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Management Information System Ch-2: Global e-business and Collaboration

Case Study: America’s Cup 2010, USA wins

with Information Technology

• The 33rd America’s Cup yacht race was held in Valencia, Spain in Feb. 18 2010.

• The competition was between two billionaire Larry Ellisn and Ernest Bertarelli.

• The 114 foot long, made of carbon fiber yacht won by winning first two races in best of three series.

• The speed of yacht was 35 miles per hour which was assumed three times faster than the wind.

• It then made record as a fastest sailboat.

• Due to its light weight the hull sink only six inches into the water.

• Stretchy aeronautical fabric was used instead of cloth sail over the carbon frame

Case Study: America’s Cup 2010, USA wins

with Information Technology

• The massive collection of data was done at lightening speed with the help of powerful data management, rapid real time data analysis, quick decision making and immediate measurement of the result.

• 250 sensors were attached with the wings, hull and rudder to gather real time data on pressure, angles, loads etc

• The sensors help our to monitor the strains on the effectiveness of each adjustments.

• The sensors were able to collect 4000 types of data.

• The database management software used was Oracle 11g.

• Data were transferred wirelessly for real time analysis using velocity prediction formulas.

Case Study: America’s Cup 2010, USA wins

with Information Technology

• For more preciseness, data were sent to Oracle’s Austin data center for real time calculation and prediction with deep calculation.

• It was made possible over years of practice and result improvement in performance.

• Each crew member were give a small mobile handled computer on their wrist to display data.

• They were given a sunglass which display data with the occasional glance the deck crew, sea state and competition.

• Using technology in the race was both challenge and opportunity.

• Technology refined the sailing ability of crew members.

Case Study: America’s Cup 2010, USA wins

with Information Technology

• The high tech devices and sensors were used to make historic winning race which yield as result of billions of profit as result.

Business Process

• Business has to deal with many aspects of information such as supplies, customers, employees, invoices and payments along with its product and services.

• It is a collection of activities required to produce a product or services in which organizations coordinate work information and knowledge

• It is considered as strength of any business firm which helps to sustain a company or organization with its rivals by executing in better ways.

• New business process enable a business organization to perform on better way overcoming the weak points.

• To make plan, implementing it into real and bring into practice is considered as business process in real life.

Business Process

• In a business organization, as they have different area of performance, they all go through different business process.

• Many examples can be seen as business process around us.

• Example such as from collecting raw material to delivering among the consumers.

Business Improvement with IT

• Information Technology has automated the working mechanism in an business organization

• It has eased in many aspects that such as to perform different tasks simultaneously, eliminating delay, improved decision making etc.

• It changes the working mechanism in rapid speed so that the performance of an organization get improved.

• From study material to entertainment, all the things can be achieved with the help of Internet (a part of IT), which helps an organization to grow faster and gives better result in comparison.

• The concept of globalization has made the world smaller and thus the business can be spread in larger area.

Business Improvement with IT

• IT enables an organization to analyze data of previous transactions and helps to perform precisely in future

• If business process can be analyzed in better way, the whole system becomes more effective and efficient.

• Ultimately we can see innovation can be achieved by acquiring IT in the field of business process.

Types of Information System

• We can see there are different interest, specialties and levels in an organization to handle different kinds of information.

• The different kinds of systems may be sales and marketing, manufacturing and production, finance and accounting and human resources.

• The functions used to manipulate these kind of systems should be cross functional so that there should not be any kind of conflict to manage different nature of data of different units.

• Many features are supported by the system to make ease in decision making.

• Different level of management uses their respective systems viz. operation, middle management and senior management.

System for different Management Group Basically systems which consists of transaction processing systems, management information systems, decision support system and system for business intelligence are supportive to different groups or level of management.

Transaction Processing System • The key elements of an business organization can be

considered as sales, receipts, cash deposit, payroll, credit decisions and the flow of material.

• The Transaction Processing System (TPS) works on these kind of data and keep record of daily routine.

• It is used to determine flow of transaction, credit record of some party etc. It makes easy to find out these kind of data in computerized way


• By viewing the past record of a customer it helps to determine to provide further credit or loan i.e. it supports in decision making also.

• At managerial level, it is very much useful to monitor the status of internal operations and the firm’s relations with the external environment.

• It is very useful and responsible tool for maintaining records of the firm’s income and expenses so that its can produce reports such as income statements and balance sheet.

• It also helps to keep record of expenses made to employees such as pension, insurance etc.

• Failure of any component of this system is not affordable as it may make another rival companies to lead.

Business Intelligence System

• Middle management needs systems to help with monitoring controlling, decision making and administrative activities.

• MIS provide middle managers with reports on the organizations current performance. This information is used to monitor and control the business an predict future performance.

• The reports are generated and delivered online which serves the information about basic operations using data supplied by transaction processing systems.

• These kind of systems typically provide answers to routine questions that have been specified in advance and have a predefined procedure for answering them in desired time interval like on daily, weekly or monthly basis.


Such MIS are not flexible and have little analytical capability as it serves to compare total annual sales figure for specific products to planned targets.

On the other hand, Decision Support Systems (DSS) support more non routine decision making. They focus on the problems that are unique and are rapidly changing.

For e.g. they are capable of answering questions like what would be the impact on production schedules if we were to double the sales in particular month OR what would happen to our return on investment if the factory schedule is delayed for certain period.

They take information from TPS and MIS but they are capable of predicting decisions on the basis of available current stock or price of a product


• It works on the available data gained from financial calculation as well technical detail.

• It looks for options to provide the service in cheaper way so that it can minimize cost.

• It take useful information from large amount of data and works on decision making.

• Business intelligence, which is considered as the collection of data and software, is used to organize analyze an provide access to all level of users.

• Executive Support System (ESS) is used by senior management addressing non routine decisions which requires judgment, evaluation and insight and generates decisions with the help of graphs and diffferent data through web portal


• All the information required by the senior level of management is present in the form of digital dashboard which displays in graphs and charts of key performance indicators for managing a company.

System for linking an Enterprise All system holds the information in their respective manner. These information can be linked up with corresponding systems so that they can share information and managers and employees are able to coordinate their work.

Enterprise Application: • Corporates are put together both through normal organic

growth and through acquisition of smaller firms.

• Minimize the complexity of getting into touch by gathering together and talking

• It help businesses become more flexible and productive by coordinating their business processes more closely and integrating groups f process so they focus on efficient management of resources and customer services.

Enterprise Application

• This applications can be categorized in different aspects such as enterprise systems, supply chain management system, customer relationship management system and knowledge management systems but performs as a whole

• It is used to integrate business process in manufacturing and production, finance and accounting, sales and marketing and human resource into a single system.

• Whenever a product is subject to be moved from its place, it effects many section of an enterprise or an organization.

• Supply Chain Management System helps to manage relationship with the suppliers as these kind of systems serves suppliers, purchasing firms, distributors and logistics companies to share information about orders, production, inventory levels and delivery of products or services

Enterprise Application

• The ultimate goal is to get the right amount of the product from the source to the point of consumption the least amount of time and at lowest cost.

• Customer Relationship Management System are used to manage their relationship with their customers in terms of sales, marketing and service to optimize revenue, customer satisfaction and customer retention.

• Knowledge Management System serves about how to create, produce and deliver products and services.

• It is used to bind up different level of skill and knowledge to perform effectively and efficiently.

Interactive Session: Domino’s sizzles with Pizza Tracker

• Domino’s owns the highest pizza delivery chain in United States.

• It is maintaining its reputation for maintaining the quality of its pizza and its delivery service throughout the Nation since the time of its establishment.

• It was established in 1960 by Tom Monaghan and his brother James from a small pizza store in Ypsilanti, Michigan.

• By the year 1978, it had 200 stores.

• Today it has headquarter in Ann Arbor, Michigan and operates almost 9000 stores in all U.S. States.

• In 2009, it earned $80 million. In profit.

• It tries to deliver best customer services against its rivals Pizza Hut and Papa John’s

Interactive Session: Domino’s sizzles with Pizza Tracker

• A point of sale system called Pulse was used to keep all kind of records in computerized way.

• Pulse was brought into practice in 2003, for improved customer service, reduced mistakes and shorten training time in its stores and all its franchises.

• Later Pulse was replaced by its improved version which was known as Pulse Evolution which was better than its previous version in many ways.

• It works on thick client mode. Which required all machines using the software to be fully equipped personal computers running windows.

• Its easier to update and more secure as it works on the concept of centralized system.

Interactive Session: Domino’s sizzles with Pizza Tracker

• It also implemented online ordering system which is called Pizza tracker which gives a simulated photographic version of the pizza as they customize its size, sauces and topping .

• Once a order is placed, customer are able to view the progress through a horizontal bar which on fulfillment of order shows the bar as red. This can be seen online through Pizza Tracker.

• Domino’s tried to experience all its franchises use Pulse which was opposed by them and the matter went to the District Court of Minnesota

• Pizza Hut and Papa John’s also have online ordering application but they lack Pizza Tracker and simulation.

• Around 20 percent of all pizza orders are made through online system though Pizza Hut and Papa John’s have their respective ordering system.

Interactive Session: Domino’s sizzles with Pizza Tracker

• Answer the Case Study Question

• Refer page no. 55

• Be precise with your answers.

• Also look at MIS in Action to be familiar with Real Time Questionnaire.

System for Collaboration & Teamwork Information system cant make decisions, hire or fire people, sign contract, agree on deals or adjust the price of goods of a product. For these, businesses need special kind of system to support collaboration and teamwork.

• Collaborating is working with other to achieve shared and explicit goals. It can be short lived, lasting a few minutes or longer terms depending on the nature of the task and the relationship among participants.

• Teams are the part of an organization for getting things done. It has a specific mission that someone in the business has assigned to them. Team are often short lived, depending upon the problems they tackle and the length of time needed to find a solution and accomplish the mission.

System for Collaboration & Teamwork Collaboration and Teamwork are important for the following reasons:

• Changing nature of work.

• Growth of Professional work.

• Changing organization of the firm.

• Changing scope of the firm.

• Emphasis on innovation.

• Changing culture of work and business.

System for Collaboration & Teamwork Business benefits of Collaborations and Teamwork

• Increased Productivity

• Improve Quality

• Innovation.

• Better Customer Service.

• Better financial performance (profitability, sales and sales growth).

Tools and Technologies for Collaborations and Teamwork

• Email and Instant Messaging.

• Social Networking

• Wikis

• Virtual World

• Internet Based Collaboration Environment such as Virtual Meeting System, Google Apps, Microsoft SharePoints, Lotus Notes etc.

Interactive Session: Virtual Meeting: Smart Management

• Technology has made business meetings that is made outside of country or town, so much easier by innovating a way to be held with the help of technology

• This technology helps two or more people to sit in their business places and can talk with each other.

• This features is done by transmitting video and audio compression by a device called codec.

• At the beginning it was considered as a poor substitute for face to face meetings.

• Videoconferencing is growing at an annual rate of 30 percent which makes an organization to reduce cost.

• Many companies like Power Grid Corporation of India is using this feature to get firsthand reports.

Interactive Session: Virtual Meeting: Smart Management

• As the technology has grown up in a gigantic way, the quality of video conference has been much improved.

• The videoconferencing technology is known as telepresence.

• Telepresence products provide the highest quality videoconferencing available on the market. Only the handshake and exchange of business cards cannot be taken place.

• Companies which can afford this kind of technology can make large saving. The saving is not only money but its time also as it reduces the complexity of travelling remote places.

• From the record of 2010, it is found that the carbon emission is reduced by 20 percent.

• It is also helpful to keep MRP of different multinational companies at reasonable price as it minimizes travelling cost.

Interactive Session: Virtual Meeting: Smart Management

• Other applications are also there which are free of cost like Skype but the applications like this have limitations of video quality and storing capacity.

• Companies look for web based applications for training and sales presentation also.

• Using this type of applications reduces cost of travelling by 60 percent and the average time to close a new sale by 30 percent.

• Videoconferencing figures to have and Impact on the business world in other ways as employees may be able to work closer at home and balance their work and personal lives more efficiently.

Interactive Session: Domino’s sizzles with Pizza Tracker

• Answer the Case Study Question

• Refer page no. 65

• Be precise with your answers.

• Also look at MIS in Action to be familiar with Real Time Questionnaire.

The IS function in Business

Business needs Information System to get an Organization operated and thus they use many kind of systems. But the problem is who is the key person who is responsible for maintenance of the components which are used to get all system functional.

We consider Information System Department or Information Technology Department as responsible to handle all formal and informal issues being happened in an organization.

• Let have a look on different key persons who are considered as specialist on their work at the hierarchical level who are responsible to maintain their respective jobs.

• Programmers are assigned to develop different kind of software application in accordance with the need of an organization.

The IS function in Business

• System Analyst are the responsible to collect business problems and requirements and further translate to their seniors.

• Information System Managers are team leader of these two along with other many, who take participation in the operations being performed daily as well as are concerned with long term planning of IT.

• Also, Chief Information Officers are the senior Manager who oversees the use of Information Technology in a firm.

• Chief Security Officer is in charge of Information System security of a firm and is responsible for enforcing the firm’s Information Security Policy. This security is different from the physical security.

The IS function in Business

• For the sake of keeping private data safely and ensuring that the company complies with existing data privacy laws, Chief Privacy Officer are assigned for the job.

• Similarly, Chief Knowledge Officer are responsible to design programs and systems t find new sources of knowledge or to make better use of existing knowledge.

• This all have their importance if End Users are there who plays great role in making these designated person to be functional.

Organizing IS Functions

• All the technical person who belongs to IS Department, are responsible for their respective jobs and thus a chain is created from operational level to the higher level to make the system being complete in itself.

• All these are focused on the target provided to them such as to analyze data, giving input to the system, develop program, maintaining networking etc.

• IT Governance includes the strategy and policies for using Information Technology within an organization.

• It focus on few factors such as

1.Centralization of Information System functions

2.Effectiveness of management must be ensured with the use of Information Technology

Organizing IS Functions

3. About key person who makes the decisions.

4. The methodology of making and monitoring decisions.

Hands in MIS

This section will cover the way of analyzing opportunity to business process using new Information System using a spreadsheet to improve decision making and using Internet Software to plan efficient transportation route.

Improving Decision Making: Using a Spreadsheet to Select Suppliers.

• New Transaction Data could be stored in a large spreadsheet about suppliers. This could be done by differentiating them in different criteria.

• The criteria could be determined on the basis of nature of material or good that has a regular flow in the company.

• The list of all the items can be seen in the spreadsheet in accordance with the priority.

Hands in MIS

• The fields of the spreadsheet may contain vendor name, vendor identification number, purchaser’s order number, item identification number and item description including cost and order detail.

• This kind of data could be stored in a spreadsheet to filter things of our need such as supplier who can provide us some kind of goods in lowest price.

Hands in MIS

Achieving Operational Excellence: Using Internet Software to Plan Efficient Transportation Routes.

• Many business organization use some kind of online software system to map out their transportation routes and select the most efficient one.

• Many of the websites offer some kind of features which is so helpful in planning trips.

• These kind of websites are able to calculate the distance between two points and provide selection options to select best route for the trip.

• This feature is also used to deliver or dispatch some kind of goods to the desired destination. Its like a courier service that is helpful to track a route.

Hands in MIS

• The user should also be formal with the system that he/she uses to calculate the distance or the route.

• This feature is also helpful to minimize the time taken to deliver a good.

System for Functional Perspective • IT enables collaboration and Teamwork:

• Challenge of using business information system

• Organizing the Information system function