Maintenance Scheduling of Fighter Aircraft Fleet With Multi-Objective Simulation-Optimization

Post on 07-Jul-2018

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  • 8/18/2019 Maintenance Scheduling of Fighter Aircraft Fleet With Multi-Objective Simulation-Optimization



    S ystemsAnalysis LaboratoryHelsinki University of Technology  


    Maintenance Scheduling of Fighter Aircraft Fleetwith Multi-Objective Simulation-Optimization

    Ville Mattila, ai Virtanen, and !aimo "# $%m%l%inen

    Systems Analysis Laboratory

     Helsinki University of Technology

    ville#a#mattila&t''#fi, 'ai#virtanen&t''#fi, raimo&hut#fi

  • 8/18/2019 Maintenance Scheduling of Fighter Aircraft Fleet With Multi-Objective Simulation-Optimization



    S ystemsAnalysis LaboratoryHelsinki University of Technology  


    Maintenance )cheduling of fighter aircraft fleet

    * +ten)ive periodic maintenance


    * Flight )afet.

    * "erformance

       /ormal condition)

      Several maintenance level)

    * 0uration)

    * Fea)ible time window of maintenance↔

    +lap)ed flight hour) of an aircraft

    * Maintenance )cheduling

    Aircraft availabilit. guaranteed

      Maintenance re)ource) guaranteed

       "lanning period ≈ 1 .ear

  • 8/18/2019 Maintenance Scheduling of Fighter Aircraft Fleet With Multi-Objective Simulation-Optimization



    S ystemsAnalysis LaboratoryHelsinki University of Technology  


    3hallenge) in maintenance )cheduling

    * Maintenance and u)age coupled through comple nonlinear

    interaction) feedbac')* Maintenance and u)age entail uncertaintie)

    ⇒ 4raditional )cheduling formulation) not )uitable

    Our multi-objective simulation-optimization approach

    * 0i)crete-event )imulation model for aircraft maintenance and u)age5Mattila, Virtanen, and !aivio (6678

    * Optimization algorithm9 Simulated annealing u)ing probabilit. of dominance

    ⇒ /on-dominated )olution)

    * Multi-attribute deci)ion anal.)i) model⇒ "referred )olution  "reference programming 5Salo and $%m%l%inen 1::(, (6618

  • 8/18/2019 Maintenance Scheduling of Fighter Aircraft Fleet With Multi-Objective Simulation-Optimization



    S ystemsAnalysis LaboratoryHelsinki University of Technology  


    Manual planning

  • 8/18/2019 Maintenance Scheduling of Fighter Aircraft Fleet With Multi-Objective Simulation-Optimization



    S ystemsAnalysis LaboratoryHelsinki University of Technology  


    =mplementation of the )chedule

  • 8/18/2019 Maintenance Scheduling of Fighter Aircraft Fleet With Multi-Objective Simulation-Optimization



    S ystemsAnalysis LaboratoryHelsinki University of Technology  


    4he multi-objective )imulation-optimization approach

  • 8/18/2019 Maintenance Scheduling of Fighter Aircraft Fleet With Multi-Objective Simulation-Optimization



    S ystemsAnalysis LaboratoryHelsinki University of Technology  


    @eneration of non-dominated )olution)

    * +i)ting algorithm) for multi-objective )imulation-optimization

       Multi-objective evolutionar. algorithm) 5+A)8 5e#g#, ee et al# (667B @oh and 4an (66:8

    * +#g# ran'ing of )olution) ba)ed on probabilit. of dominance 5$ughe) (6618

       "opulation-ba)ed )imulated annealing 5SA8, weighted objective) 5@utjahr (668

      Succe)) of multi-objective SA algorithm) in determini)tic )etting)

    5Smith et al# (667B Dand.obadh.a. et al# (6678

    * 4he multi-objective SA algorithm for maintenance )cheduling

       "erformance of a )olution ba)ed on probabilit. of dominance  Outperformed population-ba)ed SA 5@utjahr (66

  • 8/18/2019 Maintenance Scheduling of Fighter Aircraft Fleet With Multi-Objective Simulation-Optimization



    S ystemsAnalysis LaboratoryHelsinki University of Technology  


    4he multi-objective SA algorithm

    * Structure )imilar to ba)ic SA* Modification) for multi-objective )imulation-optimization

       "erformance of )olution x↔ 

    "robabilit.9 Solution x dominate) member) y of non-dominated )et S  

    * "robabilit. wrt objective i9

    * "robabilit. wrt )olution y9


       Maintaining non-dominated )et S 

    * Fied number of )olution) with highe)t performance included

     P  x  dom  y  wrt objective i

     P  x  dom  y =∏i

     P  x  dom  y  wrt objective i

    "erformance of  x=∑ y∈S 

     P  x  dom  y

  • 8/18/2019 Maintenance Scheduling of Fighter Aircraft Fleet With Multi-Objective Simulation-Optimization



    S ystemsAnalysis LaboratoryHelsinki University of Technology  


    Selection of the preferred non-dominated )olution

    * E)e of preference information in multi-objective )imulation-optimization

       4ran)formation into a )ingle objective

    * Etilit. function a ran'ing and )election method

    5Dutler, Morrice, and Mullar'e. (6618

    * Value function a re)pon)e )urface method

    5!o)en, $armono)'., and 4raband (66?8

    * Our deci)ion anal.)i) approach  "o)t-optimization anal.)i)

      "reference programming and interval techniGue) 5Salo and $%m%l%inen 1::(, (6618

    ⇒3on)ider) uncertaint. both in objective function value) and 0MH)

     preference )tatement)

    * Iuan et al# 5(66?89 E)e of interval) in an +A ⇒ "referred )ub)et) of non-

    dominated )olution) in a determini)tic )etting

  • 8/18/2019 Maintenance Scheduling of Fighter Aircraft Fleet With Multi-Objective Simulation-Optimization



    S ystemsAnalysis LaboratoryHelsinki University of Technology  


    4he multi-attribute deci)ion anal.)i) model

    V  x =w Av A xw D v D x

    v A , v D Objective function value)

      for Availabilit. and 0eviation

      )ingle attribute value)w

     A ,w


    {V   x =min

    w A , w D

    w A v A xw D v D  x

    V   x =maxw A , w Dw A v A xw D v D  x

     Additive presentation of DM'spreference for solution x

    Simulation model⇒

    Confidence intervals ofobjective function values

    Single attribute

      value interval)9

      [v A x  , v A x]

      [v D x  , v D x]


    Incomplete preferencstatements

    Jeight interval)9

      [w A , w A]

      [w D , w D ]

    Overall value

    interval of a


  • 8/18/2019 Maintenance Scheduling of Fighter Aircraft Fleet With Multi-Objective Simulation-Optimization



    S ystemsAnalysis LaboratoryHelsinki University of Technology  


    3ompari)on of non-dominated )olution)

    * 0ominance concept)

      Ab)olute dominance9

    Value interval) do not overlap

      "airwi)e dominance9

    Value interval) do not overlap for an. fea)ible combination) of weight) 

    * =f )ingle dominating 5Kpreferred8 )olution doe) not ei)t

       More preci)e preference information⇒ narrow) weight interval)

       Additional )imulation⇒ narrow) )ingle attribute value interval)

      0eci)ion rule), e#g#, maximin, maximax, central vales

  • 8/18/2019 Maintenance Scheduling of Fighter Aircraft Fleet With Multi-Objective Simulation-Optimization



    S ystemsAnalysis LaboratoryHelsinki University of Technology  


    A ca)e eample

    * 1> aircraft

    * 4ime period of 1 .ear 

    * >; )cheduled

    maintenance activitie)

    Reference non-dominated set• Weigted aggregation of  objectives functions

    • Several optimi!ation runs

    "on-dominated solutions using te

    multi-objective SA algoritm

    #se of probabilistic dominance* "on-dominated set can contain solutions dominated $rt point estimates

  • 8/18/2019 Maintenance Scheduling of Fighter Aircraft Fleet With Multi-Objective Simulation-Optimization



    S ystemsAnalysis LaboratoryHelsinki University of Technology  


    Overall value interval)

    * 12 )olution) ab)olutel.dominated

    * ? )olution) remain, A###@

    * E)e of deci)ion rule)

       Maima9A ha) highe)t upper bound


    D ha) highe)t lower bound

  • 8/18/2019 Maintenance Scheduling of Fighter Aircraft Fleet With Multi-Objective Simulation-Optimization



    S ystemsAnalysis LaboratoryHelsinki University of Technology  



    * 4he multi-objective )imulation-optimization approach

      4he multi-objective )imulated annealing algorithm utilizing probabilit. of


      4he multi-criteria deci)ion anal.)i) model utilizing preference programming

    * Application in a comple maintenance )cheduling problem

       Deing implemented a) a deci)ion-)upport tool

    * Future re)earch on multi-objective )imulation-optimization algorithm)

       E)e of preference information

      +fficient allocation of computational effort

  • 8/18/2019 Maintenance Scheduling of Fighter Aircraft Fleet With Multi-Objective Simulation-Optimization



    S ystemsAnalysis LaboratoryHelsinki University of Technology  


    !eference)* Dand.obadh.a. S#, Saha S#, Mauli' E#, and 0eb #, (667# A Simulated Annealing-Da)ed Multiobjective

    Optimization Algorithm9 AMOSA# !""" Transactions on "voltionary #om$tation, 1(528, pp# (>:-(72#

    * Dutler C#, Morrice 0# C#, and Mullar'e. "# J#, (661# A Multiple Attribute Etilit. 4heor. Approach to

    !an'ing and Selection# %anagement Science, ;?5>8, pp# 766-71>#

    * @oh 3# # and 4an # 3#, (66:# +volutionar. Multiobjective Optimization in Encertain +nvironment)#


    * @utjahr J# C#, (66-;:1#* Mattila V#, Virtanen #, and !aivio 4#, (667# =mproving Maintenance 0eci)ion-Ma'ing in the Finni)h Air

    Force through Simulation# !nterfaces, 27528, pp# 17?-(61#

  • 8/18/2019 Maintenance Scheduling of Fighter Aircraft Fleet With Multi-Objective Simulation-Optimization



    S ystemsAnalysis LaboratoryHelsinki University of Technology  



    * Mattila V# and Virtanen #, (66># Scheduling "eriodic Maintenance of Aircraft through Simulation-Da)ed

    Optimization# =n Cuu)o +#, ed#, Procee)ings of the /0 th #onference on Simlation an) %o)eling , $el)in'i,

    Finland, September (?-(:, pp# 27-;2#

    * Iuan @#, @reenwood @# J#, iu 0#, and $u S#, (66?# Searching for Multiobjective "reventive Maintenance

    Schedule)9 3ombining "reference) with +volutionar. Algorithm)# "ro$ean -ornal of +$erational

     .esearch, 1??, pp# 1:>:-1:7;#

    * !o)en S# #, $armono)'. 3# M#, and 4raband M# 4#, (66?# A Simulation-Optimization Method that

    3on)ider) Encertaint. and Multiple "erformance Mea)ure)# "ro$ean -ornal of +$erational .esearch,

    171, pp# 218, pp# 161#

    * Salo A# and $%m%l%inen !# "#, (661# "reference !atio) in Multi-Attribute +valuation 5"!=M+8 +licitation)

    and 0eci)ion "rocedure) Ender =ncomplete =nformation# !""" Transactions on Systems, %an, an)

    #ybernetics 1 Part A' Systems an) Hmans, 215>8, pp#