Managing Tough personalities @ work in increasingly competitive world experiencing disruptive growth

Post on 11-Feb-2017

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Managing Tough personalities @ work in increasingly competitive world experiencing disruptive growth and keeping the workforce


Anger Addicts

Guilt Trippers


1. Narcissists : They're self-absorbed and lack the capacity for empathy. Have very high Ego

2. Passive-Aggressive Types : It's a character disorder. You have to dig very deep

3. Gossips : Mantra of dealing with a gossip is not to get sucked in yourself

4. Anger Addicts : They deal with workplace tensions by accusing their co-workers of misdeeds, yelling at others, and generally giving their angry feelings free rein

5. Guilt Trippers :They are very poor with communication often don't realize how they're affecting others

This slideshow is inspired by the readings from #Judith Orloff MD who is the author of the #New York Times bestseller “Emotional Freedom”. To know more about her books, refer to the link (



"They're self-absorbed and lack the capacity for #empathy. Have very high Ego". Such managers are unable to develop followers and usually have very high #attrition in their teams. They will often do well in positions of power, because they take that power very seriously and value it highly, and often work very hard in those roles. "Narcissists are running the world" .I have worked in past with such managers and it is really tough.


"It's a character disorder. You have to dig very deep". Such people will find it very difficult to exist or cope in the #VUCA world where agility is way of life because they are good for jobs where there are very specific guidelines and expectations laid out for them. In more open-ended roles, she says, "They'll drive everyone crazy."


Mantra of dealing with a gossip is not to get sucked in yourself. It is suggested that such people are good for #Sales role because they often have good people skills. They like talking, so "Maybe sales is a good role."


These are the people who deal with workplace tensions by accusing their co-workers of misdeeds, yelling at others, and generally giving their angry feelings free rein. This is completely unacceptable behavior and can kill the growth of many other team members depending upon the position this person is holding in the organization. Such people need counselling and will have very limited employment opportunities. I have seen a very bright IIT graduate fresher rising in his career and then falling off the cliff because of senior leaders exhibiting such behavior. However Sad point is HR still ends up hiring such people under pressure.

Anger Addicts

They are very poor with communication often don't realize how they're affecting others. They are good as individual contributors in independent projects. They are very self focused and engrossed in their own world.

Guilt Trippers

Concluding Notes

I would conclude stating that organizations are increasingly facing challenge of increased attrition with average tenure of employees reduced to 2-3 years in one organization. In such situation organization do end up hiring people of all personality types. Key is how to leverage their behavior positively for the growth of the organization. Social Capital* is another key metric that organizations need to watch for to experience exponential growth as motivated workforce is the key for IT based organizations.

*Social Capital :Social capital is a form of economic and cultural capital in which social networks are central, transactions are marked by reciprocity, trust, and cooperation, and market agents produce goods and services not mainly for themselves, but for a common good