Magazine Double spead page textual analysis media studies

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Double Spread Page Analysis

Drop Capital

Pull Quote


Body Text

Anchoring Image

Anchoring Text/Star name

Page number

Sub title


In-depth AnalysisThe Double spread page of this magazine features Carrie Underwood who is a country singer and actress and winner of American idol season 5. The Main image is a Close up and the model is standing sideways and making eye contact with the camera to give the audience a more welcoming look. The flaw in the main image is that part of the head of the model is out of the frame and it looks quite unprofessional that a part of the model’s head is cut.The main image is set on a plain grey background which shows that the emphasize is on the model hence to make the model more visible.

Main Image

Anchoring text/Star name

The Title of the double spread page or the Anchoring text is the Star name of the model “Carrie Underwood” and a accompanying line “My inspiration”.

The Typeface of the Star name is slightly different than the accompanying line. It is in a larger font and in Light golden color to create contrast with the other line and to show the emphasize that has been made on the Star Name. The accompanying line gives us an overview of what the double spread page article is about. The contrasting color scheme also shows the color theme that has been used in the double page spread as we will see ahead.

Pull Quote/ Subtitle

A Subtitle is present above the column article, it actually is a Pull quote as well, which means that it has a dual purpose. A pull quote is something that is pulled out and is quoted by the person on whom the double spread page article is about. It also shows a glimpse about what the column article is about.

Drop Capital

A most common convention of the double spread page is the Drop Capital. It is the first letter of the first word of the article and is in a larger font and a different color to attract the eye and to mark the beginning of the main column article, in this case the color is Golden while the rest of the text is in white which follows the color scheme of the double spread page.

Body Article/Columns/Separator

The body article is divided into two columns by a separator, this gives the article a better look and makes it easier for the reader to read. This relates to the main image as it explains about what the main image is about. In this case the column article is about Carrie Underwood, about music as her inspiration and how it was her last resort.


Drop Capital

Body Article/Columns


Page number

Page number

Article image/Anchoring image

LogoAnchoring text Strap line

Main image

The main image of this double page spread is taken as a Long shot of the subject(in this case the dragster) with plenty of head room left for the Column article and the Anchoring text to take place. The background given is quite dark and smoky, This is because the lighting is from right above the vehicle which highlights the car only and leaves the surrounding dark. It can further be seen that the shadows are present under the car which gives us proof that the lights are placed right above the vehicle. This technique gives the image a more attractive and professional look where as at the same time it highlights the stunning Allard Dragster which is featuring the double spread page.

Anchoring textThe Anchoring text of the highlighted image is written in Capital letters and in white font except for the words “ALLARD

DRAGSTER” which are in Red because they represent solely the Vehicle in the main image, so to show its importance the Typeface has been changed so that it catches the eye and creates contrast in the anchoring text.


The strapline is present above the Anchoring text. It is written in a relatively smaller font size

to increase the importance of the main Anchoring text, it further explains about some features of the column article.Byline

This byline is present under the main anchoring text in a micro size, it contains the information of the photographer etc.

Column Article

The column article is divided into two columns and separated with a gap to show the differentiation of the 2 columns. The text is written in a white small font size.

Drop CapitalThe drop capital has a different color to attract the eye and to mark the beginning of the main column article, it has a red color to show its contrast from the rest of the text and also has a larger font.


This little box is present to mark the end of the double spread page column article.

Main imageAnchoring text/Star name


Drop Capital

Byline Body article

MAIN IMAGE:The main image of the double spread page of Rolling Stones magazine features Adele who is a popular Country/Pop American singer, She has won several grammys and other awards for her songs and is commonly known.

The image taken is a Close-Up. In this Image the model is not making eye contact with the camera and with her pose it looks like she is modeling for a fashion magazine where as this is a music magazine, so this picture does not fit the genre although it is well taken.The models mouth is also slightly open to give a more attractive and welcoming look.

Anchoring text/ Star name:

The anchoring text is quite simple, it is in Bold and black font so that it is more obvious to the viewer and catches the eye.

The font sizes vary within the article Title, The Star name is written in the Biggest font, this is to create more selling points as the editor would want to use “Adele’s” name to make more sales for the magazine.

SUBTITLE: This is written below the main Anchoring text in Italic font, it gives a little bit more information about what the body article is about. It is in a significantly small font as less emphasize is based on this.

BODY TEXT/ DROP CAPITAL: The body text is not divided into different columns which is quite unconventional, the Drop Capital is a huge “I” in Black font with a ‘ before it to attract the eye and mark begging of the article text.

BYLINE/FOOTER: This is present at the bottom containing information such as page number, Magazine name i.e Rolling Stones and web address.