Malawi Amid the Need for Islamic Finance &...

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Vol 19. No.6 March 2017 / Jamadul-Aakhir 1438

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

And say, the truth has come and falsehood has departed. Indeed isfalsehood (by nature) everbound to depart (Qur’an 17:81)

Volume 19. No.6 • REGISTERED AT GPO AS A NEWSPAPER • Jamadul-Aakhir 1438 / March 2017

Malawi Amid the Need for Islamic

Finance & Banking

Qur’an 2:278-279

O you who have believed, fear Allah and give up what remains [due to you] of interest, if you should be believers. And if you do not, then be informed of a war [against you] from Allah and His Messenger. But if you repent, you may have your principal - [thus] you do not wrong, nor are you wronged.

HadithAvoid the seven destructive sins, and mention is made on “Devouring interest” (Muslim)

The surge of need for Islamic Finance and Banking, in the global financial system, including key International Financial Centres, is a valid food for thought to anticipate the surge to continue elsewhere in the world and Malawi might not be spared

convincing its conventional banks to open windows for Islamic financial products.

Traditionally, common known aspect of Islamic finance and banking is the prohibition of interest and gambling. This is always understood by conventional banking system as restriction to economic activities. Nonetheless, Islam does not necessarily put burden

or restrict economic activities, but it only directs economic undertakings towards responsible deals that benefits people, protect the earth, and honors Allah Ta’ala.

The underlying paradigm of today’s life is the fulfillment of social justice. Likewise, Islam put measures to achieve social justice in economy. For that matter, Islam prohibits interest-based transactions. It encourages risk sharing in economic deals. When a risk is shared among two or more parties, the burden of the risk faced by each party is reduced.

Malawi should perceive Islamic financial services as a component poised to supplement growth of economy in our country. It should be thought as something that will bring new solution to economy, not as something that will eliminate the existing systems, neither a challenge to the conventional system.

Efforts might be sacrificed to see the emergence of Islamic financial products introduced in some conventional banks, but unless Muslims are ready to welcome its significance will not be traced. Get ready for the possibility of Islamic Financial Services dawning Malawi one day. The simple questionnaire to attend : Are we for or against? How much do we know about it? What do we expect?

Islamic Information Bureaus are Islamic libraries. IIB is jubilant to inform the public on events taking place. Details available on page 4, where you will also read about “Marriage Discourse.” The hot issue being:What used to be the case in the early days of cellphones, the text messages even today cause havoc. A husband angry with a wife refusing to show the whatsapp messages she received on her phone.


(March 2017)MK 257,000


QA girl is convinced of Islam, but she does not have the courage to convert out of fear of her father who already puts pressure on her brother who is a Muslim and

mistreats him. What is your advice?

AShe should hasten to embrace this great religion without delay. No one knows what will happen tomorrow. If she becomes Muslim and is afraid that her family may harm her,

she may conceal her Islam until Allah grants her relief and a way out. Whatever the case, it is not permissible for her to remain a disbeliever under any circumstances, and it is not permissible to delay becoming Muslim for any excuse.

QI save a small amount of the housekeeping money my husband gives me without him knowing. I do this with the intention of using it in the future. Am I deceiving my

husband by doing this?

AIf the man gives his wife a certain amount of money to spend on the housekeeping, and she is able to manage it well and save some of this money to use in the future, then there is

nothing wrong with this, but that is subject to certain conditions: (1)That this does not involve deceiving or lying to the husband. (2)That no constraint should be caused to the husband and children as a result of that saving. (3) That this saving should be in the interests of the family as a whole.

QWhat are the condition and rules of seeking permission to enter homes and properties in accordance with Islamic Jurisprudence?

AThere are guidelines which are fixed and do not change. They include the following: -1-Not looking inside the house before permission to enter is given. -2- Give Salaam before asking

permission to enter. -3- Knocking on the door or ringing the bell. -4- It is essential to mention one’s name if the people inside the house ask who is there. -5- It is Sunnah not to stand facing the door, so that one’s gaze will not fall upon anything inside the house. -6- One should seek permission to enter three times, unless he/she is certain or thinks it most likely that the people inside the house did not hear him/her. -7- If the owner of the house is known to have given permission or there is any indication to that effect, that may be acted upon. -8- If a person is not given permission to enter, he should go back without getting upset. -9-The requirement to seek permission to enter is waived in cases of necessity, such as rescuing someone or preventing an evil when action cannot be delayed.

QWhat is the Islamic ruling regarding taxation?

AThere is a concession allowing the imposition of taxes in exceptional circumstances, when the State needs that, on condition that it should be just and equitable,

and that the taxes should be spent on valid purposes. Taxes are used to ensure the State provide its people with social amenities. They are not to be imposed on the people except in the case that there are insufficient funds in the treasury to cover that, and that it is only done in the case of necessity. Let us make the intention that the taxes imposed on us will be used for the common good.


• Question and Answers

• Marriage Discourse

• Advice Quotes

• IIB Highlights


WISDOMWhen we repair our relationship with Allah He repairs everything else for us. Take everyday as a chance to become a better Muslim. The worst of our faults is our interest in others people’s faults. Trust Allah when things don’t work out the way you wanted. Allah has something better planned for you. Fill your heart with Imaan and it will become the most peaceful place on earth.

PublisherAl-Haqq Publications

Vol 19. No.6 March 2017 / Jamadul-Aakhir 1438

QA person died having left neither wife nor children, but had a sister and a deceased brother who had two daughters and two

sons. What is the ruling on the distribution of the estate? Do these two nieces inherit or not?

AIf a person dies and did not have any children, and also did not have a father or a grandfather, then this case is called

Kalaalah, which refers to the one who dies and does not leave behind any parent or child. Based on that, if that person who died did not have any father or son, and the rest of the heirs are as mentioned, then the inheritance is to be divided in the following manner: The full sister gets half. The two sons of the full brother get the rest of the estate. Allah Ta’ala says: They ask you for a legal verdict. Say: Allah directs (thus) about al-Kalaalah (those who leave neither descendants nor ascendants as heirs). If it is a man that dies, leaving a sister, but no child, she shall have half the inheritance. (4:176)

QA man died owing debts. He had wealth and real estate. He left behind two wives and three sons, one of who is a half-

brother, and two daughters. Who should take on responsibility for paying off the debt? What if one of the heirs refuses to pay it off or take responsibility for the debt?

AIf a person dies and leaves behind wealth, then what his heirs must do is to begin by preparing him for burial, paying the costs

thereof from the estate, then after that they must pay any outstanding debts from the estate, then fulfill any bequests from one third of the estate, if the deceased left any instructions to that effect. All of that must be done before dividing the estate among those heirs who are entitled to a share. The evidence for that is the Ayah in which Allah, Ta’ala says: Allah commands you as regards your children’s (inheritance); to the male, a portion equal to that of two females; ... (The distribution in all cases is) after the payment of legacies he may have bequeathed or debts. (4:11). Haste should be

made to pay off debts of the deceased, especially the debts of parents, because in that case the matter is more serious. If some of the heirs refuse to pay off the debt, their share of the estate should be withheld until the debt of the deceased is paid off, and they should not be allowed to dispose of it.

QA visiting Muslim to Malawi left a sum of money with me as a trust, on the basis that he would come back within a short

period of time. He has not come till today. I can’t get through on the number he left with me. Is it permissible for me to use this money for trade, on the basis that I will protect it and repay him?

AYou have to do your utmost to find the owner of this trust. If you cannot find him then donate it to some charitable cause, with the

intention of giving charity on behalf of the owner. If the owner or his heir comes along after that, then tell him what you have done. If he approves of that, all well and good, but if he does not approve, give him the equivalent amount, and you will have the reward for what you gave in charity, Insha Allah.

QA man suffering from Aids and other diseases married a woman without revealing his condition. Later the wife

discovered about his illness and demands a divorce. Are there grounds for annulment?

AWe assume that the man had full knowledge of his condition subject to be revealed before getting engaged with a woman for marriage.

This is serious deception. Such deception is not allowed for a Muslim to commit. Yes, there are valid grounds to ask for divorce. While we do not encourage stereotype the issue of Aids is very known today than any other time. We therefore need to take right measures before we enter into matrimony. Unfortunately life isn’t a rehearsal and requires proper care about it. For those who are already infected and want to get married, make your situation known to the would be spouse to avoid similar situation above.

The Prophet said: “Which of you loves the wealth of his heir more than his own wealth? They said: O Messenger of Allah, there is none among us but his own wealth is dearer to him than that of his heir. He said: Verily his wealth is that which he has sent on ahead (in charity) and the wealth of his

heir is that which he has kept back. (Bukhari)


Q: Imagine discovering my wife having a relationship with another man to extent of allowing him into our marital house. She is not aware that the despicable act has come to my knowledge. Am divorcing her. We have children aged 6 and 4 and because she has betrayed she will take of the children. Is my senses right?

A: If it has become clear that she is having a relationship with another man, or it is clear that she is committing adultery, or she admits to be involved in the evil act, it is permissible for you to divorce her. The basic principle is that the mother is more entitled to custody of her children before the age of seven years so long as she has not remarried. What is meant by custody is not merely providing food it also includes educating them, teaching them morals and manners. If the mother is a disbeliever, it is not permissible to give her custody of her children. The parent who is more entitled to custody is one who is better in terms of religious commitment. The children have not wronged you. It is their mother, so provide the necessary care for them.

Q: I received a message on my phone, which my husband demanded to read but I did not let him read the message and he got angry? Does a husband have that right?

A: The husband has no right to enquire into

his wife’s private matters or her correspondence or phone conversations with her female friends, so long as everything is normal, and there is no cause for doubt or suspicion. What you should do now is to calm his anger with nice words and good treatment. If you know that if he sees this message, it will calm him down and put an end to this matter, then there is no reason why you should not do that. We advise you to let him see it, even if that is contrary to the basic principle (and proper etiquette) and even if that is part of your private matters. The interest of reconciling between you and resolving the crisis takes precedence over protecting this privacy. The problem is minor, and it is not wise or reasonable to let such minor problems turn the home upside down.

Q: I am involved in an online relationship with a middle-aged man. I am 18 years old. We are promising each other to get into marriage in the future. Is this kind of relationship allowed in Islam?

A: Islam does not allow secret links. If you are contemplating to get married, you should go through proper channels, mainly through your parents. Marriage is a serious matter. You are, therefore, best advised to discontinue this relationship and stop the messaging and let the man to switch to his right senses, and follow the procedure the Shariah gave us. Lest you regret in the future, when the same man curtails the relationship and wed with someone else.

Islamic Information Bureaus are centres of Information, open for all people regardless of religion. Our Libraries are stocked with spiritual and mundane books.

Islamic Information Bureaus additionally provides counseling services to strained spouses following the Sunnah. Don’t divorce each other before you visit IIB’s “Marital and Counseling Department”.

Monday through Saturday IIB offices

are open for officiation of Nikaahs. You just need to come and arrange for convenience sake.

Islamic Information Bureau has a “Youth Desk” which interact with the youth in secondary schools, and colleges in collaboration with Muslim Students Association (MSA). .

Contact our Cordinators on:

Limbe: 0996977577, Lilongwe: 0999009134 Balaka: 0888857627


Marriage Discourse

Islamic Information Bureau Highlights

Vol 19. No.6 March 2017 / Jamadul-Aakhir 1438

The Prophet said: The best Dinar that a man spends is a Dinar that he spends on his dependents, and a Dinar that a man spends on his mount (for Jihad) for the sake of Allah, and a Dinar that he spends on his companions (in Jihad) for the sake of Allah. (Tirmizi)


Q What is your advice in a situation of upholding ties of kinship with relatives who left Islam. Many Malawian Muslims

families are facing such awkward situations mainly women as a result of desperation for marriage?

AThe apostate is the one who has gone out of Islam and becomes a Kaafir (disbeliever) by his words or actions, or by his giving up

(some obligatory duty) or his beliefs. If it is proven for certain that a person is an apostate, and he is a relative, then he/she is to be treated in the following manner: (1) It is obligatory to disown whatever he believes in of his Kufr and apostasy. (2) It is Haraam to regard him as a friend and love him. (3) It is obligatory to advise him and call him to come back to Islam. (4) It is permissible to visit him, talk to him and sit with him with the aim of calling him to Islam. (5) It is permissible to uphold ties with him, encourage him to repent and follow true guidance. (6) He/she should be shunned and cut off if he/she persists in this misguidance. Allah Ta’ala and Islam despise this apostate. By apostatizing he/she has lost all the sanctities and rights that he/she had over the Muslims.

QModernity and influence of the world being a global village continue to bring controversies among people. Such

include some wives demanding allowances. Is the wife entitled to a monthly allowance especially if she has no source of income?

AWhat the husband must do is spend on his wife on a reasonable basis, which includes the costs of accommodation, food, clothing,

medical treatment. With regard to accommodation, that is because AllahTa’ala says: Lodge them (the divorced women) where you dwell, according to your means, and do not treat them in such a harmful way that they be obliged to leave (65:6) If this refers to one who is divorced, then it is more applicable to one who is not divorced. If the husband does that, he has done what is required of him, and he is not obliged to do anything beyond that, or to give his wife a personal allowance,

unless he chooses to do so. We however know that this happens not to many. Many couples are living harmoniously without a job and a proper means of earning a living for years.

QMy sister’s daughter is not Muslim and she is going to have a child but without marriage. I have two daughters and I

have decided to tell my sister’s daughter that I cannot remain in touch with her, because I cannot expose my two daughters to her way of life. Which way to go?

AFirstly: We appreciate your concern about this issue, which is indicative of a high level of piety, and your keenness to raise

your daughters in chastity and purity. This is an obligation that Allah has enjoined upon fathers and mothers. We invite you to think about two things: (1) That it is possible that your good relationship with your sister’s daughter may be a strong motive for her to become Muslim. If that happens then it will undoubtedly be good for you, for her and for your family. If she sees you treating her kindly, that may have an impact on her and she may become Muslim. (2) That if you cut off ties with her and forsake her, that may be a cause of her turning to evil people and their getting close to her; her actions may become more offensive and their effects may – Allah forbid – even reach you because you are her relatives. It may be in your best interests – as a family – to prevent evil and corrupt people from attracting her to join them.

QHow can we conduct ourselves between prohibition of keeping dogs in our homes and the need of it to beef up security?

AAccording to Shariah, it is not permitted to keep a dog except within narrowly-defined limits, that is unless it is a dog for herding

sheep, farming or hunting. Dogs are extremely Najis (impure, unclean). In a Hadith it says: The angels do not enter a house in which there is a dog. (Bukhari) However it is permissible to keep dogs for securtiy, so long as you avoid letting it inside the house to avoid making vessels impure.

F: Ndine msungwana wa zaka khumi ndi zitatu ndipo ndili pa ubwenzi ndi mamuna wina kupyolera pa makina a

Intanenti. Tikulonjezana za banja. Malangizo anu ndi otani pa ubwenzi woterewu?

Y:Chisilamu sichilola kukhazikitsa ubale wa chitsitsi pakati pa mamuna ndi mkazi. Ngati malingaliro ofuna kulowa m’banja

akufikirani muyenera kutsatira ndondomeko yoyenera ndi yovomerezeka M’chisilamu, kudzera mwa makolo anu. Koma malangizo athu ndi oti tikuona ngati ndinu wachichepele malinga ndi mnsinkhu wanu kuti muganize za banja panopa. Banja ndi chinthu cha mtengo wapatali ndipo ndikofunika kulowa m’banja muli okhwima nzeru. Tikuona kuti ndibwino kuti musiye kulumikizana ndi mamunayo kupyolera pa Intenenti. Ili ndi vuto lina lomwe latipeza ndi makonowa pamene makolo ali chikhalire kuti kunja kulinji ana amakhala akutangwanika pa mafoni amakonowa kucheza molokwika, molaula ndi mozionongera tsogolo. Tiyeni tiwanyadire ana athu koma mphatso zina zomwe timawapatsa zikuononga tsogolo lawo.

F:Padutsa zaka makumi awiri pamene mchemwali anathawa ndikukalowelera moyo wotailira ndipo anakwatiwa

ndi munthu yemwe sali Msilamu. Makolo athu panopa anamwalira. Kodi mchemwali wangayo ali ndi gawo la chuma chomwe makolo anasiya?

Y:Zinthu zomwe zimapangitsa kuti munthu akhale mulowa malo wa chuma cha munthu yemwe wamwalira ndi zitatu

ndipo chimodzi mwa izo ndi ubale wakubadwana komanso ukwati. Komanso zinthu zomwe zimapangitsa kuti munthu asakhale mulowa malo wa chuma cha munthu yemwe wamwalira ndi monga kukhala kuti munthu wolowa maloyo ndi yemwe anamupha munthuyo pochita chiwembu china chili chonse ndi cholinga choti atenge chuma. Kusiyana kwa zipembedzo nakonso kumapangitsa kuti munthu wina asakhale mulowa malo wa chuma cha masiye cha Msilamu. Choncho mchemwali wanu ali mugulu la kubadwana kunena kuti ndi m’bale wanu ndipo ali ndi gawo la chuma cha masiyecho, ngati iye sanatuluke Chisilamu. Dziwani kuti munthu yemwe sali Msilamu sakhala mulowa malo wotenga chuma cha munthu Msilamu.

F:Anthu ambiri amakhala obayizika (kukhala ndi maganizo ena) pamene iwo aima pa Swala. Kodi izi zimapangitsa

kuti malipiro awo amapemphero awonongeke?

Y:Poyamba tinene kuti Swala imathandiza kuti munthu akhale wolemekeza Mulungu popewa kuchita machimo komanso

kuchotsa maganizo ndi malingaliro oipa mu mtima. Choncho Swala iyenera kuchitika mozipereka moyo wako wonse kwa Mulungu, kunena kuti kuchita Swala momuopa Mulungu m’modzi yekha. Komabe ngati munthu ataimitsa Swala ndipo wasoweka kuzipereka maganizo ake onse kwa Mulungu Swala yake idzakhala yolondola koma kuti malipiro ake adzakhala otsikilako. Dziwani kuti ndikofuniko kwambiri kuzipereka ndi mtima wathu wonse kwa Mulungu pamene taima pa Swala chifukwa iyi ndi nthawi yokumana, komanso kulankhulana ndi Mulungu.

F:Ndine m’zimayi yemwe ndinalowa Chisilamu ndipo ndinakula ndi moyo wosafuna kuti mamuna andisogolele pa

kathu. Ndimakangana kwambiri ndi mamuna wanga. Pakadali pano sindikudziwa kuti ndingapange bwanji kuti ndikhale m’zimayi wa Chisilamu wa bwino malinga ndi m’mene Chisilamu chikufunira?

Y:M’zimayi wa Chisilamu ayenera kukhala wochita zinthu mwanzeru pamene akuchita kena kalikonse ndi mamuna

wake, chifukwa mamuna amakhala osangalala ndi mawu abwino ndi mtima wothokoza kuchokera kwa mkazi wake. Mkazi wa Chisilamu wayenera kudzitalikitsa ku zinthu zili zonse zomwe mamuna wake sangasangalatsidwe nazo. Choncho pofuna kuti mukhale mkazi wabwino muyenera kutsatira zomwe Mulungu wakulamulirani kuti mupange ndi kutsatira. Muyenera kuphunzira kuchokera kwa amayi ena abwino omwe akhale chitsanzo chabwino cha mayi wa Chisilamu. Phunzirani kuchokera kwa iwo kuti amakhala bwanji ndi amuna awo, ndipo pang’ono ndi pang’ono mudzakhala mayi wabwino, mayi wa chitsanzo.

F:Ine ndimapsya mtima msanga ndipo ndimalephera kuti ndipewa kupsa mtima. Kodi tingachite chani pofuna

kupewa khalidwe limeneli?

Y:Pemene Msilamu kamuchitikira kanthu komwe kangamupangitse iye kuipidwa mumtima, iye ayenera kukumbukira kuti

kupsa mtima ndi koletsedwa kwa Msilamu. Pali njira yopewera izi monga: (1) Kumukumbukira Mulungu, zomwe zingamupangitse munthu kuti amuope iye Mulungu. (2) Pamene kuipidwa kwatifikira ndi bwino kuchoka pa malo pamene pakuchitika izi ndipo kuipidwako kudzatha. Izi ndi zina zomwe tingamatsate pamene taipidwa.



Vol 19. No.6 March 2017 / Jamadul-Aakhir 1438

Mtumiki anati: Ngati muli olungama, mosakhalitsa Mulungu adzaonetsera za kulungama kwanu, ndipo ngati mwachita tchimo lapani kwa Mulungu ndi kumupempha Iye kuti akukhululukireni. Pamene munthu avomereza machimo ake namupempha Mulungu chikhululuko, Iye Mulungu amalandira kulapa kwake. (Bukhari)


F:Zikukhala zovuta kuti ndiiwale za imfa ya mamuna wanga, ndipo chifukwa cha chikondi chomwe ndinali nacho pa

iye ndimaona kuti mwina ndisadzakwatiwenso. Malangizo anu ndi otani?

Y:Poyamba tidziwe kuti Mulungu sapereka mavuto, mayesero, ziphinjo zosiyanasiyana kwa Msilamu posakhala kuti kuteroko ndi

kumukonda iye mwini kulandira mavutowo. Tiona kuti Mtumiki wa Mulungu, womaliza kwa Aneneri Muhammad (Mtendere ndi Madalitso a Mulungu apite kwa iye) anadutsa m’mavuto osiyanasiyana. Ana ake ambiri anamwalira, amalume ake. Zomwe iye anachita ndi kumva chisoni pambuyo pake ndikumupempha Mulungu kuti amupepusile pa nthawi ya mavutowo. Tiyenera kudziwa kuti imfa ndi gawo la moyo wathu lomwe limabwera nthawi ina iliyonse, ndipo pali moyo pambuyo pa imfa womwe ndi moyo wokoma kwa anthu okhulupilira. Dziwani kuti kuvomereza ndi kuyazamira kwa Mulungu pa nthawi ya mavuto ndi komwe kumasiyanitsa pakati pa okhulupilira ndi osakhulupilira. Kukwatiwanso kungakuchitireni ubwino kusiyana ndi kusakwatiwa. Malangizo anthu ndi oti iwalani za imfa ya mamuna wanu poti icho ndichilamulo cha Mulingu, komanso kumbukirani za imfa yake ngati phunziro lokusimikizirani kuti imfa ilipo ndipo kuti nanu tsiku lina mudzamwalira.

F: Kodi mkazi wa Chisilamu angakwatiwe ndi mamuna yemwe sali Msilamu ngati iye ali wolemekeza za chipembedzo cha

mkaziyo chomwe chili cha Chisilamu?

Y:Ayi sizololedwa.Kwatiwani ndi Msilamu mnzanu pofuna kusunga chipembedzo ndi chikhulupiliro chanu chopambana

cha Chisilamu.Kukwatiwa ndi mamuna yemwe sali Msilamu kuli ndizovuta zambiri zosasimbika. Kukwatiwa ndi Msilamu kudzateteza ana anu kuti akule ndi chipembedzo cha Chisilamu poti iwo sadzakhala akuvutika mumtima kuona kuti mnyumba yomweyomweyo muli Chisilamu komanso chipembedzo china chomwe sicha Chisilamu. Izi ndi zovuta kwambiri. Choncho mwachidule musakwatiwe ndi mamuna yemwe sali Msilamu ndipo amayi ambiri akumana ndi zovuta

chifukwa cha kukwatiwa ndi mamuna yemwe ndiwa chipembedzo china. Mamuna wa Chisilamu ngati sakupezeka lero tsiku lina adzapezeka.

F:Timamva kuti ndi bwino pamene tili ndi munthu Msilamu yemwe akuonetsa zakutha kwa moyo wake kuti

tizilankhula mawu oti Laa ilaaha illallahu. Kodi izi zimathanthauzanji?

Y:Uku ndiko kuyetsetsa kuti munthu yemwe akumwalira, mwachisomo cha Mulungu amalizire ndi mawu a mtengo

wapamwamba oti Laa ilaaha illallahu, koma kuti osamukakamiza kuti alankhule mawuwa. Tiyenera kulankhula mawuwa pang’onopang’ono ndi modekha pafupi ndi munthu yemwe akumwalirayo, ndipo mwachifuniro cha Mulungu iye atha kulankhula mawuwa ndipo mosakhalitsa ndi kumamwalira. Iyi ndi Sunnah yofunika kuitsata. Tisalankhule zinthu zokhumudwitsa, zodandaula ndi zina pamene tili ndi munthu yemwe waonetsa zizindikiro za kumwalira koma m’malo mwake ndi Sunnah kulankhula mawu achikhulupiliro, mawu a mtengo wapamwamba onena kuti La ilaaha illa llahu.

F:Kodi ndizololedwa kupereka ndalama ya intelesiti yomwe a banki akupatsa ku mzikiti kuti azigwiritsa ntchito

zosamalira pa mzikiti?

Y:Ayi sizololedwa. Mzikiti ndi chinthu cholemekezeke, malo oyera omupembedzera Mulungu, ndipo zonse

zokhuza mzikiti ziyenera kukhala zinthu zoyera. Apa tinene kuti kuyambira ndalama yomwe tikufuna kumangira mzikiti iyenera kuchokera kapena kupezeka mu njira yovomelezeka ndi malamulo a Chisilamu. Choncho kugwiritsa ntchito pa mzikiti ndalama yopezeka kupyolera mu intelesiti ndi zoletsedwa. Tipereka bwanji ndalama yopezeka kupyolera mu intelesiti ku nyumba ya Mulungu yemwe waletsa intelesiti. 8


F:Anthu omwe sali Asilamu amafunsa kuti ngati Asilamu amakhulupilira kuti iwo okha ndi omwe adzalowetsedwe

ku Jannah, kodi izi zikuthandauza kuti anthu azipembedzo zina adzalowetsedwa ku moto?

Y:Malinga ndi chiphunzitso cha Chisilamu, Jannah ndi mphoto kapena kuti malipiro omwe munthu adzapeze chifukwa

chakukhulupilira za Mulungu m’modzi yekha, za mabukhu opatulika a Mulungu, za Angelo ake, Atumiki ndi Aneneri a Mulungu, ndipo ndichikhulupiliro chimenecho ntchito yabwino iyenera kutsatira.Munthu ngati atakwanitsa zomwe zatchulidwazi chotsatira chake ndi kulandira malipiro a Jannah pa tsiku la Chiweruzo, koma kwa yemwe sakwanitsa, mphoto ndi malipiro amenewa sadzawapeza, ndipo m’malo mwake adzalandira chilango ndipo mwina chilango chake ndi chimene chili mu funsoli lomwe latchula zakulowetsedwa ku moto. Tsono ino ndi nthawi ife Asilamu tizifunse tokha za chikhulupiliro chathu ndi kusiya kuwaweruza anthu azipembedzo zina. Pomaliza penipeni tinene kuti zomwe Asilamu amakhulupilira zili ndi umboni mu Qur’an pamene Mulungu akunena kuti: Ndithudi chipembedzo chovomerezeka pa maso pa Mulungu ndi Chisilamu. (3:19)

F:Tiuzeni maduwa omwe tingamapange pofuna kuti tichile pamene tikudwala ku matenda osiyanasiyana?

Y:Poyamba tinene kuti tiyenera kudziwa kuti Mtumiki Muhammad (Mtendere ndi Madalitso a Mulungu apite kwa iye)

anatilangiza ife kufunafuna mankhwala pamene tadwala, chifukwa chakuti Mulungu anaika mankhwala pa matenda ena ali onse. Ichi chikhale chilimbikitso kwa ife pofunafuna mankhwala pamene matenda atipeza mbali ina tikupanga maduwa, kupempha kwa Mulungu kuti atichilitse. Mwamaduwa ena omwe tingamapange ndi monga awa:(1) Allahumma rabba al-nnas adhhibi al-ba’sa ishfi anta al-sshafi la shifa’a illa shifa’uka shifa’an la yughadiru saqaman. (2) As’alu Allaha al-azem rabba al-’arshi al-azem an yashfiyane. (3) Audhu bi izzati Allahi wa qudratihi mimma ajidu wa uhadhiru.

F:Kudera lomwe ine ndimakhala kuli anthu osauka ambiri. Kodi ndizololedwa kuwapatsa anthuwa ndalama

chikhalirecho ndikudziwa kuti sichakudya chokha chomwe anthuwo angagule komanso zina zoletsedwa monga mowa ndi mankhwala olezeletsa bongo?

Y:Kuwathandiza anthu osauka ndi osowa ndi ntchito yotamandika kwa Msilamu aliyense amene ali ndi kuthekera pa

chuma. Dziwani kuti udindo wanu ndi kupereka thandizo koma za mkati mwa anthu omwe mukuwapatsa thandizolo ndi zovuta kudzitsatira. Chomwe munaona inu ndiko kusauka kwa anthu a mudera lanu kapena kuti oyandikana nawo koma za mkati mwa munthu yemwe mwamupatsa ndi za iye ndi Mulungu. Mbali ina titha kunene kuti, inu mutha kugula zinthu zomwe anthuwo zikuwasowa monga chakudya, zovala ndi zina ngati pali chikaiko, monga m’mene mwanenera kuti mwina ena atha kugulira mowa ndi zina zoletsedwa.

F:Nthawi zina anthu amatha kusiyana maganizo ndipo izi zimatha kupangitsa kuti anthu asemphane pakucheza

kwawo. Kodi ndizololedwa kuti Msilamu akwiyitsane ndi Msilamu mzake?

Y:Ayi sizololedwa kuti Msilamu akwiyitsane ndi Msilamu mzake. Mtumiki (Mtendere ndi Madalitso a Mulungu apite kwa iye) anati:

Sizololedwa kwa munthu (Msilamu) kukwiyirana ndi Msilamu mzake kwa masiku atatu, wina waiwo kutembenukira kumbali kuti asaonane ndi mzake, ndipo wabwino waiwo ndi amene angayambilire kupereka Salaamu. Zoziwika zake ndi zoti sizololedwa kukwiyitsana, kumutaya, kumunyanyala Msilamu mzako, pokhapo ngati pali chifukwa chovomerezeka, mwachitsanzo ngati munthu akuchita zinthu za machimo ndipo pali phindu lina lake lomwe lingapezeke pomunyanyalapo, ngati kutero kungapangitse kuti iye asiye za machimo. Kupatulako nyengo ngati imeneyi zitha kukhala zololedwa chifukwa kuti kudzakhala ngati kuchotsa zoipa.

F:Kodi Chisilamu chikutinji pa nkhani za kusunga ndi kusamala ubale?

Y: Dziwani kuti kusunga ubale kumathandiza kuti anthu mukhale ogwirizana muzochitika za tsiku

ndi tsiku. Kusunga ubale kumabweretsa madalitso ochuluka. Mtumiki (Mtendere ndi Madalitso a Mulungu apite kwa iye) anati: Kwa yemwe akufuna kuti zopeza zake za moyo wake zichulukitsidwe ndipo kuti moyo wake ukhale wautali, asunge ubale. (Bukhari). Apa tikutha kuona kufunika kosunga ubale. Tikamvetsa zimenezi chotsatira ndiko kuzifunsa kuti kodi ndi ndani yemwe amasunga ubale, ndipo funso ili Mtumiki (Mtendere ndi Madalitso a Mulungu apite kwa iye) analiyankha motere: Munthu yemwe amasunga ubale chifukwa chongofuna kusunga ubale chabe sali wakusunga ubale kwenikweni. Munthu yemwe amasunga ubale ndi yemwe amasunga ubalewo ngakhale ubalewo utasokonezeka pakati pawo.

Vol 19. No.6 March 2017 / Jamadul-Aakhir 1438

QMy mother is not obeying my father as a wife. However my father has neglected his responsibility. She has taken up his

duties. I want them to have the best. What should I do?

A The husband has rights over his wife and she has rights over him, but his rights over her are greater than her rights over him.

Allah Ta’ala says: And they (women) have rights (over their husbands as regards living expenses, etc.) similar (to those of their husbands) over them (as regards obedience and respect, etc.) to what is reasonable, but men have a degree (of responsibility) over them.(2:228) One of the rights of the husband over the wife is that she is obliged to obey him. One of the rights of the wife over her husband is that he should spend on her. The wisdom behind the obligation upon him of spending on her is that the woman is tied to the husband by virtue of the marriage contract, and she is not allowed to go out of the marital home to earn a living except with his permission. The husband has failed to give his wife her rights of maintenance, and the wife has failed to be obedient. Advise both of them wisely and gently.

QHow should we respond to an argument by a young Muslim graduate saying it is not possible to avoid working in

interest (Riba) based companies or banks in today’s financial system. He argues: You use a Lenovo laptop. Lenovo takes interest loans from various banks to run their operations. So if it is not allowed to work in banks we should also not buy such products?

AFirstly: Riba is a major sin concerning which there is a stern warning, and Allah Ta’ala threatens the one who commits this sin with

war. Undoutedly you cannot attempt to wage war against Allah and expect to win. Generally, it is permissible to buy from a company that deals in Riba, just as it is permissible to work for a man who deals in Riba, so long as the work itself is permissible. The fact that his company deals in Riba does not affect the individual. This corrupt fed argument is intended to make all kinds of Riba-based transactions permissible, on the grounds that it is not possible to avoid dealing in Riba. But this is an example of the deceit and confusion caused by the Shaytaan.

QI want to strive to control my self (Nafs) by keeping away from whims and desires and from the Shaytaan our big

enemy. In that way I want my faith (Imaan) get increasing Insha-Allah. How can I achieve my intentions?

AThe things you mention indicate that you have a sound and pure nature, and a great desire to achieve great things. These are

great hopes that can be achieved through faith. (1) You have to revive the faith in your heart. Faith is what will bring the Muslim everything he seeks in this world and in the Hereafter. Faith is the key to all goodness. (2) You must turn to your Lord sincerely. (3) You should try to keep company with righteous people. (4) You should follow the example of historical Muslim figures such as the Sahaabah, Taabi’een and righteous forebears. All in all, the deeds that lead to being a devoted slave are innumerable.

QWhat does trust (Amaanah) mean in Islam or rather in the Shariah?

ATrust (Amaanah) in Islam has two meanings, a general meaning and a specific meaning. The general

meaning has to do with all commands and prohibitions of Islam. With regard to the specific meaning of Amaanah there are three well-known scenarios with regard to it: (1) Financial rights that are established by contracts and covenants, such as items left with a person for safekeeping, loans, hiring and rentals, and so on; and those concerning which there is no contract, such as found items and what people pick up of the lost property of others. (2) Keeping people’s secrets. Positions of responsibility whether social, public or private. One should carry out such positions of trust and responsibility on a basis of truth and justice.

QI’m jealous of what will happen if I die and my wife gets married again. Shall she be mine in the next life?

AIf the husband is the last of the woman’s husbands, then he will be her husband in Paradise. The woman belongs to the last

of her husbands. She does not get to choose between them. If she only had one husband and there was no one else until she died, or he died and she did not get married again, then the matter is quite clear; he will be her husband in Paradise if the two partners are both among the people of Paradise.


Q What is the correct procedure for giving debt (lending money to a person)?

AThe correct procedure is mentioned in the Noble Qur’an Surah 2:282-283, summarized as follows: (1) To

specify the period of the loan. What length of time the loan must be paid. (2) Writing down the loan and the time when it is to be paid. (3) If the one who writes down the loan is a person other than the debtor, then the debtor is the one who should dictate to him the details of the loan. (4) If the debtor is unable to dictate because of sickness or some other reasons, then the one who should dictate on his behalf is his guardian. (5) The loan should be witnessed, and the witnesses should be two men, or one man and two women. (6) The lender has the right to ask the borrower to guarantee the loan with a pledge, which the lender will keep.

QWhat does ‘Ittaqo Allah’ mean? The term is often translated as “Fear Allah”.

AThe Arabic term “Taqwa”, the root from which the verb mentioned is derived, means to be on one’s guard

or to ward off something that is unpleasant or has some bad or evil associations. When the term is used in a way, which refers to Allah, then the warding off is immediately understood to refer to “incurring His wrath”. Thus, we should always fear displeasing Allah and doing what incurs His displeasure. This is because we expose ourselves to His punishment, which is too severe indeed. What Muslims should actually guard against doing what Allah has forbidden them, for that is certainly evil. Allah has forbidden us only what is harmful and what is evil.

QA mother in-law is considered like a man’s own mother in Islamic law. One may treat her the way one treats one’s

own mother. If a person divorces his wife, does this relationship change?

AWhen a person marries a woman, the mother of his wife becomes forbidden for him to marry. This prohibition is permanent

once the marriage contract is made. There is no way the prohibition can be lifted at any time. However, one does not behave with his mother in-law as he behaves with his own mother, with regard to what she may reveal of her body in front of him. A Muslim should maintain a relationship based on respect, friendliness and mutual care with his wife’s family, but he must also observe the Islamic rules of propriety and decency in that

relationship. Hence one must be careful in his approach to his relationship with his wife’s mother and sisters, as well as her other relatives. The same applies to woman’s relationship with her husband’s male relatives.

QSomeone else, like a younger brother or a colleague takes a person who commits an offense as a role model. Is he liable to

account for those who follow his example?

AThere are two principles that apply here. The first is that each person shall be responsible for his or her own actions. No one shall bear

the burden of another, as the Qur’an states more than once. The other principle is that of bearing the responsibility for setting an example. The Hadith says: Whoever sets a good example shall have its reward as well as the reward of everyone who follows his suit until the Day of Judgment, without reducing their reward in any way; and whoever sets a bad example shall bear its sin together with the sin of all those who follow his suit until the Day of Judgment, without reducing their sin in any way. What this means is that the one who sets a bad example shall bear the burden of what he does and will be punished for every time someone else follows his bad example. But every one who follows him will also bear the blame for his own actions. The same applies in reverse with regard to setting a good example.

QAm a man who recently got married. My monthly wage is not equal to my expenses that is huge. I am really

struggling with loans. I sometimes think that I should not have married at this stage. Is this thinking correct?

ARizq of every person is ordained by Allah Ta’ala and in the measure decreed by Him. The problem with almost all people whose

focus is not Allah Ta’ala and the Aakhirat is the concern for ‘more money’ to meet incrementally rising expenses. But increase in earnings is not generally within our means. They overlook the solution that is to decrease expenditure to within the confines of one’s earnings. Therefore the thinking is not correct since getting married is Sunnah we ought to fulfill. May be we can cut out some luxuries and limit our spending.


Vol 19. No.6 March 2017 / Jamadul-Aakhir 1438

The Prophet said: Allah spreads out His Hand at night to accept the repentance of those who sinned during the day, and He spreads out His Hand by day to accept the repentance of those who sinned during the night. (Muslim)


QAm from Rwanda and I have been in the country for over five years now. I have converted to Islam. Do I need any

documentation or proof indicating this fact?

AAs far as your salvation in the next world is concerned, there is no need for any documentation, nevertheless, for

purpose of recognition and identification, it is highly recommended that your conversion is documented. This procedure is not only expedient and convenient but might also be absolutely necessary for other purposes.

QI have shares in a certain company and there are rumours that the company is planning to take a Riba-based loan.What

is your advised?

A When buying shares in any company, we should make sure that its activities, sources and products are permissible. In

other words it is not permissible to buy shares in a company whose activities are not permissible by Shariah such as interest, gambling, prostitution and the like. It is also not permissible to buy shares in a company whose activities are permissible but it lends or borrows money on the basis of Riba, because shares are part of the company’s wealth, and the shareholder is a partner in all the transactions that go on. Every Muslim who is keen to avoid Riba and its consequences should make his/her position clear to the company, and state that he will leave if the company takes a Riba-based loan.

Q We constantly become either guests or hosts and based on Shariah, we know the rights of the guest but will you please

enlighten us the rights of the host?

AThe rights of a host on his guest are that he thanks him for his hospitality, for Allah Ta’ala does not appreciate those who do

not appreciate people. It is also the host’s right that his guest guards his privacy in whatever he has come to learn through their interaction. It is

the host’s right upon his guest that he protects the sanctity of his home, so he must not betray him. He must not overstay at his home, making a burden of himself by staying longer than the length prescribed by Shariah for a guest to stay, which is three days.

QThe Comparative Religion Debate at Iqra in Blantyre gave me the conviction that Islam is the true religion. Hence I have

decided to embrace it. However, my parents and relative are against the idea. I have not argued with them. What is your advice?

A When a person believes in something, he should be prepared to make sacrifices for its sake. How prepared one can be if this is

belief in Allah Alone. Hurtful words from relatives are difficult to bear, but that will become insignificant for one who bears in mind the greatness of Allah and His reward, and he will continue on his path without turning away or hesitating. You have done well by not arguing with them. Do not delay entering Islam, do not wait a moment longer.

QWith today’s economic hardships some men may find it difficult to get married because of being poor. What is the

ruling on marriage if a bride is well off and a groom is poor? He can pay a small Mahr, but can’t provide for his wife - she will provide for the family. Is this marriage valid in Islam?

A Yes, it is valid as long as it is voluntary. You need to notice that such things happen many times. Also that her spending is a

voluntary contribution on her part. Additionally, voluntary contribution may be discontinued at any time on her own will and decision. In such a case the husband, poor as he may be, is required to provide for the family.


The Qur’an Revive Our Hearts The Qur’an has amazing impact on those who receive it as a Book of Guidance and remedy. Its influence on them is great and radical. The Qur’an reforms the character and remolds it into a new form that is loved by Allah Ta’ala. Before Islam, the Sahaabah (Radhiyallahu Anhum) led a miserable, ignorant life. The change effected by the Qur’an in their life testifies to its power of change and reformation. It rejuvenated their hearts.


Shura – Way for Togetherness The Qur’anic principle Shura has not been given a place it deserves in our community, while most of the rest have taken it completely out of our lives. Shura typically interpreted to mean consultation, the concept of it gives far beyond that to engulf all walks of life. Shura is a secret of inspiration, motivation and empowerment of a community. Allah Ta’ala says in the Noble Qur’an: And their affairs are (a matter of) Shura among them. (42:38) Shura add to our minds the minds of others and combine our knowledge with knowledge of others.


Five Missed Calls Among the marvel of modern technology, is the ability to track missed calls. When one receives a missed call, you have access or ability to call that person back. We go to great length to remain accessible at all times. We wake up from our sleep to answer a call and we seldom rest until we return all our calls. What about the calls of Hay-Yaa-Laa Salaah, Hay-Yaa – Laa Falaah? (Come to pray, Come to pray. Come to Success, Come to Success, a call from the House of Allah, Master of Creation, the Owner of life and everything. How many calls have you missed from the House of ALLAH?


What a Beautiful Greeting When we see our children off to school, do we send them off with a bye or off with the Salaam the Dua for peace and blessings? For some of us, this may seem a trivial issue and thus we may not pay due attention to it. We forget that Salaam is the best greeting there could ever be.


Poverty Among Muslims In Malawi, as in other countries the levels of poverty among Muslims is so alarming. The need for rich people and the able to respond to the command of Allah Ta’ala to pay Zakaah (Alms-Giving) is unprecedented. The Supreme Command of discharging Zakaah ought to be adhered by believing men and women. Zakaah was instituted to lessen the poverty levels of the poor and the needy.


Getting Ready for 2018 Census Muslim in Malawi 13% (2008 Housing and Population Census) No, we are 36% (Muslims not accepting). The arguments yield nothing, as it lacks substantiated backing of the same. We have alleged that enumerators intentionally skip to ask religion one belongs mainly to Muslims in the remotest areas. It is time to open our eyes, as we positively prepare for 2018 census.


Community Banking Awareness Today, Malawians, right in the village embrace what is called as community Banking. Be cautious that interest is prohibited in Islam. Let us preserve our Imaan (faith).

ReviewingPast Published Editions

ADVICE QUOTESTo endure a short-lived hardship that is followed by long-lasting ease is better than hurrying a short-lived ease that is followed by long-lasting hardship.

The quality a believer could ever have is “forgiveness.”

The highest status amongst the forgiving is of that person who has all the power to avenge, yet

chooses to forgive.

Be patient for what was written for you was written by the Greatest of writers.

If you are in doubt ask Allah. Perform Salaah Istikharah.

When things are too hard to handle, retreat and count your blessings instead.