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Public Hearing, EP PECH, 22/03/2017 Elisa Roller, DG MARE, HoU D3 Unit

NATURA 2000 network

Stretching over 18 % of the EU’s land area and almost 6 % of its marine territory (3000 marine sites covering >360 000 km2), it is the largest coordinated network of protected areas in the world.

NATURA 2000 network EU's international commitments

Aichi target – Sustainable Development Goals

10% coverage MPA by 2020

NATURA 2000 network

It is the responsibility of Member States to designate protected areas in the marine area under national jurisdiction and to establish conservation measures in order to protect vulnerable and endangered habitats and species.

The EU's Natura 2000 network is currently incomplete (differences across regional seas).

Key principle: Human activities can take place if they are compatible with nature conservation objectives.

Important economic benefits (whole network): Estimated between 20-300 billion Euro/year, marine: study on "Socio-Economic Benefits of the EU Marine Protected Areas" 2016.

Conservation measures under Common Fisheries Policy

CFP introduces provisions to allow for fisheries conservation measures that are necessary for compliance with Union environmental legislation (such as the Habitats Directive, the Birds Directive and the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD)).

Emergency measures can be adopted by COM or by Member State for limited duration in case of serious threat to the conservation of marine biological resources or to the marine ecosystem.

MSs can take conservation measures within 12 nm zone for purposes other than complying with ENV legislation.

Benefits of management measures for fishing in Natura 2000 (I)

Meet the objectives of CFP and environmental legislation.

Ensure an appropriate balance between sustainable exploitation of resources and the need to conserve important habitats.

Bring together fisheries and environmental stakeholders.

Enhance cooperation between national administrations and stakeholders.

Benefits of management measures for fishing in Natura 2000 (II)

Promote regional cooperation between MS having direct management interest in certain fisheries or areas.

Reinforce a role of the Advisory Councils, the consultation of which is compulsory.

Ensure a level playing field by preventing the existence of different management measures for similar marine feature within one region.

Shape legislation in an open and transparent way.

Fisheries conservation measures State-of-play

Joint recommendations (JRs) submitted covering Baltic Sea and North Sea - MS concerned DE, DK, SE.

Fisheries conservation measures in protected areas proposed by MS under JRs - adopted through 5 COM delegated acts, 2 of which currently being examined by EP and Council.

New joint recommendations expected for fisheries management in BE waters.

Slow start given that this is a new management instrument in CFP.

How it works in practice

MS consultation process within 6 months.

MSs should ensure their requests are accompanied by necessary biological, economic, environmental, social, technical and any other relevant information.

Regional MS cooperation, relevant AC consulted.

COM has 3 months to adopt Joint Recommendation by delegated act (assessment by STECF) – fast track!

Precautionary approach to fisheries management:

The absence of adequate scientific information should not be used as a reason for postponing or failing to take management measures to conserve target species, associated or dependent species, and non target species and their environment.

EXAMPLES fisheries conservation measures (I)

Fisheries conservation measures for the protection of the marine environment in the Baltic Sea.

• Recommended measures concern seven Danish Natura 2000 sites in the Baltic Sea and comprise of prohibition of fishing activities with mobile bottom contacting gear in reef zones.

• STECF advice: conservation objectives within protected areas could not be fully achieved without appropriate measures to prevent fishing activity in the areas.

EXAMPLES fisheries conservation measures (II)

Fisheries conservation measures for the protection of the marine environment in the North Sea.

• Recommended measures concern i) three Danish Natura 2000 sites in the Kattegat, NS, and comprise the prohibition of the fishing activities with mobile bottom contacting gear in reef (habitat type 1170) zones and the prohibition of all fishing activities in bubbling reef (habitat type 1180) zones; ii) Bratten area in the Skagerrak, NS – prohibition of all fishing activities in a number of zones.

• STECF advice: conservation objectives within those areas could not be fully achieved without appropriate measures to prevent fishing activity in the areas.


Fisheries conservation measures for the protection of the marine environment have been slow in emerging for different reasons:

Careful attention has been paid to adequate socio-economic and environmental impacts

Lengthy consultation process of local/regional stakeholders

Agreement between fisheries and environmental stakeholders

Agreement between different MS concerned

Need for further work in the Mediterranean and Atlantic seabasins