Make your Summer Fun with Summer Camp | Bright Start Academy

Post on 06-May-2015

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Children get bored in summer due to the reason that they don't have something to do. Bright Start Academy provides you the facility of Summer camps for your kids to enjoy the summer and learn new things other than their eduaction.


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Make the rain fun by rainy day activities

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They always say that April showers bring May flowers. But what to do when those April showers are keeping your little one from getting all that excess energy out? Rain can put a damper on the best of plans, whether it's playing in the yard, taking a walk, or even going to park. And we all know how important it is for your child to have time and space to use those outside voices and outside feet or you know it's going to drive you crazy while they do it all inside!

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That's why rainy day activities for preschoolers are so important. Making sure you've got a stash of ideas to keep your preschooler having fun, while maintaining a safe house and a sane mind! What preschoolers miss most when they can't go outside is all the running and climbing and jumping around they get to do. Although to you and me, it doesn't sound that exciting, these are new skills for these young children and they are excited to practice and build on these skills.

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That's where rainy day activities for preschoolers are the most fun, as you can Build obstacle courses and make blanket forts! Set up pillows and have your child jump from one to the next, build a fort and crawl through the tunnels after your child, playing a silly game of tag, or even pitch an easy tent together and make-believe your camping in the wilderness.

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Give them the opportunity to yell out and scream as they jump across the pillows, bring their stuffed animals along on your camp-out and hide them so that they can search and rescue them, or even eat a simple lunch in the fort you've built together. Enjoy hearing your child's giggles as you play along, and don't worry, the housework and errands will still are there in a bit.

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You'll be amazed at how cooperative your child is when it's time to tackle the jobs and errands, after you've spent some unexpected and interactive time doing something crazy with them! If time or space is more limited, make up some play dough and store it away for a rainy day. Play dough tends to be a favorite rainy day activities for preschoolers, especially if it's not something that's around all of the time!

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And you can make it ahead of time and store it for a rainy day! Add a little cinnamon or lemon juice to your play dough to change up the smell, or add some uncooked rice or lentils to give it some texture. Your child can watch as they make dino tracks across the "terrain", create trees and volcanoes and more! You'll see your child's imagination explode as they have fun sculpting and molding with something so easy and safe, made right in your kitchen!

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Color it any color of the rainbow...the ways you can change it up are endless! Then break out the cookie cutters, safety scissors and rolling pin and start squishing and slicing and cutting, making pizzas and cookies galore! Or roll the play dough out on a cookie sheet and bring out the plastic dinosaurs. Just when we thought the dreary weather of winter is behind us, those O'Fallon spring storms pop up to make a mess!

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While your child may be happy coloring or playing with toys for awhile, chances are they are going to start looking for new things to do, especially if the messy weather sticks around for a bit. And while in the summer, playing in the rain can be an adventure all on its own; it's still too chilly to do that just yet.

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So instead, setting up rainy day activities in preschools in O’Fallon MO for preschoolers that are new and exciting, maybe even just something that you do together when it rains, can be a fun treat for everyone! And, when it comes time to take that nap, your little one will be ready...and so will you!

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Contact at:

• AddressBright Start Academy864 Homefield Blvd.O’Fallon MO. 63366

• Call us at:(636)-379-2600

• Mail us

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