are at a great disadvantage.
MLearning allows for several theories of learning to be included in your lesson- Behaviourism, Constructivism and Social Constructivism.
A typical 21 year old has played 5000 hours of computer games; exchanged 25 000 email, SMS, and chat messages; used a cell phone some 10 000 times; and spent 3500 hours online. Thats your future consumer.(Lindstorm, 2006)
4. Advantages of using mLearning
Easily accessible, keep students engaged and can be used in many different learning situations.
Devices are very versatile with several functions.
Maths-calculator, convertor, time.
English-record oral presentations
History/Geography-research online/Google Earth
5. MLearning in Maths
Using apps for learning/homework.
Position studentsso they are easy to see to ensure they are on task.
6. Disadvantages
Limited battery life
Limited storage
Small screens
Wireless bandwidth can be limited
7. Legal/ethical considerations
Create a cyber-bullying lesson to prevent such acts occurring.
Filters on school internet to block inappropriate content (New South Wales Department of Education and Training, 2008).
Bullying often occurs when there is little or no supervision around (The facts, 2008).
8. Say YES to mLearning in education
MLearning can only help to increase students ability and enthusiasm to learn.
Using devices they find entertaining could allow students to enjoy learning.
Implementing the proper precautions will make this a safe and enjoyable strategy for teaching and learning.
9. References
12 Key Features the iPad Lacks. (2010). Retrieved March 20, 2011, from The Age: http://www.theage.com.au/digital-life/computers/12-key-features-the-ipad-lacks-20100128-n1ae.html
Advantages and Disadvantages of M-Learning. (2011). Retrieved March 29, 2011, from Pros and Cons of M-Learning: http://www.brighthub.com/education/online-learning/articles/36809.aspx
Cyber Bullying Protection.net. (2007). Retrieved March 24, 2011, from Cyber Bullying Protection.net: http://www.cyberbullyingprotection.net/
Finger, G., Russel, G., Jamieson-Proctor, R., & Russel, N. (2007). Transforming Learning with ICT. In G. Finger, G. Russel, R. Jamieson-Proctor, & N. Russel, Transforming Learning with ICT (pp. 118-119). French Forest: Pearson Education Australia.
HP Refurbished netbooks. (2010). Retrieved March 24, 2011, from Refurbished netbooks: http://refurbishednetbooks.org/hp-refurbished-netbooks/
Lindstorm, M. (2006). Life on the Edge With Generation Tomorrow. Retrieved April 3, 2011, from Clickz: http://www.clickz.com/clickz/column/1711546/life-edge-with-generation-tomorrow
10. References Continued...
New South Wales Department of Education and Training. (2008). Cyber-bullying and the protection of students. Retrieved March 25, 2011, from Cyber-bullying and the protection of students: http://www.schools.nsw.edu.au/media/downloads/schoolsweb/studentsupport/behaviourpgrms/antibullying/cyberbullying.pdf
Nintendo DS. (2007). Retrieved March 25, 2011, from Wikia: http://nintendo.wikia.com/wiki/Nintendo_DS
PC & Tech Authority. (2008). Retrieved march 25, 2011, from PC & Tech Authority: http://www.pcauthority.com.au/forums/yaf_postst8657_ReviewIpod-Nano-3rd-Generation.aspx
The facts. (2008). Retrieved April 5, 2011, from BULLYING. NO WAY!: http://www.bullyingnoway.com.au/chillout/facts.shtml
What is mLearning? (1998). Retrieved March 25, 2011, from Mobile learning is for everyone: http://www.m-learning.org/knowledge-centre/whatismlearning