Macky Le’s POWERPOINT PRESENTATION. !Wardregens! Creatures from another World Presents:

Post on 13-Jan-2016

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Macky Le’sMacky Le’s


!Wardregens!!Wardregens!Creatures from another WorldCreatures from another World


Species: Homo Wardreglidenius

First sighted: November 07, 2005

A.k.a Wardregens

Origin: The Planet XIRienox 598

Wardregen studying Earth’s culture

Wardregen tower first sighted November 2, 2005


November 10, 2005

A Giant kitkat appeared in the brooks composite high school hallways.

Witnesses say that a wardregen was

Responsible for the strange phenomenon.

Incident #2: Going to far?

November 12, 2005

A 2001 honda cr-v had suddenly appeared within the BCHS School

Walls. witnesses saying that A wardregen

Was also responsble.


Scientists have found that

wardregens have been importing nuclear

shrubbery from their home


Case study: wardregen books?!

Wardregens reading books like humans do! (Left) “The aliens guide to france” (right) “Aliens & Fallen angels: The offspring of gods: The sexual corruption of the human race

Wardregen pets? Dangers to society?

Soon after the appearance of wardregens, other strange creatures have started appearing. Some say that these ferocious creatures are pets to wardregens.

ALIEN Scriptures!

Confiscated earlier today, a wardregen note was found. Translators infer that it specifies plans about world domination.

few words such as “chicken salad” had been successfully translated.

Mind control!?

Sources say Wardregens have resorted to mind control!

This form of alien mind control has caused the usually bright students of BCHs to:

-Sleep in class

-be tardy

-miss homework assignments

-and worse, skip class

Most officials believe that wardregen mind control is indeed responsible

Authoritative Action?Authoritative Action?

November 24, 2005 – An angry mob formed in front of the BCHS at 10: 45 am wanting the immediate removal of the wardregens

Wardregen Advisor speaks on the Wardregen Advisor speaks on the defense of wardregensdefense of wardregens

December 1, 2005

A conference was held to decide on the consequences of wardregen actions.

The wardregen council advisor had this to say: (Translated) “We meant no harm, we only meant for peaceful study of your taco planet”

A decision reached!A decision reached!

The earth council has reached their The earth council has reached their decision on the wardregen incidents:decision on the wardregen incidents:

Wardregens are to wrap up their Wardregens are to wrap up their Studies and peaceful pull out of the Studies and peaceful pull out of the

earth research projectearth research project

A short farewell to our outer A short farewell to our outer space counterpartsspace counterparts

December 13, December 13, 20052005

A small A small ceremony was ceremony was held in honor of held in honor of the the wardregen’s wardregen’s short time at short time at the BCHS.the BCHS.


Friends from

another world

““Wardregens: Creatures from Wardregens: Creatures from another world”another world”

Producer - Macky Le

Director - Macky le

Photographer - Macky Le

Text and editing – Macky Le

Photoshop pictures – macky le

PowerPoint – Macky Le

With special appearances of:

Tara Graham

Cailin Vaughan

Allison Paul

Mariam Cheema

Eldon Graham

Kristen holmes

Chelsea King

Hazuki Nanzaki

Crystal Hermawan

Friends of the human race…