Mal Maison Hotels

Post on 29-Jul-2015

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MalMaison HotelsSMO

Macha Belkova - Darmarajen Chinan – Dindar Kassim

Facebook – A fan page for the Group (283 fans)

Twitter842 FollowersFor London

992 FollowersFor Manchester

1028 followersFor Birmingham

Myspace – Songwriter sundays

Qype – Special rates


LinkedIn – 95 Contacts

Google Maps



• Increase your Linkability– No linkability for now: hire an SOM manager– Good SOM supports– Need to link all the supports to the website– Use Ping – « idea of the day » embedded by the Hotel on

the website

• Make Tagging and Bookmarking easy– Use– Use Ping– Use Widgets on blogger, ning, 3rd parties….

Recommendations• Reward inbound links

– Unilyser & Pagerank– Use a widget to “grade” the links

• Help your content travel – Link the menus, invitations, videos… to all

supports such as and

• Encourage the mashup – Make all our contents possible to « embed »– Create Rss


• Our work is well done if:– We get 30% of booking through our

online presence– 1000 visitors per month– Use Google Analytics & Alexa

Influencers & Followers

• Create a « chain of social profitability »:– Our manager « feeds » in onfo the

influencers– The influencers boost the followers– The followers make our relationship with

the profitable

• Influencers become our marketers


• No Ecosystem• Mainly afforts are concentrated on

Twitter• No Blog• Not enough actualised information• No Mobile App (but they have a

mobile site)