Magga-- The 8 Fold Path

Post on 06-May-2015

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This is a further explanation about the content of the Fourth Noble Truth--Magga. This slide presentation was created for Mathayom 1 students (first years) as an introduction to the 8 fold path.


The 8 Fold Path

The 8 Fold Path

The Eight Fold Path

(NOT to be taken in order, but rather support and reinforce each other)

1. Right Understanding - Sammā ditthi(also, Right View, Right Perspective)

Accepting Buddhist teachings. To understand how reality works

(The Buddha never intended his followers to believe his teachings blindly, but to practice them and judge for

themselves whether they were true.)

Right Understanding on what?

a. Suffering, the cause, that it can be stopped, and a cure for it

b. Reason on why we suffer, why we exist

2. Right Intention - Sammā sa kappan̄�

(Right thought, Right attitude)

A commitment to cultivate the right attitudes.