Magento Extensions & Themes for Your Online Store - UPS ......To install a Magento 2.x extension: 1....

Post on 08-Sep-2020

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UPS Shipping Module for Magento



Date Version Author Change Description

03/27/2019 1.0 UPS First creation.

04/22/2019 1.0.1 UPS Add uninstall ups shipping module. Add configuring ups shipping module.

04/24/2019 1.0.2 UPS Changed module name

A. Installing UPS Shipping Module from Market Place ........................................................................... 4

B. Uninstalling UPS Shipping Module .................................................................................................... 12

C. Plugin - Merchant Configuration ....................................................................................................... 15

1. Select country ................................................................................................................................. 15

2. Accepting Terms & Conditions ....................................................................................................... 15

3. Account ........................................................................................................................................... 16

4. Shipping Services ............................................................................................................................ 18

5. Collect on Delivery (COD) ............................................................................................................... 20

6. Package Dimension ........................................................................................................................ 20

7. Checkout Shipping Rate ................................................................................................................. 21

8. Complete Configuration ................................................................................................................. 23

D. Plugin – Shipment Management ....................................................................................................... 24

1. Open Orders ................................................................................................................................... 24

2. Create Single Shipment .................................................................................................................. 25

3. Create Batch Shipments ................................................................................................................. 27

4. Shipments ....................................................................................................................................... 27

5. Archive Orders ................................................................................................................................ 28

6. Data retention ................................................................................................................................ 29

A. Installing UPS Shipping Module from Market Place To install a Magento 2.x extension:

1. Log in to the Admin of your Magento store as a user with full administrator rights.

2. Go To System -> Web Setup Wizard. You will get following screen.

3. Copy and paste the Public Access Key and Private Access Key from your Marketplace account. Then, click Sign In. Click Submit button to continue.

4. After successfully submitting the Public and Private Access Keys, go to the Extension Manager Lists

form. Click Review and Install button to continue.

5. Here you’ll get the list of all extensions ready to install. Find the module that you want to install

from the list and click on install.

6. Start the readiness check.

7. If you face readiness check error, please fix all errors before continuing.

Once the errors are resolved, you’ll get the below screen indicating that readiness check is

complete and you need to click “Next“.

8. Create backup. It is advisable to create a backup before installing an extension.

After selecting Backup Options, click on the Create Backup button to backup source code and


After the creating the backup successfully, you will see the following screen.

Click “Next” when the backup is done.

9. Click Install Button to continue.

10. Now, you will see the installation process status.

11. The Success page appears when the process is complete.

12. When the process is completed, click Back to Setup Tool to go to the Extension Manager page.

13. Click Module Manager Title to check extension was installed successfully. After that log out to flush


14. Flush Caches: Always flush the cache after installing or upgrading Magento, or any extensions and


a. Log in to the Admin of your store. b. Do one of the following:

Click the Cache Management link in the message above the workspace.

On the Admin sidebar, click System. Then under Tools, choose Cache Management.

c. For each cache to be refreshed, mark the checkbox at the beginning of the row.

d. Set Actions to “Refresh,” and click Submit.

e. Select all rows that are disabled, then choose Enable and click on Submit to enable them.

15. Configure the Extension for Your Store

On the Admin sidebar, click Stores. Then under Settings, choose Configuration.

Under Sales, choose Shipping Methods to configure the extension that was just installed


B. Uninstalling UPS Shipping Module To uninstall a Magento 2.x extension:

1. In the Installed Extensions section, click Uninstall from the Actions list as the following figure shows.

2. Continue with Step 1. Readiness check.

3. If you face readiness check error, please fix all errors before continuing.

If all tests passed, click Next button and continue with Step 2. Backup.

4. Select the checkbox of each item to back up and click Create Backup.

5. Wait while backups are created and continue with any of the following:

6. Click Next button to continue

7. Click Next button to continue.

8. Click Uninstall button to uninstall the ups shipping module. If successful, a page similar to the following displays.

C. Plugin - Merchant Configuration When installing the plugin for the first time, the merchant needs to go through the Configuration section

of the plugin. This section instructs the merchant how to configure the plugin before putting it into use

in the e-commerce site.

1. Select country Select the country from which your packages are shipped.

Click ‘Continue’ to go to next screen.

Figure 1 - Country setting

2. Accepting Terms & Conditions User needs to read through the UPS terms and conditions as well as the plugin usage

agreement, then confirm that the user agreed to them. The user cannot proceed to the next

steps if these terms and conditions are not agreed to.

Click ‘Continue’ to go to next screen.

Figure 2 – UPS Terms and Conditions

3. Account This screen allows merchants to configure their account to use UPS Shipping service. The

merchant needs to fill out the required personal information to start using the plugin as

instructed in the screen.

After filling the personal information, user selects one of the three options that is best

applicable to them and fills in the required information:

o User has a UPS account with an invoice occurred in the last 90 days.

o User has a UPS account without an invoice occurred in the last 90 days.

o User does not have a UPS account.

i. Merchants who have a UPS Account and have invoices with UPS occurred in the last 90 days

Figure 3 - User's Account information

Figure 4 - User has UPS Account with invoice in the last 90 days

ii. Merchant who has UPS account number but does not have invoices in the last 90 days

Figure 5 - User has Account number without invoice in the last 90 days

iii. Merchant who doesn’t have a UPS Account Number and would like to get one from the


Figure 6 - User don’t had UPS Account Number

Any incorrect information will result in incorrect configuration. All information has to be

entered correctly by the merchant to activate the plugin. If merchant is unsure, they can

contact the UPS help desk for information prior to activation.

4. Shipping Services Various shipping services information, which are available for the particular area would be

displayed here. Merchant can select which one is suitable for his/her e-shoppers.

This shipping service list is automatically loaded from UPS database, depending on the country

chosen in the first screen.

The user being able to select an account from the drop down list on the Shipping Services page

Figure 7 - Shipping Services Configuration

i. Deliver to UPS Access Point™ (to-AP delivery)

Figure 8 - Deliver to UPS Access Point™ (to-AP delivery)

ii. Deliver to consignee address (to-address delivery)

Figure 9 - Deliver to consignee address (to-address delivery)

5. Collect on Delivery (COD) UPS Shipping Plugin automatically detects whether user’s Magento website has installed the

COD module, and displays that status in the ‘COD Option’ Section.

If user wishes to use COD service, he/she could go to Magento’s market place to install the COD

module by Magento and activate that module.

If user wishes to disable COD service in UPS Shipping Plugin, he could deactivate the COD

module of Magento. UPS Shipping Plugin will automatically update accordingly.

Click ‘Next’ to go to the next screen.

Figure 10 – Collect on Delivery Configuration

6. Package Dimension User can add various default package options, which can later be applied to the user’s


User needs to create at least 1 default package. It is suggested that user set the Default package

to the most common package that user ships.

The first default package will be used as default package option for all the shipments. This

package’s weight & dimensions will be used to calculate delivery rates to display to user’s

eshoppers. User can change package for each shipment before creating shipment.

Click ‘Next’ to go to the next screen.

Figure 11 – Package Dimensions Configuration

7. Checkout Shipping Rate User can define the delivery rates offered for the e-shoppers here.

The shipping services that user selected in the Shipping Service screen will be automatically

loaded to this screen.

User can configure the rates for each shipping service separately. Each shipping service can be

configured with two rating options:

o Flat rates: all the orders will be categorized based on order value. If that value is smaller

than a defined Order Value Threshold, the corresponding Delivery Rates will be applied.

The order with the value higher than the highest Order Value Threshold will enjoy free

shipping (Delivery Rate = 0).

Example: a user configures the delivery rates for UPS Standard with following


Order Value Threshold: $50 | Delivery rate: $5: all the order with

value under $50 will be charged $5 for delivery.

Order Value Threshold: $100 | Delivery rate: $3: all the order with

value higher than $50 but under $100 will be charged $3 for delivery.

The applied delivery rates are illustrated in the chart below:

o Real time shipping rates: the delivery rates are calculated based on shipping rates

quoted by UPS. User can configure to charge e-shoppers any percentage of that


Click ‘Save’ to save the delivery rates configuration.

Click ‘Next’ to go to the next screen.

Order Value Threshold

Delivery dates

$50 $100

$5 $3 $0

UPS Standard $0

Figure 12 - Delivery rate example

Figure 13 – Checkout Shipping rates Configuration

8. Complete Configuration This screen shows additional guidance for user to experience UPS’s services.

User can also search for UPS Access Point and print COD and Pickup Registration form.

Click ‘Complete Configuration’ to complete the configuration step.

Figure 14 – Complete Configuration Preference

D. Plugin – Shipment Management In order to access Shipment Management panel, click on the tab on the left menu. In the Shipment

Management Section, there are 3 tabs: Open Orders, Shipment, and Archived Orders.

Figure 15 – Shipment Management Section

1. Open Orders In the Open Orders tab, user can view all the orders which e-shoppers placed using UPS Shipping


User can select one or multiple orders to perform one of the following actions:

o Create shipments: confirm the shipment with UPS. Please see Section 2.Creating

Shipment for details on creating shipment function.

o Export Orders: export your selected orders to an excel file so that you can import to

other systems to process shipment.

o Export All Orders: export all the historical orders to excel file.

o Archive Orders: put the orders to Archived Orders tab.

Figure 16 – Open Orders Management

2. Create Single Shipment User can create shipment from one or multiple orders.

Multiple-order Shipment: To create multiple-order shipment, select the orders by the

checkboxes beside each order, then click Create Shipments.

Edit shipment: User can edit the shipment before creating shipment by clicking to ‘Edit’ button.

Figure 17 – Create Shipments

o Account number selection: Select the Account number to associate with the shipment

by the dropdown ‘Account Number’.

Figure 18 – Account selection for Creating Shipment

o Package selection: Add more packages to the shipment by ‘Add package’ icon.

Figure 19 – Package selection

o Adding new package to a shipment

Figure 20 – Adding package to a shipment

o Edit Shipping services and Accessorial services before creating a shipment: User can

change the shipping service and accessorial services of the shipment by selecting in the

service list.

Note: When user selects ‘Declared value’ accessorial service to apply to a

shipment, that value is automatically loaded from the associated order value

from Magento database.

Figure 21 – Shipping services and Accessorial services selection

User can check the estimated shipping fee and estimated delivery date of the current shipment

by clicking on the link ‘View estimated shipping fee and delivery rate’ at the bottom of the


User confirm creating shipment by clicking to button ‘Create Shipment’.

3. Create Batch Shipments User can create batch shipments from a list of orders with both To AP and To Address.

Figure 22 – Create Batch Shipments

o Account number selection: Select the Account number to associate with the shipment

by the dropdown ‘Account Number’.

User confirms creating shipment by clicking to button ‘Create Shipment’.

4. Shipments User can view the list of shipments created in the ‘Shipments’ tab.

From this tab user can select one or multiple shipments and process the following actions:

o Print label: user can download a zip file of shipping labels of the selected shipments by

clicking on ‘Print Label’ button.

o Export Shipments: user can export the data of all the selected shipments to an Excel file

by clicking on ‘Export Shipment Data’ button.

o Cancel Shipments: user can cancel the selected shipments by clicking on ‘Cancel

Shipments’ button. The shipment can only be cancelled if it is not yet processed by UPS.

If the shipment is already in transit or delivered, it cannot be cancelled from this


If the shipment is successfully voided, the status of the associated orders will be

changed to ready to processed, and the orders will appear in the Open Order


Figure 23 – Shipment Management tab

5. Archive Orders User can put the orders into Archived Orders tab by selecting the orders from Open Orders tab

and selecting action Archive Order.

Figure 24 –Archived Orders tab

User can view the archived orders by clicking on the tab Archived Orders.

Once an order is put into Archived Orders tab from the Open Orders tab, the action cannot be


Figure 25 – Archived Orders tab

6. Data retention Order and shipment data are stored in the database for a defined period of time as described


o Data in ‘Open Orders’ tab for over 90 days will be moved to ‘Archived Orders’ tab.

o Data in ‘Archived Orders’ tab for over 90 days will be deleted.

o Data in ‘Shipment’ tab for over 90 days will be deleted.