Make an App for Yourself. Make an App, B*tch (by Alexander Sharov) - Mobile Tech Hangout -...

Post on 15-Jan-2015

127 views 1 download



On Saturday, 19 of July, regular quarterly meeting of Tech Hangout Community took place in Creative Space 12, the cultural and educational center based in Kiev! The event was held under the motto “One day of inspiring talks on Mobile Software Development!”. This time enthusiastic and proactive people gathered to share their tips & tricks in mobile software development. *TECH HANGOUT COMMUNITY was found in 2012 by the developers for the developers for knowledge and experience sharing. Such meetings are the part of Innovecs Educational Project that actively develops sphere of internal trainings and knowledge exchange program among professionals. This Initiative was born within the walls of Innovecs and has proved to be extremely popular and high-demand. In a short period of time it gained its own Facebook group with more than 90 members, blog with more than 40 posts and constant quarterly external meeting of Tech hangout community with more than 80 participants. The concept of the event proposes a 30-minute report on the topic previously defined, and the discussion in a roundtable session format. Join to discuss -


Make an app





Intention /willing

5 approaches to find idea

Intention / willing

Revolutionary idea! Create new need !

1. Better product

Понимать потребности, исследуя сторы

2. Watch pain points

Понаблюдать за проблемами своего

окружения (за своими)

3. What’s your fad?

Очертить зоны своих интерессов

4. Business extension

Как насчет помочь кое-кому стать «мобильным»

Business extension

5. Exclusive (or not very) content

Дядя, а дайте API

Put every idea down

И самое главное..



Idea validation

5 approaches

Where ‘s money

CompetitorsWireframes testing

Fail fast, succeed faster

Thank you and make an app, b

Александр Шаров