main embedded + software

Post on 27-Apr-2015

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1 EVP01 TThhee CCoonncceeppttuuaall DDeessiiggnn ooff NNeeww BBuuss SSttoopp

BBooaarr dd

By the new bus stop board, passengers could obtain

not only the information of the bus line and

information of lines in one station, but also important

bus-stations, passenger transport hubs, geographical

position information and so on.


2 EVP02 TThhee TT ii rr ee BBuurr sstt ooff AAuuttoommoott iivvee EEaarr llyy--WWaarr nniinngg

SSyysstteemm DDeessiiggnn ((oorr ))

TTii rr ee PPrr eessssuurree MM oonnii ttoorr iinngg SSyysstteemm BBaasseedd oonn

WWiirr eelleessss SSeennssoorr NNeettwwoorr kkss TTeecchhnnoollooggyy

In this paper, the anti-flat tire design process is divided

into two parts: the tire module and the host module.

The micro-controller MC68HC908RF2 is the core of

the tire module. The integrated sensor MPXY8020A

executes tire pressure and temperature measuring. The

transmitter integrated inside the micro-controller

executes wireless transmittal task. MC33594 executes

wireless receive task in the host module which adopts

LED and sound-light warning.


3 EVP03 TThhee II nntteeggrr aatteedd CCoonnttrr ooll ooff AAnntt ii --lloocckk BBrr eeaakkiinngg

SSyysstteemm aanndd AAcctt iivvee SSuussppeennssiioonn iinn VVeehhiiccllee

This paper investigates the integrated control of anti-

lock breaking system(ABS) and active suspension in



4 EVP04 SSPPAARRKK :: ssmmaarr tt ppaarr kkiinngg ssyysstteemm uussiinngg

wwiirr eelleessss sseennssoorr nneettwwoorr kkss

This paper proposes a parking management system

based on wireless sensor network technology which

provides advanced features like remote parking

monitoring, automated guidance & parking reservation

mechanism via mobile


5 EVP05 AAddaapptt ii vvee TTrr aaffff iicc MM oonnii ttoorr iinngg aanndd CCoonnttrr ooll ll iinngg


ATMC is a cheap, automatic and practical traffic

monitoring and controlling system which requires no

human supervision at all.






AA llooww ccoosstt rr eeaall--tt iimmee ccoommmmuunniiccaatt iioonn ssyysstteemm

ooff llooccoommoott iivvee bbaasseedd oonn GGPPSS

In this paper we propose a mobile communication

solution of real-time operating data for moving

locomotive without the railway GSM(GSM-R)


6 EVP06 TTaacctt ii llee aanndd MM uull tt iisseennssoorr yy SSppaatt iiaall

WWaarr nniinngg SSiiggnnaallss ffoorr DDrr iivveerr ss

Driver vigilance Monitoring & driver alert using

Vibratory sensors


7 EVP07 High Positioned Brake Reminder System

Based on CAN Bus

we adopt the dot matrix display technology and the

vehicle high positioned brake reminder technology

based on CAN bus, In order to reduce the vehicle rear

collisions and the damage degrees on passengers.


8 EVP08 FFuuzzzzyy llooggiicc bbaasseedd iinntteeggrr aatteedd ccoonnttrr ooll ooff AAnntt ii --

lloocckk BBrr aakkee SSyysstteemm aanndd CCooll ll iissiioonn AAvvooiiddaannccee

A CAN based braking system 2009


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SSyysstteemm uussiinngg CCAANN ffoorr eelleecctt rr iicc vveehhiicclleess

9 EVP09 CCooooppeerr aatt iivvee ccoommmmuunniiccaatt iioonnss bbeettwweeeenn

vveehhiicclleess aanndd iinntteell ll iiggeenntt rr ooaadd ssiiggnnss

A Communicative technology between vehicles and

road signs.


10 EVP10 AAnntt ii ccooll ll iissiioonn DDiiggii ttaall AAcccciiddeenntt PPrr eevveenntteerr ffoorr

TTrr aaiinn

This project deals with reduction of accidents in


11 EVP11 RReeaall --TTiimmee MM oonnii ttoorr iinngg aanndd PPrr ee--aallaarr mm

SSyysstteemm ffoorr DDaannggeerr oouuss MM oouunnttaaiinnss iinn tthhee

RRaaii llwwaayy LL iinnee

There appear frequently natural phenomena such as

collapse, landslide along the railway line, which badly

threaten the transport safety of the railway. This

system adopts the method of auto-monitoring; the

content is the earth's surface deformation.


12 EVP12 WWSSNN bbaasseedd mmooddeell ffoorr sseeccuurr ee rr aaii llwwaayy

ooppeerr aatt iioonnss

This study introduces the basic modules which

constitute the railway crossing surveillance and

warning system.


13 EVP13 II nntteeggrr aatt iinngg AAuuttoommaatt iicc VVeerr ii ff iiccaatt iioonn ooff

SSaaffeettyy RReeqquuii rr eemmeennttss iinn RRaaii llwwaayy

II nntteerr lloocckkiinngg SSyysstteemm

This is automatic train following mechanism for

electric trains.


14 EVP14 TTrr aaiinn ssttaatt iioonn aannnnoouunncceemmeenntt bbaasseedd oonn

WWiirr eelleessss SSeennssoorr nneettwwoorr kk

A project designed for announcing the station

beforehand a train stops.

15 EVP15 BBuuss aannnnuunncciiaatt iioonn ssyysstteemm ffoorr BBll iinndd This is a wireless bus announcement system for

visually handicapped.

16 EVP16 II nntteell ll iiggeenntt hhiigghhwwaayy AAcccciiddeenntt pprr eevveenntteerr

On a survey it was found that on an average out of 100

accidents in bye pass roads 85% accidents leads to

death. This is an attempt to make a device to minimize

the accidents.


17 EVP17 WWiirr eelleessss SSeennssoorr NNeettwwoorr kk bbaasseedd vveehhiiccuullaarr

TThheeff tt iiddeenntt ii ff iiccaatt iioonn

Identifies vehicle theft and informs to the owner. 2009

18 EVP18 VVeehhiiccllee PPooll lluutt iioonn cchheecckk && TTrr aacckkiinngg ssyysstteemm.. This project is aimed to track the vehicles which are

generating more smoke which causes air pollution


19 EVP19 DDeevveellooppmmeenntt ooff VViissiioonn bbaasseedd CCoonnttrr ooll

SSmmaarr tt WWiinnddsshhiieelldd WWiippeerr SSyysstteemm ffoorr

II nntteell ll iiggeenntt VVeehhiiccllee

This paper presents the development of vision-based

smart windshield wiper system that can automatically

adjust its speed and intermittent interval according to

the amount of water drops on the windshield.


20 EVP20 PPGGSS :: ppaarr kkiinngg GGuuiiddaannccee SSyysstteemm bbaasseedd oonn

wwiirr eelleessss SSeennssoorr nneettwwoorr kkss

A fully embedded Parking guidance system 2008

21 EVP21 WWiirr eelleessss SSeennssoorr NNeettwwoorr kk bbaasseedd DDrr iivveerr

GGuuiiddaannccee SSyysstteemm ((DDGGSS))

We present DGS, a Driving Guidance System based on

wireless sensor networks (WSN) which guides a driver

to drive a car in safety.


22 EVP22 TTaacctt ii llee aanndd MM uull tt iisseennssoorr yy SSppaatt iiaall WWaarr nniinngg

SSiiggnnaallss ffoorr DDrr iivveerr ss

This review highlights the most important potential

costs and benefits associated with the use of tactile and

multisensory information displays in a vehicle.



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23 EVP23 FFaabbrr iiccaatt iioonn ooff AAuuttoo--BBrr aakkiinngg SSyysstteemm ffoorr

PPrree--ccrr aasshh SSaaffeettyy UUssiinngg SSeennssoorr

This module can detect the distance between front

vehicle and your vehicle to keep a constant distance

using a sensor and operate the brake system forcibly if

the driver does not decrease the speed. The system

displays the distance between the vehicles and the

speed of vehicle.


24 EVP24 SSyysstteemm oonn CChhiipp DDeessiiggnn ooff EEmmbbeeddddeedd

CCoonnttrr ooll lleerr ffoorr CCaarr BBllaacckk BBooxx

A Embedded vehicle black box for secret maintenance

of data even in case of emergency


25 EVP25 DDeevveellooppmmeenntt ooff DDiiggii ttaall VVeehhiiccllee DDiissttaannccee

MM oonnii ttoorr iinngg SSyysstteemm

The main orientation of this paper is specifically

focused on the accident. The development of the tool

could help driver get a sense of how far the car is from

an object either it is in front or behind the car.

26 EVP26 RReesseeaarr cchh aanndd DDeevveellooppmmeenntt ooff II nntteell ll iiggeenntt

DDiissppllaayy UUnnii tt ffoorr MM eettrr oo TTrraaiinn

Intelligent Display Unit integrates metro data

recording and train system management, and running

software that can generate the graphics based on

analyze of incoming onboard equipment data

27 EVP27 AA FFaasstt MM eetthhoodd FFoorr DDiissccoovveerr iinngg VVeehhiiccllee

LL iicceennssee PPllaattee FFrr oomm II mmaaggee WWiitthh CCoommppll iiccaatteedd

BBaacckkggrr oouunndd

The paper proposed a fast method on discovering

vehicle license plate position in image with very

complicated background and bad shooting condition

28 EVP28 AA VVeehhiiccllee DDiissppaattcchh SSyysstteemm MM ooddeell bbaasseedd oonn

WWeeaatthheerr aanndd RRooaadd CCoonnddii tt iioonn

in this paper we presented a system prototype which

can gather weather and road condition and use these

information to help dispatch vehicles to improve safety

of transportation.

29 EVP29 AAuuttoommaatt iicc NNuummbbeerr PPllaattee RReeccooggnnii tt iioonn ssyysstteemm

ffoorr VVeehhiiccllee II ddeenntt ii ff iiccaatt iioonn uussiinngg OOpptt iiccaall

CChhaarr aacctteerr RReeccooggnnii tt iioonn

The objective is to design an efficient automatic

authorized vehicle identification system by using the

vehicle number plate. The system is implemented on

the entrance for security control of a highly restricted

area like military zones or area around top government

offices e.g. Parliament, Supreme Court etc.

30 EVP30 DDeessiiggnn ooff EElleecctt rr oonniicc TTooll ll CCooll lleecctt iioonn SSyysstteemm

iinn EExxpprr eesssswwaayy BBaasseedd oonn RRFFII DD

A kind of radio frequency chip, nRF9E5, was adopted

to design electronic toll collection system of

expressway. Structural & process designs were made,

in addition, a new RFID authentication protocol model

was used to guarantee system security.


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can recognize basic hand gestures and convert them

into speech using low-cost, commercial off-the-shelf

(COTS) components.


2. EIP02 AAnn II nnnnoovvaatt iivvee BBrr aaii ll llee SSyysstteemm KK eeyybbooaarr dd ffoorr tthhee VViissuuaall ll yy II mmppaaii rr eedd

A keyboard is specially designed and constructed to

provide easy typing technology for the visually



3. EIP03 VViibbrr aatt iioonn aass aa wwaayy ff iinnddiinngg aaiidd ((oorr )) AA ttaaccttii llee

SSyysstteemm ffoorr IInnffoorrmmiinngg tthhee BBll iinndd oonn DDii rreeccttiioonn ooff

aa WWaallkk

We present our work on a “vibrating belt”, a belt of

motors that can be used as an orientation aid.


4. EIP04 BBlluueettooootthh EEnnaabblleedd MM oobbii llee PPhhoonnee RReemmoottee CCoonnttrr ooll ffoorr PPCC

This work confers an application which makes

possible to use a Bluetooth enabled mobile phone to

remote control home appliances such electric fan,

LEDs and stepper motor, connected to the personal



5. EIP 05 TThhee DDeevveellooppmmeenntt ooff RRooaadd LL iigghhtt iinngg II nntteell ll iiggeenntt CCoonnttrr ooll SSyysstteemm BBaasseedd oonn WWiirr eelleessss NNeettwwoorr kk CCoonnttrr ooll

In this paper, to reach the purpose of energy saving,

it introduces an information method to deal with the

problem of road lighting.


6. EIP 06 TThhrr eeee wwaayy cchhaall lleennggee rr eessppoonnssee aauutthheenntt iiccaatt iioonn iinn ssmmaarr tt ccaarr dd uussiinngg EEll ll iipptt iicc ccuurr vvee ccrr yyppttoossyysstteemm

The goal of this paper is to create authentication data

between card and device using encryption algorithms

key pair and pseudo- random number generation


7. EIP07 AA VVeerr ii ff iiaabbllee EElleecctt rr oonniicc VVoott iinngg SScchheemmee OOvveerr tthhee II nntteerr nneett

We propose an electronic voting protocol that satisfy

all security requirements and allow the voter to verify

whether the cast ballot has been counted correctly or

not, and further, it will not encourage ballot buying.


8. EIP08 SSeeccuurr ii ttyy MM aannaaggeemmeenntt SSyysstteemm ffoorr OOii ll ff iieelldd BBaasseedd oonn EEmmbbeeddddeedd WWiirr eelleessss CCoommmmuunniiccaatt iioonn

The first level is consist of some remote controllers

and a launcher ,which include wireless burglar alarm,

fault alarm, power-off alarm, self-checking alarm and

wireless night patrol point.


9. EIP09 TTssuunnaammii WWaarr nniinngg SSyysstteemm uussiinngg AArr eeaa MM aaii ll DDiissaasstteerr II nnffoorr mmaatt iioonn SSeerr vviiccee oonn PPhhoonneess

Tsunami warning system with Mobile phones 2009

10. EIP10 SSeeccuurr ee TThhrr eeee--DDiimmeennssiioonnaall PPaasssswwoorr dd ffoorr MM oorr ee AAuutthheenntt iiccaatt iioonn ((II && mm))

A password system for Atm cards using Image



11. EIP11 AA RReemmoottee--CCoonnttrr ooll EEnnggiinneeeerr iinngg LL aabboorr aattoorr yy A remote Location authorization using Steganography 2008

12. EIP13 AAnn AAuuttoommaatt iicc VVooiiccee QQuueerr yy SSyysstteemm ffoorr BBaannkk BBaasseedd oonn TTeelleepphhoonnee NNeettwwoorr kk

A voice based Bank querying application 2008

13. EIP14 UUlltt rr aa LL ooww ppoowweerr WWiirr eelleessss WWeeaatthheerr SSttaatt iioonn A low power Environmental monitoring system 2007


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14. EIP16 TTeemmppeerr aattuurr ee CCoonnttrr ooll uussiinngg SSMM SS A mobile phone based Temperature controller 2006

15. EIP17 PPHH NNeeuuttrr aall iizzaatt iioonn tthhrr oouugghh II nntteerr nneett Flow control via internet 2006

16. EIP18 RReemmoottee TTaarr ggeett MM oonnii ttoorr iinngg iinn EEmmbbeeddddeedd SSyysstteemmss LL aabb CCoouurr sseess uussiinngg aa SSeennssoorr NNeettwwoorr kk

A remote Embedded Lab via a internet 2008

17. EIP19 AA WWiirr eelleessss VVeennddiinngg MM aacchhiinnee SSyysstteemm BBaasseedd oonn GGSSMM

A Novel petrol vending system via Pc with Card



18. EIP20 DDeessiiggnn ooff aa rr eeaall --tt iimmee vviissii ttoorr ccoonnvveerr ssaatt iioonn && ddoooorr ccoonntt rr ooll aarr cchhii tteeccttuurr ee uussiinngg aa hhoommee ggaatteewwaayy

A Innovative House Guarding System 2008

19. EIP21 EE--SSeeccuurr ii ttyy SSyysstteemm wwii tthh VViiddeeoo CCaappttuurr ee oopptt iioonn

Miscellaneous Email threat finder NON


20. EIP22 EEmmbbeeddddeedd BBiioo SSeennssoorr eedd EElleecctt rr iiccaall AAppppll iiccaatt iioonn AAcctt ii vvaattoorr CCuumm EEnneerr ggyy SSaavveerr

Super resolution energy saver for Houses NON



ttaarr ggeett aatt ttaacckk uussiinngg mmuull tt iippllee sseenntt rr yy gguunnss

This paper focuses on the development of a

methodology by which multiple sentry guns can

effectively engage and destroy multiple targets in a

coordinated attack.


02 ERO02 DDeessiiggnn ooff tthhee oopptt iimmaall ppaatthh aallggoorr ii tthhmm ffoorr

LL iinnee tt rr aacckk RRoobboottss

The algorithm design has some certain significance for

the line track optimization of robots and the autopilot

of vehicles


03 ERO03 RRoobboott--AArr mm PPiicckk aanndd PPllaaccee BBeehhaavviioorr

PPrr ooggrr aammmmiinngg SSyysstteemm UUssiinngg VViissuuaall

PPeerr cceepptt iioonn

this paper presents a programming robot-arm system

for carrying out flexible pick and place behavior using

visual perception

04 ERO04 NNaavviiggaatt iioonn ooff mmoobbii llee rr oobboott uussiinngg GGPPSS &&

oobbssttaaccllee aavvooiiddaannccee ssyysstteemm wwii tthh ccoommmmaannddeedd


In this project, a mobile robot is equipped with GPS

navigation system and obstacle avoidance system with

low cost mobile structure, GPS module and IR sensors

for obstacle detection.

05 ERO05 AAnn II nntteell ll iiggeenntt WWhheeeellcchhaaiirr ttoo eennaabbllee mmoobbii ll ii ttyy

ooff sseevveerr eellyy ddiissaabblleedd

These robot co-ordinates head movements into motion. 2009

06 ERO06 II nnddoooorr aauuttoonnoommoouuss nnaavviiggaatt iioonn ooff bbll iinndd

ppeerr ssoonnss uussiinngg RRFFII DD sseennssiinngg rr oobboottss

The aim of this project is to help blind people to

identify different places available in his locality.


07 ERO07 VVooiiccee ccoonntt rr ooll lleedd wwhheeeell cchhaaii rr The theme is implemented for the parallelized persons

by voice activated wheelchair through speech




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08 ERO08 II wwaallkkeerr wwii tthh II nndduusstt rr iiaall ccoonntt rr ooll aarr mm A Rfid based robot with wireless and Material

Handling Techniques

09 ERO09 RReesseeaarr cchh ooff MM eecchhaanniiccaall AArr mm CCoonnttrr ooll BBaasseedd

oonn DDaattaa GGlloovvee

The operator controls the robot directly by computer,

wearing data glove and computer Generates virtual

scene to assist operation.




ERO10 AAuuttoommaatteedd VVeehhiicclleess FFoorr PPhhyyssiiccaall llyy aanndd

VViissuuaall llyy CChhaall lleennggeedd

In this context we have developed a mechanism of

fuzzy logic which reduces the accidents and also helps

for physically/visually challenged persons.


11 ERO11 CCooaall MM iinnee DDeetteecctt && rr eessccuuee RRoobboott DDeessiiggnn &&

rr eesseeaarr cchh

It can go into explosion environment and detect gas

content, temperature, etc. The data can send to control

man in safe field.


12 ERO12 RRoobboott ii cc AArr mm wwii tthh FFoouurr DDeeggrr eeeess ooff FFrr eeeeddoomm The paper presents the details of construction of a

Robotic arm with four degrees of freedom.


13 ERO13 VViissuuaall sseerr vvoo ccoonnttrr ooll ooff aa TThhrr eeee ddeeggrr eeee ooff

ff rr eeeeddoomm rr oobboott iicc AARRMM ssyysstteemm

It is presently a direction to be integrated with the

unmanned Ground vehicle (UGV) to serve as

surveillance unit in the combat hot zone, such as peace

keeping mission.


14 ERO14 DDeessiiggnn aanndd iimmpplleemmeennttaatt iioonn ooff ssttaaiirr --

CCll iimmbbiinngg RRoobboott

a robot is designed to move up and down stairs to

provide service for the elders.


15 ERO15 AA NNeeww mmeetthhoodd ooff iinnffrr aarr eedd sseennssoorr

mmeeaassuurr eemmeenntt ffoorr mmiiccrr oo mmoouussee ccoonntt rr ooll ttoo

ddeell iivveerr ddrr uuggss

In this project a tiny robot model is designed in order

to find the path in a puzzle and to reach the center of

the puzzle avoiding the obstacles. The IR Proximity

sensor is used to detect the obstacle.


16 ERO16 DDeevveellooppmmeenntt ooff aa mmoodduullee bbaasseedd ppllaattffoorr mm ffoorr

mmoobbii llee rr oobboottss

We designed a master slave based robotic instrument

which can work as directed by the I2C Master.


17 ERO17 DDeevveelloopp aa MM uull tt iippllee II nntteerr ffaaccee BBaasseedd FFiirr ee

FFiigghhtt iinngg RRoobboott

An autonomous fire detect and rescue robot 2007

18 ERO18 HHiigghhllyy VViiggii llaanntt FFllyyiinngg RRoobboott This is an aerial helicopter with Image Capturer

19 ERO19 DDeessiiggnn && II mmpplleemmeennttaatt iioonn ooff aann AAddvvaanncceedd

VViissuuaall GGuuiiddeedd RRoobboott

Robot movements using Facial features

20 ERO20 FFuuzzzzyy CCoonnttrr ooll ffoorr AAuuttoommaatt iicc SStteeeerr iinngg aanndd

LL iinnee TTrr aacckkiinngg ooff RRoobboott

In order to realize automatic navigation for agricultural

robot, a fuzzy control method for automatic steering

and a method for line tracking are conveyed.

21 ERO21 RRoobbooSShhoooott :: AAnn AAuuttoommaatt iicc SSyysstteemm ffoorr

AAccccuurr aattee SShhoooott iinngg

This is a shooting robot designed with versatile


22 ERO22 DDeessiiggnn ooff aa ccooll llaabboorr aatt iivvee wwhheeeellcchhaaii rr wwii tthh

ppaatthh gguuiiddaannccee aassssiissttaannccee

This paper describes the development and assessment

of a Collaborative Wheelchair Assistant


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23 ERO23 II nndduusstt rr iiaall ssppyy rr oobboott This is a spy robot with cctv features

21. ERO24 VVooiiccee CCoonnttrr ooll lleedd TTeemmppeerr aattuurr ee sseennssiinngg rr oobboott This is a voice controlled robot for industries with

temperature sensor

22. ERO25 SSmmaarr tt aatt tteennuuaatt iinngg vveehhiiccllee ffoorr II nndduusstt rr iiaall

MM aatteerr iiaall hhaannddll iinngg

This is a Smart robot with Material Handling and

object detection

23. ERO26 II nntteell ll iiggeenntt GGaass ddeetteecctt iioonn rr oobboott Gas detecting robot for Harsh environments

24. ERO28 PPCC iinntteerr ffaaccee ssttaatt iioonneerr yy rr oobboott ccrraannee A crane robot which is being guided via PC

25. ERO29 BBoommbb ddeetteecctt iinngg aanndd cclleeaarr iinngg rr oobboott wwii tthh

WWii rr eelleessss ccaammeerr aa

Detects Bomb Lifts the Bomb and places it in an

unknown environment with the aid of wireless


26. ERO30 PPaassssiivvee iinnff rr aarr eedd bbaasseedd hhuummaann aall iivvee ddeetteecctteedd


A human detecting robot for disaster regions


1 EIA01 RReemmoottee CCoonnttrr ooll ooff DDiiggii ttaall FFaaccttoorr yy tthhrr oouugghh WWeebb

This project reports the development of hardware and

software for remote control of a digital factory

controlled through internet.


2 EIA02 DDiisstt rr iibbuutteedd GGuuaarr ddiinngg aanndd AAllaarr mmiinngg SSyysstteemm BBaasseedd oonn TTeelleepphhoonnee AAuuttoommaatt iiccaall llyy DDiiaall iinngg aanndd RReemmoottee CCoommmmuunniiccaatt iioonn TTeecchhnnoollooggyy

Single chip microprocessor AT89C51 processes data

signal collection and realize telephone automatically

dialing-alarming when there is unusual condition, as

well as it controls wireless transceiver chip nRF905 to

complete data transmission between monitor controller

and work central station controller. Upper PC of

manager is connected with work central station

controller though USB interface, which realizes

distributed safety monitor and guarding-alarming

system of intelligent building design.


3 EIA03 RReesseeaarr cchh ooff tt rr aaff ff iicc SSiiggnnaall LL iigghhtt II nntteell ll iiggeenntt CCoonnttrr ooll SSyysstteemm bbaasseedd oonn mmiiccrr ooccoonntt rr ooll lleerr

A development of distributed area traffic signal lights

control based on single-chip microcontroller through

CAN BUS is described.


4 EIA04 DDeevveellooppmmeenntt ooff aa RReeaall--tt iimmee MM iinnee AAuuxxii ll iiaarr yy MM oonnii ttoorr iinngg SSyysstteemm UUssiinngg RRFF WWii rr eelleessss SSeennssoorr NNeettwwoorr kkss

This paper proposes a mine auxiliary sensor

system(MASS) will effectively monitor all situations

in mine especially for the safety of mineworkers


5 EIA05 RReesseeaarr cchh oonn tteemmppeerr aattuurr ee aanndd hhuummiiddii ttyy mmoonnii ttoorr iinngg uunnddeerr mmiinnee bbaasseedd oonn OOpptt iiccaall FFiibbeerr CCoommmmuunniiccaatt iioonn SSyysstteemm

For the problem of temperature drift, inexact and great

transmission loss of the monitoring of environment

temperature and humidity under the mine, this paper



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Your Ideas can be implemented. Any project better pricing with Up gradation being done. 8

proposes the temperature and humidity monitoring and

optical fiber communication transmission

6 EIA06 RReesseeaarr cchh aanndd DDeevveellooppmmeenntt ooff aa II nntteell ll iiggeenntt TTeemmppeerraattuurr ee--MM eeaassuurr iinngg SSyysstteemm BBaasseedd oonn 11--wwiirr ee BBuuss

temperature monitoring method of 1-wire bus was



7 EIA07 DDiisstt rr iibbuutteedd sseennssoorr ffoorr sstteeeerr iinngg wwhheeeell GGrr iipp FFoorr ccee MM eeaassuurr eemmeenntt iinn ddrr iivveerr FFaatt iigguuee DDeetteecctt iioonn

This Smart project uses a microcontroller and a grip

sensor connected to it using CAN Protocol for a safe

drive in case of any tiredness for the driver.


8 EIA08 TThhee iinntteeggrr aatteedd uunnii tt ffoorr MM EEMM SS BBaasseedd pprr eessssuurr ee mmeeaassuurr eemmeenntt

This project involves a MEMS sensor to calculate the

pressure and is connected to the microcontroller

through ADC using I2C protocol. The pressure values

cam be monitored in a PC via UART.


9 EIA09 RReesseeaarr cchh oonn EEmmbbeeddddeedd ddaattaa ddiissppllaayy uunnii tt BBaasseedd oonn CCAANN BBuuss

This project uses an ARM Processor and a LCD to

display the data which is been sent through the can

protocol which would be vary efficient system.


10 EIA10 RReesseeaarr cchh aanndd ddeevveellooppmmeenntt ooff tthhee rr eemmoottee II //OO DDaattaa AAccqquuiissii tt iioonn ssyysstteemm bbaasseedd oonn EEmmbbeeddddeedd AARRMM ppllaattffoorr mm

In this project the various industrial measurement units

can be integrated on to an Ethernet bridge using an

ARM processor to send info to a server database using

an RTOS.


11 EIA11 MM iiccrr ooccoonntt rr ooll lleerr bbaasseedd ssttaannddaalloonnee PPVV SSyysstteemm ffoorr WWiirr eelleessss SSeennssoorr NNooddee

This project uses a microcontroller which monitors the

power of an active device and enables switch to charge

the device only if necessary to improve the life of that



12 EIA12 CCAANN BBuuss-- BBaasseedd DDiisstt rr iibbuutteedd ffuueell ssyysstteemm wwii tthh ssmmaarr tt ccoommppoonneennttss

In this project a new distributed control system for

very high efficient fuel management application is

introduced with the help of a CAN enabled



13 EIA13 AA LL ooww--ccoosstt iinntteell ll iiggeenntt GGaass SSeennssiinngg DDeevviiccee ffoorr mmii ll ii ttaarr yy aappppll iiccaatt iioonnss

This project uses sensors connected to a

microcontroller implemented using the C

programming language on that to detect the gas and to

intimate the military troops regarding the level of the

particular detected Gas.


14 EIA14 SSttuuddyy oonn AARRMM pprr oocceessssoorr BBaasseedd EEmmbbeeddddeedd iinntteell ll iiggeenntt YYiieellddss ssyysstteemm ccoonntt rr ooll lleerr

This system proposes as effective scheduling

algorithm for the efficiency improvement of a yielding

system using ARM processor with moisture, pressure

sensing units.


15 EIA15 AA ssiimmppllee ccaappaaccii tt iivvee sseeccuurr ii ttyy ccaarr dd ssyysstteemm This project uses a simple and reliable capacitive

security card system which is been designed and

consist of capacitive card reader system, an integrator,



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Your Ideas can be implemented. Any project better pricing with Up gradation being done. 9

rectifying circuit, an 8051 microcontroller and

indicators for very safe security system.

16 EIA16 RReesseeaarr cchh aanndd ddeessiiggnn ooff iinndduussttrr iiaall EEtthheerr nneett II nntteell ll iiggeenntt GGaatteewwaayy bbaasseedd oonn AARRMM

This project is going to deploy a system capable of

bridging various industrial protocols like CAN, RS232

on to an Ethernet gateway to measure the parameters

and communicating with system.


17 EIA17 MM eeaassuurr iinngg aanndd TTrr aannssmmiitt tt iinngg vvii ttaall bbooddyy ssiiggnnss uussiinngg MM EEMM SS SSeennssoorr

The Systems proposes an innovative patient body

movement monitoring and intimation system by the

aid of an active MEMS sensor. It deals with

acceleration of the patient.


18 EIA18 AASSSSII SSTT--AAuuttoommaatteedd ssyysstteemm ffoorr ssuurr ggiiccaall iinnssttrr uummeenntt aanndd ssppoonnggee tt rr aacckkiinngg..

The system deploys and operation monitoring system

for the usage of surgical tools, sponges and tracking

critical missing tools before the event of operation

completion for a secure surgery procedure.


19 EIA19 EEmmbbeeddddeedd ssyysstteemm uusseedd ffoorr oonnee bbiioommeeddiiccaall aappppll iiccaatt iioonn

This project is used as a life saver, which uses

parametric sensors integrated to a MCU a wireless data

transfer which will transfer the sensor data

continuously and to alarm in case of any abnormality.


20 EIA20 UUssiinngg tthhee CCAANN pprr oottooccooll aanndd RReeccoonnff iigguurr aabbllee ccoommppuutt iinngg tteecchhnnoollooggyy ffoorr wweebb--bbaasseedd ssmmaarr tt hhoouussee aauuttoommaatt iioonn

In this project a network based system is developed to

control various home appliances with the help of CAN

which gets the command through the internet to the

personal System at home.


IEEE BIOMEDICALIEEE BIOMEDICALIEEE BIOMEDICALIEEE BIOMEDICAL PROJECTS PROJECTS PROJECTS PROJECTS 1. EBP01 RReeaall --tt iimmee MM oonnii ttoorr iinngg ooff VVii ttaall SSiiggnnss The main purpose of this study is to help the frequent

visitation struggles of people who live with certain

health conditions and, most importantly, to be able to

give them a sense of security, independence, and ,to

some degree,


2. EBP02 DDeessiiggnn ooff CCll iinniicc PPaatt iieenntt BBooddyy TTeemmppeerr aattuurr ee WWii rr eelleessss RReemmoottee CCoonncceenntt rr aatt iioonn MM oonnii ttoorr SSyysstteemm BBaasseedd oonn VVII

This paper introduces that temperature sensor

DS18B20 is connected to realize distributed body

temperature wireless remote concentration monitor

system design.


3. EBP03 PPoorr ttaabbllee AAmmbbuullaattoorr yy EElleecctt rr ooccaarr ddiiooggrraamm

MM oonnii ttoorr iinngg SSyysstteemm BBaasseedd oonn BBlluueettooootthh

The paper proposes an overall design idea of portable

ambulatory ECG monitoring system based on

Bluetooth and implementation program of system

hardware and software.



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Your Ideas can be implemented. Any project better pricing with Up gradation being done. 10

4. EBP04 AA nneeww sseeccuurr ii ttyy sscchheemmee ffoorr ee--hheeaall tthh ssyysstteemm In this paper, we present a novel role-interaction-

organization security model and apply it to the e-health

system which is modeled as a multi-agent system.


5. EBP05 AA PPhhyyssiiccaall AAcctt iivvii ttyy MM oonnii ttoorr iinngg SSyysstteemm ffoorr

TThhee EEllddeerr llyy PPeeooppllee WWii tthh BBuuii ll tt --iinn VVii ttaall SSiiggnn

&& FFaall ll DDeetteecctt iioonn

This paper presents the implementation of a system to

sense, send, display and store physiology activity.


6. EBP06 GGPPSS bbaasseedd PPaatt iieenntt MM oonnii ttoorr iinngg ssyysstteemm A gps & gsm based patient monitoring system with

Intimation to the Doctor in case of any problems


7. EBP07 DDeevveellooppmmeenntt ooff iinntteell ll iiggeenntt hhoommee hheeaall tthhccaarr ee bbooxx ccoonnnneecctt iinngg mmeeddiiccaall eeqquuiippmmeennttss && sseerr vviiccee ppllaattffoorr mm

A novel guide for rural people disease diagonizing and

pill dispensing


8. EBP08 TTeelleeccaarr ee SSyysstteemm UUssiinngg RRFF CCoommmmuunniiccaatt iioonn

TTeecchhnnoollooggyy iinn EEllddeerr llyy CCeenntteerr


9. EBP09 DDeevveellooppmmeenntt ooff CCooll llaappssee--SSeennssiinngg PPhhoonnee

ffoorr EEmmeerr ggeennccyy PPoossii tt iioonniinngg SSyysstteemm

To accommodate emergencies involving the solitary

aged, we have developed a collapse-sensing phone

with a GPS receiving chipset and a CDMA sending

chipset that reports the location of the individual to a

local control Center. A GIS has been developed to

display the position of the caller on the map of a

control system that enables administrative officers to

rescue the aged people.


IEEE IEEE IEEE IEEE RFID PROJECTSRFID PROJECTSRFID PROJECTSRFID PROJECTS 1. ERP01 RRFFII DD FFoooottwweeaarr aanndd FFlloooorr SSyysstteemm In this paper, we proposed the indoor localization

Footwear system based on RFID and smart floor.


2. ERP02 DDeessiiggnn aanndd II mmpplleemmeennttaatt iioonn ooff CCaammppuuss GGaattee

CCoonnttrr ooll SSyysstteemm BBaasseedd oonn RRFFII DD

based on Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), to

conduct campus gate control by the identification

process constructed by the Server-end database and

campus Local Area Network (LAN). One way hash &

AES is adopted in this system.


3. ERP03 AA NNoovveell RReemmoottee UUsseerr AAuutthheenntt iiccaatt iioonn

SScchheemmee UUssiinngg SSmmaarr tt CCaarrdd BBaasseedd oonn EECCDDLL PP

In this paper, a novel efficient remote user

authentication scheme using smart cards based on

Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem (ECDLP)

has been proposed.


4. ERP04 RRFFII DD EElleeccttrr oonniicc TTooll ll CCooll lleecctt iioonn AN automatic toll Collection system based on



5. ERP05 UUssiinngg RRFFII DD tteecchhnnoollooggyy oonn ccll iinniicc’’ ss pphhaarr mmaaccyy

ooppeerr aatt iioonn mmaannaaggeemmeenntt aanndd ddeevveellooppmmeenntt ooff

This research emphasizes on how to improve the

present clinic pharmacy dispensing system by

introducing RFID technique to assist small clinic



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Your Ideas can be implemented. Any project better pricing with Up gradation being done. 11

iinntteell ll iiggeenntt mmeeddiicciinnee ddiissppeennssiinngg ccaabbiinneett which hires single pharmacist that can perform

repetitive inspections.

6. ERP06 TThheeff tt pprr eevveenntt iioonn uussiinngg wwii rr eelleessss sseeccuurr ii ttyy


This paper presents a developed RFID based theft

prevention system such that luxurious belongings, such

as laptops which are monitored from being stolen.


7. ERP07 RReesseeaarr cchh oonn CCooaall MM iinnee PPeerr ssoonnnneell

OOrr iieennttaatt iioonn RReessccuuiinngg SSyysstteemm BBaasseedd oonn RRFFII DD

To realize the breakthrough on underground coal mine

rescue technology, studied one based on RFID

personnel orientation rescuing system.


8. ERP08 AA LL ooccaatt iioonn--AAwwaarr ee SSyysstteemm UUssiinngg RRFFII DD aanndd

MM oobbii llee DDeevviicceess ffoorr AArr tt MM uusseeuummss

This proposal results especially useful to provide

location-aware information avoiding the need for

users to manually select the desired information they

want to see.




9. ERP09 iiWWaallkkeerr :: TToowwaarr dd aa RRooll llaattoorr --MM oouunntteedd WWaayy

ff iinnddiinngg SSyysstteemm ffoorr tthhee EEllddeerr llyy

This is a robotic Vehicle which guides the people

based on RFID implanted tags on its path

10. ERP10 MM oobbii llee RRFFII DD TTrr aacckkiinngg SSyysstteemm A kid identification system in general public

11. ERP11 RRFFII DD--BBaasseedd II nntteell ll iiggeenntt BBooookkss SShheellvviinngg

SSyysstteemm ((oorr )) AAnn OOpptt iimmiizzeedd RRFFII DD--BBaasseedd

AAccaaddeemmiicc LL iibbrr aarr yy

We present a solution for integrating RFID technology

in academic libraries by offering cost effectiveness and

good quality of service.

12. ERP12 TThhee EE-- PPaassssppoorr tt :: TThhee FFuuttuurr ee OOff

GGoovveerr nnmmeenntt--II ssssuueedd RRFFII DD bbaasseedd

II ddeenntt ii ff iiccaatt iioonn

A Electronic passport for Validating the Passport

wherever the police wants

13. ERP13 AAuuttoommaatt iioonn ooff TTiimmee aanndd AAtt tteennddaannccee uussiinngg

RRFFII DD SSyysstteemmss

AN automatic Rfid based time and attendance marking


14. ERP14 RRFFII DD--bbaasseedd aanntt ii --tthheefftt aauuttoo sseeccuurr ii ttyy ssyysstteemm

wwii tthh aann iimmmmoobbii ll iizzeerr

This paper presents a novel radio frequency

identification (RFID) based vehicle immobilizer

system, which features low hacking probability while

preserving the safety of the passengers of the hijacked


15. ERP15 SSeeccuurr ii ttyy AArr cchhii tteeccttuurr ee ffoorr RRFFII DD AAppppll iiccaatt iioonn

iinn HHoommee EEnnvvii rr oonnmmeenntt

In this project we develop a smart home environment

using RFID Reader is placed in the room and the

item for which the location is to be determine is

attached with RFID Tags.


16. ERP16 HHoossppii ttaall AAuuttoommaatt iioonn SSyysstteemm RRFFII DD BBaasseedd::

TTeecchhnnoollooggyy EEmmbbeeddddeedd iinn ssmmaarr tt

DDeevviicceess((CCaarr ddss,, TTaaggss aanndd BBrr aacceelleettss))

This project has the objective to present a system for

automation of a hospital Clinical Analysis laboratory.

This uses RFID tags stuck to containers containing

patient’s collected samples for the correct

identification of the patient who gave away the




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Your Ideas can be implemented. Any project better pricing with Up gradation being done. 12

17. ERP17 II nntt rr uussiioonn DDeetteecctt iioonn iinn RRFFII DD ssyysstteemmss Here the originality of an RFID tag is identified using

the data from RFID reader where the information is

sent to a PC and analyzed for its privacy statement.


18. ERP18 AA bbll iinndd nnaavviiggaatt iioonn ssyysstteemm uussiinngg RRFFII DD ffoorr

iinnddoooorr EEnnvvii rr oonnmmeennttss

In this project path navigation for blind is implemented

using RFID card and reader to sense the correct path

using a reader which is with the blind person. RFID

cards are located in the correct path in a row.


19. ERP19 BBuuss DDeetteecctt iioonn ddeevviiccee ffoorr tthhee BBll iinndd uussiinngg

ppaassssiivvee RRFFII DD AAppppll iiccaatt iioonn

Here a bus recognition system is developed for the

blind where RFID comes into act to detect the bus

information using the RFID Tag in the bus and an

RFID Reader with the blind person.


20. ERP20 PPooll iiccyy aanndd rr oollee bbaasseedd mmoobbii llee RRFFII DD uusseerr

pprr iivvaaccyy DDaattaa MM aannaaggeemmeenntt SSyysstteemm

This project deals with design of a secured RFID

system for the protection of user access and

information onto a database by employing user privacy

policies and encryption.


21. ERP21 AAuuttoommaatt iicc ccoonntt rr ooll ooff ssttuuddeennttss aatt tteennddaannccee iinn

ccllaassssrr oooommss uussiinngg RRFFII DD

In this project we propose architecture and a prototype

of a system that uses distributed RFID over Ethernet

and automates an entire student’s attendance

registration system by using FID in an educational

institution environment.


22. ERP22 DDeessiiggnn && iimmpplleemmeennttaatt iioonn ooff aa RRFFII DD bbaasseedd

ppoowweerr mmeetteerr && oouuttaaggee RReeccoorr ddiinngg

This paper tries to design and implement a RFID based

power meter and outage recording system.


23. ERP23 SSii ttuuaatt iioonn AAwwaarr ee RRFFII DD ssyysstteemm:: EEvvaalluuaatt iinngg

AAbbnnoorr mmaall bbeehhaavviioorr ddeetteecctt iinngg aapppprr ooaacchh

This system proposes a novel idea of a situation aware

RFID system for the detection of abnormal,

irregulative usage of RFID tag in a robust shopping



24. ERP24 TThhee II nntt rr oodduucctt iioonn aanndd DDeessiiggnn ooff aa NNeeww FFoorr mm ooff SSuuppeerr mmaarr kkeett :: SSmmaarr tt MM aarr kkeett

In this paper, we introduce a new form of supermarket: Smart Market, in which customers can acquire detailed product information with Smart Market’s facilities and expedite the checkout process without human intervention


ssyysstteemm uussiinngg ZZiiggBBeeee tteecchhnnoollooggyy

A wireless solution for intelligent field irrigation

system based on ZigBee technology was proposed in

this paper.


02. EZB02 EExxpplloorr aatt iioonn aanndd RReesseeaarr cchh bbaasseedd oonn VVII NN

CCooddee VVeehhiiccllee II ddeenntt ii ff ii ccaatt iioonn SSyysstteemm

This paper is designed and implemented based on

the ZigBee technology of the vehicle automatic

identification System.



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Your Ideas can be implemented. Any project better pricing with Up gradation being done. 13

03. EZB03 ZZiiggbbeeee bbaasseedd II nntteell ll iiggeenntt HHeellmmeett ffoorr CCooaall

MM iinneerr ss

A Cost effective zigbee based wireless mine

supervising system is presented in this article. 2009

04. EZB04 RReemmoottee--CCoonnttrr ooll llaabbllee aanndd EEnneerr ggyy--SSaavviinngg

RRoooomm AArr cchhii tteeccttuurr ee bbaasseedd oonn ZZiiggBBeeee

CCoommmmuunniiccaatt iioonn

This paper describes room architecture to reduce

power consumption and to make the room easily

controllable with an IR remote control of an home



05. EZB05 DDeessiiggnn ooff AAiirr PPooll lluutt iioonn MM oonnii ttoorr iinngg SSyysstteemm

UUssiinngg ZZiiggBBeeee NNeettwwoorr kkss ffoorr UUbbiiqquuii ttoouuss--CCii ttyy

This paper focuses on implementation of air pollution

monitoring system. 2009

06. EZB06 RReemmoottee PPoowweerr OONN//OOFFFF ccoonntt rr ooll && ccuurr rr eenntt

mmeeaassuurr eemmeenntt ffoorr HHoommee EElleeccttrr iicc OOuutt lleettss

bbaasseedd oonn aa LL ooww PPoowweerr EEmmbbeeddddeedd BBooaarr dd &&

ZZiiggbbeeee ccoommmmuunniiccaatt iioonn

A system for power reduction using Zigbee Networks 2008

07. EZB07 WWii rr eelleessss AAcccceessss MM oonnii ttoorr iinngg aanndd CCoonnttrr ooll

SSyysstteemm bbaasseedd oonn DDiiggii ttaall DDoooorr LL oocckk

A Door Lock system with high authorisation 2008

08. EZB08 AA ZZiiggBBeeee--BBaasseedd PPoowweerr MM oonnii ttoorr iinngg SSyysstteemm

wwii tthh DDiirr eecctt LL ooaadd CCoonnttrr ooll CCaappaabbii ll ii tt iieess

A power monitoring system with power representation

for each and every device 2008

09. EZB09 RReemmoottee--ccoonntt rr ooll llaabbllee aanndd eenneerr ggyy--ssaavviinngg rr oooomm

aarr cchhii tteeccttuurr ee bbaasseedd oonn ZZiiggBBeeee ccoommmmuunniiccaatt iioonn

This paper describes room architecture to reduce

power consumption and to make the room easily

controllable with an IR remote control of an home



10. EZB10 DDeessiiggnn aanndd RReeaall ii zzaatt iioonn ooff EEmmbbeeddddeedd WWeebb

GGaatteewwaayy SSeerr vveerr

This paper introduces in detail the transplantation and

system software design of embedded Web server, 2007

11. EZB11 WWeeaarr aabbllee WWiirr eelleessss BBooddyy AArr eeaa NNeettwwoorr kkss A Wearable body area network (WBAN) is the

emerging technology that is developed for wearable

monitoring application.


12 EZB12 PPoowweerr MM aannaaggeemmeenntt uussiinngg ZZiiggBBeeee WWiirr eelleessss

SSeennssoorr NNeettwwoorr kk

To manage the available power more often the power

is cut for particular area.. Instead , we can use

available power in such a way that only low power

devices like Tubes ,Fans, Desktops which are primary

needs should be allowed and high power devices like

heater ,pump-set , A.C. etc should not be allowed for

that particular period

13 EZB13 TThhee AAppppll iiccaatt iioonn ooff AARRMM AAnndd ZZiiggBBeeee

TTeecchhnnoollooggyy WWiirr eelleessss NNeettwwoorr kkss II nn

MM oonnii ttoorr iinngg MM iinnee SSaaffeettyy SSyysstteemm

With the continuous development of technology, it

gives a new type System of Coal Mine Safety Based

on ZigBee technology.


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Your Ideas can be implemented. Any project better pricing with Up gradation being done. 14


01 EEGGPP0011 AAuuttoommoobbii llee AAnntt ii --tthheefftt SSyysstteemm DDeessiiggnn BBaasseedd


An automobile remote alarm system based on GSM

communication network is introduced


02 EEGGPP0022 DDeessiiggnn && DDeevveellooppmmeenntt ooff aa GGSSMM BBaasseedd

VVeehhiiccllee TThheeff tt CCoonnttrr ooll SSyysstteemm

This paper deals with the design & development of a

theft control system for an automobile, which is being

used to prevent/control the theft of a vehicle.


03 EEGGPP0033 AAnn AAuuttoommoott iivvee SSeeccuurr ii ttyy SSyysstteemm ffoorr AAnntt ii --


In this paper, we present an automotive security

system to disable an automobile and its key auto

systems through remote control when it is stolen.


04 EEGGPP0044 AA GGII SS ssyysstteemm ffoorr ttoouurr iissmm mmaannaaggeemmeenntt

Our objective is to build a Geographic Information

System (GIS) Model for tourism industries (services)

from one side and for officials and conservationist of

the historic sites on the other side.


05 EEGGPP0055 HHEERROO:: OOnnll iinnee RReeaall --TTiimmee VVeehhiiccllee TTrr aacckkiinngg In this paper, we present an innovative scheme,

Hierarchical Exponential Region Organization

(HERO) for Intelligent transportation


06 EEGGPP0066 TThhee MM oobbii llee EECCGG TTeellee mmoonnii ttoorr iinngg SSyysstteemm

BBaasseedd oonn GGPPRRSS aanndd GGPPSS

The portable ECG monitoring terminal in the system

consists of GPRS and GPS module in order to send the

ECG signal data through GPRS network with the

position information of the user, and a accelerometer is

embedded in the terminal to sense the sudden posture

change of the user, this will enable the monitoring

center in the system give a immediately response to

the user who suffer a suddenly cardiac failure


07 EEGGPP0077 GGPPSS BBaasseedd MM oobbii llee TTeellee MM oonnii ttoorr iinngg &&

MM aannaaggeemmeenntt SSyysstteemm ffoorr II nntteerr ccii tt iieess PPuubbll iicc

TTrr aannssppoorr ttaatt iioonnss

A novel Bus management system based on GPS 2008

EEGGPP0088 DDeevveellooppmmeenntt ooff CCooll llaappssee--SSeennssiinngg PPhhoonnee

ffoorr EEmmeerr ggeennccyy PPoossii tt iioonniinngg SSyysstteemm

we have developed a collapse-sensing phone with a

GPS receiving chipset and a CDMA sending chipset

that reports the location of the individual to a local

control center.


CCoonnttaacctt:: 9988440011 0033330011,, 9988441100 9911111177.. MMaaii ll :: iieeeeeepprroojjeeccttss@@yyaahhoooo..ccoomm wwwwww..iimmppuullssee..nneett..iinn

Your Ideas can be implemented. Any project better pricing with Up gradation being done. 15


ccoonntt rr ooll ll iinngg bbaasseedd oonn PPoowweerr LL iinnee

CCoommmmuunniiccaatt iioonn

In this paper an embedded remote monitoring and

controlling power socket (RMCPS) has been

developed with high suitability for automatic and

power management of home electric appliances


02. EPLC02 WWii rr eelleessss LL aann bbaasseedd DDiisstt rr iibbuutteedd DDiiggii ttaall

LL iigghhtt iinngg ssyysstteemmss ffoorr DDiiggii ttaall hhoommee

Effectiveness & reality of a system composed of

hardware & software is implemented with wireless

Lan & demonstrated in this paper


03. EPLC03 WWii rr eelleessss AAdd HHoocc NNeettwwoorr kkss RReemmoottee MM eetteerr

RReeaaddiinngg SSyysstteemm BBaasseedd oonn GGPPRRSS

A gprs based Meter for Intelligent monitoring of

Electricity units consumed

04. EPLC04 RReesseeaarr cchh aanndd DDeessiiggnn ooff II nntteell ll iiggeenntt WWiirr eelleessss

HHaarr mmoonniicc DDeetteecctt iioonn ooff EElleecctt rr iicc PPoowweerr


we design a kind of wireless power electric parameter

detection system based on single chip microprocessor

(SCM) technology, wireless communication



05. EPLC05 SSyynncchhrr oonniizzaatt iioonn AAllggoorr ii tthhmmss ffoorr SSMM SS BBaasseedd

WWii rr eelleessss DDiisstt rr iibbuutteedd SSyysstteemm ffoorr EElleecctt rr iicc

GGrr iidd MM oonnii ttoorr

In this paper, we have come up with some algorithms

that are easy to fulfill without sacrificing much to the

system's performance.


06. EPLC06 II nntteeggrr aatteedd ssoollaarr tt rr aacckkeerr ppoossii tt iioonniinngg uunnii tt iinn

ddiissttrr iibbuutteedd ggrr iidd--ffeeeeddiinngg iinnvveerr tteerr ss ffoorr CCPPVV

ppoowweerr ppllaannttss

Solar tracker for efficient usage of electrical energy 2009

07. EPLC07 DDeevveellooppmmeenntt ooff AA HHiieerr aarr cchhiiccaall SSaavviinngg PPoowweerr

SSyysstteemm ffoorr CCaammppuuss

This dispatch system is the integration of Internet,

network, coded radio frequency, database, interfacing

technology, and campus administration using

computerization servers.


08. EPLC08 II nntteell ll iiggeenntt WWiirr eelleessss SSyysstteemm ttoo MM oonnii ttoorr iinngg

MM eecchhaanniiccaall FFaauull tt iinn PPoowweerr TTrr aannssmmiissssiioonn

LL iinneess

This paper presents the development of an intelligent

wireless system to monitoring mechanical fault in

electric power transmission lines


09. EPLC09 RReesseeaarr cchh oonn MM eeaassuurr iinngg EEqquuiippmmeenntt ooff ssiinnggllee--

pphhaassee EElleeccttrr iiccii ttyy –– SStteeaall iinngg wwii tthh LL oonngg

ddiissttaannccee MM oonnii ttoorr iinngg

This project deals with the implementation of a

automated electricity stealing detection system

involving a novel approach based on 8051 MCU.


10. EPLC10 DDeevveellooppmmeenntt ooff EEnneerr ggyy MM aannaaggeemmeenntt aanndd

wwaarr nniinngg ssyysstteemm ffoorr RReessiiddeenntt :: AAnn EEnneerr ggyy

SSaavviinngg SSoolluutt iioonn..

This system brings forth an innovative power saving

solution for a residential system using electrical

parameter manipulation units.


11. EPLC11 SSuuff ff ii cciieenntt ssuunnll iigghhtt ssuuppppllyy ffoorr hhoommee ccaarr ee

uussiinngg llooccaall cclloosseedd –– lloooopp sshhuutt tteerr ccoonntt rr ooll


This project projects an ambient control system for

limiting the amount of sunlight entering an industrial

area by using a sensitive LDR, ADC on an 8051 MCU.



CCoonnttaacctt:: 9988440011 0033330011,, 9988441100 9911111177.. MMaaii ll :: iieeeeeepprroojjeeccttss@@yyaahhoooo..ccoomm wwwwww..iimmppuullssee..nneett..iinn

Your Ideas can be implemented. Any project better pricing with Up gradation being done. 16

12. EPLC12 DDeessiiggnn aanndd II mmpplleemmeennttaatt iioonn ooff UUnniivveerr ssaall

iinndduussttrr yy DDaattaa ccooll lleecctt iinngg aanndd CCoonnttrr ooll ll iinngg


This project deploys the development of a robust data

collecting system for the acquisition of industrial

parameters using a embedded 8051 MCU and storage

onto an I2C EEPROM.


13. EPLC13 PPCC –– bbaasseedd PPII DD SSppeeeedd ccoonntt rr ooll iinn DDCC MM oottoorr In This project the speed of the system is controlled

using a PC where the average speed is fed and the DC

Motor is made to prevail in the same speed following

proportional integral Differential algorithm.


14. EPLC14 RReemmoottee ppoowweerr mmaannaaggeemmeenntt aanndd mmeetteerr --

rr eeaaddiinngg ssyysstteemm bbaasseedd oonn AARRMM

mmiiccrr oopprr oocceessssoorr

In this project, the energy is measured and the value is

transferred to ARM Processor using RS-485 and the

value is displayed in LCD and communicates with the

management using GSM.


15. EPLC15 II mmpplleemmeennttaatt iioonn ooff CCoonnttrr ooll MM eecchhaanniissmm ffoorr

SSttaannddbbyy PPoowweerr RReedduucctt iioonn iinn HHoommee

AAppppll iiaanncceess

A energy saving architecture for controlling the

devices in homes


16. EPLC16 AAuuttoommaatt iicc rr oooomm ll iigghhtt iinntteennssii ttyy ddeetteecctt iioonn &&

ccoonntt rr ooll uussiinngg mmiiccrr oopprr oocceessssoorr && ll iigghhtt sseennssoorr ss

Maintaining optimum temperature & lighting in a

room using Light & temperature sensors


17. EPLC17 AA GGSSMM ,, II nntteerr nneett && SSppeeeecchh CCoonnttrr ooll lleedd

WWiirr eelleessss II nntteerr aacctt iivvee HHoommee AAuuttoommaatt iioonn


A home automation system using sms, Voice &

Internet web page.


18. EPLC18 AAuuttoommaatt iicc PPoowweerr MM eetteerr RReeaaddiinngg SSyysstteemm

uussiinngg GGSSMM NNeettwwoorr kk

This is an SMS based Power meter reading system 2007

19. EPLC19 SSooff ttwwaarree AAggeennttss BBaasseedd HHoommee AAuuttoommaatt iioonn

AAnn II nntteell ll iiggeenntt EElleeccttrr iiccaall BBii ll ll iinngg &&

MM aaiinntteennaannccee

Ann novel Electrical billing system with sms email

and auto meter reading option


20. EPLC20 RReemmootteellyy CCoonnttrr ooll llaabbllee OOuutt lleett SSyysstteemm ffoorr

HHoommee PPoowweerr MM aannaaggeemmeenntt

A power management system for electrical devices in

home and Industrial equipments.


21. EPLC21 OOnn LL iinnee TTeemmppeerr aattuurr ee MM oonnii ttoorr iinngg ooff PPoowweerr

DDiisstt rr iibbuutt iioonn EEqquuiippmmeenntt

A Temperature Monitoring system for Power

Distribution Equipments


22. EPLC22 GGSSMM BBaasseedd DDiisstt rr iibbuutt iioonn TTrr aannssffoorr mmeerr

MM oonnii ttoorr iinngg ssyysstteemm

A sms based Distribution transformer parameter

Monitoring system



CCoonnttaacctt:: 9988440011 0033330011,, 9988441100 9911111177.. MMaaii ll :: iieeeeeepprroojjeeccttss@@yyaahhoooo..ccoomm wwwwww..iimmppuullssee..nneett..iinn

Your Ideas can be implemented. Any project better pricing with Up gradation being done. 17



MM oobbii llee SSttaatt iioonn LL ooccaatt iioonn

EEsstt iimmaattoorr

In this paper, Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference system (ANFIS) is

used as a robust location estimator to locate the mobile station (MS)

using the MS geo-fencing area data from a serving base station.

Algorithm : Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference system



2 ITMC02 MM DDPPFF :: MM iinniimmuumm DDiissttaannccee

PPaacckkeett ffoorr wwaarr ddiinngg ffoorr sseeaarr cchh

aappppll iiccaatt iioonnss iinn mmoobbii llee AAddhhoocc

NNeettwwoorr kkss

This paper introduces a message forwarding algorithm for search

applications within mobile ad hoc networks that is based on the

concept of selecting the nearest node from a set of designated nodes.

Algorithm :: MM iinniimmuumm DDiissttaannccee PPaacckkeett FFoorr wwaarr ddiinngg



3 ITMC03 EExxppllooii tt iinngg CCoonnttaacctt SSppaatt iiaall

DDeeppeennddeennccyy ffoorr ooppppoorr ttuunniisstt iicc

MM eessssaaggee FFoorr wwaarr ddiinngg

We apply the proposed path-delay estimation to end-to-end routing.

The proposed scheme can reduce the message delay significantly,

when the network is sufficiently sparse and the spatial dependency is

quantitatively constant over time. Algorithm :: path-delay

estimation methods



4 ITMC04 CCoonntt iinnuuoouuss MM oonnii ttoorr iinngg ooff ssppaatt iiaall

qquueerr iieess iinn wwiirr eelleessss BBrr ooaaddccaasstt

EEnnvvii rr oonnmmeennttss

In this paper, we propose an air indexing framework that

1) outperforms the existing (i.e., snapshot) techniques in terms of

energy consumption while achieving low access latency and

2) Constitutes the first method supporting efficient processing of

continuous spatial queries over moving objects.

Algorithm :: spatial query



5 ITMC05 TThhee BBeeaaccoonn MM oovveemmeenntt DDeetteecctt iioonn

PPrr oobblleemm iinn WWiirr eelleessss SSeennssoorr

NNeettwwoorr kkss ffoorr LL ooccaall iizzaatt iioonn

AAppppll iiccaatt iioonnss..

Assuming that there are unnoticed changes of locations of some

beacons in the system, this problem concerns how to automatically

monitor such situations and identify such unreliable beacons based on

the mutual observations among beacons only.

Algorithm: BBeeaaccoonn MM oovveemmeenntt DDeetteecctt iioonn mmeetthhoodd..



6 ITMC06 DDRRAANNDD:: DDiissttrr iibbuutteedd RRaannddoommiizzeedd

TTDDMM AA SScchheedduull iinngg ffoorr WWiirr eelleessss

AAdd HHoocc NNeettwwoorr kkss..

This paper presents a distributed implementation of RAND, a

randomized time slot scheduling algorithm, called DRAND.The

algorithm is suitable for a wireless network where most nodes do not

move, such as wireless mesh networks and wireless sensor networks.

AAllggoorr ii tthhmm:: DDRRAANNDD..

7 ITMC07 AA NNoovveell SScchheedduulleedd PPoowweerr SSaavviinngg

MM eecchhaanniissmm ffoorr 880022..1111 WWiirr eelleessss


To improve power efficiency, a novel scheduled PSM protocol based

on time slicing is proposed in this paper. The protocol adopts the

mechanism of time division, schedules the access point to deliver

pending data at designated time slices, & adaptively adjusts the power




CCoonnttaacctt:: 9988440011 0033330011,, 9988441100 9911111177.. MMaaii ll :: iieeeeeepprroojjeeccttss@@yyaahhoooo..ccoomm wwwwww..iimmppuullssee..nneett..iinn

Your Ideas can be implemented. Any project better pricing with Up gradation being done. 18

state of stations. AAllggoorr ii tthhmm:: PPSSMM pprr oottooccooll

8 ITMC08 JJooiinntt TTaasskk MM iiggrr aatt iioonn aanndd PPoowweerr

MM aannaaggeemmeenntt iinn WWiirr eelleessss

CCoommppuutt iinngg

In this project We investigate a wireless computing architecture,

where mobile terminals can execute their computation tasks either

1) Locally, at the terminal’s processor, or 2) remotely, assisted by the

network infrastructure, resulting in Energy savings in terminal.



9 ITMC09 RRoouuttee SSttaabbii ll ii ttyy iinn MM AANNEETTss

uunnddeerr tthhee RRaannddoomm DDiirr eecctt iioonn

MM oobbii ll ii ttyy MM ooddeell ..

In this work, we study both the availability and the duration

probability of a routing path that is subject to link failures caused by

node mobility. In particular, we focus on the case where the network

nodes move according to the Random Direction model, and we derive

both exact and approximate (but simple) expressions of these


AAllggoorr ii tthhmm:: RRaannddoomm MM oobbii ll ii ttyy MM ooddeell ..



10 ITMC10 MM ii tt iiggaatt iioonn ooff CCoonnttrr ooll CChhaannnneell

JJaammmmiinngg uunnddeerr NNooddee CCaappttuurr ee


In this paper, we develop a framework for control channel access

schemes that are robust to control channel jamming. Furthermore, we

provide techniques for random allocation of control channels to users

which yield graceful performance degradation as the number of user’s


AALL GGOO :: GGuuiiddee AAllggoorr ii tthhmm



11 ITMC11 DDyynnaammiiccss ooff MM uull tt iippllee--SSeell lleerr aanndd

MM uull tt iippllee--BBuuyyeerr SSppeecctt rr uumm

TTrr aaddiinngg iinn CCooggnnii tt ii vvee RRaaddiioo

NNeettwwoorr kkss..

To model the competition among the primary users, a non cooperative

game is formulated where the Nash equilibrium is considered as the


AAllggoorr ii tthhmm :: II tteerr aatt iivvee AAllggoorr ii tthhmm



12 ITMC12 RRaannddoomm CCaasstt :: EEnneerr ggyy EEffff iicciieenntt

CCoommmmuunniiccaatt iioonn SScchheemmee ffoorr

MM oobbii llee AAdd HHoocc NNeettwwoorr kkss..

This paper proposes a new communication mechanism, called Random

Cast, via which a sender can specify the desired level of overhearing,

making a prudent balance between energy and routing performance.

AAllggoorr ii tthhmm :: RRaannddoomm CCaasstt AAllggoorr ii tthhmm



13 ITMC13 AA GGeenn22--bbaasseedd RRFFII DD

AAuutthheenntt iiccaatt iioonn PPrr oottooccooll ffoorr

SSeeccuurr ii ttyy aanndd PPrr iivvaaccyy..

This project uses the safest method of authenticating data from a Tag

into a tag reader and transfers data in a safe manner.

AAllggoorr ii tthhmm :: GGeenneerr aall 22 PPrroottooccooll pplluuss ,, PPRRNNGG,,CCRRCC



14 ITMC14 EEnneerr ggyy--EEff ff iicciieenntt CClluusstteerr iinngg

uunnddeerr tthhee JJooiinntt RRoouutt iinngg aanndd

CCoovveerr aaggee CCoonnssttrr aaiinntt..

In this paper, we address an energy-optimal topology that maximizes

network lifetime, While ensuring simultaneously full area coverage

and sensor connectivity to cluster heads.

AAllggoorr ii tthhmm:: TTaabbuu--RRCCCC AAllggoorr ii tthhmm..



15 ITMC15 II nnffoorr mmaatt iioonn CCoonntteenntt --BBaasseedd

SSeennssoorr SSeelleecctt iioonn && TTrr aannssmmiissssiioonn

A mutual-information-based sensor selection (MISS) algorithm is

adopted which allows the sensor nodes with the highest mutual

information about the target state to transmit data so that the energy




CCoonnttaacctt:: 9988440011 0033330011,, 9988441100 9911111177.. MMaaii ll :: iieeeeeepprroojjeeccttss@@yyaahhoooo..ccoomm wwwwww..iimmppuullssee..nneett..iinn

Your Ideas can be implemented. Any project better pricing with Up gradation being done. 19

PPoowweerr AAddjj uussttmmeenntt ffoorr

CCooll llaabboorr aatt iivvee TTaarr ggeett TTrr aacckkiinngg..

consumption is reduced while the desired target position estimation

accuracy is met.

AAllggoorr ii tthhmm uusseedd:: MM II SSSS && II CCTTPP MM eetthhoodd

16 ITMC16 ppDDCCSS:: SSeeccuurr ii ttyy aanndd PPrr iivvaaccyy

SSuuppppoorr tt ffoorr DDaattaa--CCeennttrr iicc SSeennssoorr

NNeettwwoorr kkss

To address the security problem of Data Centric Sensor networks, we

present pDCS, a privacy enhanced DCS network which offers different

levels of data privacy based on different cryptographic keys.



17 ITMC17 MM eessssaaggee aauutthheenntt iiccaatt iioonn iinn

ccoommppuuttaatt iioonnaall llyy ccoonnsstt rr aaiinneedd

EEnnvvii rr oonnmmeennttss

In this project RFID and Wireless Sensor Networks Exemplify

computational constrained environments, where the compact nature of

the components cannot support complex computations or high

communication overhead.

AAllggoorr ii tthhmm :: HHaasshh MM eessssaaggee AAuutthheenntt iiccaatt iioonn CCooddeess



18 ITMC18 DDeessiiggnn ooff FFaaii rr SScchheedduull iinngg

SScchheemmeess ffoorr tthhee QQooSS--OOrr iieenntteedd

WWii rr eelleessss LL AANN..

This project simultaneously achieves fairness and quality-of-service

(QoS) guarantee in QoS-oriented wireless local area networks (LANs)

is an important and challenging issue.

AAllggoorr ii tthhmm:: II nntteerr ff rr aammee SSppaaccee ((II FFSS)) aanndd AAll lloowwaannccee

19 ITMC19 GGrr eeeeddyy RRoouutt iinngg wwii tthh AAnntt ii --VVooiidd

TTrr aavveerr ssaall ffoorr WWiirr eelleessss SSeennssoorr

NNeettwwoorr kkss..

In this paper, a greedy antivoid routing (GAR) protocol is proposed to

solve the void problem with increased routing efficiency by exploiting

the boundary finding technique for the unit disk graph (UDG).


20 ITMC20 CCeell ll BBrr eeaatthhiinngg TTeecchhnniiqquueess ffoorr

LL ooaadd BBaallaanncciinngg iinn WWiirr eelleessss


In this paper we present a new load balancing technique by controlling

the size of WLAN cells (i.e., AP’s coverage range)

AAllggoorr ii tthhmm uusseedd:: MM iinn--MM aaxx AAllggoorr ii tthhmm


21 ITMC21 EEnneerr ggyy--EEff ff iicciieenntt SSII NNRR--BBaasseedd

RRoouutt iinngg ffoorr MMuull tt iihhoopp WWii rr eelleessss

NNeettwwoorr kkss..

In this paper, we develop an energy-efficient routing scheme that takes

into account the interference created by existing flows in the network.

AAllggoorr ii tthhmm uusseedd:: EEnneerr ggyy EEffff iicciieenntt RRoouutt iinngg TTeecchhnniiqquuee..

22 ITMC22 WWaarr ddrr oopp RRoouutt iinngg iinn WWiirr eelleessss

NNeettwwoorr kkss..

Routing protocols for multihop wireless networks have traditionally

used shortest path routing to obtain paths to destinations & do not

consider traffic load or delay as an explicit factor in the choice of

routes for which the project is designed.

AAllggoorr ii tthhmm:: SSTTAARRAA


23 ITMC23 EEffff iicciieenntt BBrr ooaaddccaasstt iinngg iinn MM oobbii llee

AAdd HHoocc NNeettwwoorr kkss

In our project two efficient broadcasting algorithms based on 1-hop

neighbor information is performed.


24 ITMC24 AAnn II nntteeggrr aatteedd AApppprr ooaacchh ttoo

SSeennssoorr RRoollee SSeelleecctt iioonn..

We propose an integrated route discovery and sensor selection

protocol called DAPR that further lengthens network lifetime by

jointly selecting routers and active sensors, again with the goal of

minimizing the use of sensors in sparsely covered areas.



CCoonnttaacctt:: 9988440011 0033330011,, 9988441100 9911111177.. MMaaii ll :: iieeeeeepprroojjeeccttss@@yyaahhoooo..ccoomm wwwwww..iimmppuullssee..nneett..iinn

Your Ideas can be implemented. Any project better pricing with Up gradation being done. 20

AAllggoorr ii tthhmm uusseedd:: DDAAPPRR..

25 ITMC25 AA ttaabbuu sseeaarr cchh aallggoorr ii tthhmm ffoorr

CClluusstteerr bbuuii llddiinngg iinn wwii rr eelleessss

SSeennssoorr nneettwwoorr kkss

In this project the main challenge in wireless sensor network

deployment pertains to optimizing energy consumption when

collecting data from sensor nodes.

Algorithm : Tabu Search


26 ITMC26 BBSSMM RR:: BByyzzaanntt iinnee--RReessii ll iieenntt

SSeeccuurr ee MM uull tt iiccaasstt RRoouutt iinngg iinn

MM uull tt ii --hhoopp WWiirr eelleessss NNeettwwoorr kkss..

We identify vulnerabilities of on-demand multicast routing protocols

for multihop wireless networks and propose BSMR, a novel secure

multicast routing protocol designed to withstand insider attacks from

colluding adversaries.

AAllggoorr ii tthhmm:: RRoouuttee ddiissccoovveerr yy


27 ITMC27 LL ooccaall CCoonnssttrr uucctt iioonn ooff NNeeaarr --

OOpptt iimmaall PPoowweerr SSppaannnneerr ss ffoorr

WWii rr eelleessss AAdd HHoocc NNeettwwoorr kkss..

We present a local distributed algorithm that, given a wireless ad hoc

network modeled as a unit disk graph .

AAllggoorr ii tthhmm uusseedd:: RRaannddoomm WWaallkk AAllggoorr ii tthhmm..


28 ITMC28 BBiiaasseedd RRaannddoomm WWaallkkss iinn

UUnnii ffoorr mm WWiirr eelleessss NNeettwwoorr kkss..

This paper studies the effect of biasing random walk toward the target

on the hitting time. For a walk running over a network with uniform

node distribution, a simple upper bound that connects the hitting time

to the bias level is obtained. The key result is that even a modest bias

level is able to reduce the hitting time significantly

AAllggoorr ii tthhmm uusseedd:: RRaannddoomm WWaallkk AAllggoorr ii tthhmm


29 ITMC29 MM ooddeell--BBaasseedd TTeecchhnniiqquueess ffoorr

DDaattaa RReell iiaabbii ll ii ttyy iinn WWiirr eelleessss

SSeennssoorr NNeettwwoorr kkss..

This paper presents a new method that makes use of the properties of

sensor data to enable reliable data collection. The approach consists of

creating predictive models based on the temporal correlation in the

data and using them for real-time error correction.

AAllggoorr ii tthhmm:: MM iinn EERRRR AAllggoorr ii tthhmm..


30 ITMC30 AAnn EEppiiddeemmiicc TThheeoorr eett iicc

FFrr aammeewwoorr kk ffoorr VVuullnneerr aabbii ll ii ttyy

AAnnaallyyssiiss ooff BBrr ooaaddccaasstt PPrr oottooccoollss

iinn WWiirr eelleessss SSeennssoorr NNeettwwoorr kkss..

In this paper, we propose a general framework based on the principles

of epidemic theory, for vulnerability analysis of current broadcast

protocols in wireless sensor networks. In particular, we develop a

common mathematical model for propagation that incorporates

important parameters derived from the communication patterns of the

protocol. AAllggoorr ii tthhmm:: EEppiiddeemmiicc tthheeoorr yy


31 ITMC31 EEffff iicciieenntt BBrr ooaaddccaasstt iinngg iinn MM oobbii llee

AAdd HHoocc NNeettwwoorr kkss

In our project two efficient broadcasting algorithms based on 1-hop

neighbor information is proposed & implemented.


32 ITMC32 HHeeaaddll iigghhtt pprr eeffeettcchhiinngg && ddyynnaammiicc

cchhaaiinniinngg ffoorr ccooooppeerr aatt iivvee mmeeddiiaa

sstt rr eeaammiinngg

In this project our goal is to sharing audio and video resources between

media environments

AAllggoorr ii tthhmm:: DDiissttrr iibbuutteedd II nnddeexx MM aaiinntteennaannccee AAllggoorr ii tthhmm..



CCoonnttaacctt:: 9988440011 0033330011,, 9988441100 9911111177.. MMaaii ll :: iieeeeeepprroojjeeccttss@@yyaahhoooo..ccoomm wwwwww..iimmppuullssee..nneett..iinn

Your Ideas can be implemented. Any project better pricing with Up gradation being done. 21



AAllggoorr ii tthhmm :: TTwwoo AAll tteerr nnaatt ii vvee CCRRCC

aallggoorr ii tthhmm

CRCs have desirable properties for effective error detection. But their

software implementation, which relies on many steps of the

polynomial division, is typically slower than other codes such as

weaker checksums. In this paper, we introduce such fast CRCs as well

as an effective technique to implement them.


2 ITNS02 SSeeccuurr iinngg ssttrr uuccttuurr eedd oovveerr llaayyss

aaggaaiinnsstt II ddeenntt ii ttyy aatt ttaacckkss

In this paper, we define a generalized form of the Identity attack, and

propose a lightweight detection and tracking system that protects

applications by Redirecting traffic away from attackers.




3 ITNS03 HHiigghh--PPeerr ffoorr mmaannccee RReekkeeyyiinngg

PPrr oocceessssoorr AArr cchhii tteeccttuurr ee ffoorr GGrr oouupp

KK eeyy MM aannaaggeemmeenntt

AAllggoorr ii tthhmm :: SSeeccuurr ii ttyy YY--DDiiaaggrr aamm

Group key management is a critical task in secure multicast

applications such as Pay-TV over the Internet. In this paper, a novel

hardware/software architecture is proposed, which optimizes the

rekeying performance not only by minimizing the number of

cryptographic operations, but also by reducing the execution times of

these operations including digital signing with the aid of hardware



4 ITNS04 RReeccoonnff iigguurr aabbllee CCoommppuutt iinngg

AApppprr ooaacchh ffoorr TTaattee PPaaii rr iinngg

CCrr yyppttoossyysstteemmss oovveerr BBiinnaarr yy FFiieellddss

Tate-pairing-based cryptosystems, because of their ability to be used in

multiparty identity-based key management schemes, have recently

emerged as an alternative to traditional public key cryptosystems. In

this paper, we propose a new FPGA based architecture of the Tate-

pairing-based computation over binary fields.

AAllggoorr ii tthhmm :: TTaattee PPaaii rr iinngg CCoommppuuttaatt iioonn


5 ITNS05 KK TTRR:: AAnn EEff ff iicciieenntt KK eeyy

MM aannaaggeemmeenntt SScchheemmee ffoorr SSeeccuurr ee

DDaattaa AAcccceessss CCoonnttrr ooll iinn WWiirr eelleessss

BBrr ooaaddccaasstt SSeerr vviicceess..

Wireless broadcast is an effective approach for disseminating data to a

number of users. In this paper, we propose an efficient key

management scheme, namely, key tree reuse (KTR), to handle key

distribution with regard to complex subscription options and user

activities AAllggoorr ii tthhmm :: KK TTRR


6 ITNS06 EErr rr oorr DDeetteecctt iioonn aanndd FFaauull tt

TToolleerr aannccee iinn EECCSSMM UUssiinngg II nnppuutt

RRaannddoommiizzaatt iioonn..

In this paper, error-detecting and fault-tolerant elliptic curve

cryptosystems are considered. Error detection may be a sufficient

countermeasure for many security applications; however, fault-tolerant

characteristic enables a system to perform its normal operation in spite

of faults. AAllggoorr ii tthhmm :: eell ll iipptt iicc ccuurr vvee ssccaallaarr mmuull tt iippll iiccaatt iioonn


7 ITNS07 EEnnhhaanncceedd SSeeccuurr ii ttyy ffoorr oonnll iinnee

EExxaammss uussiinngg GGrr oouupp

CCrr yyppttooggrr aapphhyy..

This project proposes enhanced secure online exam management

mediated by group cryptography using remote monitoring and control

of ports.


8 ITNS08 AAnn EEffff iicciieenntt BByyzzaanntt iinnee--RReessii ll iieenntt This paper presents an efficient implementation of a Linearizable aug


CCoonnttaacctt:: 9988440011 0033330011,, 9988441100 9911111177.. MMaaii ll :: iieeeeeepprroojjeeccttss@@yyaahhoooo..ccoomm wwwwww..iimmppuullssee..nneett..iinn

Your Ideas can be implemented. Any project better pricing with Up gradation being done. 22

TTuuppllee SSppaaccee

Byzantine fault-tolerant Tuple Space (LBTS) that uses a novel

Byzantine quorum systems replication technique in which most

operations are implemented by quorum protocols while stronger

operations are implemented by more expensive protocols based on

consensus. AAllggoorr ii tthhmm :: LL BBTTSS

9 ITNS09 MM eessssaaggee aauutthheenntt iiccaatt iioonn iinn

ccoommppuuttaatt iioonnaall llyy ccoonnsstt rr aaiinneedd

EEnnvvii rr oonnmmeennttss

In this project RFID and Wireless Sensor Networks Exemplify

computational constrained environments, where the compact nature of

the components cannot support complex computations or high

communication overhead.

AAllggoorr ii tthhmm :: HHaasshh MM eessssaaggee AAuutthheenntt iiccaatt iioonn CCooddeess




10 ITNS10 AAnn EEff ff iicciieenntt aanndd SSccaallaabbllee QQuuaassii--

AAggggrreeggaattee SSiiggnnaattuurr ee SScchheemmee

BBaasseedd oonn LL FFSSRR SSeeqquueenncceess..

In this paper, we present an efficient and scalable quasi-aggregate

signature scheme, based on third-order linear feedback shift register

(cubic LFSR) sequences that can be instantiated using both XTR and

GH public key cryptosystems. AAllggoorr ii tthhmm :: LL FFSSRR SSeeqquueenncceess


11 ITNS11 DDeessiiggnn aanndd VVeerr ii ff iiccaatt iioonn ooff

EEnnhhaanncceedd SSeeccuurr ee LL ooccaall iizzaatt iioonn

SScchheemmee iinn WWii rr eelleessss SSeennssoorr

NNeettwwoorr kkss

In this paper, we focus on the need for secure and efficient localization

for wireless sensor networks in adversarial settings.

Algorithm :Enhanced Secure Localization Scheme


12 ITNS12 CCooll lluussiivvee PPiirr aaccyy PPrr eevveenntt iioonn iinn PP22PP

CCoonntteenntt DDeell iivveerr yy NNeettwwoorr kkss..

AAllggoorr ii tthhmm:: ppeeeerr aauutthhoorr iizziinngg

pprr oottooccooll ..

Collusive piracy is the main source of intellectual property violations

within the boundary of a P2P network. Paid clients (colluders) may

illegally share copyrighted content files with unpaid clients (pirates).

The scheme stops collusive piracy without hurting legitimate P2P

clients by targeting poisoning on detected violators,Exclusively.


13 ITNS13 BBeeyyoonndd OOuuttppuutt VVoott iinngg::

DDeetteecctt iinngg CCoommpprr oommiisseedd RReeppll iiccaass

UUssiinngg HHMM MM --BBaasseedd BBeehhaavviioorr aall


Many host-based anomaly detection techniques have been proposed to

detect code-injection attacks on servers. In this paper, we present a

novel approach to behavioral distance measurement using a new type

of HMM, and present an architecture realizing this new approach.

Algorithm : Hidden Markov Model


14 ITNS14 EEffffeecctt iivvee CCooll llaabboorr aatt iioonn wwii tthh

II nnffoorr mmaatt iioonn SShhaarr iinngg iinn VVii rr ttuuaall

UUnniivveerr ssii tt iieess

Information sharing of virtual universities usually occurs in broad,

highly dynamic network-based environments, & formally accessing

the resources in a secure manner poses a difficult and challenge. This

paper aims to build a new rule-based framework to identify & address

issues of sharing in virtual university environments through Role

Based Access Control Management.

AAllggoorr ii tthhmm :: RRoollee BBaasseedd AAcccceessss CCoonnttrr ooll


15 ITNS15 AA llaarr ggee ––ssccaallee hhiiddddeenn SSeemmii--

mmaarr kkoovv mmooddeell ffoorr aannoommaallyy

ddeetteecctt iioonn oonn uusseerr bbrr oowwssiinngg

bbeehhaavviioorr ss

This project is to achieve early attack detection and filtering for the

application layer based DDOS attack by using extended hidden semi –

markov model.

AAllggoorr ii tthhmm :: HHMM MM



CCoonnttaacctt:: 9988440011 0033330011,, 9988441100 9911111177.. MMaaii ll :: iieeeeeepprroojjeeccttss@@yyaahhoooo..ccoomm wwwwww..iimmppuullssee..nneett..iinn

Your Ideas can be implemented. Any project better pricing with Up gradation being done. 23

16 ITNS16 II nntteerr nneett aanndd oonnll iinnee iinnffoorr mmaatt iioonn

pprr iivvaaccyy:: AAnn EExxpplloorr aattoorr yy ssttuuddyy ooff

pprr eetteeeennss aanndd EEaarr llyy tteeeennss..

In this project, we explored private information sharing behavior of

preteen and early teen internet users by social Cognitive theory and

protection Motivation Theory.


17 ITNS17 PPrr oovvaabbllyy SSeeccuurr ee SStteeggaannooggrr aapphhyy

This paper introduces a cryptographic formalization of steganographic

security in terms of computational indistinguishability from a channel,

an indexed family of probability distributions on cover messages

AAllggoorr ii tthhmm :: ccoommpplleexxii ttyy--tthheeoorr eett iicc pprr ooooff tteecchhnniiqquueess.


18 ITNS18 AA SSeeccuurr ee MM oobbii llee HHeeaall tthhccaarr ee

ssyysstteemm uussiinngg tt rr uusstt –– bbaasseedd

MM uull tt iiccaasstt sscchheemmee..

This project shows about the technique of trust evaluation without a

centralized trust management authority and propose a trust evaluation

model that can efficiently calculate the trustworthiness of mobile



19 ITNS19 BBSSMM RR:: BByyzzaanntt iinnee--RReessii ll iieenntt SSeeccuurr ee

MM uull tt iiccaasstt RRoouutt iinngg iinn MM uull tt iihhoopp

WWii rr eelleessss NNeettwwoorr kkss

In this work we identify vulnerabilities of on- demand multicast

routing protocols for multi-hop wireless networks & discuss the

challenges encountered in designing mechanisms to defend them.

Algorithm : BByyzzaanntt iinnee--RReessii ll iieenntt SSeeccuurr ee MM uull tt iiccaasstt RRoouutt iinngg


20 ITNS20 MM ooddeell--BBaasseedd TTeecchhnniiqquueess ffoorr DDaattaa

RReell iiaabbii ll ii ttyy iinn WWii rr eelleessss SSeennssoorr

NNeettwwoorr kkss

This paper presents a new method that makes use of the properties of

sensor data to enable reliable data collection. The approach consists of

creating predictive models based on the temporal correlation in the

data and using them for real-time error correction.

AAllggoorr ii tthhmm :: mmooddeell --bbaasseedd eerr rr oorr ccoorr rr eecctt iioonn


21 ITNS21 MM ii tt iiggaatt iinngg ddeenniiaall ooff sseerr vviiccee

aatt ttaacckkss oonn tthhee cchhoorr dd oovveerr llaayy

nneettwwoorr kk aa llooccaatt iioonn hhiiddiinngg

aapppprr ooaacchh

In this projects location guard a location hiding technique for

securing overlay file storage system from targeted file attacks.

AAllggoorr ii tthhmm :: LL ooccaatt iioonn GGuuaarr dd


22 ITNS22 TThhee eeffffeecctt iivveenneessss ooff CChheecckkssuummss

ffoorr eemmbbeeddddeedd ccoonntt rr ooll nneettwwoorr kkss..

This project is to detect data transmission errors by using checksum

computations and Embedded Control Networks.


23 ITNS23 SSMM OOCCKK :: AA SSccaallaabbllee MM eetthhoodd ooff

CCrr yyppttooggrr aapphhiicc KK eeyy MM aannaaggeemmeenntt

ffoorr MM iissssiioonn--CCrr ii tt iiccaall WWiirr eelleessss AAdd--

HHoocc NNeettwwoorr kkss..

In this paper we present a self contained public management scheme, a

scalable method of cryptographic key management (SMOCK), which

achieves almost zero communication overhead for authentication.

AAllggoorr ii tthhmm:: SSeell ff--CCoonnttaaiinneedd PPuubbll iicc KK eeyy--MM aannaaggeemmeenntt


24 ITNS24 EEffff iicciieenntt nnooddee aaddmmiissssiioonn aanndd

cceerr tt ii ff iiccaattee lleessss sseeccuurr ee

ccoommmmuunniiccaatt iioonn iinn sshhoorr tt ll iivveedd


This projects we focus on a common type of MANET that is

formed on a temporary basis and a fully no a interactive

admission techniques geared for this type of a network.

AAllggoorr ii tthhmm :: ggeenneerr iicc aaddmmiissssiioonn pprr oottooccooll


25 ITNS25 DDyynnaammiicc rr oouutt iinngg wwii tthh sseeccuurr ii ttyy

ccoonnssiiddeerr aatt iioonn

In this projects a dynamic routing algorithm that could

randomize delivery paths for data transition.




CCoonnttaacctt:: 9988440011 0033330011,, 9988441100 9911111177.. MMaaii ll :: iieeeeeepprroojjeeccttss@@yyaahhoooo..ccoomm wwwwww..iimmppuullssee..nneett..iinn

Your Ideas can be implemented. Any project better pricing with Up gradation being done. 24



RReessii ll iieenntt PPeeeerr --ttoo--PPeeeerr MM eeddiiaa

SStt rr eeaammiinngg

AAllggoorr ii tthhmm :: GGaammee TThheeoorr eett iicc PPeeeerr

SSeelleeccttiioonn AApppprr ooaacchh

A plethora of approaches have been suggested and

implemented to support P2P media streaming. In our study, we

first classified existing approaches and studied their

characteristics by looking at three important quantities: number

of upstream peers (parents), number of downstream peers

(children), and average number of links per peer.




2 ITNJ02 FFuull ll --II nnffoorr mmaatt iioonn LL ooookkuuppss ffoorr PPeeeerr --ttoo--

PPeeeerr OOvveerr llaayyss

AAllggoorr ii tthhmm :: OOnnee HHoopp DDeessiiggnn

In this paper, we present a peer-to-peer routing algorithm with

small lookup paths. Our algorithm, called “One Hop,”

maintains full information about the system membership at

each node, routing in a single hop whenever that information is

up to date and in a small number of hops otherwise.





3 ITNJ03 SSccaallaabbllee RRoouutt iinngg iinn CCyyccll iicc MM oobbii llee

NNeettwwoorr kkss

AAllggoorr ii tthhmm :: DDTTNN HHiieerr aarr cchhiiaall RRoouutt iinngg

In this project we propose a routing algorithm, DTN

Hierarchical Routing (DHR) for scalable Routing and represent

its advantage over other routing algorithms for cyclic mobile






4 ITNJ04 EEnnffoorr cciinngg MM iinniimmuumm--CCoosstt MM uull tt iiccaasstt

RRoouutt iinngg aaggaaiinnsstt SSeell ff iisshh II nnffoorr mmaatt iioonn


We study multicast in a noncooperative environment where

information flows selfishly route themselves through the

cheapest paths available.

AAllggoorr ii tthhmm :: sshhaaddooww--pprr iiccee--bbaasseedd ccoosstt aall llooccaattiioonn





5 ITNJ05 EEffff iicciieenntt aanndd SSccaallaabbllee HHaarr ddwwaarr ee--

BBaasseedd MM uull tt iiccaasstt iinn FFaatt--TTrr eeee NNeettwwoorr kkss

tt rr aaddii tt iioonnaall ssoolluutt iioonnss..

This article presents an efficient and scalable mechanism to

overcome the limitations of collective communication in

switched interconnection networks in the presence of faults.

AAllggoorr ii tthhmm :: NNeeww HHaarr ddwwaarree bbaasseedd RRoouutt iinngg ffoorr MM uull tt iiccaasstt





6 ITNJ06 MM uull tt iippaatthh ddiisssseemmiinnaatt iioonn iinn rr eegguullaarr

mmeesshh ttooppoollooggiieess

AAllggoorr ii tthhmm:: OOpptt iimmaall SSpprr eeaaddiinngg

AAllggoorr ii tthhmm..

In this project we present a scalable approach for

dissemination that exploits all the shortest paths between a

pair of nodes of and improve the Qos.




7 ITNJ07 EErr rr oorr CCoonnttrr ooll iinn WWiirr eelleessss SSeennssoorr

NNeettwwoorr kkss:: AA CCrr oossss LL aayyeerr AAnnaallyyssiiss

In this paper, a cross-layer methodology for the analysis of

error control schemes in WSNs is presented such that the

effects of multi-hop routing and the broadcast nature of the

wireless channel are investigated.


8 ITNJ08 SSiinnggllee--LL iinnkk FFaaii lluurr ee DDeetteecctt iioonn iinn AAll ll --

OOpptt iiccaall NNeettwwoorr kkss UUssiinngg MM oonnii ttoorr iinngg

In this paper, we consider the problem of fault localization in

all-optical networks. We introduce the concept of monitoring

cycles (MCs) and monitoring paths (MPs) for unique



CCoonnttaacctt:: 9988440011 0033330011,, 9988441100 9911111177.. MMaaii ll :: iieeeeeepprroojjeeccttss@@yyaahhoooo..ccoomm wwwwww..iimmppuullssee..nneett..iinn

Your Ideas can be implemented. Any project better pricing with Up gradation being done. 25

CCyycclleess aanndd PPaatthhss identification of single-link failures.

9 ITNJ09 PPRRII MM EE:: PPeeeerr --ttoo--PPeeeerr RReecceeiivveerr --ddrr iivveenn

MM EESSHH--bbaasseedd SSttrr eeaammiinngg

AAllggoorr ii tthhmm :: PPRRII MM EE

This paper presents PRIME, the first mesh-based P2P

streaming for live content that effectively incorporates

swarming content delivery.


10 ITNJ10 OOppppoorr ttuunniisstt iicc UUssee ooff CCll iieenntt RReeppeeaatteerr ss

ttoo II mmpprr oovvee PPeerr ffoorr mmaannccee ooff WWLL AANNss

Algorithm: Soft Repeater Approach.

Currently deployed IEEE 802.11 WLANs (Wi-Fi networks)

share access point (AP) bandwidth on a per-packet basis.

However, various stations communicating with the AP often

have different signal qualities, resulting in different

transmission rates. We propose Soft Repeater, a practical,

deployable system in which stations cooperatively address the

rate anomaly problem.


11 ITNJ11 PPrr eessttoo:: FFeeeeddbbaacckk--DDrr iivveenn DDaattaa

MM aannaaggeemmeenntt iinn sseennssoorr NNeettwwoorr kkss..

AAllggoorr ii tthhmm uusseedd:: PPRREESSTTOO mmeetthhoodd

This paper presents PRESTO, a novel two-tier sensor data

management architecture comprising proxies & sensors that

cooperate with one another for acquiring data & processing


12 ITNJ12 AAnn II nn--NNeettwwoorr kk QQuueerr yyiinngg FFrr aammeewwoorr kk

ffoorr WWiirr eelleessss SSeennssoorr NNeettwwoorr kkss

AAllggoorr ii tthhmm:: DDiissttrr iibbuutteedd QQuuaadd TTrr eeee..

We propose an in-network querying framework, namely, the

Distributed Quad-Tree (DQT). We use a multiresolution

algorithm, which is optimal with respect to least square errors

that model the data in a decentralized way.




13 ITNJ13 LL iigghhttwweeiigghhtt oonnll iinnee ppeerr ffoorr mmaannccee

mmoonnii ttoorr iinngg aanndd ttuunniinngg wwii tthh

eemmbbeeddddeedd ggoossssiipp

In this project a new performance monitoring approach

called (EG) is designed to enable lightweight online

performance monitoring and tuning

AAllggoorr ii tthhmm :: EEmmbbeeddddeedd GGoossssiipp




14 ITNJ14 EEvveennttuuaall cclluusstteerr aa mmoodduullaarr aapppprr ooaacchh

ttoo ddeessiiggnniinngg hhiieerr aarr cchhiiccaall ccoonnsseennssuuss

pprr oottooccooll iinn MM AANNEETT ss

IN this project a clustering function called eventual

blusterer is designed for constructing and monitoring the two

layer hierarchy

AAllggoorr ii tthhmm :: EEvveennttuuaall CClluusstteerr eerr FFuunncctt iioonn


15 ITNJ15 OOnn tthhee ff ll yy eesstt iimmaatt iioonn ooff tthhee pprr oocceesssseess

tthhaatt aarr ee aall iivvee iinn aann aassyynncchhrr oonnoouuss

mmaassssaaggee ppaassssiinngg ssyysstteemm

In this project propose a protocol plus a second protocol

that allows to cope with heterogeneous communication

network in fault _tolerant distributed computing

AAllggoorr ii tthhmm :: GGlloobbaall cclloocckk bbaasseedd PPrr oottooccooll


16 ITNJ16 AA ccaassee ffoorr ccoonntt iinnuueess ddaattaa pprr ootteecctt iioonn

aatt bblloocckk lleevveell iinn ddiisskk aarr rr aayy

ssttoorr aaggeess AAllggoorr ii tthhmm:: TTRRAAPP

In this project we propose a new disk array architecture

that provides timely recovery to any point _in _time

referred to as TRAP .


17 ITNJ17 UUssiinngg ddaattaa aacccceessssiibbii ll ii ttyy ffoorr

rr eessoouurr ccee sseelleecctt iioonn iinn llaarr ggee ssccaallee

ddiissttrr iibbuutteedd ssyysstteemm

IN this project we present accessibility aware resource

selection techniques by which it is possible to choose node

that will have efficient data access to remote data source

AAllggoorr ii tthhmm ::AAcccceessssiibbii ll ii ttyy bbaasseedd RReessoouurr ccee SSeelleecctt iioonn



CCoonnttaacctt:: 9988440011 0033330011,, 9988441100 9911111177.. MMaaii ll :: iieeeeeepprroojjeeccttss@@yyaahhoooo..ccoomm wwwwww..iimmppuullssee..nneett..iinn

Your Ideas can be implemented. Any project better pricing with Up gradation being done. 26

18 ITNJ18 PPrr iivvaaccyy AAwwaarr ee ccooll llaabboorr aatt iivvee iinn

ssppaamm ff ii ll tteerr iinngg

AAllggoorr ii tthhmm :: AALL PPAACCAASS

In this project a privacy _aware framework for

collaborative spam filtering preserving massage

transformation techniques that is highly resilient against the

latest kinds of spam attacks


19 ITNJ19 DDyynnaammiicc sseeaarr cchh aallggoorr ii tthhmm iinn

uunnsstt rr uuccttuurreedd ppeeeerr __ttoo __ ppeeeerr

nneettwwoorr kk

In this project we propose the dynamic search (DS)

algorithm which is a generalization of flooding and RW.

AAllggoorr ii tthhmm:: DDyynnaammiicc SSeeaarr cchh AAllggoorr ii tthhmm..


20 ITNJ20 HHiissttooggrr aamm –– bbaasseedd gglloobbaall llooaadd

bbaallaanncciinngg iinn sstt rr uuccttuurr eedd ppeeeerr –– ttoo ––

ppeeeerr ssyysstteemmss..

This project explains load balancing in networks.

1. Maintaining load information.

2. Redistributing the load if it is exceed the limit.

AAllggoorr ii tthhmm :: HHII GGLL OOBB


21 ITNJ21 AA DDeecceennttrr aall ii zzeedd mmeetthhoodd ffoorr ssccaall iinngg

uupp ggeennoommee ssiimmii llaarr ii ttyy sseeaarr cchh sseerr vviiccee

This paper tackle this problem in a novel way which treats

sequence search request as content request to both genome

database and similarity detection method.

AAllggoorr ii tthhmm :: DDeecceennttrr aall iizzeedd QQuueerr yy SScchheedduull iinngg



22 ITNJ22 SShhaarr iinngg mmeemmoorr yy bbeettwweeeenn BByyzzaanntt iinnee

pprr oocceessss uussiinngg ppooll iiccyy –– eennffoorr cceedd ttuuppllee


The constructions presented in this paper demonstrate that this

approach allows the development of simple delegant

algorithms, at the cost of defining access policies for the shared

memory objects they use.

AAllggoorr ii tthhmm :: PPooll iiccyy--EEnnffoorr cceedd AAuuggmmeenntteedd TTuuppllee SSppaaccee



23 ITNJ23 AAnn eeff ff iicciieenntt aaddaapptt ii vvee tt rr aannssmmiissssiioonn

ccoonntt rr ooll sscchheemmee ffoorr llaarr ggee __ssccaallee

ddiissttrr iibbuutteedd ssiimmuullaatt iioonn ssyysstteemm

IN this project the aim of DDM is to reduce and control

the volume of information exchanged among the simulated

entities in a large scale distributed simulation system

AAllggoorr ii tthhmm :: AAddaapptt ii vvee GGrr iidd bbaasseedd DDDDMM


24 ITNJ24 PPlleexxuuss;; AA ssccaallaabbllee ppeeeerr ttoo ppeeeerr

pprr oottooccooll eennaabbll iinngg eeffff iicciieenntt ssuubbsseett

sseeaarr cchh

In this project plexus a peer_ to peer search protocol the

provides an efficient machine for advertising a bit sequence

and discovering it using any subset of its l bits.

AAllggoorr ii tthhmm :: PPLL EEXXUUSS


25 ITNJ25 DDeetteecctt iinngg mmaall iicciioouuss ppaacckkeett lloooossee

AAllggoorr ii tthhmm :: RREEDD AAllggoorr ii tthhmm

IN this project the problem of detecting whether a

compromised router is maliciously manipulating its stream

of packets .


26 ITNJ26 CCooooppeerr aatt iivvee sseeccoonnddaarr yy aauutthhoorr iizzeedd

rr eeccyyccll iinngg

AAllggoorr ii tthhmm ::CCSSAARR

In this project an approach where each application server

recycles previously received authorization and shears

them with other application server to mask authorization

server failures and network delays.



CCoonnttaacctt:: 9988440011 0033330011,, 9988441100 9911111177.. MMaaii ll :: iieeeeeepprroojjeeccttss@@yyaahhoooo..ccoomm wwwwww..iimmppuullssee..nneett..iinn

Your Ideas can be implemented. Any project better pricing with Up gradation being done. 27



SSeeqquueenntt iiaall PPaatt tteerr nnss

AAllggoorr ii tthhmm :: GGeenneerr aall iizzeedd PPeerr iiooddiiccii ttyy

DDeetteecctt iioonn

in this paper, data mining skills and the fundamentals of

statistics are combined to develop a set of algorithms to unearth

the cyclic properties of discovered sequential patterns. The

algorithms, coupled with the sequential pattern mining process,

constitute a thorough scheme to analyze and predict likely

consumer behavior


2 ITDM02 eessttMM aaxx:: TTrr aacciinngg MM aaxxiimmaall FFrr eeqquueenntt

II tteemm SSeettss II nnssttaanntt llyy oovveerr OOnnll iinnee

TTrr aannssaacctt iioonnaall DDaattaa SSttrr eeaammss

The method, namely estMax, maintains the set of frequent item

sets by a prefix tree and extracts all MFIs without any

additional superset/subset checking mechanism.



3 ITDM03 AApppprr ooxxiimmaattee DDiisstt rr iibbuutteedd KK --MM eeaannss

CClluusstteerr iinngg oovveerr aa PPeeeerr --ttoo--PPeeeerr

NNeettwwoorr kk

AAllggoorr ii tthhmm :: GGrr aannuullaarr ccoommppuutt iinngg

This paper considers the distributed K-means clustering

problem where the data and computing resources are

distributed over a large P2P network. It offers two algorithms

which produce an approximation of the result produced by the

standard centralized K-means clustering algorithm


4 ITDM04 AAuuttoommaatt iinngg tthhee DDeessiiggnn aanndd

CCoonnsstt rr uucctt iioonn ooff QQuueerr yy FFoorr mmss

AAllggoorr ii tthhmm uusseedd:: TTuunnaabbllee cclluusstteerr iinngg

aallggoorr ii tthhmm

We design a tunable clustering algorithm for establishing form

structure based on multiple “similar” queries, which includes a

mechanism for extending forms to support future “similar”

queries. The algorithm is adaptive and can incrementally adjust

forms to reflect the most current querying trends.

5 ITDM05 GGeenneerr aall CCoosstt MM ooddeellss ffoorr EEvvaalluuaatt iinngg

DDiimmeennssiioonnaall ii ttyy RReedduucctt iioonn iinn HHiigghh--

DDiimmeennssiioonnaall SSppaacceess

AAllggoorr ii tthhmm :: PPaarr tt ii tt iioonniinngg bbaasseedd oonn

RRaannddoommiizzeedd SSeeaarr cchh

in this paper, we propose general cost models for evaluating the

query performance over the reduced data sets by GDR, LDR,

and ADR, in light of which we introduce a novel (A)LDR

method, Partitioning based on RANdomized Search (PRANS).

It can achieve high retrieval efficiency with the guarantee of

optimality given by the formal models.

6 ITDM06 DDiisstt rr iibbuutteedd VViieeww DDiivveerr ggeennccee CCoonnttrr ooll

ooff DDaattaa FFrr eesshhnneessss iinn RReeppll ii ccaatteedd

DDaattaabbaassee SSyysstteemmss

AAllggoorr ii tthhmm uusseedd:: DDiisstt rr iibbuutteedd aallggoorr ii tthhmm

In this paper, we propose a distributed method to control the

view divergence of data freshness for clients in replicated

database systems whose facilitating or administrative roles are

equal. Our method provides data with statistically defined

freshness to clients when updates are initially accepted by any

of the replicas, and then, asynchronously propagated among the

replicas that are connected in a tree structure.

7 ITDM07 BBaattcchh MM ooddee AAcctt iivvee LL eeaarr nniinngg wwii tthh

AAppppll iiccaatt iioonnss ttoo TTeexxtt CCaatteeggoorr iizzaatt iioonn

aanndd II mmaaggee RReettrr iieevvaall

Algorithm : batch mode active learning

we present a framework for batch mode active learning, which

selects a number of informative examples for manual labeling

in each iteration. We apply our batch mode active learning

framework to both text categorization and image retrieval


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Your Ideas can be implemented. Any project better pricing with Up gradation being done. 28

8 ITDM08 LL eeaarr nniinngg ff rr oomm II mmbbaallaanncceedd DDaattaa The imbalanced learning problem is concerned with the

performance of learning algorithms in the presence of

underrepresented data and severe class distribution skews. In

this paper, we provide a comprehensive review of the

development of research in learning from imbalanced data



9 ITDM09 VViissiibbllee RReevveerr ssee kk--NNeeaarreesstt NNeeiigghhbboorr

QQuueerr yy PPrr oocceessssiinngg iinn SSppaatt iiaall DDaattaabbaasseess

We propose an efficient algorithm for VRNN query processing,

assuming that P and O are indexed by R-trees. Our techniques

do not require any preprocessing and employ half-plane

property and visibility check to prune the search space

Algorithm :VRNN


10 ITDM10 RReessuull tt MM eerr ggiinngg TTeecchhnniiqquuee ffoorr

AAnnsswweerr iinngg XXPPaatthh QQuueerr yy oovveerr XXSSLL TT

TTrr aannssffoorr mmeedd DDaattaa

Caching stores the results of previously answered queries in

order to answer succeeding queries faster by reusing these

results. We propose two different approaches for using caches

of XSLT transformed XML data in order to answer queries.

The first approach checks whether or not a current query Q can

be directly answered from the result of a previously answered

query Qi stored in the cache. The new query is otherwise

submitted to the source over the network, the answer of the

query is determined, transmitted

back to the client, and stored in the cache.


11 ITDM11 SSiimmii llaarr ii ttyy--PPrr ooff ii lleedd TTeemmppoorr aall

AAssssoocciiaatt iioonn MM iinniinngg

Given a time stamped transaction database and a user-defined

reference sequence of interest over time, similarity-profiled

temporal association mining discovers all associated item sets

whose prevalence variations over time are similar to the

reference sequence. The similar temporal association patterns

can reveal interesting relationships of data items which co-

occur with a particular event over time.


12 ITDM12 MM uull tt ii rr eellaatt iioonnaall kk--AAnnoonnyymmii ttyy k-Anonymity protects privacy by ensuring that data cannot be

linked to a single individual. In a k-anonymous data set, any

identifying information occurs in at least k tuples. (good)


13 ITDM13 RRaannkkiinngg aanndd SSuuggggeesstt iinngg PPooppuullaarr

II tteemmss

Abstract—We consider the problem of ranking the popularity

of items and suggesting popular items based on user feedback.

User feedback is obtained by iteratively presenting a set of

suggested items, and users selecting items based on their own

preferences either from this suggestion set or from the set of all

possible items


14 ITDM14 OOpptt iimmaall--LL ooccaatt iioonn--SSeelleecctt iioonn QQuueerr yy

PPrr oocceessssiinngg iinn SSppaatt iiaall DDaattaabbaasseess

This paper introduces and solves a novel type of spatial

queries, namely, Optimal-Location-Selection (OLS) search,

which has many applications in real life In this paper, we

present the optimality metric, formalize the OLS query, and

propose several algorithms for processing OLS queries



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Your Ideas can be implemented. Any project better pricing with Up gradation being done. 29


15 ITDM15 OOlleexx:: EEff ffeecctt iivvee RRuullee LL eeaarr nniinngg ffoorr TTeexxtt

CCaatteeggoorr iizzaatt iioonn

Olex is an inductive rule learning method for Text


Algorithm: OLEX


16 ITDM16 PPrr eeddiicctt iinngg MM iissssiinngg II tteemmss iinn SShhooppppiinngg

CCaarr ttss

This paper contributes to the latter task by proposing a

technique that uses partial information about the contents of a

shopping cart for the prediction of what else the customer is

likely to buy.


17 ITDM17 DDeetteerr mmiinniinngg AAtttt rr iibbuutteess ttoo

MM aaxxiimmiizzee VViissiibbii ll ii ttyy ooff OObbjj eeccttss

We introduce a complementary problem: How to guide a seller

in selecting the best attributes of a new tuple (e.g., a new

product) to highlight so that it stands out in the crowd of

existing competitive products and is widely visible to the pool

of potential buyers


18 ITDM18 MM oonnii ttoorr iinngg OOnnll iinnee TTeessttss tthhrr oouugghh DDaattaa

VViissuuaall iizzaatt iioonn

We present an approach and a system to let tutors monitor

several important aspects related to online tests, such as

learner behavior and test quality.



19 ITDM19 EExxaacctt KK nnoowwlleeddggee HHiiddiinngg tthhrr oouugghh

DDaattaabbaassee EExxtteennssiioonn

In this paper, we propose a novel, exact border-based approach

that provides an optimal solution for the hiding of sensitive

frequent item sets



20 ITDM20 FFaasstt QQuueerr yy PPooiinntt MM oovveemmeenntt

TTeecchhnniiqquueess ffoorr LL aarr ggee CCBBII RR SSyysstteemmss

Target search in content-based image retrieval (CBIR) systems

refers to finding a specific (target) image such as a particular

registered logo or a specific historical photograph. Existing

techniques, designed around query refinement based on

relevance feedback (RF), suffer from slow convergence, and do

not guarantee to find intended targets. To address these

limitations, we propose this system.


21 ITDM21 AA GGeenneerr iicc LL ooccaall AAllggoorr ii tthhmm ffoorr MM iinniinngg

DDaattaa SSttrr eeaammss iinn LL aarr ggee DDiissttrr iibbuutteedd


First, we describe a highly efficient local algorithm that can be

used to monitor a wide class of data mining models. Then, we

use this algorithm as a feedback loop for the monitoring of

complex functions of the data such as its k-means clustering.


22 ITDM22 II MM iinnee:: II nnddeexx SSuuppppoorr tt ffoorr II tteemm SSeett

MM iinniinngg


23 ITDM23 II mmpprr oovviinngg PPeerr ssoonnaall iizzaatt iioonn SSoolluutt iioonnss

tthhrr oouugghh OOpptt iimmaall SSeeggmmeennttaatt iioonn ooff

CCuussttoommeerr BBaasseess

This paper shows that finding an optimal customer partition is

NP-hard, proposes several suboptimal direct grouping

segmentation methods, and empirically compares them among

themselves, traditional statistics-based hierarchical and affinity

propagation-based segmentation, and one-to-one methods

across multiple experimental conditions.




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Your Ideas can be implemented. Any project better pricing with Up gradation being done. 30



1 ITIM01 PPCCAA--BBaasseedd ssppaatt iiaall llyy aaddaapptt iivvee

ddeennooiissiinngg ooff CCFFAA iimmaaggeess ffoorr ssiinnggllee

sseennssoorr ddiiggii ttaall ccaammeerr aa

In this projects a principle component analysis (PCA) based

spatially adaptive denoising algorithm which works directly

on the (CFA) data using


2 ITIM02 AA NNoo--RReeffeerr eennccee oobbjj eecctt iivvee iimmaaggee

sshhaarr ppnneessss mmeettrr iicc bbaasseedd oonn tthhee nnoott iioonn

ooff jj uusstt nnoott iicceeaabbllee bblluurr ((JJNNBB))

This works presents a perceptual based no reference objective

image sharpness/blurriness metric by integrating the concept of the

a probability summation model.


3 ITIM03 BBaayyeessiiaann iimmaaggee rr eeccoovveerr yy ffoorr ddeennddrr ii tt iicc

sstt rr uuccttuurr eess uunnddeerr llooww SSNNCC

we present a Bayesian approach for estimating the neuronal shape

given low-SNR observations. 2009

4 ITIM04 EEmmppii rr iiccaall ccaappaaccii ttyy ooff aa RReeccooggnnii tt iioonn

CChhaannnneell ffoorr SSiinnggllee && mmuull tt iippuurr ppoossee

oobbjj eecctt rr eeccooggnnii tt iioonn uunnddeerr tthhee ccoonnssttaaiinntt

ooff PPCCAA eennccooddiinngg..

,we evaluate the empirical recognition capacity of PCA based

object recognition systems. The encoded data (templates) and the

additive noise in query templates are modeled to be Gaussian

distributed with zero mean


5 ITIM05 HHiigghh ff iiddeell ii ttyy ffoorr iimmaaggee aannnnoottaatt iioonn.. a visual perception model that aims at quantifying the local

tolerance to noise for arbitrary imagery is developed. 2009

6 ITIM06 II mmaaggee RReessttoorr aatt iioonn UUssiinngg SSppaaccee vvaarr iiaanntt

GGaauussssiiaann ssccaallee mmiixxttuurr eess iinn oovveerr

ccoommpplleettee ppyyrr aammiiddss

In this project, we present an enhancement of the model by

introducing a coarser neighborhood is used to estimate the local

signal covariance within every sub band.


7 ITIM07 II nnccrr eemmeennttaall lleeaarr nniinngg ooff cchhuunnkk ddaattaa ffoorr

oonnll iinnee ppaatttteerr nn ccllaassssii ff iiccaatt iioonn ssyysstteemmss

In this project , a pattern classification system in which feature

extraction and classifier learning are simultaneously carried out

not only online but also in one pass where training samples are

presented only once.


8 ITIM08 NNoonnnneeggaatt ii vvee MM aattrr iixx ffaaccttoorr iizzaatt iioonn iinn

ppoollyynnoommiiaall ffeeaattuurr ee ssppaaccee

we propose a generation of the NMF algorithm by translating the

objective function into a Hilbert space 2009

9 ITIM09 GGrr aaddiieenntt eesstt iimmaatt iioonn uussiinngg wwiiddee

ssuuppppoorr tt ooppeerr aattoorr ss

This projects propose removing noise from picture by

detecting edge 2009

10 ITIM10 SShhaarr ppeenniinngg ddeerr mmaattoollooggiiccaall ccoolloorr

iimmaaggee iinn tthhee wwaavveelleett ddoommaaiinn

This projects propose finding boundaries in the image and

adaptive image demising 2009

11 ITIM11 II nntteerr ppoollaatt iioonn aarr tt ii ffaaccttss iinn ssuubb ppiixxeell

iimmaaggee rr eeggiisstt rr aatt iioonn

In this projects we comparing two images by image pixel by

pixel 2009

12 ITIM12 CCoonntt iinnuueess ggllaassss ppaatttteerr nnss ffoorr

ppaaiinntteerr llyy rr eennddeerr iinngg

In this projects we are converting digital photograph into

painting image 2009

13 ITIM13 AAcctt iivvee lleeaarr nniinngg mmeetthhooddss ffoorr

iinntteerr aacctt iivvee iimmaaggee rr eellaatt iivvee

In this projects we search a image with respect to RGB

combination and difference is plotted in a graph 2009

14 ITIM14 DDeetteecctt iioonn aanndd rr eemmoovvaall ooff ccrr aacckk iinn

ddiiggii tt iizzeedd ppaaiinntt iinngg

this projects involves exacts crack detection and filling

procedure using top hat transformation region growing

algorithm and median filter procedures



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Your Ideas can be implemented. Any project better pricing with Up gradation being done. 31



1 ITMM01 SSeeggmmeennttaatt iioonn –– ddrr iivveenn iimmaaggee ffuussiioonn

bbaasseedd oonn aallpphhaa ssttaabbllee

In this project. A novel region based image fusion framework

based on multiscale image segmentation and statistical

feature extraction is proposed.


2 ITMM02 SStt rr uuccttuurr eedd nneettwwoorr kk ccooddiinngg aanndd

ccooooppeerr aatt iivvee wwiirr eelleessss AAdd--HHoocc ppeeeerr ttoo

PPeeeerr RReeppaaii rr ffoorr WWAANN VViiddeeoo bbrr ooaaddccaasstt..

In this project, we propose a network coding based

cooperative repair framework for the Ad-Hoc Peer group to

improve broadcast video quality during Channel Losses.


3 ITMM03 UUnnsseeeenn vviissiibbllee wwaatteerr mmaarr kkiinngg:: AA nnoovveell

MM eetthhooddoollooggyy ffoorr AAuuxxii ll iiaarr yy iinnffoorr mmaatt iioonn

ddeell iivveerr yy vviiaa VViissuuaall ccoonntteennttss

In this project, a novel data hiding scheme, denoted as unseen

visible watermarking (UVW), is proposed. In UVW schemes,

hidden information can be embedded covertly and then

directly extracted using the human visual system as long as

appropriate operations are performed.


4 ITMM04 AAnn EEff ff ii cciieenntt AAuutthheenntt iiccaatt iioonn SScchheemmee ffoorr

AAcccceessss CCoonnttrr ooll iinn MM oobbii llee PPaayy--TTVV


In this paper, we propose an innovative authentication

scheme, in which, by providing one-to-many facility, only

one authentication message for multiple requests is

broadcasted from the head end system to subscribers. By

employing bilinear property of pairing and elliptic curve

cryptography, our scheme provides one-to-many facility in

the case of multiple requests for the same service in a short

period of time.


5 ITMM05 TTeexxtt --LL iikkee SSeeggmmeennttaatt iioonn ooff GGeenneerr aall

AAuuddiioo ffoorr CCoonntteenntt --BBaasseedd RReettrr iieevvaall

We propose in this paper a novel approach to discover audio

scenes, based on an analysis of audio elements and key audio

elements, which can be seen as equivalents to the words and

keywords in a text document, respectively.

6 ITMM06 II nnvveesstt iiggaatt iioonn tthhee sscchheedduull iinngg sseennssii tt iivvii ttyy

ooff PP22PP vviiddeeoo sstt rr eeaammiinngg:: AAnn

EExxppeerr iimmeennttaall ssttuuddyy

In this project, We see several representatiive P2P streaming

designs, ranging from theoretically proved optimal designs

to straightforward naïve designs


7 ITMM07 UUssiinngg vviissuuaall ccoonntteexxtt aanndd rr eeggiioonn

sseemmaanntt iicc ffoorr hhiigghh lleevveell ccoonncceepptt

ddeetteecctt iioonn

In this project we investigate detection of high- level

concept through an integrated approach of visual

thesaurus analysis and visual context


8 ITMM08 PPeerr ffoorr mmaannccee AAnnaallyyssiiss ffoorr oovveerr llaayy

mmuull tt iimmeeddiiaa mmuull tt ii ccaasstt oonn RR--aarr yy ttrr eeee

This Project, Sending Binary information to multicast

network and find out average, worst, best performance. June

9 ITMM09 II nncceenntt iivvee CCooooppeerr aatt iioonn SStt rr aatteeggiieess ffoorr

PPeeeerr ttoo ppeeeerr ll iivvee MM uull tt iimmeeddiiaa SSttrr eeaammiinngg

This project, splitting the videos into so many chunks &

sending video files based on the Chuck request . June

10 ITMM10 WWAAMM :: AA mmaarr kkiinngg --bbaasseedd

ssyynncchhrr oonniizzeedd mmuull tt iimmeeddiiaa ttuuttoorr iinngg


This projects typing words based on the admin voice Apr

11 ITMM11 AAuuttoommaatteedd bbiiddddiinngg ooff mmeeddiiaa sseerr vviiccee aatt

tthhee eeddggee ooff aa ccoonntteenntt ddeell ii vveerr yy

nneettwwoorr kk

This projects downloading and transmitting data

depending on user accounts Apr


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Your Ideas can be implemented. Any project better pricing with Up gradation being done. 32

12 ITMM12 CCoonntteenntt ––bbaasseedd aatttteenntt iioonn rr aannkkiinngg

uussiinngg vviissuuaall aanndd ccoonntteexxttuuaall aatt tteenntt iioonn

mmooddeell ffoorr bbaasseebbaall ll vviiddeeooss

This projects ranking of multimedia files depends on the

user interest and feedback Apr

13 ITMM13 OOrr tthhooggoonnaall ddaattaa eemmbbeeddddiinngg ffoorr bbiinnaarr yy

iimmaaggee iinn mmoorr pphhoollooggiicc tt rr aannssffoorr mm


In this projects a picture given as input and a text is

embedded by encrypting and decrypting the picture to get

the appropriate image


14 ITMM14 AA nnoovveell ffrr aammeewwoorr kk ffoorr sseemmaanntt iicc

aannnnoottaatt iioonn aanndd ppeerr ssoonnaall ii zzeedd rr eett rr iieevvaall

ooff ssppoorr ttss vviiddeeoo

In this projects various image are displayed on clicking the

respective image we get the appropriate videos with

respect to that image


15 ITMM15 VViiddeeoo aannnnoottaatt iioonn bbaasseedd oonn kkeerr nneell

ll iinneeaarr nneeiigghhbboorr hhoooodd pprr ooppaaggaatt iioonn

In this projects a description about the video is stored in

the video runs the corresponding description runs below

the video



1 IEJE01 CClluusstteerr iinngg aanndd sseeqquueenntt iiaall ppaatttteerrnn

mmiinniinngg ooff oonnll iinnee ccooll llaabboorr aatt iivvee

lleeaarr nniinngg ddaattaa

The goal to enable the groups and their facilitator to see

relevant aspects feedbacks if are more likely to be associated

with positive or negative outcomes and indicates where the

problems are


2 IEJE02 EEffffeecctt ooff ccoonntteenntt iinnffoorr mmaatt iioonn oonn tthhee

ccrr eeddiibbii ll ii ttyy ooff oonnll iinnee hheeaall tthh

iinnffoorr mmaatt iioonn

This projects study analyzed the effects of publisher content

information on the credibility of online health information 2009

3 IEJE03 EEnntteerr pprr iissee oonnttoollooggiieess ffoorr ppllaannnniinngg

aanndd iinntteeggrr aatt iioonn ooff bbuussiinneessssss aa

pprr aaggmmaatt iicc aapppprr ooaacchh

This projects describes an approach to build and use Eos for

information on the credibility of online health information 2009

4 IEJE04 AA sseemmaanntt iiccaall llyy eennrr iicchheedd ccll iinniiccaall

gguuiiddeell iinnee mmooddeell eennaabbll iinngg

ddeeppllooyymmeenntt iinn hheetteerr ooggeenneeoouuss

hheeaall tthhccaarr ee eennvvii rr oonnmmeenntt

In this project automated processes can be used to access the

clinical resources for guideline deployment and execution 2009

5 IEJE05 II mmpprr oovviinngg ppeerr ssoonnaall iizzaatt iioonn ssoolluutt iioonn

tthhrr oouugghh oopptt iimmaall sseeggmmeennttaatt iioonn ooff

ccuussttoommeerr bbaassee

In this projects we present a direct grouping based approach to

computing customer segments that group customer not based

on computed statistics


6 IEJE06 RRFFII DD –– eennaabbllee ddiissccoovveerr yy ooff ssuuppppllyy

nneettwwoorr kk

This paper aims at providing hybrid innovative solution for

organization to discover their supply network 2009

7 IEJE07 AAnn eeff ff iicciieenntt aanndd eeff ffeecctt iivvee

ppeerr ssoonnaall iizzeedd rr eeccoommmmeennddeerr ssyysstteemm ooff

TTVV pprr ooggrr aammss

This proposed hybrid approach also provides all typical

advantage of any social network as comments tagging rating


8 IEJE08 GGuueesstt eeddii ttoorr ss iinnttrr oodduucctt iioonn kknnoowwlleeddggee

aanndd ddaattaa eennggiinneeeerr iinngg ffoorr EE ––

LL eeaarr nniinngg

The rapid development of web -based learning and new

concepts like virtual classroom virtual laboratories and many

new issues are addressed


9 IEJE09 TThhee sstt rr aatteeggiicc iimmppll iiccaatt iioonn ooff wweebb

tteecchhnnoollooggiieess eennhhaannccee oorr ggaanniizzaatt iioonn

ppeerr ffoorr mmaannccee

In this projects a theoretical lens is constructed from five core

logics in organization literature performance 2009


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Your Ideas can be implemented. Any project better pricing with Up gradation being done. 33