Post on 20-Feb-2017

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1 “For indeed, the day is coming,

burning like a furnace, when all the

arrogant and everyone who commits

wickedness will become stubble.


1 The coming day will consume

them,” says the Lord of Hosts, “not

leaving them root or branches. ”


2 But for you who fear My name,

the sun of righteousness will rise

with healing in its wings, and you

will go out and playfully jump like

calves from the stall.


3 You will trample the wicked, for

they will be ashes under the soles of

your feet on the day I am

preparing,” says the Lord of Hosts.


4 “Remember the instruction of

Moses My servant, the statutes and

ordinances I commanded him at

Horeb for all Israel.


5 Look, I am going to send you

Elijah the prophet before the great

and awesome Day of the Lord



6 And he will turn the hearts of

fathers to their children and the

hearts of children to their fathers.

Otherwise, I will come and strike

the land with a curse.”


1. Heaven and hell

2. Bible

3. Repentance

4. Men

The Day of the Lord is a succession

of days and events through history

that all culminate in the Last Day.

The Last Day is the Day of


And so the Day of the Lord is the

best day for the believer and the

worst day for the unbeliever.

Here’s the good news: you don’t

have to go to hell.

The bad news is right now if you

don’t know the Lord Jesus Christ, if

you’ve not turned from sin and

trusted in him and accept him as

your Savior and Lord, your eternal

fate is now destined for hell, the

conscious, painful torments of hell.

Hell is likened to burning.

A conscious torment.

The burning in hell is a supernatural


Isaiah 66:24

24 “And they will go out and look on

the dead bodies of those who

rebelled against me; the worms that

eat them will not die,

Isaiah 66:24

24 “the fire that burns them will not

be quenched, and they will be

loathsome to all mankind.”

Isaiah 66:24 says it this way:

“Their fire shall not quenched.”

The fires of hell never go out.

The burning and the suffering—it is

eternal, it is unyielding, it is


For the Non-Christian For the Christian

This life is as close to

heaven as they ever get

This life is as close to hell

as we ever get

Death: it gets worse Death: it gets better

There's judgment There's mercy

Our picture of heaven should be

what this earth was intended to be

before sin invaded it and corrupted


He says that heaven will be like that

and our glorified, resurrected,

perfected bodies, it will be like the

sunshine of a new day.

No sun but all the light that will

emanate through the new creation

will be the unveiled glory of

Jesus Christ.

He also says that, that day will come

with healing.

Finally into the state that God

intended when he made all things

very good before sin made

everything very bad.

He starts with heaven and hell and

then he proceeds to the law and the


Again, this is God’s final word for

four hundred years.

“Remember the law of my service


The law is Moses and the prophets is

typified by Elijah.

So what the law does is the law is

God’s Word, and it is God giving us

his standard.

God is holy, God is righteous, God

is good.

God writes down, “This is why I

made you and this is how you were

supposed to live and if you disobey

my law, my rules, then you’re in sin.”

Elijah will restore all things


11 Elijah is coming and will restore

everything,” He replied.

Prophets call God's people to abide

by God's covenant and for God's

people to receive all the God has for


John was a type of Elijah who is to


He was called to prepare for the way

of the Messiah by calling for

repentance and restoration of

relationship with God.

LUKE 1:17

17 And he will go before Him in the

spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the

hearts of fathers to their children, and

the disobedient to the understanding of

the righteous, to make ready for the

Lord a prepared people. ”

John was not Elijah but he came in

the power and spirit of Elijah.

To turn the hearts of the fathers to

the children.

Elijah and Elisha were different men,

but it’s the same power of the Holy

Spirit working through them

anointing and appointing them for

similar prophetic ministry to preach

and to call people to repentance of

sin and receiving of Jesus.

Will the actual Elijah return to earth

one day?

Elijah’s a fearless man.

The only way you become a fearless

man is when you’re filled with the

Holy Spirit.

We are to practice a lifestyle of


Rebellion - an open defiant life,

becoming a law unto yourself

Religion - religious pride, legalism

and self-righteousness


6 And he will turn the hearts of

fathers to their children and the

hearts of children to their fathers,

lest I come and strike the land with

a decree of utter destruction.”

Curse - culture, people and legacy

that is ruined.

The family is the first government.

The father is the first leader.

God holds the men responsible for

their family for their legacy.

God is the God of Abraham, Isaac

and Jacob.

This is the big idea of legacy.

It starts with fathers and faith flows

through generations of the family.

Well, it starts with the fact that God

is a father.

Developing a father’s heart starts by

knowing God as Father.

What this means as well, I’ll give you

something else very practically, serve

younger people, children.

It’s good to have involvement with

children before you get one by

serving and loving and investing and

getting to know families and

participating in the stages of life.

Some of the most influential people

in children’s lives are older people

who love the Lord, that are in

seasons ahead of them that they’ve

learned from.

In addition for you men, you don’t

want to just marry a woman who’s a

good time but with whom you can

make a good legacy.

Most important decision: Who's

your God?

Second most important decision:

Who will you marry?

You will always be a father to your

kids for as long as you live.

Even if it’s a hard season, continue

to be the father.

Continue to love, continue to

pursue, continue to pray, continue to


1 Cor. 4:15

15 Even if you had ten thousand

guardians in Christ, you do not have

many fathers, for in Christ Jesus I

became your father through the gospel.

And so God’s final word and God’s

answer is more men with a father’s


This is an opportunity for you to

respond, to turn from sin and to trust

in Jesus, to escape hell and to enjoy
