MANIAC MAGEE - AMSCO · Aunt Dot and Uncle Dan. Aunt Dot and Uncle Dan hated each other, but they...

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Perfection Learning®

Reading Skills Through Literature

Jerry Spinelli

Reproducible Activity Book



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© 1994 Perfection Learning Corporation1000 North Second Avenue, Logan, Iowa 51546

The Portals to Reading series accompanies time-testedliterature that should be an important part of everyschool’s reading program. The activities will reinforce awide variety of language and reading skills which aregenerally part of the curriculum at the reading level of thenovel. However, the Portals pick-and-choose format givesyou the final decision about which activities will enhanceyour students’ personal learning.

The activities in this book are based on sentences andparagraphs especially written to support the teachingobjective of each lesson. Clearly, such literary matters asstyle and flavor may be experienced only by reading thebook itself. Thus, the words of the author have been leftwhere they belong—in their pure form in the pages of thenovel.

Table of Contents

Author! Author! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

The Story in Brief . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Word Attack Skills

Using Short Vowels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Adding Endings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Making Compounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Using Long Vowels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Finding Base Words . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Listening for Syllables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Comprehension Skills

Classifying Word Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Sequencing Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Matching Antonyms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Making Inferences. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Understanding Special Meanings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Determining Fact and Opinion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Classifying Words . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Using Cloze Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Remembering Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Matching Synonyms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Determining Feelings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Getting the Main Idea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Discovering Meaning Through Context . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Determining Cause and Effect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Evaluating What You Read . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

Study Skills

Using a Pronunciation Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Determining Alphabetical Order . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Choosing Correct Meanings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

Using Guide Words . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

Making an Outline. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

Creative Skills

Using Descriptive Words . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

Writing a Journal Sample . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Creating a Picture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

Creating a Character . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

Recalling a Character . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

Explaining Feelings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

Writing a Book Recommendation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

Optional Spelling and Vocabulary Lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

Supplementary Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

Response Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

5© 1994 Perfection Learning Corporation

Author! Author!


Jerry Spinelli has been writing about children since hisown childhood. When he wasn’t much older than JeffreyLionel Magee, he wrote a poem about his football teamwinning a championship. The poem was published in thelocal paper, and Jerry’s writing career was underway.Living with his own six children has provided him with awealth of situations and real-life characters upon whichto base his books.

Spinelli is the rarest kind of children’s author. He stillremembers what it was like to be a child. He candescribe the horror of facing a heaping plate of brusselssprouts, the thrill of cruising a mall without your parentstagging along, the agony of a first date, and the pride ofmaking your own grilled cheese sandwich. Hischaracters take us back to a time when the world was asmall, simple place and the classmate with green teethwas far more interesting than most world leaders.

Maniac Magee, Spinelli’s Newbery Award-winner,re-creates the wonderful characters that populate everyneighborhood. Maniac travels the funny, often nerve-racking road from childhood to adulthood, and Spinellitakes us along for the ride.

Jerry Spinelli lives with his wife and two of their sonsin Phoenixville, Pennsylvania.


6 © 1994 Perfection Learning Corporation

The Story in Brief

Maniac Magee is a legend, but it’s hard toknow what part of the legend is true andwhat part is myth.

Maniac Magee was born Jeffrey LionelMagee. When he was three years old, hisparents died and he was sent to live with hisAunt Dot and Uncle Dan. Aunt Dot andUncle Dan hated each other, but theywouldn’t divorce. By the time Jeffreyarrived, they had stopped talking. Then theystopped sharing and acquired two ofeverything. Since there weren’t two Jeffreys,they split him up. For instance, he spentMonday with Aunt Dot, Tuesday with UncleDan, and so on for eight years.

Then came the spring musical at Jeffrey’sschool. Since there was only one show, AuntDot and Uncle Dan were forced to share.They sat on opposite sides of the auditorium.When the music ended, everyone could hearJeffrey, pointing to his aunt and uncle,bellowing, “Talk! Talk, will ya!”

That’s when the running started. Jeffreyran into the night and never returned.

A year later, Jeffrey ended up in Two Mills.The first person to actually talk to Jeffreywas Amanda Beale of the East End. She waslugging a suitcase, so Jeffrey stopped to askif she was running away too. Amandalaughed and told him she was going toschool. She showed him her suitcase full ofbooks. She had the books with her becauseher little sister and brother crayonedeverything and the dog ate books. She lentJeffrey a book and dashed to school.

Later everyone in the town began buzzing

about the kid who intercepted a footballpass intended for the receiver, rescuedArnold Jones from the backyard ofFinsterwald, and broke John McNab’sstrikeout streak. Someone must have said,“That kid must be a maniac.” So the legendnow had a name, but still no address.

Maniac soon found his way to the EastEnd. He didn’t know that a white personwasn’t supposed to go there. He again metAmanda and she invited him home. Maniacate dinner with the Beales and endedup staying.

Maniac’s next residence was theElmwood Park Zoo. He was taken in by theold groundskeeper, Grayson. Maniac andGrayson became fast friends. Grayson, aformer minor-league baseball player, taughtManiac everything about baseball, andManiac taught Grayson how to read. Thetwo spent a wonderful Christmas together.Grayson gave Maniac his old baseball glovewhich Maniac treasured. Five days laterGrayson died suddenly.

Maniac began running again. He spent thewinter in the zoo and did odd jobs forshopkeepers to earn money for food.

Then one night Maniac went back tosleep with the buffalo. The next thing heknew, Amanda was jerking him awake. Shefinally convinced Maniac to come live withthe Beales. And as he listened to Amandarattle on about him taking a bath, Maniacrealized that at last someone was callinghim home.


7© 1994 Perfection Learning Corporation

Using Short VowelsRead the words in the word box. Each

word contains a short vowel sound. Saythe words to yourself and listen for theshort vowel sounds. Then read eachsentence. Choose a word from the wordbox to complete each sentence.

Example: Amanda the suitcase out of Jeffrey’s hands.

1. Some say you can still see the of string at Cobble’s Corner.

2. The story of Maniac Magee was one part fact, two parts , and three parts snowball.

3. The P & W high-speed trolley crashed on the high over theSchuylkill River.

4. There was a of giggling from the audience.

5. Many claimed to have seen Maniac Magee outside the town

that first day.

6. Maniac was a little kid with torn-up sneakers.

7. Amanda became when she saw the white stranger.

8. Maniac saw an encyclopedia for the letter A at the ofthe suitcase.

9. Amanda the suitcase shut and headed off to school.

10. Maniac looked in his ripped shirt.

Name _____________________________

MANIAC MAGEEBefore the Story-Chapter 3

slammed snatched suspicioustrestle bottom scragglysmatter limits clumpgrungy legend


8 © 1994 Perfection Learning Corporation

Adding EndingsRead each sentence. Then look at the word shown in

parentheses at the end of the sentence. Add an endingsuch as -ed, -ing, -s, or -er to the word to make it fit inthe sentence. Remember, you may need to change theword when you add the ending. Write the new word inthe blank.

Example: The book came through the air and landed atManiac’s feet. (flap)

1. Maniac Magee was shipped off to his relatives after his parentswere killed. (near)

2. The music director’s arms were in a raised position. (froze)

3. The audience thought the screaming boy was pretending to be a animal. (fun)

4. The musical lunged at Jeffrey when he jumped off therisers. (direct)

5. Maniac ran out into the night. (star)

6. The townspeople saw a scraggly kid toward them. (jog)

7. The soles of Maniac’s sneakers were open like dogtongues. (flop)

8. As Maniac ran by, everyone . (stare)

9. Jeffrey met a girl named Amanda. (friend)

10. Amanda turned and at the new kid. (glare)

Name _____________________________

Chapters 1-3



9© 1994 Perfection Learning Corporation

Making CompoundsTwo words combined form a compound. Each word in

Box A forms the first part of a compound. Each word inBox B forms the second part. In the blank in eachsentence below, write the compound that best completesthe sentence. Use a word from each box to make yourcompounds.

Example: No kid would shovel Finsterwald’s .

1. About a dozen varsity players were enjoying a game of .

2. Brian Denehy, the star , threw a pass to his favorite receiver.

3. Maniac ran through the varsity football players.

4. Finsterwald’s was filled with lost tennis balls, baseballs,and footballs.


Name _____________________________

Chapters 4-6


Box A

air after

quarter paper

horse side

boy back

rail up


Box B

kid planes

friend ball

field walk

back yard

fly road



10 © 1994 Perfection Learning Corporation

5. Model , boomerangs, and Frisbees littered the ground.

6. No would deliver to Finsterwald’s house.

7. Late one , Maniac rescued a small boy from Finsterwald’s yard.

8. Arnold was so terrified that he took off like a from a swatter.

9. Dion Pickwell thought the new kid was Deirdre’s .

10. The Pickwell kids saw Maniac run off down the tracks.

Name _____________________________

Making Compounds

Chapters 4-6

11© 1994 Perfection Learning Corporation

Using Long VowelsRead the words in the word box. Each

word contains a long vowel sound. Say thewords to yourself and listen for the longvowel sounds. Then read each sentence.Choose a word from the word box tocomplete each sentence.

Example: No one in town crossed the boundary between the East andWest Ends at .

1. Later Jeffrey was seen at the Little field at the park.

2. John McNab was said to over a hundred and seventy pounds.

3. Other teams wished McNab was a instead of a pitcher.

4. McNab out a threat to the new kid at the plate.

5. His eyes followed the of the ball as it rose in the air.

6. The kid had the baseball swing anyone had ever seen.

7. Everyone in town was talking about the .

8. Maniac ran all over town in his flap-soled .

9. Maniac darted left, on his heels down the steep creek bank.

10. Maniac heard tires as the Cobras chased him in andout of traffic.

Name _____________________________

Chapters 7-9


right-fielder League nighttimesneakers flight weighskiing craziest screechingcroaked stranger


12 © 1994 Perfection Learning Corporation

Finding Base WordsEach word below has been made by adding an ending

such as -ly, -ed, or - ing to a base word. On the blankbeside each word, write the base word.

Example: spotted

1. pitcher 11. hopping

2. trembling 12. runner

3. runty 13. longer

4. hardly 14. rescued

5. slammed 15. ordinarily

6. flared 16. wobbled

7. swatting 17. eaten

8. probably 18. personal

9. rarest 19. strolling

10. fading 20. snapping

Name _____________________________

Chapters 7-9



13© 1994 Perfection Learning Corporation

Listening for SyllablesSay each of the words below to yourself. The number

of vowel sounds you hear in each word will be the sameas the number of syllables. Decide how many syllablesare in each word. Then write the number on the blankline after each word.

Example: passenger

1. different 16. believed

2. blinked 17. usual

3. suddenly 18. straightened

4. unthinkable 19. screeched

5. befuddled 20. solemnly

6. lowered 21. Maniac

7. crumpled 22. countertop

8. lady 23. stringy

9. flattened 24. sauerkraut

10. condition 25. generally

11. noticing 26. factory

12. suddenly 27. apparently

13. simple 28. idling

14. crayon 29. listened

15. nobody 30. explanation

Name _____________________________

Chapters 10-12



14 © 1994 Perfection Learning Corporation

Classifying Word GroupsRead the following sentences. Decide if the italicized

part of the sentence tells you where, when, or how.Underline the correct choice.

Example: “I have been around here before,” thoughtManiac. where when how

1. One of the kids planted himself right in front of Maniac. where when how

2. The kid stepped forward each time Maniac stepped back. where when how

3. Flakes of candy flew from Mars Bar’s mouth. where when how

4. Suddenly Mars Bar stopped glaring. where when how

5. Mars Bar felt confused. where when how

6. He got mad and hit Maniac in the chest. where when how

7. Maniac snatched the book with rattlesnake speed. where when how

8. The page in Mars Bar’s hand ripped right out ofthe encyclopedia. where when how

9. A broom came down like a straw curtain betweentheir faces. where when how

10. The lady went back inside her house. where when how


Name _____________________________

Chapters 10-12


15© 1994 Perfection Learning Corporation

11. Maniac walked away. where when how

12. Maniac clutched the book with both hands. where when how

13. Amanda hoisted the bike to the sidewalk. where when how

14. The basketball players were rolling on the sidewalkwith laughter. where when how

15. Mrs. Beale was scrubbing purple crayon off theTV screen. where when how

16. Maniac zipped across the room. where when how

17. Mrs. Beale nodded solemnly to Amanda. where when how

18. The little boy was standing just below her on a chair. where when how

19. Mrs. Beale was waiting downstairs. where when how

20. Amanda finally calmed down. where when how

Name _____________________________

Classifying Word Groups

Chapters 10-12

16 © 1994 Perfection Learning Corporation

Sequencing EventsThe two sets of events listed below are arranged in

incorrect sequence. Number each set of events in orderfrom 1 to 5 by writing a 1 in the blank before the eventthat happened first, a 2 before the event that happenednext, and so on.

Set 1

In the evening, Maniac bathed with Hester and Lester.

Maniac got up each morning before the sun rose.

After his bath, Maniac would curl up on the floor to sleep because the bed wastoo comfortable.

After Bow Wow’s walk, Maniac enjoyed Mrs. Beale’s pancakes.

Maniac took Bow Wow for walks before anyone else was up.

Set 2

Hands Down chose Maniac for his team.

Before they started to play, the boys chose teams.

Maniac could only get two fingertips on the football, but he caught it anyway.

The boys met in the vacant lot for a game of football.

Hands Down threw Maniac a practice pass just before the game started.

Name _____________________________

Chapters 13-15


17© 1994 Perfection Learning Corporation

Matching AntonymsAn antonym is a word that means the

opposite or nearly the opposite of anotherword. Read each sentence. Choose anantonym from the word box to replace theitalicized word.

Example: Maniac jumped onto the pew and shouted atthe top of his lungs.

1. Mrs. Beale divided the little ones’ room into two sections.

2. Maniac kept his room neat.

3. Amanda started to leave her suitcase at home.

4. Hester and Lester started to enjoy taking a bath.

5. Maniac was the solution in the Beale household.

6. The bath was crowded with boats and floating dinosaurs.

7. When Amanda entered fourth grade, she quit taking baths withHester and Lester.

8. The twins refused to touch the soap and the washcloth.

9. Maniac was covered with shiny, red blotches.

10. Maniac loved the early-morning silence.

Name _____________________________

Chapters 13-15


dull noise messycombined sinking stoppeddislike whispered leftagreed problem


18 © 1994 Perfection Learning Corporation

Making InferencesRead each of the questions below. Then read the three

possible answers. Think about what happened inchapters 16-18 of Maniac Magee. Use what you know tochoose the best answer for each question. Circle thenumber next to the answer you choose.

a. What did the author mean when he said Maniac wasblind to dislike?

1. Maniac needed glasses.2. Maniac didn’t dislike anyone, so he didn’t recognize it

when others showed dislike.3. Maniac disliked everyone.

b. Why didn’t the man at the block party believe thatManiac lived at the East End?

1. He had never seen Maniac around before.2. He didn’t remember Maniac’s family.3. Maniac was white.

c. What did the man mean when he said Maniac should bewith his own kind?

1. He meant that Maniac was too kind.2. He meant that Maniac should be in the West End with

the other white people.3. He meant that Maniac should be living with his family.


Name _____________________________

Chapters 16-18


19© 1994 Perfection Learning Corporation

d. Why did Hester, Lester, and Amanda try to get Maniac toturn around and run with them rather than heading homefor a drink?

1. They didn’t want Maniac to see what had been writtenwith chalk on the front of their house.

2. They all needed some exercise.3. They were tired of having Maniac live with them.

e. Why did Amanda tell Maniac that if he left, she was nevergiving him her room again?

1. Amanda wanted Maniac to leave so she could have herroom again.

2. Amanda wanted to threaten Maniac so hewouldn’t leave.

3. Amanda liked to tell Maniac lies.

Name _____________________________

Making Inferences

Chapters 16-18

20 © 1994 Perfection Learning Corporation

UnderstandingSpecial Meanings

Read the following sentences. Explain in your ownwords the meaning of the italicized word or group ofwords. Write your response on the line below eachsentence.

Example: Amanda slapped on a quick smile.


1. Big kids don’t like little kids showing them up.


2. It was so hot in the vacant lot, the sun could fry a patch on your hide.


3. If you were packing candy, the sun would melt it in your pocket.


4. The other voices were falling away in bunches.



Name _____________________________

Chapters 16-18



21© 1994 Perfection Learning Corporation

5. The strange voice sounded as though it had to fight its way through a can of worms.


6. The man told Maniac to go back to his own kind.


7. Maniac told Hester and Lester to hold on a minute.


8. Amanda was nodding off in the middle of a late movie.


9. Amanda watched Maniac tackle the knot.


10. There were some people who weren’t too wild about Maniac.


Name _____________________________

UnderstandingSpecial Meanings

Chapters 16-18

22 © 1994 Perfection Learning Corporation

Determining Fact and OpinionSome of the following sentences are statements of

fact. Some are statements of opinion. In the blank beforeeach sentence, write the letter F if that sentence is astatement of fact. Write O if that sentence is a statementof opinion.

Example: Maniac was good at untying knots in shoelaces.

1. Maniac couldn’t see what things meant.

2. Maniac Magee was allergic to pizza.

3. Pizza is not good for kids.

4. Maniac played in the water from the fire hydrant.

5. Maniac was staying with Amanda’s family.

6. Maniac shouldn’t have been staying in the East End.

7. Playing in water from a fire hydrant is dangerous.

8. Maniac slept on the floor instead of a bed.

9. Amanda told Maniac that if he left, he could never come back.

10. The man who yelled at Maniac should have been punished.

Name _____________________________

Chapters 16-18



23© 1994 Perfection Learning Corporation

Classifying WordsIn each group of words below, one word does not

belong with the others. Draw a line through the wordthat does not belong. Then decide what the other threewords have in common. Write your answer on the blankline after the words.

Example: hours seconds weeks minutes

They are all __________________________________________________.

1. soda sneaker laces pizza steak sandwiches

They are all __________________________________________________.

2. east west north left

They are all __________________________________________________.

3. penny seven sixty fifteen

They are all __________________________________________________.

4. grown swelled defeated enlarged

They are all __________________________________________________.

5. running beaming scrambling leaping

They are all __________________________________________________.


Name _____________________________

Chapters 19-21


measurements of time on a clock

24 © 1994 Perfection Learning Corporation

6. cunning yelling cheering hollering

They are all __________________________________________________.

7. football volleyball chess flashbulbs

They are all __________________________________________________.

8. Hector Cobble Birch Sycamore

They are all __________________________________________________.

9. weeks flakes years eons

They are all __________________________________________________.

10. surgeon tailor magician enemy

They are all __________________________________________________.

Name _____________________________

Classifying Words

Chapters 19-21

25© 1994 Perfection Learning Corporation

Using Cloze ReadingRead the paragraphs below. Use the

words in the word box to fill in the blanks.The first example is done for you.

Maniac climbed onto the (1) table and stared at the

(2) . It was (3) and moldy. It was so crusted

over that it was impossible to see where the individual (4) were.

Maniac stared at the knot. Some say there was a (5) on his face.

He touched it with his (6) and scraped off some of the crust.

A (7) people watched as Maniac began poking and tugging at the

knot. After a while, some of them became antsy and left. But by (8) ,

they were all back and the crowd had grown.

Maniac didn’t notice. He just kept on working. A pile of (9) from

the knot lay on the table. The knot had grown and swelled. It looked like a giant

(10) . “He found the (11) ,” someone from

the crowd cried.

Name _____________________________

Chapters 19-21


few fingernail lunchtimehairball grin crustend strands woodenknot grimy


26 © 1994 Perfection Learning Corporation

Remembering DetailsThe following questions are about the main character

and some of the events in the book. Write the answers onthe lines below the questions. Be sure to use completesentences.

1. Where did Maniac sleep after he left the Beales’ house? ___________________________


2. What did Maniac want to eat when Grayson found him?___________________________


3. Why did Grayson scrape dirt off of Maniac’s arm? ________________________________


4. Where did Grayson live?______________________________________________________


5. Where did Grayson work? ____________________________________________________


6. Where did Maniac spend the night after Grayson found him? ______________________


7. What had Grayson wanted to be when he grew up?_______________________________


Name _____________________________

Chapters 22-24


27© 1994 Perfection Learning Corporation

Matching SynonymsA synonym is a word having the same or

nearly the same meaning as another word.Read each sentence. Choose a synonymfrom the word box to replace the italicizedword.

Example: Some butterscotch icing had stayed behindon the Krimpet wrapper.

1. The baby buffalo moseyed over to the lean-to.

2. Maniac sat in the straw munching on a carrot.

3. The buffalo tried to poke his nose through the chain links.

4. Grayson spotted the body outside the buffalo pen.

5. Grayson wheeled the pickup over and got out.

6. He managed to hoist the kid up into the pickup.

7. Grayson lugged the kid into the baseball-equipment room.

8. Grayson’s hand was trembling when he touched Maniac’slimp, scrawny hand.

9. Grayson explained that they had switched the deer and thebuffalo around last month.

10. Maniac’s answer was prompt when Grayson asked him wherehe planned to stay.

Name _____________________________

Chapters 22-24


changed saw ambledsteered fast frostingchewing lift stickcarried shaking


28 © 1994 Perfection Learning Corporation

Determining Feelings

1. Maniac smiled as he and Grayson enjoyed breakfasttogether.

2. “You played in the Minors!” Maniac exclaimed.

3. Maniac couldn’t figure out how the worn-out Grayson hesaw in front of him could have been a real baseball pitcher.

4. Grayson laughed as he told how the gas station attendanthad tricked him when he was the new rookie in town.

5. The restaurant owner came screaming after Graysonwhen he left without paying for his big meal.

6. Grayson was afraid he’d be kicked off the team when hemissed the first game because he was washing dishes atthe Blue Star restaurant.

7. With Maniac’s help, Grayson didn’t have to worry about getting his work finished.

8. With a quiet sense of inner strength, Grayson struck outWillie Mays with three curveballs in a row.

9. After pitching a 12-0 losing game, Grayson knew he’dnever make it to the big leagues.

10. Grayson had butterflies in his stomach as he read out loudfor the first time.

Name _____________________________

Chapters 25-27


worried nervous angry happy disappointedamused surprised confused confident relieved

A person does not always expressfeelings directly in words. Sometimesfeelings are shown through other clues aswell. Each of the sentences below providesclues to the feelings of a character in

Maniac Magee. The name of that characteris italicized. First study the clues, thenchoose the word from the box that bestdescribes the character’s feelings. Write theword in the blank in front of the sentence.

29© 1994 Perfection Learning Corporation

Getting the Main IdeaRead each of the following paragraphs. Then read the

four sentences below each paragraph. Choose thesentence that best states the main idea of the paragraph.Then neatly copy that sentence on the line provided.

a. Grayson opened The Little Engine That Could andstarted reading. He concentrated and labored over eachand every letter in each and every word. It took almost anhour for Grayson to read the book from cover to cover.When he was finally finished, he was sweating and feltworn out.

1. It was too hot in the equipment room.2. Grayson didn’t like the book that Maniac gave him to

read.3. Reading was hard work for Grayson.4. Maniac was not a good teacher.

b. Maniac and Grayson were among the ten thousand whosat in the stadium to watch the traditional high schoolfootball game on Thanksgiving. Maniac cheered throughoutthe game. At the last minute, quarterback Denehyconnected with James “Hands” Down for a 73-yardtouchdown pass. Two Mills won the game. Maniac jumpedup and down on his seat screaming. All the way back to theequipment room, Maniac talked about the game.

1. James “Hands” Down was a good football player.2. Maniac enjoyed the football game.3. Two Mills shouldn’t have won the game.4. Thanksgiving Day is a great time for a football game.


Name _____________________________

Chapters 28-30


30 © 1994 Perfection Learning Corporation

c. Maniac and Grayson enjoyed a Thanksgiving dinner ofroast chicken, gravy, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie, and, ofcourse, butterscotch Krimpets. They both ate so much,they had to lie down after dinner. Soon they were both uplaughing and dancing to Grayson’s polka records.

1. Maniac and Grayson had a great Thanksgiving together.2. Maniac didn’t know how to dance the polka.3. Grayson didn’t like turkey.4. Maniac spent Thanksgiving with the Beales.

d. Grayson and Maniac decorated their home in thebaseball-equipment room. Strings of popcorn hung fromthe ceiling, spray snow covered the window, and evergreenbranches filled the air with a smell of pine. Grayson evenmade a large reindeer out of tree limbs. But best of all wastheir tree. Colorful Christmas decorations graced everybranch.

1. There was no snow for Christmas.2. At Christmas, Maniac missed his aunt and uncle.3. Real Christmas trees were not allowed in the

baseball-equipment room.4. Grayson and Maniac did a lot of decorating

for Christmas.

Name _____________________________

Getting the Main Idea

Chapters 28-30

31© 1994 Perfection Learning Corporation

Discovering MeaningThrough Context

Read the following sentences. Three meanings aregiven for each italicized word. Use the context of thesentence to figure out which meaning is correct.Underline the correct meaning.

Example: Because of Grayson’s many years at the Y, he had a long acquaintanceshipwith the locker attendant.

flagship friendship argument

1. Grayson felt exhausted from the effort of reading a book from cover to cover for the first time.

proud tired sad

2. Maniac thrust both of his hands upward and shouted his approval.

pushed clasped waved

3. Judging from Maniac’s small size, Grayson had never suspected that the boy would be so strong.

replied distrusted guessed

4. Even though Grayson thought Maniac’s idea was preposterous, he stopped to consider it.

prompt foolish brilliant


Name _____________________________

Chapters 28-30


32 © 1994 Perfection Learning Corporation

5. It was not the blanket but the boy’s embrace that warmed Grayson.

words hug sleeping bag

6. During the month of November, winter toyed with Two Mills by bringing a little cold weather and snow.

surprised angered teased

7. Ten thousand people thronged to the stadium to see the traditional Thanksgivingfootball game.

crowded sandaled stood outside

8. “Hands” Down cradled the ball in his long brown fingers.

held babied tossed

9. After Grayson and Maniac stuffed themselves, their stomachs were so bloated they had to lie down.

strange empty swollen

10. In a proud voice, Maniac proclaimed his new address.

announced questioned lost

Name _____________________________

Discovering MeaningThrough Context

Chapters 28-30

33© 1994 Perfection Learning Corporation

Determining Cause and EffectTo determine a cause, ask “What is the reason?” To

determine an effect, ask “What is the result?” Match thecauses and effects below. Write the number of the causein front of its effect.

Name _____________________________

Chapters 31-33



1. It was still dark when Maniac shookGrayson awake.

2. Snow had fallen in Two Mills severaldays before.

3. Grayson boosted Maniac over thebuffalo-pen fence.

4. Maniac and Grayson headed backhome at dawn.

5. Grayson reached into one of theequipment bags.

1. When Maniac awoke, the space heaterwasn’t on.

2. Grayson was still under the covers.

3. Maniac told the zookeeper thatGrayson had died.

4. Maniac returned to the band shell forhis things.

5. Maniac stashed his belongings inTwo Mills.


Baby came trotting overto Maniac.

Grayson pulled out anotherpresent for Maniac.

Grayson reached to turn ona light.

At home, Maniac and Graysonenjoyed breakfast.

The ground along the creek wassnow covered.

A funeral for Graysonwas planned.

Maniac shook Grayson toawaken him.

Later Maniac returned to TwoMills for his belongings.

Maniac knew something waswrong.

Maniac took a blanket, food, andmany books.

34 © 1994 Perfection Learning Corporation

Evaluating What You ReadRead each of the story situations below. Decide

whether you agree or disagree with what Maniac said,did, or thought about the situation. Then explain whyyou feel as you do.

1. Maniac was proud to receive Grayson’s old baseball glove as a Christmas gift. Theglove was limp and flat. The pocket of the glove was long gone. The leather wascracked from years of use. To anyone else, it was nothing but a ratty old scrap ofleather. But to Maniac, it was the best gift he could hope to receive. Do you agree ordisagree with Maniac that the baseball glove was a great gift?

I ___________________ with Maniac because ____________________________________



2. When Maniac discovered that Grayson had died in the night, he did not run for help.Instead he sat beside Grayson and talked about all they had done together. ThenManiac read to Grayson all of the books he had learned to read. When he finished, itwas nighttime. Maniac curled up beside Grayson and went to sleep. Do you agree ordisagree with Maniac’s decision to spend the day with Grayson rather than reportinghis death?

I ___________________ with Maniac because ____________________________________



3. After Grayson’s death, Maniac decided he didn’t want to live at the band shell. Hegathered a few of his belongings and left. Maniac spent his days running back andforth across the river and through the surrounding communities. Do you agree ordisagree with Maniac’s decision to leave the band shell?

I ___________________ with Maniac because ____________________________________



Name _____________________________

Chapters 31-33


35© 1994 Perfection Learning Corporation

Using a Pronunciation KeyUse the key at the bottom of the page to help

pronounce the respelled words. Write the word correctlyspelled on the line beside the Respelled Word. Use theWord List to help figure out the Respelled Word.

Respelled Word Word List

Example: (rout) ceiling

1. (sEr tif: i kEt) jerky

2. (r az) ghostly

3. (gost: le) sausage

4. (jak: Elz) certificate

5. (skyu: Erd) straightened

6. (strat: End) imaginary

7. (i nEf:) raisins

8. (sä: sij) route

9. (im aj: E ner e) scenes

10. (se: ling) excuses

11. (senz) raise

12. (jer: ke) enough

13. (raz: Enz) skewered

14. (ik skus: Ez) jackals

Name _____________________________

Chapters 34-36


pat / cake/ cär/ pet / me/ it / nıce/ pot/ cold/ nôrth/

book/ fool/ boil / out/ cup/ mule/ burn/ sing/ thin/

this/ hw in white/ zh in pleasure/ E in about

The :: mark indicates an accented syllable.


36 © 1994 Perfection Learning Corporation

DeterminingAlphabetical Order

Example: A. B.stopping glancing convinced

stupid growled clinging

silence glasses course

soldiers grabbed crossed

saltines gun clean

stranger gaped cornflakes

C. D. E.remember pitch mustard

rugless plate moving

ready puddle mingled

raisins peelings mashed

reveal paint more

rinds peanut munching

F. G. H.front blocking went

fridge boarded week

final box whole

father bedroom waiting

fries between walked

football brothers window

Name _____________________________

Chapters 34-36


Words are listed in a dictionary inalphabetical order. Number the six wordsin each list below to show the order in

which they would appear in the dictionary.Write a 1 in the blank before the word thatcomes first alphabetically, and so on.


37© 1994 Perfection Learning Corporation

Choosing Correct MeaningsThe italicized word in each of the sentences below has

several meanings. Some of the meanings are listed in theGlossary. Decide which meaning the word has in thesentence. Then write the number of your choice on theblank line.


direction 1. guidance 2. path upon which something is moving 3. an instructionpace 1. rate of movement 2. step 3. to walk slowlyrace 1. to compete in a race 2. to drive at high speeds 3. a running contest

4. a class of peoplerecord 1. to set down in writing 2. an official document 3. an unbeaten statistic

4. a disc with recorded soundrow 1. to move a boat with oars 2. objects arranged in a straight line 3. a quarrel

4. a succession of occurrences

Example: Maniac had never seen the record of his birth.

1. Maniac walked twenty paces, turned, and hit a telephone pole with a stone.

2. Maniac performed the same feat sixty-one times in a row.

3. Mars Bar challenged Maniac to a race.

4. Maniac recorded some of Grayson’s memories in a book.

5. Maniac performed his feats following Russell and Piper’s directions.

6. Maniac wasn’t sure in what direction to head.


Name _____________________________

Chapters 37-39



38 © 1994 Perfection Learning Corporation

7. Maniac ran past the rows of houses in the East End.

8. Maniac tried to provide some direction in Russell’s and Piper’s lives byencouraging them to go to school.

9. Russell and Piper were always involved in a row over something.

10. Maniac wasn’t afraid to race with anyone.

11. Mars Bar picked up his pace, but it wasn’t enough to win.

12. Maniac couldn’t understand why all races couldn’t get along.

13. Maniac set one record after another.

14. Maniac paced back and forth as he tried to decide what to do.

15. Grayson had a collection of polka records.

Name _____________________________

Choosing Correct Meanings

Chapters 37-39

39© 1994 Perfection Learning Corporation

Using Guide WordsAt the top of each dictionary page are guide words.

These words are the first and last words on a dictionarypage. The other words on the page fall in alphabeticalorder between the guide words.

Put the words in the word box in alphabetical orderunder the correct guide words. The first one has beendone for you.

act—fin final—march mare—tongue

1. 1. 1.

2. 2. 2.

3. 3. 3.

4. 4. 4.

5. 5. 5.

6. 6. 6.

Name _____________________________

Chapters 37-39


freight creek glory

marooned populations megaphoned

dead importance numerous

greater territory elbow

buffalo feats Magee

orphans Maniac American


40 © 1994 Perfection Learning Corporation

Making an OutlineRead the article below. Think about the topics and

subtopics of each paragraph. Use the Word List providedto outline the article. The topics should come after thenumerals. The subtopics come after the capital letters.List the topics and subtopics in the order the items fall inthe article.

Part of the outline has been done for you. Be sure tocapitalize the first letter of the topics and subtopics.

Minor League Baseball

The minor leagues in baseball serve as traininggrounds for players hoping to play in the major league.Most minor leagues are owned by or have a workingagreement with a major league team. The major leagueteams help support the minors. In return, the minorleague teams train players for the majors.

The minor leagues are divided into threeclassifications. From the highest to the lowest, theclassifications are Class AAA, Class AA, and Class A.Most minor leagues play in the United States. A few playin Mexico and southern Canada.

Most players start their careers on a Class A team.Some begin in a special rookie league with noclassification. As the player improves, he moves up to ahigher classification. Finally, if he’s good enough, theplayer joins a major league team.


Name _____________________________

Chapters 40-42


41© 1994 Perfection Learning Corporation

Word List

__________________________________________ Three classes

I. ___________________________________ Most start on Class A team

A. _______________________________ Owned by major league

B. _______________________________ Some in Canada and Mexico

C. _______________________________ Some start in rookie league

II. ___________________________________ Movement of players

A. _______________________________ Description of leagues

B. _______________________________ Moves up as he improves

C. _______________________________ Major league supports minors

III. ___________________________________ Most in United States

A. _______________________________ Classifications

B. _______________________________ Training grounds

C. _______________________________ Minor-League Baseball

Name _____________________________

Making an Outline

Chapters 40-42

Minor League Baseball

Description of leagues

Three classes

Some start in rookie league

42 © 1994 Perfection Learning Corporation

Using Descriptive WordsList four words that can be used to describe each of

the italicized words below. Write your words on theblanks. Be creative.

Example: ghost

1. _________________________

2. _________________________

3. ____________________

4. ____________________

A. whistle B. dump

1. _________________________ 1. __________________________

2. _________________________ 2. __________________________

3. _________________________ 3. __________________________

4. _________________________ 4. __________________________

C. pizza _________________ D. chocolate

1. _________________________ 1. __________________________

2. _________________________ 2. __________________________

3. _________________________ 3. __________________________

4. _________________________ 4. __________________________

E. party F. grenades

1. _________________________ 1. __________________________

2. _________________________ 2. __________________________

3. _________________________ 3. __________________________

4. _________________________ 4. __________________________

Name _____________________________

Chapters 40-42



43© 1994 Perfection Learning Corporation

Writing a Journal SampleImagine that you are Maniac. In the sample journal

below, write about your dinner at the Pickwells’ house.

Name _____________________________

Chapters 40-42


44 © 1994 Perfection Learning Corporation

Creating a PictureDraw one of the scenes the author describes in

chapters 43-46 of Maniac Magee. Then write your owndescription of what you have drawn.

Name _____________________________

Chapters 43-46


45© 1994 Perfection Learning Corporation

Creating a CharacterImagine that you are Maniac Magee. You have just left

the McNabs’ house with Mars Bar. You realize you havenowhere to go, so you are sleeping outside. You arebeing interviewed by a newspaper reporter. Write youranswers to the reporter’s questions on the lines provided.

Reporter: How does it feel to wander around all day with nowhere to go?

Your Answer: _________________________________________________________________


Reporter: Why don’t you go live with the Beales or the Pickwells or the McNabs?

Your Answer: _________________________________________________________________


Reporter: Why is early morning your favorite time of day?

Your Answer: _________________________________________________________________


Reporter: How do you get enough to eat?

Your Answer: _________________________________________________________________


Reporter: What do you miss most about not having a home?

Your Answer: _________________________________________________________________


Name _____________________________

Chapters 43-46


46 © 1994 Perfection Learning Corporation

Recalling a CharacterThink about a character from this book. Imagine that

you are describing this character to someone who hasnot read the book. Write your description of thecharacter. Try to include information about thecharacter’s appearance, behavior, likes and dislikes,friends, family, and so on.

Character: ____________________________________________














Name _____________________________


47© 1994 Perfection Learning Corporation

Explaining FeelingsThe questions below ask you to describe the feelings

you had as you read the book. Read each questioncarefully. Write your response on the lines provided.Explain why you felt the way you did. Be sure to usecomplete sentences.

1. How did you feel when Maniac had to live with his Aunt Dot and Uncle Dan?




2. How did you feel when Maniac bunted the frogball and made a home run?




3. How did you feel when Maniac told Mr. Beale that he didn’t have a home?





Name _____________________________


48 © 1994 Perfection Learning Corporation

4. How did you feel when Maniac untied Cobble’s knot?




5. How did you feel when Grayson gave his baseball glove to Maniac?




6. How did you feel about Grayson’s funeral?




7. How did you feel about the McNab family?




Name _____________________________

Explaining Feelings

49© 1994 Perfection Learning Corporation

Writing a Book RecommendationDo you think other students would enjoy reading

Maniac Magee? On the lines below, explain why youwould recommend reading the book. Mention specificthings you liked about the story. For example, did youthink the story was funny? Did you think the story seemedbelievable? Were the characters realistic? If you didn’t likethe book, tell why you would not recommend it.














Name _____________________________



Optional Spellingand Vocabulary Lists

Here are six word lists from the book. The words canbe used as spelling or vocabulary words.

Chapters 1-7 Chapters 8-14ordinary infamous scraggly screechedtrolley misfortune intercepted shatteredtrestle sacrifice conclusions quiverauditorium clamoring spaghetti puzzledsuitcase phantom miniature digitsencyclopedia stupefied boundary hemispherewhirled certificate rattlesnake guiltyreceiver strikeouts scowling comfortableoutstretched slithered headlights blotchescommotion boulevard asphalt allergy

Chapters 15-22preschoolers soapsudssquirrel iciclesspirit snugglymeatloaf magazinesupermarket incubatingveering publicizehydrant contortionsdrenched butterscotchgawked invisiblejabbered bison




Chapters 23-30 Chapters 31-38cruised fidgeted glittered bickeredignored attendant filigreed urchinspuzzlement restaurant enchantment smithereensrecognition superintendent lavatory bellowingdumbfounded repertoire stoic guzzlezucchini blarney pallbearer swaggerabruptly isosceles solitary signifyimpatient whooped wanderer mysteriousgrizzled consciousness perishable hystericalstubble mammoth bedeviled embarrassed

Chapters 39-46ecstatic nonchalantlyrawhide gauntletannouncement seethingmarauding recognizebloodthirsty individualfortified intersectionstournament firefliesconvertible constellationsdumbstruck scrambledgoading invitation

Optional Spellingand Vocabulary Lists


Supplementary ActivitiesBelow is a list of ideas that could be used as

supplementary or culminating activities.

I. Oral reading

A. To the entire class

B. To each other

C. To the teacher

D. To a tape recorder

II. Group discussions

A. Author’s writing style

B. Ideas gained from the book

C. Parts of the book

1. Most important

2. Most humorous

3. Most saddening

4. Most exciting

5. Most liked

D. Characters

1. Did the characters seem real?

2. What did you like best about each character?

3. What did you dislike most about each character?

4. Which character was the student’s favorite? Why?

5. List questions to ask each character.




III. Spelling bee using words from the book

IV. Role play situations from the book

V. Artistic creations

A. Murals

B. Dioramas

C. Book jackets

D. Posters

E. Puppets

F. Poetry

G. Costumes

H. Portraits

I. Mobiles

J. Songs

K. Newspaper headlines, articles, and drawings

VI. Research

A. Homelessness

B. Willie Mays

C. Minor-League Baseball

D. Allergies

E. Race relations

VII. Read other books by the same author

Supplementary Activities


Response Key


Using Short Vowels (page 7)1. clump; 2. legend; 3. trestle; 4. smatter; 5. limits; 6. scraggly; 7. suspicious; 8. bottom; 9. slammed; 10. grungy

Adding Endings (page 8)1. nearest; 2. frozen; 3. funny; 4. director; 5. starry; 6. jogging; 7. flopping; 8. stared; 9. friendly; 10. glared

Making Compounds (page 9)1. football; 2. quarterback; 3. upfield; 4. backyard; 5. airplanes; 6. paperkid; 7. afternoon;8. horsefly; 9. boyfriend; 10. railroad

Using Long Vowels (page 11)1. League; 2. weigh; 3. right-fielder; 4. croaked; 5. flight; 6. craziest; 7. stranger; 8. sneakers; 9. skiing; 10. screeching

Finding Base Words (page 12)1. pitch; 2. tremble; 3. runt; 4. hard; 5. slam; 6. flare; 7. swat; 8. probable; 9. rare; 10. fade; 11. hop; 12. run; 13. long; 14. rescue; 15. ordinary; 16. wobble; 17. eat; 18. person; 19. stroll; 20. snap

Listening for Syllables (page 13)1. 3; 2. 1; 3. 3; 4. 4; 5. 3; 6. 2; 7. 2; 8. 2; 9. 2; 10. 3; 11. 3; 12. 3; 13. 2; 14. 2; 15. 3; 16. 2;17. 3; 18. 2; 19. 1; 20. 3; 21. 3; 22. 3; 23. 2; 24. 3; 25. 4; 26. 3; 27. 4; 28. 2; 29. 2; 30. 4


Classifying Word Groups (page 14)1. where; 2. when; 3. where; 4. when; 5. how; 6. where; 7. how; 8. where; 9. how; 10. where; 11. where; 12. how; 13. where; 14. how; 15. where; 16. where; 17. how; 18. where; 19. where; 20. when

Sequencing Events (page 16)Set 1: 4; 1; 5; 3; 2Set 2: 3; 2; 5; 1; 4



Matching Antonyms (page 17)1. combined; 2. messy; 3. stopped; 4. dislike; 5. problem; 6. sinking; 7. left; 8. agreed; 9. dull; 10. noise

Making Inferences (page 18)a. 2; b. 3; c. 2; d. 1; e. 2

Understanding Special Meanings (page 20)1. doing better; 2. burn on your skin; 3. carrying; 4. becoming silent by groups; 5. thick,hoarse; 6. other white people; 7. wait; 8. falling asleep; 9. work to untie; 10. didn’t like,didn’t approve of

Determining Fact and Opinion (page 22)1. F; 2. F; 3. O; 4. F; 5. F; 6. O; 7. O; 8. F; 9. F; 10. O

Classifying Words (page 23)1. sneaker laces/foods sold at Cobble’s; 2. left/compass directions; 3. penny/numbers; 4. defeated/words that mean became bigger ; 5. beaming/words that mean moving quickly ;6. cunning/words that mean shouting; 7. flashbulbs/games; 8. Cobble/street names; 9. flakes/periods of time; 10. enemy/occupations

Using Cloze Reading (page 25)1. wooden; 2. knot; 3. grimy; 4. strands; 5. grin; 6. fingernail; 7. few; 8. lunchtime; 9. crust; 10. hairball; 11. end

Remembering Details (page 26)1. Maniac slept in the buffalo pen at the Elmwood Park Zoo. 2. Maniac asked forbutterscotch Krimpets. 3. Grayson wanted to find out whether Maniac was black or white.4. Grayson lived at the YMCA. 5. Grayson worked at the park. 6. Maniac spent the night inthe baseball-equipment room. 7. Grayson had wanted to be a baseball player.

Matching Synonyms (page 27)1. ambled; 2. chewing; 3. stick; 4. saw; 5. steered; 6. lift; 7. carried; 8. shaking; 9. changed; 10. fast

Determining Feelings (page 28)1. happy; 2. surprised; 3. confused; 4. amused; 5. angry; 6. worried; 7. relieved; 8. confident; 9. disappointed; 10. nervous

Getting the Main Idea (page 29)a. Reading was hard work for Grayson. b. Maniac enjoyed the football game. c. Maniacand Grayson had a great Thanksgiving together. d. Grayson and Maniac did a lot ofdecorating for Christmas.


Discovering Meaning Through Context (page 31)1. tired; 2. pushed; 3. guessed; 4. foolish; 5. hug; 6. teased; 7. crowded; 8. held; 9. swollen; 10. announced

Determining Cause and Effect (page 33)Set 1: 3; 5; 1; 4; 2Set 2: 3; 2; 5; 1; 4

Evaluating What You Read (page 34)Responses will vary.


Using a Pronunciation Key (page 35)1. certificate; 2. raise; 3. ghostly; 4. jackals; 5. skewered; 6. straightened; 7. enough; 8. sausage; 9. imaginary; 10. ceiling; 11. scenes; 12. jerky; 13. raisins; 14. excuses

Determining Alphabetical Order (page 36)A. 2; 5; 3; 4; 6; 1B. 3; 2; 5; 6; 1; 4C. 3; 6; 2; 1; 4; 5D. 4; 5; 6; 3; 1; 2E. 6; 4; 2; 1; 3; 5F. 6; 4; 2; 1; 5; 3G. 3; 4; 5; 1; 2; 6H. 4; 3; 5; 1; 2; 6

Choosing Correct Meanings (page 37)1. 2; 2. 4; 3. 3; 4. 1; 5. 3; 6. 2; 7. 2; 8. 1; 9. 3; 10. 1; 11. 1; 12. 4; 13. 3; 14. 3; 15. 4

Using Guide Words (page 39)act—fin final—march mare—tongue1. American 1. freight 1. marooned2. buffalo 2. glory 2. megaphoned3. creek 3. greater 3. numerous4. dead 4. importance 4. orphans5. elbow 5. Magee 5. populations6. feats 6. Maniac 6. territory


Making an Outline (page 40)Minor League Baseball

I. Description of leagues II. Classifications III. Movement of playersA. Training grounds A. Three classes A. Most start on Class A teamB. Owned by major B. Most in United B. Some start in rookie

league States leagueC. Major league C. Some in Canada C. Moves up as he

supports minors and Mexico improves


Using Descriptive Words (page 42)Responses will vary.

Writing a Journal Sample (page 43)Responses will vary.

Creating a Picture (page 44)Responses will vary.

Creating a Character (page 45)Responses will vary.

Recalling a Character (page 46)Responses will vary.

Explaining Feelings (page 47)Responses will vary.

Writing a Book Recommendation (page 49)Responses will vary.


75389 ISBN 1-5631-2321-5

Perfection Learning® Corporation1000 North Second Avenue, P.O. Box 500, Logan, Iowa 51546-0500

perfectionlearning.comPrinted in the U.S.A.

WORD ATTACK SKILLSUsing Short VowelsAdding EndingsMaking CompoundsUsing Long VowelsFinding Base WordsListening for Syllables

COMPREHENSION SKILLSClassifying Word GroupsSequencing EventsMatching AntonymsMaking InferencesUnderstanding Special MeaningsDetermining Fact and OpinionClassifying WordsUsing Cloze ReadingRemembering DetailsMatching SynonymsDetermining FeelingsGetting the Main IdeaDiscovering Meaning

Through ContextDetermining Cause and EffectEvaluating What You Read

STUDY SKILLSUsing a Pronunciation KeyDetermining Alphabetical OrderChoosing Correct MeaningsUsing Guide WordsMaking an Outline

CREATIVE SKILLSUsing Descriptive WordsWriting a Journal SampleCreating a PictureCreating a CharacterRecalling a CharacterExplaining FeelingsWriting a Book RecommendationSupplementary Activities


Vocabulary Lists