Maasai of East Africa. Who are the Maasai? Tribal group of Eastern Africa Known for being hunters,...

Post on 06-Jan-2018

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Where do the Maasai live?


Maasai of East Africa

Who are the Maasai? Tribal group of Eastern Africa Known for being hunters, warriors, and herders

No longer hunt in most of Africa Are known to be fearless and helpful to animals and

all people The Maasai never engaged in slave trade and

have never taken conquered tribes for slaves (but they have displaced other tribes and taken their land)

Where do the Maasai live?

What is it like to be a Maasai? Separate male and female cultures Males are leaders and organized into groups

Young males must past a test to become men No official tribe leader or chief Have a spiritual leader Can have several wives

Females do most of the farming, childrearing, cooking AND building

Males carry small stools to sit on. Women are not allowed to sit anywhere other than the ground.

What do the Maasai look like? Dark skinned African people Usually thin and of medium height Some wear traditional Maasai clothing

and some wear more “Western” clothing Some cover faces with “ochre” to make

it more red in appearance Often wear a lot of red

What are we going to do? Maasai are known throughout African –

and the world- for making beautiful jewelry Make your own Maasai-inspired jewerly!