Machine Learning (CS 567) Lecture 7csci567/07-Decision-Trees.pdfFall 2008 1 Lecture 7 - Sofus A....

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Fall 2008 Lecture 7 - Sofus A. Macskassy1

Machine Learning (CS 567) Lecture 7

Fall 2008

Time: T-Th 5:00pm - 6:20pmLocation: GFS 118

Instructor: Sofus A. Macskassy ( SAL 216

Office hours: by appointment

Teaching assistant: Cheol Han ( SAL 229

Office hours: M 2-3pm, W 11-12

Class web page:

Fall 2008 Lecture 7 - Sofus A. Macskassy2

Administrative - Projects

• You should all be in a team by now.

• By next class, one of the team-members should send me and Cheol Han a list of the team-members and your pre-proposal.

• Pre-proposals deliverable, 1-2 paragraphs:– Team members

– Problem domain

– Learners you are considering

– Where you think you will get your data

– How you think you will evaluate your results

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Lecture 7 Outline

• Decision Trees, Part 2

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Choosing the Best Attribute (Method 2)

• Choose the attribute xj that has the highest mutual information with y.

• Define to be the expected remaining uncertainty about y after testing xj


I(xj; y) = H(y)¡X


P(xj = v)H(yjxj = v)

= argminj



P(xj = v)H(yjxj = v)


~J(j) =X


P (xj = v)H(yjxj = v)

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Choosing the Best Attribute (Method 2)


choose j to minimize ~Jj, computed as follows:

for v 2 f0;1g do

Sv := all hx; yi 2 S with xj = v;

pv := jSvj=jSj;nv := jSvj;nv;y := number of examples in Sv with class y;

pv;y := nv;y=nv probability of examples from class y in Sv;

H(yjxj = v) := ¡Py pv;y log pv;y;


~Jj := p0H(yjxj = 0)+ p1H(yjxj = 1)

ret u rn j

Fall 2008 Lecture 7 - Sofus A. Macskassy6

Non-Boolean Features

• Multiple discrete values

– Method 1: Construct multiway split

– Method 2: Test for one value versus all of the others

– Method 3: Group the values into two disjoint sets and test one set against the other

• Real-valued variables

– Test the variable against a threshold

• In all cases, mutual information can be computed to choose the best split

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Efficient Algorithm for Real-Valued Features

• To compute the best threshold j for attribute j– Sort the examples according to xij.

• Let be the smallest observed xij value

• Let n0L:=0 and n1L:=0 be the number of examples from class y=0 and y=1 such that xij <

• Let n0R := N0 and n1R := N1 be the number of examples from class y=0 and y=1 such that xij ¸

– Increase • Let yi be the class of the next instance

– if yi = 0, then n0L++ and n0R--

– else n1L++ and n1R--

• Compute J() from n0L , n1L , n0R , and n1R .

• Remember the smallest value of J and the corresponding

Fall 2008 Lecture 7 - Sofus A. Macskassy8

Real-Valued Features

• Mutual information of = 1.2 is 0.2294

yi 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1

xij 0.2 0.4 0.7 1.1 1.3 1.7 1.9 2.4 2.9

n0;L = 3 n0;R = 1

n1;L = 1 n1;R = 4

• Mutual information only needs to be computed at points between examples from different classes

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Handling Missing Values:Proportional Distribution

• Attach a weight wi to each example (xi,yi). – At the root of the tree, all examples have a weight of 1.0

• Modify all mutual information computations to use weights instead of counts

• When considering a test on attribute j, only consider those examples for which xij is not missing

• When splitting the examples on attribute j:– Let pL be the probability that a non-missing example is sent to the left

child and pR be the probability that it is sent to the right child– For each example (xi,yi) that is missing attribute j, send it to both

children. Send it to the left child with weight wi := wi ¢ pL and to the right child with weight wi := wi ¢ pR

• When classifying an example that is missing attribute j:– Send it down the left subtree. Let P(ŷL|x) be the resulting prediction– Send it down the right subtree. Let P(ŷR|x) be the resulting prediction– Return pL ¢ P(ŷL|x) + pR ¢ P(ŷR|x)

Fall 2008 Lecture 7 - Sofus A. Macskassy10

Handling Missing Values: Surrogate Splits

• Choose an attribute j and a splitting threshold jusing all examples for which xij is not missing– Let ui be a variable that is 0 if (xi,yi) is sent to the left

subtree and 1 if (xi,yi) is sent to the right subtree– For each remaining attribute q, find the splitting

threshold q that best predicts ui. Sort these by their predictive power and store them in node xj of the decision tree

• When classifying a new data point (x,y) that is missing xj, go through the list of surrogate splits until one (xq) is found that is not missing in x. Use xq and q to decide which child to send x to.

Fall 2008 Lecture 7 - Sofus A. Macskassy11

Handling Missing Values: Surrogate Splits








- -+




+ +

q=0 q=1



-- -

- -







Fall 2008 Lecture 7 - Sofus A. Macskassy12

Handling Missing Values: Surrogate Splits








- -+




+ +

q=0 q=1Attribute Accuracy

Outlook 11/13




-- -

- -







Fall 2008 Lecture 7 - Sofus A. Macskassy13

Handling Missing Values: Surrogate Splits








- -+




+ +

q=0 q=1Attribute Accuracy

Outlook 11/13

Temperature 9/13




-- -

- -







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Handling Missing Values: Surrogate Splits








- -+




+ +

q=0 q=1Attribute Accuracy Order

Outlook 11/13 2

Temperature 9/13 3

Wind 12/13 1




-- -

- -







Fall 2008 Lecture 7 - Sofus A. Macskassy15

Handling Missing Values: Surrogate Splits(Classifying new instance)






? ?

Attribute Accuracy Order

Outlook 11/13 2

Temperature 9/13 3

Wind 12/13 1

(Sunny,30F,?, ?)

(Sunny,30F,?, ?)

Fall 2008 Lecture 7 - Sofus A. Macskassy16

• Greedy heuristics cannot distinguish random noise from XOR x1 x2 x3 y

0 0 0 0

0 0 1 0

0 1 0 1

0 1 1 1

1 0 0 1

1 0 1 1

1 1 0 0

1 1 1 0

Issue(1): Failure of Greedy Approximation

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Issues (2): Accuracy

• Axis-aligned… not always the right model:

• Finding progressive splits is not guaranteed.

• Does not generalize very well.

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Issues (3): Missing Values

• Missing Values: Why does ―ignore attribute‖ work?

– Proportional split

• Problem: assumes independence among attributes.

– Infer value (from other attributes in instance)

• Problem: if we can infer value from other attributes, then this attribute is not informative, so why use it in the model?

– Ignore attribute (learn model without it)

• Problem: If the attribute is actually important to the concept, then we lose valuable information.

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Issue(4): Revisit Attributes?

• Revisit attributes—can we avoid revisiting attributes by making ―better‖ splits?

– No – this concept needs to split twice (in any given path) on both variables.

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Issue(5): Split on multiple attributes

• Can decision split points be on multiple attributes?

• Sure, but the search space becomes soo large that it quickly becomes intractable

• For example, consider n boolean features

– For groups of k attributes, we have 2k possible decision tests.

– We have k-choose-n groups of k.

• So, for each node in the tree, we need to test:

– For pairs, we get: O(22*n2) possible decisions to test.

– For triples, we get: O(23*n3) possible decisions to test.

– Each decision takes O(m) to calculate J(A), m=number of data points in the data set at that node.

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Decision Tree Summary

• Hypothesis Space

– variable size (contains all functions)

– deterministic

– discrete and continuous parameters

• Search Algorithm

– constructive search

– eager

– batch

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Summary so far

Criterion Perc Logistic LDA Trees

Mixed data no no no yes

Missing values no no yes yes

Outliers no yes no yes

Monotone transformations no no no yes

Scalability yes yes yes yes

Irrelevant inputs no no no somewhat

Linear combinations yes yes yes no

Interpretable yes yes yes yes

Accurate yes yes yes no