Making memorable introductions

Post on 09-Jan-2017

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Agenda1. Introductions2. How to introduce yourself

2.1. Key elements of your introduction

A common situation:So, tell me about yourself!

Common question"So, tell me about yourself."

This may just be the most common and the most intimidating phrase you'll hear during your job searches, informal chats and formal job interviews. Be prepared because you're going to hear it all the time in networking situations. Let’s get ready for them!

Don’t wing it!

Rule #1

Don’t ever wing it! It’s better to be prepared than sorry.

Take time to learn the key elements of introducing yourself!

Impress anyone you meet in a professional situation to land that dream job of yours!

Rule #1

1Tell your name

2Tell who you are 3What do you

want to achieve?

Key Elements

1Tell your name

Your Name in 10 sec

Your Name in 10 sec

My name is Briar…Jamieson…

1Tell your name

Tips for Saying Your Name

1. Pause slightly between your name and

surname, and smile at the end.

2. Emphasize your name so everyone can

hear it and feel the respect for it.

3. Repeat your name if asked, always with a


4. Make your name memorable – if your

name is unusual, add a detail that will

help others to remember it.

My name is Briar…Jamieson…

‘Briar’ sounds like ice-cream - ‘Breyers’.

2Tell who you are

Who Are You? …in 10 sec

I am a teacher and I like working with people. This adds a lot of interesting experiences to my life.

I teach settlement workshops at English

Online. I enjoy getting to know my learners and help

them with their needs.

2Tell who you are

You may:

1. talk about your professional

background, or

2. explain where your accent is from, or

3. talk about three things you like about


Tips for Saying Who You Are

3What do you want to achieve?

Your Goals in 10 sec

I’m here to see what everyone is involved in and how I can contribute to the organizational mission.

I am pretty new to Canada. First, I need to get used to the winter and then enroll

in a university course.

1. Mention what you want to achieve in

your professional career.

2. Give a short-term goal and possibly a

long-term one. 3What do you

want to achieve?

Tips for Your Goals

Your Turn

Write down your introduction.

Take 5 minutes to think it through.

1Tell your name

2Tell who you are 3What do you

want to achieve?

Remember the Key Elements!

Practise with somebody you know well, or an eFacilitator.

Have Questions? Contact your e-facilitator. Please log in to see e-facilitator’s contact details
