Main empirical research areas:

Post on 07-Jan-2016

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Rick Selby Software Products, Northrop Grumman & Adjunct Faculty, University of Southern California Los Angeles, CA. Candidate member. Main empirical research areas: Techniques for building and evaluating predictive models that use early lifecycle metrics to define leading indicators - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


’05Rick SelbySoftware Products, Northrop Grumman & Adjunct Faculty, University of Southern CaliforniaLos Angeles, CA

Main empirical research areas: Techniques for building and evaluating predictive models that

use early lifecycle metrics to define leading indicators Empirical tradeoff analyses for large-scale systems

engineering for errors, effort, and reuse Infrastructure for automated data collection and analysis Integrating active measurement and executable architectures

Main motivation for joining ISERN: Interact with colleagues and share ideas and feedback

Planned contributions to the community: Share balanced view of software research and practice Help facilitate common approaches and frameworks

Expectations Open discussions accelerate maturation of new ideas,

methods, and studiesRelationships

Barry Boehm, Vic Basili, Dieter Rombach, etc.

Candidate member