Magazine Analysis

Post on 30-Nov-2014

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Magazine Analysis

Laura Dos Anjos

The Mast head shows the title of the magazine which shows that the magazine is about what will be on the television and the media hype surrounding it. The text is half serif and Sans Serif. This is to emphasise the word ‘buzz’ to show that it has all the latest television information.

Main Cover Line to advertise the main TV story containing and popular TV Drama. Written in Sans Serif.

The main image of an actor from the TV show. The actor is showing direct address and the clothes the actor has been dressed in matches the colour scheme of the magazine.

A Monochromatic blue colour scheme is used. This gives the magazine a more sophisticated look. It also makes the magazine look more professional and expensive

Sub cover Lines to advertise other stories that are not as big as the Main Cover Line. Written in Sans Serif for a less formal look. The text colour follows the colour scheme.

Date to inform the audience when the magazine was published.

A pug is used which is designed to look like it was stuck on after printing. Used to draw the audiences attention to a piece of information that might cause the reader to buy the magazine.

Sell line to advertise parts of the magazine that may convince people to buy it more. Written in Sans Serif.

Main Coverline description to show the reader what to expect from the story. Written in Serif to give the magazine a more formal look.

Use of synergy to create more advertising and publicity for the company as this magazine is an add on of that newspaper.

Footer to emphasise that the magazine is the ‘biggest and best’ to attract readers. It also shows that the magazine is ‘free’ which is an incentive to get the magazine.

Masthead that stands for New Musical Express which shows that the magazine is all about music that is new and up to date. It is written in Sans Serif to give it a less formal look.

Main Cover Story to attract the reader and convince them to buy the magazine. Written in Sans Serif for a less formal look.

Barcode hidden in small in the bottom corner so that it does not interfere with the main image and cover stories on the front cover.

Yellow and Blue complementary colour scheme. Both calm colours which reflect the type of music the magazine contains.

Model on cover to accompany Main Story Line showing direct address. Shows Laura Mulvey’s idea of the ‘Male Gaze’ as it portrays woman as a sex symbol.

Sub Cover Stories to advertise other articles the audience many find interesting. These stories will not be as important or as aimed at the target audience as the Main Cover Line.

Bands featured in the magazine to show the audience what type of music would be in the magazine.

Date and price written in small print as it is necessary but not as important as other components such as the cover line. Some may consider the magazine to be expensive so they write the price in small.

Extreme quote taken from the interview to make the reader want to purchase the magazine and read the interview.

Bands in blue to draw the audiences attention to them. They show the type of music the magazine contains.

Loaded language as it attracts males (Male Gaze) and matches Cover Model.

Masthead of Kerrang is onomatopoeia for the sound of a guitar. The masthead also looks shattered showing that the magazine is about loud music. Written in Sans Serif to make it less formal.

Bar Code with issue number and price tucked into the corner so that it does not interfere with the overall design of the front cover.

Light from behind gives the model a halo outline which makes them stand out. The model is not showing direct address which is showing the artist lost in their music.

Sub Cover Lines that show other stories that would attract the audience but not as much as the main cover Line.

A pug made to look like it has been stuck on the page after it was printed. Draws readers attention to the extra content contained in the issue.

Footer used to give the impression that the magazine contains lots of content.

Main Cover Line to attract the core target audience. Largest text to show that it is the most important and attract attention. Written in Sand Serif to make it less formal

Header to show what else the magazine is offering that would attract a certain type of reader. Also has a small picture attached as a kind of sneak preview.

A competition shown as a page ripped from a notebook. Bright yellow to draw the readers attention to the face you can win things therefore advertising the magazine more.

A second pug is used to make it look like there is a extensive amount of content contained.

Banner made to look like it was tape stuck on after printing. Emphasises exclusivity of information which is an incentive for purchase.

This magazine fits the genre because it is about loud heavy music and that is reflected in the cover. The text is capitalised to make it look like someone shouting and the masthead has the appearance of being shattered..

Masthead shows that is is a magazine containing different and ‘Indie’ music as ‘Q’ is an irregular title. It is written in a Serif font to give it a more formal look.

Main Cover Line shows the main feature story that will most likely attract the viewer and convince them to buy the magazine. Written in Sans Serif for a less formal font.

Main Image to accompany the cover story. Laura Mulvey’s theory of the ‘Male Gaze’ shows that people are more likely to buy the magazine as there is a half naked attractive woman on the front.

A Pug is used to show more content that is included in the magazine. This may convince the reader to buy the magazine and give them further insight as to what they will find within the magazine.

A barcode is used to indicate price. However, it is tucked in the corner so that it does not interfere with the main conventions.

Sub Cover lines to show other content the magazine features and the readers would like to know about but are not as big or important as the Main Cover Line. Sans Serif is used to give the text a less formal look.

A footer that shows extra information about what’s contained in the magazine. This gives the impression that the magazine has lots of content contained inside.

Buzz Word is denoted in red to draw the readers attention. The word in red is ‘exclusive’. This gives the reader an incentive to buy the magazine.

This magazine would be slightly more expensive due to it’s formal look and is aimed at the Indie music Genre.

Date used to show the audience when the issue if from.

Main colour scheme is Red and Blue. This shows that a complementary colour scheme has been used.

The jaguars emphasise the point on the cover that that model is a ‘sexy beast’ and ‘wicked’. It also shows that the model is ‘wild’.

Q is aimed at the pop/indie genre. It matches this genre by having a fairly sophisticated layout.

A basic colour scheme is used to make it easy on the eyes.

The contents is arranged into three main columns following the rule of thirds.

The main story is in the centre. Accompanied by a main image to draw the readers attention.

There is a deal for a magazine subscription in the centre bottom. It is in black to contrast with the rest of the page and draw attention to it.

Page numbers and their linking stories are in different colours to make them stand out to the reader.

The different section titles are black with white writing to make them contrast and stand out to the reader.

Buzz word ‘Plus’ is used to draw attention to extra content the reader may want to know about.

The masthead is in large capital letters and shows contrast in the text and background. It also has the logog which means that it is constant brand recognition.

There are credits of photographers written in small so that they do not interfere with the design yet they are still mentioned.

The contents summary follows the general rule of contents. The page number is followed by the article title and a quick summary of the contents.

A large red arrow is used to show the reader extra content that they may want to know about.

There is a list of musicians used to show the audience what bands artists are in the magazine at a quick glance. It also shows the audience where to find their favorite artist without having to look through the whole magazine.

The date of the issue to inform the reader when the issue was published.

Masthead in large black letters that attract the readers attention. Constantly reminds the reader that they are readin Vogue. Used as brand recognition.

Date to inform the reader when the issue was published.

List of content that was advertised on the cover. This makes it easier for the reader to find the content that they purchased the magazine for.

Model to accompany the main story. Model shows indirect address and is wearing clothing that would be considered ‘fashionable’ at that point in time This represents her as an idea of beauty. Especially when you take into account her stance.

Deal for a subscription. Placed on page that everyone will see to maximise the amount of people that take part in the offer.

Contents is sorted into sections to make it easier for the audience to read. Each section is headed clearly with a bright read title.

Page numbers indicate where to find different articles at a quick glance for ease of access.

The black, red and white colour scheme is easy on the eyes of the audience. This makes it easy to read.

The page is split into four columns. All containing writing. This makes the page well structured and easy to understand. It even has the property of making it simpler to find information.

Contrasting white numbers on a grey background clearly show where to find the article that corresponds with the main story.

The idea of Laura Mulvey’s male gaze is used here. The magazine. States ideas such as beauty tips and accompanies it with a picture of a beautiful woman. Therefore women buy the magazine to become the woman that they can see.

The different colours of the image and the list of contents background make the image stand out.

Masthead in white text against a black background. Contrast draws the audiences attention and shows them what page they’re on.

Logo gives constant brand recognition.

Date and issue number show the audience when the magazine was published and which issue it is.

Website show the audience where to go to find more about the magazine and it’s content.

Main story to show the reader the main article and give them a sneak peak of what to expect. It also shows the page number for reference.

A list of music and artists that have been reviewed that week. Gives the reader a quick summary of what to expect and where to find it.

Contents have a bold title to stand out; Red number to make the page clear and a short description of what the article is about. The black and red make the whole piece easier for the audience to read.

Page follows the rule of thirds. The left side is a column of writing. The middle column contains images and the third column is images and writing.

Red and black colour scheme makes the page easy on the audiences eye. They are also complementary colours which makes the page look appealing.

Buzz word ‘special’ is used to give the audience an incentive to buy the magazine.

Main image. Not all models show direct address. This is unusual as there is only one that is showing indirect address whereas there are three showing direct address.

Content split into sections. This makes it easier for the audience to quickly find what they are looking for.

Sub image used to advertise articles that may appeal to the audience but that may not be as big or important as the main story.

Yellow masthead contrasts with the black background to draw the audiences attention.

Titles of different magazine sections match the masthead and also attract attention.

Letter from the editor along with a past issue front cover. Outlines what is distinctive about the issue. Finished with a signature to make the writing more personal..

Main image that matches the main cover story on the front page. Largest to draw audiences attention. Has corresponding page number to direct reader.

Sub images that would appeal to the reader but are not as interesting as the main story. Therefore the pictures are smaller. All accompanied by page numbers. This directs the audience to relevant pages so they don’t have to look through the whole magazine.

Subscription offer in a different colour to the rest of the contents page. Thiis draws the audiences attention and convinces them to purchase the subscription.

List of contents all organized into relevant sections. Informs the audience which page to turn to.

Extreme quote taken from an interview to attract the readers attention and give them incentive to buy the magazine.

Date and issue number to inform the audience when the issue was published and how many magazines had been published before this issue.

This contents does not follow the usual rule of thirds. Instead it is split into four parts. Three columns of images and a coloumn of text.

The colour scheme is a basic yellow black and white. This allows key features to stand out but keep it easy on the audiences eyes.

Sub images use no bright or hard colours to keep the images blending with the page.

Drop cap to accentuate the beginning of the article.

The page is divided into two columns. This makes it easy to read whilst allowing the page to look structured and contain lots on content.

The white writing on a black background makes it easy for the audience to read as the colours contrast eachoother.

Buzz word ‘exclusive’ gives the reader an incentive to buy the magazine. A red background with white writing accentuated with black dots means that it is sure to draw the audiences eye.

Main image of the artist during a performance. The artist appears to be fully engaged in their music. This shows the audience the quality of the music as they are not paying attention to anything other than the sound they are creating.

Sub images that show the artists making and recording their music. The sub images lead to the main image and show you the process of how the artist got there. It makes the whole article feel slightly more personal.

The black white and red colour scheme matches the genre of music. The gene of music is rock which can be loud and somewhat dark. This matches the black ad white photos perfectly. Particularly when you take into account the red writing.

Artist in bold to highlight which band the article is about.

Extreme quote taken from the interview to draw the readers attention straight away. Contrasting colours, capital letters and large text help achieve this.

Quote ‘bleeds’ across the centre line to show that this is a double page spread.

Drop cap to emphasize the beginning of the paragraphs.

The page is divided into three columns. This allows a maximum amount of content whilst keeping it easy to read for the audience to read.

Website to show the audience where to go to find extra information and content.

Logo used to achieve constant brand recognition.

Artist name to shw what the article is about at a quick glance. The word ‘Lady’ in italics to show how feminine and fragile she is whilst ‘Gaga’ is in capitals to indicate how big and famous the artist is.

A large red L stands for Lady Gaga. The contrasting colour and the way it stands out shows how Lady Gaga is an individual who stands out from the crowd..

Page number to inform the audience which page they are on so that they can find content easier. .

Main image to accompany the article denotes a model showing direct address. The model is in black and white giving it a more classy and elegant feel.

The text is written in a small size to fit in the most information possible.

There is consistent colour in this spread. This adds to the look of sophistication and professionalism shown.

The text fits the target audience. Intellectually worded yet still easy to read. This allows the audience to connect with the piece of writing.

The article contents and the picture match. This shows that even though there is no ‘bleeding’ this is still a double page spread.

Drop Cap used to highlight the beginning of the article.

The page is divided into three columns. This allows a maximum amount of content whilst keeping it easy to read for the audience.

Artist in white to draw the audiences attention to the purpose of the article.

Main image to accompany the article. Presumably from a photo shoot. The rest of the photos are likely to be found on the magazines website. The models show indirect address.

Short and snappy masthead to draw attention to the article.

Artists name to show readers which artist the article. Located at the top as that is the most likely to place it will be seen as a reader flicks through the pages.

Page number. To inform the reader which page they are on and allow them to reference pages from the contents.

Quote drawn from the interview that may interest readers. The quote would be used to attract attention and then convince the reader the article was interesting and worth reading.

Introductory section to draw the readers attention. Once the readers attention is drawn to an article it needs a solid, interesting introduction in order for them to keep reading until the end.

Credit for photographer and writer. Shows who wrote the article and took the photos. Can advertise the writer and photographer. Could also make the article more popular if it is written or photographer for by a well respected person.

There is consistent colour throughout the spread giving it a professional look.

Masthead. Lower case lettering. Tucked away in the corner on a light background shows that it’s not as important as other parts or the page. The text is written in Serif to give the whole page an elegant and sophisticated look.

Description in white writing against a pale background showing how it is not an important convention in this double page spread. Written in a soft Sans Serif font. This allows the text to look informal and elegant at the same time.

Black writing on a white background so that the writing stands out. Small writing so that it does not interfere with the main image. The writing must stand out as it gives details about the items being sold in the photograph. Price, shop etc.

The predominant part of the double page spread is an image. The image is light and contains a ‘happy family’. The clothes are clear on display. The whole point of the image is to sell the idea of the ‘perfect family’. The thought that if you have those clothes then your family can be like that and you can be just as happy as the people in the picture. None of the models show direct address. This is due to the fact that the image is supposed to look like it is a photo taken of an unsuspecting family. To achieve this the photo is not supposed to look posed.

You can clearly see the difference between a music magazine and a fashion magazine. A music magazine is all about the artist and information whereas a fashion magazine is about trying to sell the product.

Picture ‘bleeds’ across page to indicate that this is a double page spread.