Main Task - Evaluation - Question 6

Post on 18-May-2015

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Main Task

6. What have you learnt about technologies ?

Main Task

6. What have you learnt about technologies ?

To answer this question, I will first go through the steps it took to create my front page…

Main Task

6. What have you learnt about technologies ?

The first thing I learnt to do with the original photo is make the image brighter on Photoshop. This was to make it look more professional and appealing to the eye.

Main Task

6. What have you learnt about technologies ?

Next, I opened the plain red file in an internet picture editing website called ‘picmokey’. I chose the font I wanted and had experimented with previously and added to the page.

Main Task

6. What have you learnt about technologies ?

Once I had done this I made it white and then fitted it to the top of the page, leaving little room around the edges, so the space around it doesn’t look empty. Here I learnt how to use the online source for the most creative fonts that would fit the purpose of my magazine. With this I learned how to make a professional looking masthead that would look appropriate for a music magazine.

Main Task

6. What have you learnt about technologies ?

Once I had learned to use and chosen the kind of background and font I wanted on an internet source called ‘picmonkey’ , I began to cut the image of the model and the guitar out of the picture on Photoshop.

Main Task

6. What have you learnt about technologies ?

From this I learned to copy the cut out onto a new layer and drag and drop this onto the red background and position it so it overlapped the ‘I’ of ‘Rebellion’.

Main Task

6. What have you learnt about technologies ?

I went around the image with the brush tool on a low hardness in red. This took the edge off the picture and takes away the cut out look, making it more appealing and professional looking.

Main Task

6. What have you learnt about technologies ?

The picture had been cut into slightly with the magnetic lasso so I used the clone stamp to put the fret of the guitar back in and make it look professional with little to no errors.

Main Task

6. What have you learnt about technologies ?

Main Task

6. What have you learnt about technologies ?

First, with this picture I changed it to black and white. I learned that this would make it easier for me to do this and then clone the background out of the picture. This would also make the picture more fitting to the genre and good looking to the reader.

Main Task

6. What have you learnt about technologies ?

Main Task

6. What have you learnt about technologies ?

I used paint to then make the photo wider. I learned that I could do this to then make the photo wider and longer with a clone stamp in Photoshop.

In hindsight I should have thought about taking the photo from further away, but I learned how to overcome this mistake with the technologies provided.

Main Task

6. What have you learnt about technologies ?

Once I had made the photo wider and longer with the clone tool I added a lens flare to the picture to make it look like it was professionally taken and taken in a studio.

Main Task

6. What have you learnt about technologies ?

Once I was happy with my lens flares, I adjusted the vibrancy of the photo so the lens flare stood out and added some colour to the photo, preventing it from looking too boring and plain.

Main Task

6. What have you learnt about technologies ?

I also then adjusted the colour balance to make the photo look less black and white, this also made the lens flare colours stand out and look quirky. I didn’t want to make the picture too dark because it might take away from the indie/alternative genre. If it was too dark it might seem too gothic.

Main Task

6. What have you learnt about technologies ?

I then use InDesign and put the picture on. I learned how to create a new document and add the appropriate number of pages. I also learned how to add a box in which you could add the picture into, then add the text. To do this I used the ‘Rectangle Frame Tool’.

Main Task

6. What have you learnt about technologies ?

Here, in InDesign, I scrolled to file and clicked the option place. I then picked the photo I had edited in Photoshop and placed them into InDesign ready to put text on.

Main Task

6. What have you learnt about technologies ?

On InDesign I put in black boxes onto my contents page, with these I wanted to put on a pull quote. I made these with rectangle tool. I then learned that I could put a drop shadow on, and this would make the pull quote look more professional and look like it came from a read magazine.

Main Task

6. What have you learnt about technologies ?

Then in InDesign, I made another rectangle frame and used the type tool to insert text. I used this same method on all of the pages to insert the text. I learned to do this with consistency in the magazine and use the fonts to achieve a house style by utilising fonts style, colour and size.