Man of steel film opening sequence analysis report sheet (1)

Post on 02-Aug-2015

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Film Opening Sequence Analysis *Comment on the following aspects in relation to your film opening title sequence choice

Man of Steel - Name:Reece Mechan

My Analysis Supporting Images

Cinematography & Camera Techniques

The first cinematography and camera technique we see is an establishing shot. The establishing shot we see is of a field with a house in and we also see a path leading up towards the house. The purpose of this shot is to show us where the following scenes are set and usually an establishing shot is followed by a close up or a medium shot.

The next technique we see is a close up. The close up is of a trophy. I think the reason the director chose to do a close up is because it shows detail of the trophy. As a result of this we can see that the trophy was given to the main for winning a race or another form of running competition.

Film Opening Sequence Analysis *Comment on the following aspects in relation to your film opening title sequence choice

The next technique we see is a low angle shot. I think the reason why the director has chosen to do this is because it makes the building look very tall. We can also see superman flying in from the side to save him. This makes the audience think that superman is brave and saves people. This is important that the audience think this because the film is based around him being a great person who saves people.

Visual Effects & Colour Scheme

In the picture you can see the visual effects and colour scheme used is high key lighting. As a result of this it makes it look very bright and this makes the audience think that the film is mostly focused around a good character. If the director chose to use low key lighting this scene would look very different it would look dark and dreary. If the film did use low key lighting then the audience would think the film would be mostly focused around an evil character.

Genre Conventions Man of Steel is an action film. I know this because t involves a superhero. I know it involves a superhero because on the last scene of the opening title sequence it shows the hero with his cape flying.

Film Opening Sequence Analysis *Comment on the following aspects in relation to your film opening title sequence choice

Narrative The narrative used in the opening title sequence is audio recorded from a news report from when the character won the trophies. I think the director has chosen this because it’s like whilst the character is doing stuff he is thinking back to when the news reported his success which is a proud moment for the character.

Editing Techniques One of the editing techniques used is non-diegetic sound. Non-diegetic sound is when the sound is edited into the opening title sequence. This can vary from putting music into the sequence or recording two people having a conversation and putting that in the background of the title sequence. The director chose to add an instrumental version of a song and they also put a recorded news report. The two went together very well. As a result of adding the song it made the audience think that superman has got stronger since the news report but as a result of adding the news report it then shows the audience that he doesn’t forget where he comes from.

Another editing technique used is continuity editing which is where it makes the footage look like it was all filmed together and make it just flow together. As a result of this it makes the audience think that it’s just all second nature to the main character and that he doesn’t panic about anything or get that nervous. If the director wanted to show that he gets nervous he would have made the editing person use a jump cut.

The last form of editing used is the credits. The purpose of using credits is to let the audience know who directed the film who stars in the film and basically who was involved in the production of the film.

Film Opening Sequence Analysis *Comment on the following aspects in relation to your film opening title sequence choice

Title Credit Design The title credit design is mostly put around the sides and it is in white writing. The director has done this because it makes it stand out and look clearer. The director has also made the job title smaller than the name of the person who did the job. The director has kept this style throughout the opening title sequence. The director has chosen to keep it because it makes the opening title sequence look more professional.

The director has put the first two credits in the centre of the screen he has done this because out of all the credits these are mostly the most important.