Making Powerful Healing Water

Post on 20-Jan-2016

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Making Powerful Healing Water



Making Powerful Healing Water With Qigong & Reiki Energy

In this short course, you will learn many secrets that will significantly

improve your healing ability and provide you with new and unique tools that

can be applied in your healing practice. These methods work extremely well

with Reiki and Qigong energy healings and will set you apart from other

energy healers. This course is not long nor is it complicated, but the

information is excellent and practical. Once you begin to use it, you will

immediately see the extraordinary benefits this simple procedure offers.

In this course, you will learn how to make powerful healing energy

water for individuals suffering from illness (physical or emotional). You will

learn how to make your own drinking water designed to raise your spiritual

vibration or tonal frequency thus allowing you to channel progressively

greater and greater amounts of universal energy, which will make you a very

powerful healer. You will also learn how to charge physical objects with Ki

energy that can be utilized as additional healing aids in a person’s treatment

or recovery. These physical items along with drinking the healing water

allow the patient to become proactive in their treatments as well, which

dramatically improves the self-healing process and overall success of your

efforts. Having these extra items and services also provides you with new

resources to earn additional income from your energetic healing practice,

which is a nice win: win situation for you and your clients!

Healing water is a very powerful modality due to the high water

composition of nearly all-living things. The human body is 70% water and


the blood is 90% water. In fact, nearly every major organ in the body (brain,

heart, kidneys, liver, etc.) is at least 80% water. When you introduce healing

energy water into the human system via consumption, you effect the

vibration of the entire body. The ancients have always discussed waters

ability to both accumulate intent and purify the body. Water represents Yin

qualities and Fire represents the opposite polarity of Yang.

Dr. Masaru Emoto has done much research on water crystals and how

they change shape and become more beautiful and ornate with simple words.

In order to save time, you are encouraged to search Dr. Emoto’s work on the

web. This link will give you the gist and implications of his research but there are many

others that you will find by simply searching his name.

As was stated earlier, water can be regarded as an accumulator, which

was not only discovered more recently by Dr. Emoto, but was known and

used by the ancients as well. Water’s ability to accumulate is also effected

by temperature. Its peak receptivity is just a few degrees above the freezing

point at 39°F (+ 4°C). This has more to do with understanding the nature of

universal energy and the qualities of the elements of Fire, Water, Air and

Earth but to sum it up simply and concisely you can understand that once

water freezes, it becomes a solid which is now a quality associated with the

Earth element. When water boils it becomes a steam or vapor, which is now

a quality of the Air element. Cold contracts and absorbs (Yin) while heat

expands and radiates (Yang). Therefore water will accumulate best at cold

temperatures where it is still a liquid, but not at temperatures cold enough to

solidify it. That said, you can simply refrigerate your water prior to charging


it with healing energy since the logic and reason for this step has now been


Dr. Emoto’s research also shows that charged water tends to

proliferate and similarly charge other water molecules it comes into contact

with. In other words, it causes the other water molecules to assume the

shape, vibration and intent of the charged water molecule somewhat similar

to making clones of itself. When you consider the water composition of the

human body and its organs, this has very powerful healing aid applications.

The Procedure for Making Reiki Healing Water

1) Purchase or fill a 1-gallon container with filtered, purified or natural

spring water. Do not use distilled water for Healing Water.

2) Write the person’s name on a piece of masking tape and attach it to

the gallon of water along with a photo of the person. This step forms

the structural link to the individual similar in concept to the idea of a

voodoo doll. Based on Emoto’s work, this should cause the water to

take on characteristics similar to the water in the actual person.


3) Place the water in the refrigerator on top of the Master Hexagon

Matrix pattern. This symbol is designed to amplify the hexagonal

nature of “healthy” water crystals as well as charging the water with

universal Ki energy. This step alone will change the taste and texture

of the water. You can verify this for yourself by simply filling 2

glasses of water from the same source. Charge one glass for 5-minutes

and then compare it to the other non-charged glass.

4) Remove the water from the fridge and perform your Reiki healing

treatments on the gallon container as if it were the actual person. The

cold water has an enormous capacity to accumulate the healing

energy, so it is suggested that you do several short (5 to 10-min)

healing treatments on the water over a 3-day period instead of one

long treatment on a single day. Both methods will work, but the short

session procedure tends to produce a stronger healing energy.

5) Have the Reiki symbols: Distance Healing, Power Symbol, Master

Symbol and Balance Symbol printed out in front of you. Gaze at each

symbol in the order listed and mentally project or physically trace the

image onto the gallon of water, finishing with the balance symbol.

6) When you treat the water, use the photo to help you visualize the

person and have the intent that they are simultaneously benefiting

from the Reiki treatment. In other words, you visualize that they are

simultaneously being filled with healing energy at the same time you

are charging the water with healing energy. This is another

application of the structural link associated with the particular


7) Place the gallon of water on your lap. Close your eyes and imagine

yourself glowing brighter and brighter. Imagine and feel that energy is


flowing into your body. Mentally say 3 times: “The energy of the

universe is flowing within me. I can feel it!”

8) Now, with both palms touching the water container, imagine a white

ball of light beginning to glow inside the center of the water container.

See it glowing brighter and brighter like a light bulb on a dimmer

switch being slowly illuminated until full brightness is achieved. Say

out loud: “The limitless power of the universe flows through me and

is now flowing within!” Try to visualize a waterfall of white light

flowing down from deep outer space into your head, running down

into your neck. Filling your chest and heart. Then overflowing into

your arms and out your hands. Repeat 3 to 5 times.

9) After 3-days, the water should be highly charged and ready for

consumption as a healing aid. The individual should drink ½ cup in

the morning and another ½ cup prior to going to sleep. The water

works best on an empty stomach, which is the main reason for these

suggested times.

10) You can also fill a plant mister with healing water and spray it

on the patients dry skin and let it absorb and air dry on the body. This

works very well with skin disorders such as skin cancer for example.

You can also apply it directly to the location of pain or illness as a

healing aid or instruct the individual to self apply the healing spray in

the comfort of their own home as part of their healing treatments.

11) Natural fabrics such as cotton can also be charged with this

method. For example, you can turn a 100% cotton shirt into a healing

aid by simply turning it inside out and spraying it with the charged

water. Then as the patient wears the shirt during the day, the healing

vibrations are absorbed through the body.


If you choose to sell healing water to clients, suggested prices are $15 to

$30 per gallon of water, which provides approximately 16-days supply.

Making Your Own Energy Water

This method will allow you to strengthen your own energy and raise

your spiritual vibration or tone frequency. The procedure is a simple

self-meditation that you perform on a 4 to 8 oz glass of water prior to

drinking it. Take some time to practice and memorize this procedure, as it

is extremely powerful and will strengthen your energy significantly.

Once you have done it a few times, it is a very easy and enjoyable

practice to perform one time each day.

1) Fill a 4 to 8-oz glass with room temperature water that has been sitting

on top of the Hexagon Matrix overnight. As you pour the water into

your glass, focus on the stream and visualize it being saturated with

energy. (Note: just place a gallon of water on the matrix overnight)

2) Take in a slow deep inhale through the nose and exhale with a sigh of

relief making the “Ahhhhhhh” sound. Try to invoke the feeling of

relief and relaxation as you make this sound.

3) Sit down with the water placed in front of you. You can either sit

crossed legged on the floor or upright on a chair, but keep your back

straight. Close your eyes and relax.

4) Now, take in 9 more deep long inhales through the nose and exhale

with a sigh of relief “Ahhhhhh” releasing all tension and negative

emotions from your being. On the first inhale visualize the number

“3” and mentally repeat the word “Three” in your head 3-times as you

exhale. Each time you mentally say “3” have the volume in your mind


become quieter so that the last one sounds almost like a whisper.

Repeat this with the number 2 followed by the number 1.

5) Allow for a few moments of non-thought. If you inhale and hold your

breath in for a few moments, your mind will typically quiet down.

6) Inhale through the nose slowly and imagine white light flowing into

your body. See yourself glowing brighter and brighter like a light bulb

on a dimmer switch that is slowly being fully illuminated. This

method is known as the Reiki Power Catalyst.

7) Slowly open your eyes and center your attention on the glass of water

in front of you. With both hands, pick up the glass and raise it above

your head so that your arms are making a diagonal angle of

approximately 45-degrees above your head.

8) Visualize the glowing energy from your body infusing the glass of

water with light. Close your eyes and see in your mind all the white

light from the universe filling the water as well.

9) Speak out loud 3 times: “The energy of the universe flows within. I

Can Feel It.”

10) Bring the glass to your lips and say out loud “I now take this

limitless energy within me” and drink ½ of the water. With each

drink, take time to feel the water in your mouth and under your

tongue. Savor the moment by making the “Mmmmmmm” sound

mentally or out loud. Mentally invoke gratitude by thinking: “Thank

You” and ask “More Please” each time you drink until it is ½ gone.

11) Place the glass down in front of you again.

12) Inhale slowly and allow for another moment of non-thought.

Feel your frequency rising. Focus all attention on your ears and try to

hear the high pitch ringing.


13) Take in another slow deep inhale through the nose while

visualizing yourself absorbing more energy, glowing brighter and

brighter. Exhale with the “Mmmmmmmm” sound savoring and fully

enjoying the increased energy in your body.

14) Now, inhale through the nose deeply, accumulating &

absorbing more energy and exhale through the mouth in about half the

time you spent inhaling. Repeat this 19 times and then return to

normal breathing.

15) Allow for a moment of non-thought. Slowly open your eyes and

turn your focus to the glass of water. With your attention on the water,

chant the sacred sound “Ohm” out loud 7 times. Say it as “Ah”,

“Ooo”, “Mmmmm”. Try to invoke the feeling of excitement as you

vocalize “Ah” like you just came up with a great idea or insight. With

the “Ooo” sound try to invoke the feeling of admiration as in “Oooo

this is really cool”. The “Mmmmm” sound is enjoying and savoring

something delicious. This is the correct way to chant the sacred

“Aum” or Ohm sound.

16) Inhale through the nose again absorbing more energy. Exhale

and relax.

17) Take your right hand with palm facing up on your knee and

connect the middle finger to your thumb, making a circle shape.

Slowly raise this hand about 1 foot in front of your eyes and focus all

of your attention on how this makes you feel.

18) Inhale more glowing white energy through your nose slowly

and mentally repeat “I am perfect as I am”, “I am a MASTER.” Then

lower your hand back to your knee keeping the thumb and middle

finger connected.


19) Now inhale slowly and exhale in half the time of the inhale 11

times just as you did in step 14. Return to normal breathing and relax

in silence for a few moments.

20) Visualize your awareness being several feet above you or even

in deep space. Mentally repeat 3-times with feeling “I Love You! I

Always Have and I Always Will”

21) Open your eyes slowly and grasp the water with your left hand

and raise it to your mouth. Drink it with gratitude and savoring.

22) Sit in silence for a few minutes and just focus on your body and

how it feels. End the exercise when you are ready to resume other


Some people have paid over a thousand dollars to learn this

secret charging method. Don’t underestimate its value simply because

we did not charge you a hefty price for this course material. We want

these powerful energy techniques in as many healing hands as

possible, which is the real reason for the low cost.

Healing Nectar or Amrita

You can also perform these steps on fine alcohols such as

cognac, brandy and other alcohols made from fruits or grapes. You

simply skip steps 10 and 21, as you will not drink during the process.

Charge the alcohol with the mantra: Om Amrita Bindu Java MaHa

Suka Swa Ha. Repeat 7 times and then say Ayu Siddhi Hum (“let it

be done”). Add 1 teaspoon of your charged alcohol “Amrita” to 1-

quart of charged energy water. Prior to drinking this mixture, which is


now considered Nectar, you charge it with one of the following

mantras depending on your needs or objective.


How to Charge Glass Crystals

For Chakra Energizing

This is a powerful method of charging glass chandelier crystals that

are available at most lighting stores or online. You can also use this

method to charge jewelry and/or other gemstones as well.

1) Obtain your glass chandelier crystals corresponding to the Chakra

system. Note that clear glass is universal and can be used on any part

of the body, but the colors work best with each individual chakra.

2) Place your crystals or jewelry into a glass mason jar and then fill it

with water. Visualize energy infusing the water stream as you pour it

into the container. Place the lid on and set it on top of the Master

Hexagon charging matrix to charge for 2-days.

3) The procedure from this point forward is nearly the same as the

steps outlined for making your own energy water. Please memorize

and review these steps. In fact, it is exactly the same except you never

drink the water, so only steps 10 and 21 are eliminated. This is the

only difference between the methods.


4) When you are done with the meditation place the jar back on top of

the Hexagon charging matrix.

5) To get the best effect, don’t use the crystals until you have performed

this charging exercise at least 3 times on 3 different days.

Note: the reason we place them in water has to do with the rate of energy

absorption. Gems, glass, jewelry, etc. absorb energy much slower than

water. By placing them in charged water, they can continue to absorb

energy continuously at their own absorption rates, which charges them

much more quickly than what it would take to charge them dry. In fact, it

would take you over a month to charge the gem to a similar energy level

that can be obtained in one single treatment placed in water.

To use the crystals on yourself or others, simply have the person lay

down in corpse pose and place the corresponding color crystal on top of

the chakra and allow it to rest there for 3 to 5 minutes. You can use all at

once or treat each chakra separately. Typically if you treat the root, heart

and third eye, all of the other chakras will be energized in the process

automatically. Use the clear crystals on specific areas such as tumors or

individual organs (Kidneys, Pancreas, Spleen, Liver, Gall Bladder, etc.)

On the following page is your copy of the Master Hexagon Charging

Matrix. Simply print out as many copies as desired and have them laminated

to protect the ink from moisture such as condensation that may accumulate


on the containers. This matrix works as both an energy accumulator and

hexagon amplifier. It is based on sacred geometry (Star of David) and

number vibration as the hexagon repeats 6 times. It works best if one of the

points is facing north and the other south, but it will still work even if you

don’t line it up with these directions.

Infinite Love & Gratitude

This is a symbol that blends the Seichim infinity symbol with the

words Love & Gratitude, which Dr. Emoto says produces the most beautiful

water crystals. It is a powerful healing symbol that you can add to your

practice. You can also use it as your 1st symbol in the healing water

instructions in the part where the other Reiki symbols are utilized if you like.

Simply mentally project or physically trace out the symbol onto the water


Taoist Immortality Salt

Here you will learn how to make your own Taoist Immortality Salt.

Many sites charge several hundred dollars for just 200-grams of this mineral.

Tao Salt has been used for centuries throughout all of the Orient as an

alchemical medicinal substance for treatment, bodily purification and

prevention of disease. It’s legendary healing abilities range from healing of

gastric ulcers to preventing tooth loss. Secluded in the vast forests high in


the mountainous areas of Asia, secret sects of holy men, healers and scholars

(including renown Taoists: Confucius and Lao Tzu) practiced the arts of

medical numerology and elemental alchemy. As the universe functions on

mathematical formulas and cycles, so do all living things. One of their

greatest treasures was Tao Immortality Salt. Through an intensely arduous

process, tiny quantities of Tao Salt were made and used for healing. The

secrets of preparation have been handed down thru the centuries and guarded

by each master. Usually the "Purification practice" uses salt water so the

type of salt is usually not considered very important except for its purity.

In China, purity was an issue so they did complex rituals of repeated

roasting of the salt to "purify" it. During this time, various mantras and

healing sounds were performed along with special hand positions called

“mudras” for the 8-directions or “Bagua” were held during the chanting over

the roasting salt.

The Taoist salt is used to treat any condition caused by foreign viruses

and toxins. The health of the person will improve and/or heal based on the

evicting power of the Tao Salt. The salt water can also be used daily as a

cleansing ritual to prevent illness. The author has done this for several years

and has not had the flu or even a cold as a likely result of this practice.

Today, the quality and purity of salt readily available is not an issue so there

is no need to spend a fortune on something that can be obtained at your local

store for a tiny fraction of the price.


How to Make the Taoist Immortality Salt Water

1) Obtain a high quality salt such as a Kosher Salt or Hain's

Iodized Sea Salt. If you are in a pinch, any table quality salt

will do.

2) Get a Gallon of Distilled Water and charge it for 3-days. If

you are making this for someone else, follow the instructions

for making Reiki Healing water. If it is for you, follow the

instructions for making your own drinking water, but

eliminate steps 10 & 21, as you will not be drinking it during

the charging procedure.

3) Add 8 level Teaspoons of the salt to the gallon of charged

distilled water. The ratio of salt to water is 2-teaspoons per

quart of water.

4) Perform the 8 Taoist Healing Sounds 5 times each for 3-

days. See page 19 for the instructions on these sounds.

5) Prior to drinking or giving it to the client, hold the gallon

between your palms. Close your eyes and visualize the water

glowing and radiating with energy. Say your favorite healing

prayer or simply bless the water with your intent that it now

has powerful healing energy within.


How to use the Taoist mixture correctly

1) Upon waking up in the morning, rapidly chug down 1-quart of the

charged Taoist Salt Water.

2) Stay near a toilet or make sure that one is going to be readily


3) Do not drink and other liquids for 15-minutes. Do not eat anything

for 30-minutes. After this time has passed, consume other liquids

and feel free to eat.

4) Perform twisting exercises while standing or sitting. Twist as far as

you can to your left side and right side.

5) Suck in your stomach as far as you can 5 to 10 times. The twisting

and stomach exercises increase the transit time of getting the water

through your system. It’s like taking a shower for the insides.

Suggested price for Taoist Immortality Salt Water is $30 to $40 per

gallon, which is a 4-day supply.

Please note that you can energize several gallons of water at a single time. You do not have to charge them individually. The author has successfully energized 20 separate gallons at a time without any trouble. It is your INTENT to charge them that energizes the water. You can energize any quantity as long as it is your INTENT to do so. It does not matter if this is for Healing Water or Taoist Water. The process is the same. Just have them all in front of you with the INTENT that they are all receiving energy and it will happen. This allows you to efficiently make healing water for all of your clients.




The Healing Sounds


Science has proven that everything is in a state of constant motion,

that we call “vibration”. Every form of matter, energy, substance, form,

color, sound, light, shape, specie, etc. has number in its core being and is

determined through various rates of vibration. Everything to a greater or

lesser degree has some type of a center or nucleus that is revolved upon, the

same as the Moon revolves around the Earth, which in turn revolves around

the Sun, which in turn revolves around the galactic center and so on –

depending upon the varying degrees of speed and distance from the center.

Through vibration, we get every form of everything, from the individual

atoms to the minerals up through the visible solids all the way to the highest

forms of life or energy known and unknown in the fourth dimension, both

above and below our conception. Every single miniscule change in the rate

of vibration, even to the 1-billionth part of a billion, is a different form of

matter, substance or life, each one being a complete universe unto itself and

revolving around its own center. As your sensitivity increases, so will your

ability to feel, control and manipulate vibrational patterns in all things.

Practice chanting these powerful healing sounds while visualizing the

corresponding color. You can also expose your healing energy water to this

sound while charging it on the matrix and/or prior to your meditation

exercise and/or Reiki healing treatments. You can also charge water with the

healing sounds method by simply visualizing that the water is glowing with

the appropriate color while chanting the sound.


Here is a summary of the sacred healing sounds, emotions and colors:

Emotion Element Meridian Color Sound

Anger Wood Liver Green Shuuuuuuu

Joy Fire Heart Red Haaahhhh

Sympathy Earth Stomach Yellow Whooooooooo

Grief Metal Lungs White Zzzzzzzzzzz

Fear Water Kidneys Dark Blue ChuuuWay

Worry/Stress Universal Triple Burner sky blue Sheeeeeee

The two remaining sacred sounds that complete the Baugua or

octagon are “Aum” or Ome as in Home and More where the ending sounds

are chanted and extended. Colors are Gold (like the Sun for Aum) and Silver

(like the Moon for More). These are universal sounds and affect the entire

body and open the "Small Universe or Microcosmic Orbit".

Practice chanting these healing sounds, making a long vibration with

each tone. You can use this Taoist Qigong healing method on yourself or

others to remove blockages in the corresponding meridian system. Repeat

each sound 9 times and then move to the next until all 8 sounds have been

chanted. This will clear and transmute all of the negative energies. It also

helps if you have the client visualize the corresponding color and to try to

feel the vibration as you make the sounds. Once you have completed all 8

sounds, you will say the following affirmations out loud. Instruct the client

to mentally repeat the affirmations as you speak them aloud. Have them

imagine that their soul or spirit is speaking to them as they mentally repeat

each affirmation:


1) I Love You, I Always Have and I Always Will.

2) I Care Deeply for You and All Things.

3) I Am Always With You and Will Never Leave You.

4) I Am Confident and Completely Free From All Worry & Concern.

5) I Am Calm and Content, Satisfied and Fulfilled.

6) I Am Fearless and completely at Peace with Everything in my Life.

7) I Love and Fully Accept All without Criticism or Judgment.

8) I Am aware that I Am one with All There Is.

9) I Am excited to live and fully experience my life.

10) I Am Deeply Sorry for any Pain that I may have caused to

others or myself.

11) You are Already forgiven and I will Always forgive You. I

Love You unconditionally.

12) I Am so Happy, I Feel so Good.

13) Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!

These affirmations will completely transmute the negative energies

that were cleared from the healing sounds. It is not uncommon for the

client to have an intense emotional reaction to this practice. Be prepared

to hold their hand or offer some type of comfort, but don’t try to stop the

emotional clearing. Just let it take its course.

Disclaimer: There are no medical claims pertaining to the healing capabilities of the water or charged items. It is recommended that in all cases of disease, injury, sickness, etc. that the aid of a licensed health practitioner is obtained and that you follow the suggested treatment of these licensed professionals. This course is being made available for informational purposes only and therefore no claims of healing and/or curing disease are made herein, expressed or implied. Remember, it is against the law to diagnose or make any claims that you may heal another person by any means whatsoever unless you have this privilege granted to you by law.