Manga Influence

Post on 04-Aug-2015

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In Japan, Otaku is considered a pejorative word that defines who shoots an excessive way to a certain hobby. The origin of the term takes popularity when the columnist and humorist Akio Nakaori to realize it was a word used among young people who love animals, used it in a manga story of its creation which surrounded the back of a man fascinated by anime and manga Hentais and recreating the stories of raping young girls drawings. This story was inspired by a real killer in Japan, so the term Otaku at the time, was akin to unhealthy obsession, and appointed people who were more obsessed with a certain subject.        However the term had become popular outside of Japan races came the Internet and groups of otaku who identified with each other.       In Brazil, the term was used by the magazine Animax as only a label used by fans of anime and manga in Japan and creates great impact ma together with older fans of manga and anime who knew the true meaning of the term.

The otaku are not necessarily teens, there are also many adults who like to read manga and watch anime. And somehow, these designs end up influencing the way you dressand act these fans, mainly but not exclusively of teenagers.


Several urban tribes came up with the influence of manga, including the main one is the

Cosplay. Fans of this tribe seek look so true to their characters in anime, manga,

comics and video game characters.

Cosplay de Naruto

The cosplay originated in Japan in the 80's, inspired by the masquerade, the U.S.A.,

Nobuyuki Takahashi began to encourage the practice in Japan for science fiction magazines. Once this practice was increasingly common in the anime,

which over time shows and competitions held cosplayers, get one that

is more similar, both in dress and in how to interpret any character from anime or manga. This practice soon became

popular around the world, and is evolving today. So much so that in many of these competitions the prize is high, and the practice is taken seriously. Some cosplayers

come to spend between $ 100.00 and $ 1,000.00, sometimes more, on clothes and


The practice came to Brazil around 1990, with the first anime convention in the country, Mangacon, held in São Paulo and over the years the practice of cosplay has grownex ponentially, spreading across all regions the country. Today there are national and international competitions of cosplayers, with organizers in Brazil and abroad.

Arigato Gozaimasu