Managing the Social Media Madness - The Journey Continues

Post on 18-Oct-2014

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Gail Houston @ghouston and Leslie Mason @leslie12002 discuss how they are continuing to evolve their social media recruiting strategy in an everchanging world.


Managing the Social Media Madness … how we are continuing to innovate and stay relevant in an ever changing world

FY13@ghouston & @leslie12002

Why Social? Moved from “nice to have” to “must have”

Just as Internet Recruiting Became the Norm

Social Recruiter Is Becoming the Norm

Embrace or Be Left Behind

Research? 2013 Trends to Watch

Socialized our Career Sites

Added Videos from YouTube

Added Awards Bitly

Social Channel Widget

Added Social Components

to our Communications

Social Postings Taleo

Recruiters Able to Socially Share Directly From Taleo

Applicants Able To Socially Share Roles

Social feeds on job site

Improved Candidate Experience With Status Visibility


Company Announcements

Brad Smith LI Blog Posts

Critical Jobs

Events | Chats

Career Advice

New Employee Announcements

Updated Career Page

Added Products Page to include social components

Mini Social Bootcamps with managers to improve LI profiles

CEO Participation On LinkedIn

Partnered with the Intuit Network to Help Promote Brad Smith Blog

Resulted in Spike In Company Followers



Created more engaging posts

Hosted 7 Facebook Chats with Leaders


Klout - 61

Daily Tweets

Created lists for recruiters to follow

Engaging content

New @IntuitStudents Account

YouTube Capture | Socialize

Engaging Videos – Business Units | Intuit | Culture

Created Playlists

Include in Job Descriptions | Emails | Thank You Letters

Socialize Intuit Videos As Well

Added First Video

Socialize Intuit Careers Presentations and Intuit Presentations

Showcase on LinkedIn in Recruiter Profiles

Added To Site Under Career Advice

Yammer Career Advice – Internal Mobility

Created Internal Social Channel

Encourage Internal Mobility

Invite New Yammer Participants to Group

Weekly Career Advice

Intuit Event Announcements

Internal Resume Workshops Promoted

Share Hot Jobs

Request Referrals

Pinterest Culture | Attraction – Destination Strategy

Culture | Location | Community | General Interest Boards

Engaging Content

Recruiter Pinterest Accounts

Recruiters Promote Intuit on Individual Pinterest Accounts

Socializing Jobs

Promoting Communities of Interest

Share Responsibility for Intuit Careers Community Boards

Google+ Intuit Careers | Recruiter Accounts

Recruiter Accounts

Socializing Jobs | Events | Industry

Intuit Careers Coming Soon

Event | Hiring Social Support

Bitly Bundle Social Strategy

Added Google Analytics

Branded Bitlys

Creating Community Bitlys

Support Critical Campaigns (ATE – 14k views, IFS – 2000 views)

Intuit Proprietary & Confidential

Social Management - Hootsuite


Ability to Manage Multiple Social Sites

Schedule Posts

Create and Follow Lists

Follow Keyword Streams

Follow Boolean Search Streams

Easy Follow and UnFollow

Intuit Proprietary & Confidential

Social Management – Buffer App


Ability to post and schedule as you read articles

Intuit Proprietary & Confidential

Social Management – Google Reader


Automate The Way You Receive Information

Created Partnerships - Internal

Positions Spotlighted Weekly On This Week At Intuit Video Series

Socializing Intuit Social Accounts

Intuit Culture

Intuit Proprietary & Confidential22

Swoop Talent

Social Search and Social Sharing


Branded Site

Ability to Respond

Creating Partnerships - External

Training Social Media Bootcamp

Six Week Social Media Bootcamp for Recruiters

Mini Social Media Bootcamps for Managers | Teams

Helping Us Recruit The Best!

Intuit Proprietary & Confidential

Measuring Success – Cool Stats

Intuit has over 37,200 followers on LinkedIn. More than 9,200 members actively engaged in conversations in our Employee and Alumni groups.


Thousands of our Facebook fans have joined in on technology, career advice, and university chats, or interacted with recruiters and employees. has generated more than 117,500 views for Intuit Careers!

Applicants learn about products, career advice, and social media.


90,300 have viewed Intuit Careers videos on YouTube sharing culture, jobs, events.  

We have over 14,890 number of views on our popular Tax Advisor role in bitly

Pinterest is has over 4,000% growth this year and Intuit Careers is now active with

24 boards and 435 followers  

These Top 5 Facebook Career Pages Get It – Recruiting Blogs | OnGig

Top 100 Companies Using Social Media to Recruit


Intuit Proprietary & Confidential25

Measuring Our SuccessEngineering, Marketing, IT, CCR,, Measure multiple social site visits leading up to apply