Managing people 'How to be a good manager'

Post on 11-Jan-2015

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Managing people

By : W. Rita


0Management has set an entirely different set of goals, rules and a different skill set are required to be a good manager.


1. Figure out what is going to change about your role now that you are a manager

2. prepare for the transition3. Identify your goals4. know your team5. Match tasks with staff6. Be visible7. Document team activities8. Learn coaching

Step 1: Figure out what is going to change when you are a manager

0Being responsible for the work of others, your success

depends on how well your team performs. Even if you

face many problem don’t try to fix them all because you can’t and it’s not your job anymore.

Step2: Prepare for the transition

0Find a mentor with lots of experience and ask that person to help you transition.

0 Join networking group0Contact human resources department and ask about 0Help your staff cope 0Don’t neglect your family and your health

Step 3: Identify your goals0Hourly , daily or weekly targets your team should meet,

goals suck as reviewing productivity…

Have a check list where you jot down notes..

Step 4: Know your team

0You must know the strengths and weaknesses of each one in your team so you can balance the productivity of your teams.

Step 5: Match tasks with staff

0Use the information in step 4 so you can play into each person’s strength and minimize work assignments that would target your team member weaknesses

Step 6: Be visible

0You must not isolate yourself from the team, even the initial workload will seem overwhelming, so you don’t be like an ivory-tower.

Step 7: Document team activities

0Your personal performance review will focus largely on your team’s performance so make sure you keep written records of issues and accomplishment.

Step 8: Learn coaching

0Correcting behavior in a good way, so things do not go wrong, when an employee comes to you. You have to learn how to give a feedback sandwich for ideas.


You should be the leader.