Making Filipino Friends

Post on 27-Apr-2015

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Citation Of The Solutions

What can a foreigner do to

improve relations with local Filipino students, especially if the Filipinos have hard time speaking english?

Solutions cited:

1. Learn the local language- learning the local language would be one of the best ways in improving the relationship between foreign students and local Filipinos. Filipinos would really appreciate those foreigners who really have the interest in knowing & adapting their culture, most especially their own language. However it would be very hard for the foreigners to take this great challenge.

Learning the local language will assist foreign students in refining their social skills and improving the way they can communicate with the Filipinos. Filipinos greatly appreciate and are much more receptive to those who make attempt at speaking their own language.

2. Ask for help – Most Filipino show the character of being respectful and being hospitable especially in treating guests & foreign visitors. Most Filipinos were not the kind of people who shows impoliteness. Filipinos are always open for HELPS. Asking for help can gain confidence to start a good conversation ,a conversation that results in building up a good friendship with all sorts of individuals and also between different races.

People will not usually talk to somebody who stands alone around without saying anything. Being outgoing is somehow helpful and ask people a question even if you already know the answer.

3. Religious Service & Social Gatherings – engaging to social activities seems to be one of the best solutions to break the ice between foreigners & local Filipino students. It would be very helpful for the foreign students to mingle with the Filipinos by maintaining engaged with religious activities and service gatherings.

social activities can help develop interactions between Filipinos and foreign students by doing things that allow themselves to collaborate with each other. Activities like worship services, small groups, camps, acquaintance party, potlucks, etc. are some best examples.

Tips in developing good relationship between local Filipinos & Foreign students

Filipinos have always been known for their religiosity and hospitality. The virtues of hard work emanate in every Filipino's attitude, where they do their best for their family and country. They are also very approachable and with this value embedded in the Filipino personality, making friends in the Philippines is very easy.

Things to consider

To build a good relationship with Filipinos, foreigners must first establish a good friendship.

Things to consider

And in order to have and make intimate friendship with local Filipinos

Foreigners should consider the following


1. Approach Filipinos with kindness. Filipinos are very easy to please, and displaying a kind attitude will really help a lot. Being respectful and outgoing are attitudes that Filipinos truly adore.

2. Talk, talk and talk. Unlike other Asians, Filipinos are very talkative. They enjoy a good talk all the time and in that way, bonds of friendship are strengthened. If you are someone who loves to share ideas and thoughts, having a Filipino friend will be a lot easier for you.

3. Do not hesitate to speak in English. As a former American protectorate, Filipinos know how to speak English with correct grammar and pronunciation. That is why several American-based companies hire Filipino employees because of their propensity of the English language.

4. Immerse yourself in the Filipino culture. Filipinos really appreciate it when foreigners immerse themselves in their culture. It is one way of showing that you would like to socialize with them. Eating "balut" and "street foods" might sound disgusting, but then again, it is a symbol for the Filipinos that you adore their unique culture.

5. When communicating, always direct your attention to them. This may sound very basic, but at times this step is usually overlooked, which leads to conflicts and misunderstandings. Always direct your attention to your Filipino friend, especially if that person talks to you. This is one way to show that you respect your friend.

What can local Filipino students do to improve relations with foreign students, especially Filipino americans?

For some instances, Possibly foreigner men are the one who once heard about the beauty and the splendor of Filipino Lady that leads to catch the attention of everyone even the foreign ones. Filipinas stand out amid Asian women in terms of charm as well as femininity. Filipino women are naturally romantic, loving along with caring. These are some qualities that foreign men must find a reason to court a Filipino lady.

What do foreigners need to know first before they court a local Filipino woman?

Filipino women are conservatives. There are some women who demands the “Filipino custom, no touch !” .This means that a Filipino lady in order to remain pure and virtuous cannot let any man touch even the tip of her finger, unless he is her husband.

Filipino women do not like the courtship process to be fast. Filipino girls are expected to play hard to get because their culture deemed it as an appropriate behavior when they are being courted.

Flowers are the kind of gifts that are perfect even on a non-occasional event such as courting. Flowers have a language that has no words, only feelings and emotions. Filipino women, loves to receive flowers from those that courts them, especially those that they like. Through flowers, women can feel the sincerity of their suitors’ love for them, and not those cheap sweet talks that only wants one thing out of a woman.

What can a local filipino students do to improve relations with foreign students, especially Filipino-American?