makalah centos

Post on 23-Aug-2014

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Select your language and proceed.

Choose your keyboard-layout and proceed.

Here you can select/edit the partitioning layout.

Select the location nearest to yours and configure the clock. Unmark the checkbox if there are other operating systems installed, that expects the clock to be set to local time - e.g. Windows.

Choose a password for the root-account and confirm it.

Page 3

3 First Start

If there's no reason to do something special wait a few seconds to start with the standard settings.

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(JavaScript must be enabled in your browser to view the large image as an image overlay.)

This is the first start - the firstboot-wizard appears.

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Here you can edit the firewall settings if you want. If you're not planning to connect to this computer via ssh/scp/sftp etc you can close the corresponding port.

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I recommend to deactivate SELinux - it can cause many problems, especially if you're using software from additional repositories.

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A reboot is required to make the changes effective.

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If you enable the network time protocol, the time will be synchronized with a remote time server.

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Time to add the first user-account to the system.

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The system will test your soundcard (there was no soundcard added to this vm).

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Here you can add software from additional CDs. Afterwards click on "Finish".

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The system has to reboot now.

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When the system is up again, you'll see the login window. Log in to the system with the userdata you chose in the firstboot-wizard.

(JavaScript must be enabled in your browser to view the large image as an image overlay.)

Welcome to your desktop.

4.5 Nautilus

Nautilus opens a window for every single folder by default - to change this open any folder and edit the settings. It's also a good idea to enable the delete command that bypasses the trash - because if you delete something from external storages with the standard delete command, the things will not really be deleted but moved to a trash on the device (.trash). This trash will not be affected when you delete the trash on your desktop.

Now it's user-friendly.

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4.6 Fonts

In this step we'll make the fonts eye-friendly and change the resolution to a value that is used by most operating systems. The font settings are available in the gnome system menu.

Choose 9px as font-size for all fonts. Select "Subpixel smoothing" if you're using a LCD-monitor. Afterwards click on "Details".

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The resolution should be 96dpi.

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4.7 System Update

The system will check for updates automatically and notify you if updates are available. Click on "View Updates".

(JavaScript must be enabled in your browser to view the large image as an image overlay.)

You'll see a summary of available updates and their details. Click on "Apply updates" to install the updates.

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The dependencies are being resolved.

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The updates are being downloaded ...

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... and installed.

(JavaScript must be enabled in your browser to view the large image as an image overlay.)

Sometimes, e.g. when a new kernel was installed, it's recommended to reboot the system.

Apakah itu centos.

CentOS merupakan distro yang dikembangkan berdasarkan distro Linux Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 5.2 dan tersedia untuk arsitektur i386 dan x86-64.

Sebagai salah satu cloning Red Hat, distro CentOS setahun silam meluncurkan versi 5.0 kendati sejumlah pihak berani mengklaim bahwa CentOS merupakan distro yang 100 persen compatible dari RHEL yang memiliki stabilitas, layaknya sebuah sistem operasi enterprise namun tanpa harga sertifikasi dan dukungan support teknis.

Sementara itu, RHEL 5.2 sendiri baru diluncurkan oleh Red Hat sebulan silam yang langsung diikuti oleh update yang sama yang dilakukan oleh CentOS 5.2 terutama pada update core Xen virtualization hypervisor version 3.1.2, serta dukungan yang lebih baik untuk arsitektur NUMA (Non-Uniform Memory Access).

CentOS 5.2 juga memberikan supports virtualization yang lebih baik pada CPU 64 bits dan 512 GB memory. Sementara untuk device seperti WiFi supports, CentOS juga memberikan update termasuk versi terbaru dari sejumlah aplikasi seperti Gnome, KDE, dan OpenOffice.

Sayangnya, semua fasilitas update itu hanya bisa dinikamti untuk arsitektur i386 dan x86-64 sementara untuk PowerPC, IA64, dan Sparc belum diluncurkan.

Menurut pengembang CentOS, para pengguna tidak perlu kuatir untuk melakukan update baik dari versi CentOS 5.0 ataupun 5.1. Pengembang sudah menyediakan scripts yum upgrade, yang akan membuat sistem operasi langsung terupdate ke versi 5.2.