Maddison - The information literacy challenge in public libraries in Wales (candidate logbook)

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Unit CCZ143: Information Literacy Level 3

Candidate Logbook

Candidate Name: Mark Antony Jones

Candidate Number:


Start Date: 16/11/12

Finish Date: 12/12/12

Assessor: Ceri Powell


In order to successfully complete this Unit, the candidate must carry out the specified practical tasks relating to Outcomes 1, 2, 3 and 4.

The tutor/assessor should fill in the topic and the date of completion against each search in the table below.

Search Topic Completion Date

Complex Search Kyffin Williams, artist

I certify that all the work detailed in this logbook has been carried out unaided by the candidate named above.

Signed:…………………………………………………………. Date:…………………….


The assessor should fill in the date of completion against each task in the table below.CompletionDate


Assessment Criteria

The learner will: The learner can:1.  Be able to identify

the information topic and develop a plan to gather the information required

a  Define the information topic required using mind-mapping, brainstorming or another technique.

b  Produce an action plan including tasks, steps, locations and timelines for how the information is to be gathered and identifying the specific information (criteria) required.

c Justify why the chosen approach has been adopted.

2.1, 2.2



2. Understand the advantages and limitations of a range of information sources.

a  Categorise available information sources including at least 2 different formats and at least 2 different mediums. Explain how each information source is organised and how it can be explored

b  Identify the features and characteristics of the information available in different types of information sources.

c Compare the different information sources.

1.1, 1.2



3. Understand how to gather required information and assess its relevance.

a  Search for information using multiple search criteria and combine keywords using techniques appropriate to the search engine and summarise why potential resources have been selected.

b  Assess how well information returned meets the criteria set in 1b.c  Review how the search criteria could be improved to find more suitable information,

assessing any gaps or new information needed and put in place action to gather the remaining information until criteria in 1b are fully met.

2.3, 3.1


3.3, 3.43.5, 4.5

4. Be able to communicate information gained according to purpose and audience.

a  Select and sort information and data by questions identified in 1.b and integrate with existing knowledge in a summarised format, using references and/or citation to acknowledge the information source.

b  Communicate findings in two appropriate formats for the audience to illustrate findings, show trends and/or make comparisons.

4.1, 4.24.3




Outcome 1: Be able to identify the information topic and develop a plan to gather the information required.

You must complete ALL sections to obtain a pass in Outcome 1

For outcome 1 you will need to do the following:

a  Define the information topic required using mind-mapping, brainstorming or another technique.

b  Produce an action plan including tasks, steps, locations and timelines for how the information is to be gathered and identifying the specific information (criteria) required.

c Justify why the chosen approach has been adopted.

1a Clarify information already known using mind-mapping, brainstorming or another technique

Task Techniques used Information gainedDefine the information question (topic)

Kyffin WilliamsKnowledge is limited.

Anything about Kyffin Williams

The student had googled basic bibliographic detail catalogue searched for more information on location of paintings of landscapes in Wales and prices at auction.

Questions in white boxes apply to all enquiries. The shaded questions will depend on the nature of the enquiry (use NA if not applicable).


1b Produce an action plan including tasks, steps, locations and timelines for how the information is to be gathered and identifying the specific information (criteria) required.

Information gainedDeadline 1 week

Information overload Basic information, biographical, information on paintings and Welsh landscape

Purpose Part of coursework - Access to Humanities Level 3 (Literature and Landscape – R S Thomas and Kyffin Williams)

Level 3

Support All carried out by library staff but the client was shown how to use the catalogue.

Who?Kyffin Williams

What?Any information, but in particular on his landscapes of Wales and where these might be viewed locally.

When?16/11/12 – week’s deadline. Williams’ dates are 1918 – 2006.

Where?The student was particularly interested in Williams’ Welsh landscapes – less so on his other art, eg his paintings of Venice. Paintings might be held in galleries outside Wales.

Why?Material for coursework.



1c Justify why the chosen approach has been adopted.Your approach Possible problems

Search engine for quick bibliographic and biographical info.

Catalogue search for books of landscapes.

Searched periodicals and local newspapers.

Availability of books of the landscape scenes for loan or time taken getting items from other libraries.Information overload.Dead links.Subjective blogs.


Outcome 2: Understand the advantages and limitations of a range of information sources.

You must complete ALL sections to obtain a pass in Outcome 2

For outcome 2 you will need to do the following:a  Categorise available information sources including at least 2 different formats and at least 2 different mediums. Explain how each

information source is organised and how it can be exploredb  Identify the features and characteristics of the information available in different types of information sources. c 

Compare the different information sources.

2a Categorise available information sources including at least 2 different formats and at least 2 different mediums.Information source

(Format eg people, books, journals, newspapers, audio visual, electronic)

MediaWhich different media is

this source available in eg online, hardcopy, audio


How is the source organised and how can it be searched?How the material is arranged eg parts, volumes, issues?

How can it be searched eg electronically, index, word search etc

Search Engine Online Keyword search, electronic

Search Engine Online Keyword search, electronic

Newspaper article, journals, periodicals etc Newsbank, etabloid Keyword database search done via ATHENS

Book – via searchable catalogue Hard copy Index, contents


Complete the following table for each source listed in 2a x 4 ONLINE SEARCH BBC Wales Online – general information

2b Identify the features and characteristics of the information available in different types of information sources.Task Your approach Information gained

FocusIs the information broad or narrow

The initial information ‘given’ was narrow; it required a basic keyword or simple Boolean search.

The initial request for Kyffin Willams life history. Detail was found quickly: birth, death, places of study and lists of works.

DynamicIs the information changing or static

The information needs are dynamic. Client now wants information on works which can be viewed locally and which are of the Welsh landscape..

Another simple keyword search using a search engine - provided good links eg Oriel Ynys Mon and Royal Cambrian Academy. Basic information but useful links.

ComplexityIs the information based on a single topic or inter-related subjects

The information is based on the single topic, Kyffin Williams and his works, specifically Welsh landscapes.

The website found contained enough relevant information for the complexity required – general biographic detail..

MediaIs the information provided in print, electronic or audio visual format

Electronic, online search engine. Electronic. Last updated October 2009.



2b Identify the features and characteristics of the information available in different types of information sources. BOOKTask Your approach Information gained

FocusIs the information broad or narrow

I searched the library catalogue and found the Kyffin Williams autobiography, which holds an expansive range of information. Other books are also available.

The information covers in detail his life history, education, interests, paintings and travels.

DynamicIs the information changing or static

The information itself is dynamic and becoming more detailed.

More detail about his life and especially his thoughts on the local area where he lived and painted.

ComplexityIs the information based on a single topic or inter-related subjects

The information is based on the single topic, Kyffin Williams and his works, specifically landscapes

The autobiography ‘The Wilder Sky’ has opened a wide variety of areas in Kyffin Williams’s life that the client would be able to use when his project is expanded!

MediaIs the information provided in print, electronic or audio visual format

Hardcopy book located using the Talis catalogue.

The book was available and on the shelves and contained more than enough information for the enquiry. Other titles were available.

2b Identify the features and characteristics of the information available in different types of information sources. WEBSITES

Task Your approach Information gainedFocusIs the information broad or narrow

The information given was very wide – general biographic information and critical study of the paintings. This can be narrowed down to the Welsh landscapes and biographical information.

I found the most relevant websites to Kyffin Williams art on local display. The enquiry was for biographic information and local displays of Welsh landscapes, so not all information gained was relevant.

DynamicIs the information changing or static

The information was static but, due to the results, local information was found.

Some information gained – prices of paintings sold at auction, temporary exhibitions, new critical studies of the paintings, critical views.

ComplexityIs the information based on a single topic or inter-related subjects

Information is general but can be related eg to Welsh art, landscape in art, Welsh Writing in English.

Deatails of forthcoming exhibitions; details of KW blog at National library of Wales.

MediaIs the information provided in print, electronic or audio visual format

The information is in electronic form. Electronic. Some PDFs available to be printed, eg a catalogue.


2b Identify the features and characteristics of the information available in different types of information sources. NEWSPAPER ARTICLES

Task Your approach Information gainedFocusIs the information broad or narrow

The information given was very wide – general biographic information and critical study of the paintings. This can be narrowed down to the Welsh landscapes and biographical information.

I found the most relevant websites to Kyffin Williams art on local display. The enquiry was for biographic information and local displays of Welsh landscapes, so not all information gained was relevant.

DynamicIs the information changing or static

The information was dynamic as articles are added daily.

Some new information gained – prices of paintings sold at auction, temporary exhibitions, new critical studies of the paintings, critical views.

ComplexityIs the information based on a single topic or inter-related subjects

Information is general but can be related eg to Welsh art, landscape in art, Welsh Writing in English.

Article chosen personal evaluation of KW based on personal experience. Discusses his artistic technique and manifesto on painting Welsh landscapes. Many articles available from this source..

MediaIs the information provided in print, electronic or audio visual format

The information is in electronic form. Electronic on Newsbank but can be printed off.


Complete the following table for each source listed in 2a (Search Engine) x 4 sources

2c Compare the different information sources.Task BBC


Your approach Effectiveness assessment

Currency BBC Arts Website is updated often.Wales Online page for Kyffin Williams was last updated July 2011.

Although the BBC page was last updated in 2009, it held was as up to date as required, as he died in 2006.The Wales Online information was recent enough for the enquiry.The books found in the catalogue were of recent date and contained many illustrations.

Validity Information gained was checked with the user to see if it was what they required.

Due to personal knowledge and frequent use of the BBC website as a valid source, I was able to obtain what the client wanted.

Reliability Cooperation known for its reliability was chosen as a source for the information required. Wales Online is powered by the Western Mail and businesses in Wales and seems to be reliable. The websites

Again, the fact that the BBC is well known for its research the chances of unreliability were low. The links were up to date.

Authority The BBC is noted for its authority on most subjects and uses the knowledge of professionals.Wales online covers news throughout Wales and has access to authorities in different fields.

Knowing that the BBC is well known for its authority led me to believe this was a good source for information required. The authority for Wales Online was good enough for the level required. The Wales Online conforms to the newspapers voluntary code of practice administered by the press complaints commission; sources should be reliable! Due to this website being run by the Western Mail and the South Wales Echo, amongst others, I would regard the Wales Online information to be trusted by most users and search engines.


Sufficiency The client was asked how much material he required. As a start, printouts from the websites were sufficient.

Although the client was happy with the information gained, once I had explained that they could access a book and e-resources it was decided that material from these sources would add to the reliability and sufficiency of the material.

Relevance By using keywords given I was able to utilise search techniques, such as using quotes, intext: commands and related search tools to gather relevant information.

The basic search strategy was enough to bring up relevant information but, by showing the client how to use advanced strategies, she was able to go away find more relevant information by refining her search and widening it beyond Google and Wikipedia.

Bias The nature of the query denoted to me that bias shouldn’t be an issue with the request of biographic information..

The material I found on the website didn’t show any bias, as in, no partiality, preference or prejudice was found. This could have been cross referenced with other websites and books.



Your approach Effectiveness assessment

Currency I was lucky to find information that was relatively current without searching by dates. These websites, in particular Oriel Ynys Mon, are regularly updated, eg with exhibition dates.

The websites I used were updated daily. They had good links.

Validity Information gained was checked with the user to see if it was what they required.

The client was happy that she could view paintings at Oriel Ynys Mon and the Royal Cambrian Academy. The biographic material on the Oriel Ynys Mon website was authoritative.

Reliability The Oriel Ynys Mon website was originally approved by KW and is updated by KW specialists. The National Library of Wales and the Royal Cambrian Academy are national organisations.

Personal knowledge.

Authority I chose the websites because they are well-known and trusted website and were one of the top hits when searching Google. The newspaper/journal articles were of local provenance.

Oriel Ynys Mon is staffed by KW experts who contribute to the website.

Sufficiency When I showed the client the website he said he was happy with the amount of information found.

The biographic and bibliographic information was sufficient for Level 3, and the locations of local paintings could be checked with the two galleries.

Relevance By using keywords given I was able to utilise search techniques, such as using quotes, intext: commands and related search tools to gather relevant information.

The search strategies I showed the client was good enough to find relevant information for her requirements.


Bias The nature of the query denoted to me that bias shouldn’t be an issue with the request. Some websites can express opinions on the paintings.

The material I found on the websites didn’t show any bias; no partiality, preference or prejudice was found.

2c Compare the different information sources. NEWSBANK

Task Your approach Effectiveness assessmentCurrency Newsbank searches can be filtered by relevance

or publication date.Since KW died in 2009; the search was mostly aimed at relevance. Although the client found some of the latest new articles useful, as in, reviews by art critics and exhibitions.

Validity Information gained was checked with the user to see if it was what they required.

The information accurately reflected what the client required and could be cross referenced with the material found in the different types of newspapers.

Reliability Newsbank was chosen for its reliability, in that, you are able to search high quality newspapers, as well as the tabloids.

Looking at the source of the information and the varieties of newspapers available, we can assume the material to be dependable and trustworthy. This can be seen when the information in the local Welsh newspapers is reflected in the national broadsheets.

Authority Newsbank covers the majority of the UK’s newspapers, some of whom are noted for their authority in the arts, which is why I chose this resource.

The material found covered a wide range of newspapers that have well known art critics working for them, who had plenty to say about Kyffin Williams but we found enough material in the Western Mail.

Sufficiency I showed the client a number of results which she said would be enough from this particular resource.

Although the client was happy with the amount of material presented, I showed her how to save his searches in case she should change is mind and needed to go back to the results.


Relevance To gather relevant information I altered the search results from publication dates to relevance.

Having spoken to the client and explained that I could show her how to filter the results by relevance instead of date; that this would include information going back years, but she said that the age of the material wasn’t of real concern.

Bias Bias wasn’t an issue, as we were looking for basic information that covered simple biographical detail.

The nature of the information request suggested to me that it didn’t require the level of evaluation that, for example, an in-depth political or philosophical enquiry would need.


2c Your approach Effectiveness assessmentCurrency


It was put to the client that the book was printed in 1996 and didn’t cover the last ten years of his life.

Although it didn’t take us up to his death, the client found the book extremely informative and what he couldn’t gain from his later years he had available in the form of the information given to him in the printouts and Newsbank.

Validity I searched the library catalogue to find a Kyffin Williams book that covered his landscapes, which unearthed his autobiography. I showed the details of the book to the client who thought it valid for his needs.

It wasn’t difficult to find a valid source in book, as the library has a well-stocked art section that happened to include a book of Welsh landscapes, which the client found suitable for his needs.

Reliability The Wilder Sky was chosen as a reliable source because it is written by the author himself.

The information taken from this book can be taken as reliable, as it is an autobiography. Also it is well known and reviews can be found in newpaper, journal articles and online.

Authority The nature of the book, being an autobiography of an artist, makes it an authority on the artist as author.

Kyffin Williams is well known authority in his field. Searching library catalogues or the internet will bring up more than enough information to vouch for his reputation.

Sufficiency The client was shown the result of the catalogue search and I was fortunate enough to come across the autobiography.

The autobiography was more than sufficient in regard to the amount required.

Relevance Searching for Kyffin Williams on the catalogue resulted in a few relevant books.

To create an effective and relevant search I could have used the advanced search option on the Library catalogue to narrow the results to autobiography, landscape or portraits.


Bias The level of information required leads me to believe that bias shouldn’t be an issue with this autobiography.

If the client wanted to extract more detail, possibly opinions on another artist, then he would have to be aware of bias and possibly cross referencing with other material


Outcome 3.  Understand how to gather required information and assess its relevance.

You must complete ALL sections to obtain a pass in Outcome 3.For outcome 3 you will need to do the following:

a  Search for information using multiple search criteria and combine keywords using techniques appropriate to the search engine and summarise why potential resources have been selected.

b  Assess how well information returned meets the criteria set in 1b.

c  Review how the search criteria could be improved to find more suitable information, assessing any gaps or new information needed and put in place action to gather the remaining information until criteria in 1b are fully met.

3a  Search for information using multiple search criteria and combine keywords using techniques appropriate to the search engine and summarise why potential resources have been selected.

Information sources (resource not search tool).

How and why was this source selected?

I took keywords from the conversation with the client and put them in inverted commas to refine the search: "Kyffin Williams" "biography.” This resource is well known for the quality of its content and the research into the material held on the website.

Oriel Ynys Mon website

Personal knowledge – I knew this was a major source of information for Kyffin Williams and the authoritative source, endorsed by the artist himself. It also took me to the Royal Cambrian Academy and the National Library of Wales.

Newsbank – Electronic newspaper Resource

This resource was chosen because you can search UK Newspapers in one go or, select countries or the papers individually. It was ideal for searching local newspapers for news on local exhibitions and related articles. It is a very quick way of gathering information and it’s easy to filter searches by keyword, title, caption and date. I used the keywords Kyffin Williams along with, exhibitions, auctions, paintings and landscapes. There were numerous hits.


Book – The Wilder Sky, searched for using Linc y Gogledd.

I used the local library catalogue, using the keywords Kyffin Williams. A further refinement wasn’t necessary, as the initial search brought up the autobiography. The client was more than happy with the book as it covered the information she was looking for – when and where he was born, what and who influenced him etc. Other books were available including an excellent catalogue.

3b Assess how well information returned meets the criteria set in 1bCriteria How well did the information gained meet this criteria (state NA if that criteria is

not applicableDeadline All the information was found during the interview process.

Information overload Although the initial internet search was enough, during the interview process and explanation of the resources available, the client was more than interested in digging a little deeper and expanding on the searches. No other libraries have been contacted, but Oriel Ynys Mon were and said they were happy to help. They had curators who had personally known Sir Kyffin.

Purpose The information covered everything the client required to complete her assignment. By showing the client how to use Newsbank she was able to save searches that could be used in the future. She was shown how to search the Linc y Gogledd catalogue.

Support I spent several hours (at different times) on the enquiry. I showed the student how to access the catalogue and Newsbank via Athens.

Who?I found out his birth, death, where he grew up, education and his lifelong influences.

What?In regard to his Welsh landscapes, the autobiography had detail of Snowdonia and how the landscape and light influenced his style of painting.

When?The Walesonline website was a good choice for finding the latest prices at auction, as was Newsbank with its article on recently found drawings and what they went for at auction. KW’s dates were 1918 – 2006 but I did look at information published after his death.N/A - although looking specifically at Welsh landscapes and paintings held locally.



Why?N/A –m although possible the autobiography explained his decision to paint Welsh landscapes.

How?N/A – although the newspaper article explained his painting techniques.

3c Review how the search criteria could be improved to find more suitable information, assessing any gaps or new information needed and put in place action to gather the remaining information until criteria in 1b are fully met.

Your approach Suggested amendments to search strategy (and why)


The main issue with gathering the information was that the client knew virtually nothing about Kyffin Williams, apart from the fact that he was a Welsh painter. I asked for any ideas he could give me from the assignment that she was given, which related Kyffin’s paintings to the poetry of R s Thomas.

From this point I needed to find some basic biographical information from a reliable source as a start, from where I could suggest other reliable sources that could be referenced, such as Newsbank and then the autobiography.

The enquiry was then directed towards landscapes, which was covered in Newsbank and Walesonline , although a book of his landscapes was identified for loan during the initial catalogue search.

If I wanted to refine my search further, resulting possibly in peer reviewed works, I could have used the following techniques:

“Kyffin Williams” “biography” “landscapes” . I could have then used these terms in the advanced search option and filtered by file type, which may have resulted in journal and scholarly articles.

Instead of Newsbank, I could have used Infotrac , using keyword, subject and advanced searches to find relevant material. In the process I could have quickly shown the client how to cite the material and save articles and searches.

In regard to the catalogue search, I could have searched all the libraries in North Wales using the Linc y Gogledd catalogue. The advanced search option could have been used to pick out biographies, landscapes and portraits; this could be used in the future if the client would like to go into more detail.

Outcome 4. 

Be able to communicate information gained according to purpose and audience.

You must complete ALL sections to obtain a pass in Outcome 4.

a  Select and sort information and data by questions identified in 1.b and integrate with existing knowledge in a 21

summarised format, using references and/or citation to acknowledge the information source.b  Communicate findings in two appropriate formats for the audience to illustrate findings, show trends and/or make


4a Select and sort information and data by questions identified in 1.b and integrate with existing knowledge in a summarised format, using references and/or citation to acknowledge the information source.Information Citation/ReferenceBasic information on Kyffin Williams. Includes a biography and links.

BBC. 2009. Kyffin Williams. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 23 November 12]

Information on Williams’s paintings. Accessed 16th November 2012.

One of the articles saved as part of a search using the electronic resource Newsbank‘The Western Mail (2011), In Kyffin’s Footsteps’, Friday January 11, p. 9. Accessed 23rd November 2012. Many articles are available. This is written by someone with personal knowledge of Sir Kyffin, discusses his artistic technique, and his Welsh landscapes with particular reference to Ynys Mon.


The autobiography was identified while showing the client how to use the library catalogue.

WILLIAMS, K. (2006). A Wider Sky. Llandysul, Gwasg Gomer.


Attach a copy of your results for presentation to the user 4b Communicate findings in two appropriate formats for the audience to illustrate findings, show trends and/or make comparisons.The client was given a printout of the BBC, Oriel Ynys Mon, Royal Cambrian Academy and Wales Online webpages because she asked for copies to refer to in his assignment and to use as references.

In regard to Newsbank, she was given a username and password and shown how to search for information on ATHENS. She was then able to save articles and print material if he so wished.

The client was shown how to use the catalogue and chose the autobiography, which she then took out on loan.

The communication was verbal, with some information passed via email.