Mantras for Healing

Post on 21-Oct-2015

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Healing Mantras


HEALING MANTRASBharat Healing Yoga uses power mantras and healing mantras to focus energy fields. The mantras, powerful in themselves, are an excellent aid for raising energy levels and vibrations. Some mantras are so strong they can be likened to fire and they must be used with care. Fire can be a friend or foe, depending on what you do with it. You may cook your meal with it or burn your house down. It is the same fire. Similarly, the power mantras used in Bharat Healing Yoga can have a positive benefit or work negatively and produce a depletion of energy. These mantras that have both positive and negative effects, while the most powerful, can only be imparted by a qualified healing teacher to a student on a one to one basis.

The mantra given here is for healing and is for the use of the public who would like to try it. It is a well known and effective healing mantra and has been selected for its beneficial effects.

This healing mantra is absolutely safe. It is so exact and so effective that it energizes the prana which is the sanskrit word for the life energy in all beings and, in its broadest sense, the life force of the universe. Energizing the prana may or may not produce an instant dramatic effect upon the practitioner. The results are generally felt after a period of time.

The Rama Healing Mantra:

Om Apadamapa Hataram Dataram Sarva SampadamLoka Bhi Ramam Sri Rama Bhuyo Bhuyo Namamyaham

This is perhaps a long mantra for those just starting with mantras, but it is offered to you because it is the most powerful healing mantra I have ever encountered. The very rough translation is, 'Om, Oh most compassionate Rama please send your healing energy right here to the earth, to the earth (twice for emphasis.)'

I have seen this mantra completely cure one person, diagnosed with mental illness and in a locked ward. The psychiatrist said he would never lead a life on the outside again. In the middle of a 60 day sadhana or spiritual discipline done on his behalf, he was out of the ward and living in a 'halfway house' for those on the road to recovery. After 60 days he was on his own. He has since graduated from technical school and is working as a computer repairer.

A woman was in constant pain for four years. She undertook this discipline and after just a few weeks was in less pain than at any time she

could remember over the past years. She is still doing the mantra and expects to be pain free relatively soon.

Although the mantra is long, it is simple to say phonetically. If you can, say it 108 times in a sitting. If you are just starting out, this may initially take up to one hour. After you are comfortable with the mantra, it will only take you 30 minutes.

By saying these two very Powerful Spiritual Mantras

inside your mind .daily ..




They have tremendous Divine Powers to liberate us from all our " karmas " which are bondages that we have created by our unawareness and actions done in our past life and in many past

lives . through our


Om purifies our Body and connects us to the Divine Powers ,the Cosmic Vibration from which

existence was born

Aah purifies our Speech and attracts divine positive energies from the Cosmos

Hum purifies our Mind and brings for us ( bestows upon us ) all the blessings of

the Buddhas in this Universe. Hum also provides us with a ring of protection

( from evil as well as in the outer world ) . Hum is the Mind of the Buddha.

The full form of this extremely powerful Mantra that attracts all wealth ,health , protection , harmony ,

all kinds of accomplishments into our Life is


The most powerful and instantly effective

Healing Mantra that I use is ...

Om Hari Om Hari Om

Hari Hari Om

(Begin and end with Om )

Very important note ...

for liver problems

This is the most most powerfuland provenly effective mantra

which heals the liver and all liver related illnesses.

This sound energy of the syllable

Hari( the 'Ha' and the 'Ra' sound )

strengthens and energises the ' chakra ' ( energy center)

supporting the liver.


5.30 AM when the whole Cosmos is fullof Divine Powers.

Mantras are Divine Sound Energies

You can also get Divine Healing , Spiritual Healing ,Soul Healing , Energy Medicine ...

all different names to Miracle Healing from

Divine Powers

2) Another Powerful Healing Mantra is

Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram Hare Hare Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare


3) Here is a Mantra for all round perfect health ...

HUM PHAT SWAHA ; (keep repeating )

and all mantras having HUM PHAT SWAHA as a part of it ...

have effect of healing our body . So , you can also repeat these most powerful mantras

Om Hrim Strim Hum Phat Swaha


Om Hum Hanumate Rudratmakaye Hum Phat Swaha

4) For Mental Tension, Depression , Withdrawl and timidity ...


5) For Asthama and all types of Breathingproblems , cough etc. ...


6) For Heart Attack , High Blood Pressure ...


7) For Diabetes , chronical Diseases, drug addicts ...


8) Om Mani Padme Hum

This is the most most powerful and famous Buddhist mantra which liberates us from all our karmic bondages and heals us completely .

9 ) Om Aah Hum

Vajra Guru Padma Siddhi Hum

This is the other most powerful BddhistMantra that gives you all " Siddhis " ( accomplishments )by invoking the blessings and grace of all Buddhasespecially the most compassionate Buddha - Padmasambhava Hum connects your mind to the enlightened mind of the Buddha

Not only you get healing and a very healthy body in physical form but also all worldly accomplishments and more than thatyou also get super ordinary siddhis and attainments that willfree you from cycle of rebirth ...

10 ) Maha Mrutyunjaya Mantra

for protection against accidental and untimely death ....

OM JUUM SAA (name of sick person) PALAY PALAY SAA JUUM OM

Jivananda is a simple lifestyle program to make sick people healthy and happy and to make healthy people healthier and happier.What is the problem?The World Health Organization reported that 59 million died worldwide, in 2004, 40% from preventable diseases, like heart disease, stroke or respiratory problems. These people died of these preventable diseases despite wealth, nationality or religion. What are we doing wrong? Living out of rhythm with the rhythms that have nurtured humanity, and all of nature, for thousands of years.What is the Solution?

Jivananda is a wholistic lifestyle program that is based on the latest scientific research and the best of the wisdom from the past. Jivananda addresses the root causes of disease and their major risk factors: high blood pressure, high cholesterol, Type II Diabetes , obesity and lack of regular exercise. Human life is a combination of Body, Senses, Mind and Soul. Like an owner's manual for a car or cell phone, Jivananda, is an owner's manual to this human life. We clean and fuel machines, similarly we must clean and fuel this human machine and it’s parts with proper solvents and fuel. Jivananda is a simple and effective program that cleans and fuels the body, senses, mind and soul.

Jivananda targets the health of the lympathic system/immune system with a thorough exercise routine. Next Jivananda focuses on the proper amount of food (primarily vegetarian, but not exclusively), the rhythms and manner in which we eat and the importance of water consumption throughout the day but especially first thing in the morning.

Jivananda emphasizes the daily cleaning and nourishing of the five senses. The basic solvent used to clean the senses is water and the substances to nourish the senses are: sesame oil and ghee(clarified butter.)

For the mind, Jivananda uses slow, diaphragmatic breathing to cleanse and strengthen the mind. The body, senses and mind benefit from this technique. Additionally, the age-old medicine of self-induced laughter is used to relax the body and mind completely. Practiced for 3 minutes, laughter is equal to 10 minutes of rowing and will increase longevity if practiced on a daily basis.

Lastly, a short contemplation on self-identity as Soul: imperishable, immutable and everlasting, serves to awaken the happiness and healthiness inherent in the Soul. Thus the body, senses, mind and Soul benefit.

The program is very simple, but extremely effective. It takes less then 21 minutes a day: 8 minutes for the body (joint exercises), 5 minutes for the senses (cleaning/oiling), 5 minutes for the mind (diaphragmatic breathing) and 3 minutes for the Soul (Jivananda meditation).

Although the program is complete with the basic 21 minute routine, the Jivananda program starts upon waking and continues throughout the day including falling asleep.

While at work joint rotations can be employed for aches and pains such as stiff neck and back. Breathing breaks are used to relax and energize the mind. Limiting coffee and junk food consumption will add the digestion and immune systems, reducing illness and disease.

Upon arriving home, a 5 minute vigorous scalp massage serves to relax the muscles of the head and neck, while stimulating blood flow to the brain. A short 3 minute breathing break with feet raised above the heart in a laying down position, will reduce blood

pressure and rejuvenate the body, senses and mind.

Eating home cooked meals with family and friends will circulate love hormones that remove disease and decay automatically. Refraining from violent or negative music and TV before bed will promote a positive state of mind.

Before going to bed, mentally reviewing what things you are grateful for will further relax the mind and enable a restful sleep. Lastly, gently reminded yourself that I am a Soul , and I am Happy, Healthy, Wealthy and Fearless, will connect you to your true identity.

For the best results, practice Jivananda for one month. Allow for 1 day off a week. But, commit yourself to the process. Make an experiment. See if you notice a feeling of strength, vitality and happiness coming back into your life. Modern science has shown that it takes 21 days to establish a new habit, one that becomes automatic for the body and mind.

If you are overweight, have high blood pressure, or are border-line diabetic give Jivananda a chance. If you are feeling healthy and happy, give Jivananda a chance to enhance your feeling of health. Add Jivananda to your favorite exercise/yoga/meditation practice and feel the increased benefits of your practice.

Jivananda is for all ages, in all countires around the world. The exercise routine can be practiced standing up, in a seated posture, on the floor and in a mixed manner. Jivananda is for all ages and body types.

Remember the purpose of this human life is to enjoy and do positive things towards ourselves, others and the environment. A healthy person is one who body, senses, mind and Soul are joy-filled, and whose life benefits those around him or her.

Take the Jivananda challenge. Practice Jivananda for one month and feel the difference. We at Jiva guarantee that no matter how you are feeling now, you will feel remarkable healthier and happier after one month of Jivananda, so much so, that you will want to practice Jivananda for the rest of your life.

Download the brochure and meditation at

HEALING MANTRASBharat Healing Yoga uses power mantras and healing mantras to focus energy fields. The mantras, powerful in themselves, are an

excellent aid for raising energy levels and vibrations. Some mantras are so strong they can be likened to fire and they must be used with care. Fire can be a friend or foe, depending on what you do with it. You may cook your meal with it or burn your house down. It is the same fire. Similarly, the power mantras used in Bharat Healing Yoga can have a positive benefit or work negatively and produce a depletion of energy. These mantras that have both positive and negative effects, while the most powerful, can only be imparted by a qualified healing teacher to a student on a one to one basis.

The mantra given here is for healing and is for the use of the public who would like to try it. It is a well known and effective healing mantra and has been selected for its beneficial effects.

This healing mantra is absolutely safe. It is so exact and so effective that it energizes the prana which is the sanskrit word for the life energy in all beings and, in its broadest sense, the life force of the universe. Energizing the prana may or may not produce an instant dramatic effect upon the practitioner. The results are generally felt after a period of time.

The Rama Healing Mantra:

Om Apadamapa Hataram Dataram Sarva SampadamLoka Bhi Ramam Sri Rama Bhuyo Bhuyo Namamyaham

This is perhaps a long mantra for those just starting with mantras, but it is offered to you because it is the most powerful healing mantra I have ever encountered. The very rough translation is, 'Om, Oh most compassionate Rama please send your healing energy right here to the earth, to the earth (twice for emphasis.)'

I have seen this mantra completely cure one person, diagnosed with mental illness and in a locked ward. The psychiatrist said he would never lead a life on the outside again. In the middle of a 60 day sadhana or spiritual discipline done on his behalf, he was out of the ward and living in a 'halfway house' for those on the road to recovery. After 60 days he was on his own. He has since graduated from technical school and is working as a computer repairer.

A woman was in constant pain for four years. She undertook this discipline and after just a few weeks was in less pain than at any time she

could remember over the past years. She is still doing the mantra and expects to be pain free relatively soon.

Although the mantra is long, it is simple to say phonetically. If you can, say it 108 times in a sitting. If you are just starting out, this may initially take up to one hour. After you are comfortable with the mantra, it will only take you 30 minutes.

Extract: Some Simple Mantras, If You Are Just Starting Out

A Selection from The Ancient Power of Sanskrit Mantra and Ceremony, Volume I

Some of you may be interested or even fascinated by the discipline of mantra, but feel somewhat overwhelmed by the array of mantras and disciplines, astotaras and pujas you find in these pages. If so, then this chapter will be of use to you. The next few pages contain some simple mantras and their common application. They have been compiled from other chapters throughout the rest of this book, drawn from the various headings of the deities or principles involved. These mantras address various life issues which we all face from time to time. If you want more information or more mantras relating to the deities or principles involved, consult the appropriate chapter.

Ganesha: Om Gum Ganapatayei Namaha

Rough Translation: 'Om and salutations to the remover of obstacles for which Gum is the seed.'

The story of Ganesha is found in the chapter devoted to this principle. But for your immediate need, you need only know that for seen or unseen obstacles which seem to be standing in the way of your progress or achievement, either specifically or generally, this mantra has proved invaluable. It has been used it with great success not only in India, but here in the West dozens of people have related to me their success in turning things around in their life by using this mantra.

Lakshmi: Om Shrim Mahalakshmiyei Swaha

Rough Translation: 'Om and salutations to that feminine energy which bestows all manner of wealth, and for which Shrim is the seed'

This mantra has not only been used for the purpose of attracting prosperity, but also for drawing in proper friends, clearing up family misunderstandings and quarrels, and smoothing some health problems. As we all know, there are many different kinds of wealth. As you use this mantra, focus on the kind of wealth you wish to manifest in your life.

Durga: Om Dum Durgayei Namaha

Rough Translation: 'Om and Salutations to that feminine energy which protects from all manner of negative influences, and for which Dum is the seed.'

Durga is the Divine Protectress. Typically shown riding a lion or a tiger, Durga has a hundred arms, each with a different weapon of destruction. Yet her face is exquisitely beautiful to behold. The interpretation is that to the pious and the sincere seeker after truth, her sight can produce ecstacy and a variety of beautiful forms. But the negative, harmful or demonic, her countenance is as terrible as Kali, except she shows more weapons of destruction than Kali (who is described later).

Saraswati: Om Eim Saraswatyei Swaha

Rough Translation: 'Om and salutations to that feminine energy which informs all artistic and scholastic endeavor, and for which Eim (pronounced I'm) is the seed.'

Saraswati holds a musical instrument, the vina, in one hand and a rosary in another hand. She spans the world of mundane knowledge and spiritual understanding. Those pursuing any artistic or educational endeavor whatsoever will gain greatly from the practice of this mantra.

Shiva: Om Namah Shivaya

This mantra has no approximate translation. The sounds related directly to the principles which govern each of the first six chakras on the spine...Earth, water, fire, air, ether. Notice that this does not refer to the chakras themselves which have a different set of seed sounds, but rather the principles which govern those chakras in their place. A very rough, non-literal translation could be something like, 'Om and salutations to that which I am capable of becoming.' This mantra will start one out on the path of subtle development of spiritual attainments. It is the beginning on the path of Siddha Yoga, or the Yoga of Perfection of the Divine Vehicle.

Rama: Om Sri Rama Jaya Rama, Jaya, Jaya Rama

Rough Translation: 'Om and Victory to Rama (the self within), victory, victory to Rama.'

Rama was an Avatar who came several thousand years ago. His sole purpose was to show how a person should live a Divine Life while living in a human body. A short story about the esoteric meaning of his life is found in the chapter devoted to him. You will recall from the previous chapter that Mahatma Gandhi practiced this mantra for over 60 years. This mantra will 'take one across' the ocean of rebirth. In a more immediate way, it is most powerful in reducing negative karmic effects no matter in which life they might have occurred. I have also had a powerful spiritual healing experience (for another person), while using this mantra intensely.

Following is a recording of Thomas Ashley-Farrand (Namadeva Acharya) reciting the mantra Om Sri Rama Jaya Rama Jaya Jaya Rama. Use any of the following links to play this recording. Note: The audio clip features Namadeva chanting the mantra three times. To hear the mantra repeatedly, you may need to change the options in your audio player. For example, you can set some versions of Windows Media Player to play repeatedly by pressing CTRL T, or by choosing View / Options / Playback / Repeat Forever. In some versions of Real Player you can choose >> / Play / Continuous Play.

Play WAV Version Play MP3 Version

The Planet Saturn: Om Sri Shanaishwaraya Swaha

Rough translation: 'Om and salutations to the presiding spirit in the planet Saturn.'

Saturn is the planet of lessons. It is closely related to the karma we may encounter in a given lifetime. It also stands as a gatekeeper to some of the higher vibrations to which we aspire though spiritual development. By offering salutations outwardly, one clears certain internal obstructing energy patterns. But Saturn has received an overly negative reputation from some astrologers. There have been circumstances where very positive things manifested in people's lives unexpectedly, apparently as a direct result of working with this mantra.

Internally, Saturn energy is predominant in the spleen, knees and skeletal system. However, as Saturn moves through the various astrological signs, it 'triggers' karma we may have stored under astrological configurations found in that sign. Therefore, the use of the Saturn mantra can mitigate and even clear certain categories of karma which appear in our lives. This mantra has been used with great success personally. And I have received reports of its efficacy from many other people.

Subramanya: Om Sharavana-bhavaya Namaha

Rough translation, 'Om and salutations to the son of Shiva, who brings auspiciousness and who is chief of the celestial army.'

The positive effects of this mantra may not be so clearly seen or described as some of the others: a seeming increase in good fortune or luck; the ability to make the best of a set of circumstances which may occur; an increase in positive mental or emotional disposition; an easier route to becoming physically fit. Yet these few phrases do not begin to exhaust the benefits of using this mantra. It seems to brighten or optimize nearly everything in life.

Rama (Healing Mantra):Om Apadamapa Hartaram Dataram Sarva SampadamLoka Bhi Ramam Sri Rama Bhuyo Bhuyo Namamyaham

This is a long mantra to put in a chapter for those just starting off, but is placed here because it is the most powerful healing mantra I have ever encountered. The very rough translation is, 'Om, Oh most compassionate Rama please send your healing energy right here to the earth, to the earth (twice for emphasis.)'

I have seen this mantra completely cure one person from a schizophrenic break who was in a locked ward. The psychiatrist said he would never lead a life on the outside again. In the middle of a 40 day sadhana done in his behalf, he was living in a 'halfway house' for those on the road to recovery. After 40 days of a spiritual discipline done on his behalf, he was on his own. He has since graduated from Art School which he attended on scholarship, and is working as an artist.

Another individual who was on medication, took off spurning his pills and disappeared for a time. After a 40 day sadhana done on his behalf, he had stabilized his life and was back on his medication without complaint.

A woman I know was in constant pain for four years. She undertook this discipline and after just a few weeks was in less pain than at any time she could remember over the past several years. She is still doing the mantra and expects to be pain-free relatively soon.

Although the mantra is long, it is simple to say phonetically. If you can, say it 108 times in a sitting. If you are just starting out, this may initially take up to one hour. After you are comfortable with the mantra, it will only take you 30 minutes.

Bodhisattwa Avalokiteshwara (Called Chenresig in Tibetan Buddhism):Om Mani Padme Hum

Rough Translation: 'Om, salutations to The Jewel of Consciousness (the mind) which has reached the heart's lotus.'

This mantra is practiced more than any other in the world. It is pre-eminent in producing a state of dynamic compassion in the sayer. Dynamic means that this compassion contains as part of it the ability to powerfully manifest in both subtle and obvious ways. One of the simple yet profound teachings which accompanies this mantra is the concept that when the mind and heart become united, anything is possible. The implications of this simple thought are staggering. If you want to change the world for the better, this mantra should be in your spiritual toolbox. For more on this mantra, see the chapter on the Wesak Festival.

A dedicated group of followers of Kuan Yin use this mantra to invoke her as an emanation of Avaloketeshwara, while others use the mantra Namo Kuan Shi Yin Pu Sa.

Getting Started

Start by picking some aspect of your life you wish to improve or some vexing problem you would like to solve or dissolve. Then pick a mantra which seems, to you, to apply. Offer a prayer to God, in whatever way you relate to God. Ask for God's blessing in accomplishing your objective in doing this spiritual discipline.

Once you have decided to undertake the discipline and offered your prayers, then pick a place where you will say your mantra for a certain number of times each day. If possible, obtain a rosary of some kind and do your mantras in some

multiple of 108. If getting a rosary is not possible, then decide on a certain amount of time you will spend each day saying your mantra. It can be five minutes, ten minutes, twenty minutes or even an hour. For your first experience, any time up to twenty minutes is advisable.

The reason for taking things easy for the first 40 day commitment is due to the cumulative action of the mantra. For the first few days, all will probably go smoothly. Then as you progress, you may find that things start to get in the way of your doing the discipline: You oversleep; there is some minor emergency; you get a cold, whatever. This means that you are beginning to effect the inner 'something' for which you undertook the mantra. You are beginning to encounter inner resistance. That inner resistance manifests as outer obstacles to your discipline. It has almost become a joke in many spiritual circles in which the practice of mantra is common, that something of a very surprising nature happened on day 33 or 35 of a 40 day sadhana. It has happened to me and many others with whom I have spoken on innumerable occasions over the last 22 years.

Develop a sense of humor about it, and be thankful. There is no better indication that your efforts are working than to have small upheavals in your life while you are in the midst of a 40 day mantra discipline. Ask anyone who has undertaken one and they will have some interesting stories for you.

Ra Ma Da Sa: The Universal Healing MantraA rare diamond, which connects you with the pure healing energy of the universe.

After more than three decades of teaching and healing, I realized that I needed to formulate a universal and healing mantra especially for those plagued with health problems. I wanted to find a sacred sound that would work for anyone, in any situation, in any country, without the limitations that constant ritual and overly formalized structures often bring, especially for those restricted physically with ill health. In my restless desire to find a solution for my students, friends, and those who came for my help, I began to petition the cosmic for guidance. This is how Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Say So Hung in this musical form was revealed to me. Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Say So Hung is one of the most powerful mantras known and is extraordinarily effective in dealing with health challenges. It is powerful. It is universal. It works on many levels; the mental, spiritual, emotional, and

Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Say So Hung is called the Shushmana Mantra. It contains the eight sounds that stimulate the Kundalini to flow in the central channel of the spine and in the spiritual centers. This sound balances the five zones of the left and right hemispheres of the brain to activate the neutral mind. As this happens, the hypothalamus pulsates in rhythm with the divine gland, causing the pituitary master gland to tune the entire glandular system. Then the sympathetic, parasympathetic and active

nervous systems match the timing of the glandular system. As a result, the muscular system and cells in the blood work in conjunction to receive this healing vibration, and the rebuilding process of one's health is triggered.

This universal healing prayer, which is set to a healing classical tune, can purify the aura and consolidate your mental projection into a one-pointed positivity towards yourself and your health. Listening to it helps rebalance the entire auric circulation and gives you a sense of security that activates your self-healing capacities. A consistent listening or chanting practice becomes impressive enough to permeate the subconscious, which in turn automatically influences the conscious mind. Then it becomes a part of one's deep intuitional conviction.

Ra Ma Da Sa is like a rare diamond, which connects you with the pure healing energy of the universe. You can instill the health trend in your consciousness by injecting this strong healing vibration into your mind. Then your actions and whole being will obey that thought. In order to change health troubles, we must alter the process of thought that brings the crystallization of consciousness into different forms of matter and action. This recording helps you develop the pattern of health.

RA - the fire principle - symbolizes the Sun.There would be no life on Earth if it were not for the Sun showering us with the pranic life-force. Working with the Sun is the highest practice of Kabbalah. The Sun is a source of energy, life and warmth. In other words, the Sun is the heart of our universe. It purifies and energizes.

MA - the water principle - is the energy of the Moon.MA calls on the cosmos through the sound of compassion, causing the universe to become the mother and you the child, and this brings you help and healing. It is cooling and nurturing.

DA - the Earth principle - provides the ground of action.

SA - the air principle - is the impersonal infinity.

When sound takes place in the external plane, it becomes "A", which represents manifestation. The first part of the mantra expands toward heaven. By repeating the sound SA as a turning point, it causes the spirit to descend from above into matter in order to animate and vitalize it with healing and life. In other words, the second part of the mantra brings the healing qualities of the superior world back down to the Earth.

The last stanza of the emerald tablet from the great Hermes Trismegistus, which reveals the secret of healing and order in the material plane, is followed in this mantra. It reads, "Ascend with great sagacity from Earth to heaven, and then again descend to Earth, and unite together the powers of things superior and inferior. Thus you will obtain the glory of the whole world and obscurity will fly away from you.

The secret is adaptation, transforming one thing into another thing."

Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Say So Hung transforms an imbalanced and unhealthy body into an harmonious, healthy one. As in the Star of David (a symbol of two interlaced triangles) this mantra interlinks spirit with matter.

After SA comes SAY, which is the totality of experience.

SO is the personal sense of identity.

HUNG is the infinite, vibrating and real. Hung suggests Hu, which is the life of God in every thing and every being. The "ng" causes the sound in Hung to stimulate the divine glands. The sound of the breath is So Hung. The inhale is So and the exhale is Hung. The two qualities of So Hung together mean "I am Thou".

As you chant this mantra, you expand toward the infinite and merge back with the finite. Most people have forgotten that their essence is with the infinite, unlimited creative power of the cosmos. When a person goes within himself and consciously experiences his own beauty, he touches his Divinity. Then he can reunite his destiny to his highest potential.

A regular listening practice is not only good for practical, preventative self-healthcare, but also it will aid in the assurance of a healthier life. It can help preserve the body and pave the way toward a positive mental projection. Chanting or listening to this mantra set to this classical tune will drive out depression and re-vibrate your life. It is timeless and can not be outdated. It has worked in the past, it works now, and it will work in the future. There is no time, no place, no space and no condition attached to this mantra. It burns the seed of disease. Use it everyday. Offer it to anyone. If you work with it, it will work for you. In moments of anxiety, despair, fear or worry, let it be your safeguard. It will give you a strong sense of your own centeredness.

In the words of Yogi Bhajan, Master of White Tantric and Kundalini Yoga, who openly taught this healing mantra to the Western world, "It has worked for three thousand, four thousand years, why should it not work now?" This mantra is a pure divine thought. When you think pure thoughts and are mentally strong, you cannot suffer the painful effects of bad karma or disease. A regular practice of listening to this CD or chanting along with it is like praying unceasingly. When you continuously pray and meditate, you go into the land of Light, where all troubles disappear. View all CDs in our Healing Beyond Medicine Meditation Music Series

-Dr. Joseph Michael Levry

Healing Mantras The most powerful and

instantly effective Healing Mantra that I use is ...

Om Hari Om Hari Om

Hari Hari Om

(Begin and end with Om )

Very important note ...

for liver problems

This is the most most powerfuland provenly effective mantra

which heals the liver and all liver related illnesses.

This sound energy of the syllable

Hari( the 'Ha' and the 'Ra' sound )

strengthens and energises the ' chakra ' ( energy center)

supporting the liver.


5.30 AM when the whole Cosmos is fullof Divine Powers.

Mantras are Divine Sound Energies

You can also get Divine Healing , Spiritual Healing ,Soul Healing , Energy Medicine ...

all different names to Miracle Healing from

Divine Powers

2) Another Powerful Healing Mantra is

Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram Hare Hare Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare


3) Here is a Mantra for all round perfect health ...


repeating )

and all mantras having HUM PHAT SWAHA as a part of it ...have effect of healing our body . So , you can also repeat

these most powerful mantras

Om Hrim Strim Hum Phat Swaha


Om Hum Hanumate Rudratmakaye Hum Phat Swaha

4) For Mental Tension, Depression , Withdrawl and timidity ... OM SAUM SOMAYE NAMAHA

5) For Asthama and all types of Breathingproblems , cough etc. ...


6) For Heart Attack , High Blood Pressure ...


7) For Diabetes , chronical Diseases, drug addicts ...


8) Om Mani Padme Hum

This is the most most powerful and famous Buddhist mantra which liberates us from all our karmic bondages and heals us completely .

9 ) Om Aah Hum Vajra Guru Padma Siddhi Hum

This is the other most powerful BddhistMantra that gives you all " Siddhis " ( accomplishments )by invoking the blessings and grace of all Buddhasespecially the most compassionate Buddha - Padmasambhava Hum connects your mind to the enlightened mind of the Buddha

Not only you get healing and a very healthy body in physical form but also all worldly accomplishments and more than thatyou also get super ordinary siddhis and attainments that willfree you from cycle of rebirth ...

10 ) Maha Mrutyunjaya Mantra

for protection against accidental and untimely death ....

OM JUUM SAA (name of sick person)


Spirituality Articles

Sanskrit Healing Mantra

I found this mantra in the book, HEALING MANTRAS, by Thomas Ashley-Farrand. Thomas

knows more about mantras than any other American. His website is: I recommend his books and his CDs. I've been saying this mantra

for five years.

I'll write it in Sanskrit. Then I'll write it as it should be pronounced. Last, I'll give you a rough

translation in English. It's a mantra imploring the healing help of Rama, and it goes like this:

Om Apa-damapa, Hataram Dataram, Sarva Sampadam, Loki Bhi Ramam, Sri Ramam,

Bhuyo Bhuyo Namam-yaham.

Pronounce it like this,: Om, of course, is pronounced like the "ome" in "home."

Om, Op-pah-dah-mah-pah Hot-tah-rahm, dot-tahr-rahm, Sar-va Sahm-pah-dahm Low-kah,

bee rahm-mum, Shree-rahm-mum

Boo-yo, boo-yo, nah-mom, yah-hum

Here's a rough translation:

Om. O most compassionate Rama. Please send your healing energy right here to the Earth,

to the Earth. Salutations.

Thomas Ashley-Farrand says that this is THE most powerful healing mantra, and he knows

them all. Let me quote him: "I am aware that this mantra is long, but I teach it even to

beginners because of the tremendous healing power it produces. I have found that those

who are desperate for healing, learn it without difficulty, and many have had extraordinary


If you say it a dozen times or so, you'll hear the internal rhymes. It's not hard to learn.

I say another short and powerful healing mantra every day when I walk on the beach. It's a

healing mantra to the Deva of the Sun. It goes like this:

Om Arkaya Namaha

It's pronounced like this:

Om R-kye-yah, nahm-ah-ha

And it means...."Om and salutations to the Shining One who removes afflictions

I'm a big believer in mantras. I hope this information opens a door for you.



Healing Prayer

We feel that healing prayer deserves special attention even though it’s essentially a prayer of supplication. Not surprisingly, there’s a great deal of interest in healing. That interest began early in the history of mankind and only intensified with Jesus. Since then, it hasn’t let up for more than 2000 years.

Just to be clear, right now we’re talking about healing prayer that individuals or groups of people can do. There is a more formal approach to healing prayer, sometimes called formative prayer, which we’ll

discuss later in this section. It involves trained facilitators who frequently work in conjunction with traditional counselors, doctors, etc.

Healing prayer can be effective for physical issues, mental/emotional issues, and spiritual issues. Too often, people are looking for only the instantaneous and complete healings that Jesus performed. To be sure, those kinds of healings still occur today. But they seem to be just as rare now as then. It’s more common to see gradual healing, often in conjunction with traditional healing methods like medicine, surgery, and counseling. Just keep in mind that healing is the work of God, done by His will. No one can control it. We can only position ourselves—or others—to receive it, and then ask. And we should not be surprised if we ask for one type of healing, such as physical, and receive another, such as spiritual.

It shouldn’t be a surprise for a simple reason. Western medicine in particular has been relatively single-minded in its approach to healing, focusing primarily on the body—and even just parts of the body—for physical healing. But as it advances, a more holistic approach to healing is emerging. The relationship among body, mind, and spirit is becoming more and more clear. Which is something the ancients recognized even in their “primitive” cultures.

There is a certain amount of skepticism about healing prayer, even among Christians. Some of that skepticism can be attributed to the charlatans, past and present, who make a mockery of true healing in order to make money. God will deal with them in His own way in His own time. But just because there are people who fake healings doesn’t mean healings don’t occur.

In addition to anecdotal evidence, more and more scientific studies are showing the effectiveness of healing prayer. Even strangers praying for someone produce “beneficial therapeutic effects.” (See our Resourcesection for

more information.) The strongest evidence, of course, is personal experience, whether you participate as the recipient of healing prayer or as an “observer” praying for someone.

More and more churches are conducting healing services, either as part of their regular worship or as special services devoted only to healing. Prayer chains spring into action when needed.

Healing prayer ministries are being formed and expanded. This more formal approach to healing prayer usually involves trained facilitators and teams of intercessors to support them. The person being healed meets regularly, usually with the facilitator and an assistant, similar to regular counseling sessions or appointments with doctors. The facilitator does just what the title suggests: facilitates an encounter with Jesus. Any

healing that takes place is, of course, done by Jesus. The facilitator and assistant are just observers, blessed by God to be a part of the process. (For more information, check our Resources section.)

Yet…not everyone is healed.

The issue is far more complex than a splinter in the finger which either is or is not embedded in the flesh. The interaction of spirit, soul (mind and emotions), and body is complex and not fully understood. The role of spiritual warfare must be considered. And finally, there is the will of God, often an unfathomable mystery to us.

However, that doesn’t mean we are to sit there wringing our hands, moaning that there’s nothing we can do. Nor does it mean we are to passively watch, chalking it up to God’s will.

God’s will is for us to be whole. That’s the very meaning of the word ‘salvation.’ Jesus came to help restore us to that wholeness. He set an unmistakable example by healing. And he calls upon us to pray and ask for his help for ourselves and others.

Because not everyone is healed and because we don’t really know why, there’s a temptation to come up with explanations anyway. Some favorite scapegoats are lack of faith and sin. Either on the part of the person not healed or on the part of the person or people praying for that healing.

We suppose a lack of faith could be an impediment. We just haven’t seen it work that way. The threshold of “enough” faith remains elusive at best. We’ve read about atheists being healed. Even Jesus, “amazed” at the lack of faith of the people of Nazareth, his home town, still managed to heal “a few sick people.” (Mark 6:5)

Sin could also be an impediment in the same way it gets in the way of our relationship with God. Again, though, if sin completely prevented healing, then no one would be healed since we all sin to one degree or another. Where is the threshold?

Nor do we subscribe to the theory that sin always causes affliction. At least not directly. Sin can contribute, however. Being separated from God through sin can certainly prevent His healing from reaching us. And sin can give entry to evil spirits. There’s plenty of evidence that evil spirits can directly cause affliction. How do we know? The casting out of evil spirits often results in immediate, complete healing. We don’t believe that’s a coincidence. And even where evil spirits don’t cause the affliction, they are particularly good at making bad things worse.

In any case, we’re reminded of what Jesus told his disciples in John 9:2-3. The blind man’s affliction was caused by neither his own sin nor the sin of his parents. It was there “so the power of God could be seen in him.” That doesn’t mean God caused the

affliction, only that God will use the affliction to show His power and His love, for His glory.

Which brings us to another reason healing can be impeded: pride. That pride has two extremes. On the one hand, it can be the determination to use only drugs, surgery, or counseling to heal, ignoring God altogether. At the other end of the spectrum, pride can be the exclusive use of prayer, turning aside all other medical technologies available for healing. God has provided all these tools for our use. It’s foolish not to use all the gifts God makes available to us.

So what about the effectiveness of healing prayer? For the medicines we take, the surgeries we undergo, the counseling sessions we participate in, the success rate is never 100%. And with medicines, for example, we may not even know why they work. We only know that they seem to be effective in a large percentage of people and they seem to produce few if any side effects in most people. So we try them. Healing prayer should be the same. Whether it’s the laying on of hands (Mark 6:5) or anointing with oil (James 5:14), our advice is simple: just do it. We even pray for the selection of a doctor and for God's guidance of that doctor.

Just keep in mind the admonition we made in the section about prayers of supplication. We don't know how big the prayer bowl for a particular healing is, so we don't know how many prayers it will take to fill the bowl and release God's healing power. We must simply pray and continue to pray. There are just too many cases of people being healed after days, weeks, months, and even years of prayer. To stop praying because we're not satisfied or don't see the results we're hoping for shortchanges God and all He may be doing behind the scenes, out of the range of our discernment. Faith and obedience require us to continue to pray, doing our best to align ourselves with God's will at all times.

There are five steps we recommend:

1. Listen.

Listen to the person who wants to be healed and listen to the Holy Spirit. Any disparity between the two needs to be discussed and prayed over. There needs to be clear understanding of what you are praying to heal. For example, a person complaining about recurring migraine headaches may actually be suffering from a spiritual issue that’s causing emotional turmoil which prompts the migraines. Pray for discernment of and the healing of the spiritual issue.

2. Invite Jesus and ask for his healing.

He won’t push his way in. In his encounters in the Bible, he asked for confirmation first—what is it you want, do you want to be healed, etc. So invite him in, then ask for the

desired healing. It helps if you can picture the end result desired as already having happened.

3. Trust God.

This is where our faith is important, to trust that God will do what is best for everyone according to his will. That may not be the same as our preference. We need to be willing to accept that.

4. Seal the healing.

Most healing is gradual and progressive; some can be instant and complete. Regardless of what you see and sense, pray that whatever healing has taken place is sealed by God, so no backsliding occurs.

5. Give thanks.

Of course. That’s another constant that Jesus taught by word and example. Returning to the picture in your mind of the healing asked for will make it even easier to give thanks, even if that goal hasn’t yet been reached.

Healing prayer should be a vibrant part of every Christian’s life. As with intercession, not all of us may be gifted with the special ability to facilitate the healing that Jesus does. But gifted or not, each and

every one of us can pray for healing. God expects it and He’s made it clear He wants to help. (Isaiah 41: 13) All we need to do is

ask in prayer.


The Syllabus

A. We will start with an Introduction to the alphabets which constitute the Language of Jyotish.

B. Next we will deal with the Birth chart, its real world vision and mapping the skies to two dimensional images as the Chakra or Kundali.

C. Various traditions and its representations: The Brihaspati Chakra (Square) or the south Indian chart, Shukra chakra (Diamond) or the North Indian chart and the Surya chakra or the East Indian chart (wheel spoke) methods of drawing the birth chart.

D. Graha (Planet): Planets and its definition in Jyotish. Why are they called Grahas. Names of Grahas, the Navagraha and Sapta graha schemes and natural order; their nature; governances; signification; complexion; Deities; sex; compounds; caste; dhatu (Ayurvedic); description of graha; seasons; taste; strengths; dignities; their inter relationships, Aspects or sights of planets on various places in the chart (Graha dristhi).

E. Rashi (Sign): Definition and derivation of the name Rashi. Their Names, Nature, Description, Signification, Classification, Ruler ship of signs, limbs of the body, color of sign and its use, Aspects or sights of Rashi (Rashi dristhi).

F. Nakshtra: Names, Nature, Description, Signification, Classification of the 27/28 nakshtra.

G. Bhava (houses): Definition, Names, Nature, Description, Signification, Classification, reckoning, origin of houses, various house division schemes.

H. Karaka (Significators): definition; Bhava, Naisargika, Sthira and Chara Karakas. Their usage and importance.

I. Varga Kundali (Divisional charts): Definition of varga, various schemes of varga classifications, Harmonics, Calculation of Vargas, deities associated and their use in remedies.

J. Interpretation: Help for taking first steps towards predicting. Effects of Houses due to the planets placed in those houses and lord of the houses and it placement will be shown Various divisional charts will also be taken up for discussion.

K. Lagnas (Special ascendants): Lagna, Paka Lagna, Chandra lagna, Surya Lagna, Bhava lagna, Hora lagna, Ghatika lagna, Vighatika lagna, Varnada lagna.

L. Arudhas: The concept of Arudha explained.

M. Yoga: Various combinations culled from the classical Jyotish texts and their explanations.

N. Determination of Strength (Bala sadhan): Definition, Types of Bala, Vimshopaka bala, Shadbala.

O. Dasha: Introduction to Dashas: Explantions of various kinds of dashas and their use for timing various events.

P. Gochar (Transits): Effects of important transits.

Q. Panchanga: (Vedic Calendar): Almanacs Study. Explanation and use of the five

limbs of Panchanga, their relation to the five elements, Vara (weekday), Tithi (lunar day), Nakshatra (constellation), Yoga (addition of Moon and Sun) & Karana (Half a lunar day); concept, brief calculation, their duration, start and ending moments of tithi, yoga, nakshatra and karana; Sankranti, Entry of Moon and other planets into rashi & nakshtra; Standard time, time zones; time conversion (using ghati etc), Avakahada Chakra, Panchanga reading, Important festivals and there tithi; Daily rising and setting of planets.

R. Kaala chakra and Dig chakra: and determination of Rahu kaala etc, Upagraha & apraasha graha calculation, dagdha and sunya tithi; Ghatak, Rise of Gulika Kala during day & night in Ghatika. Yogas, Nakshatra & weekdays.

S. Mrityu bhagas of planets & rashi, Chandra Kriya, Chandra Vela, Chandra Avasthä Pindiyu, Gulika, Mandi, Pranpada calculation.

T. Longevity schemes: Introduction to the various schemes for calculating Longevity.

U. Arishta: Short life combinations, evils of the weak moon, danger to father, danger to mother, Gandanta and its effects, birth in twilight, etc. Bala aristha, Yoga aristha, Madhya ayus, Pürna ayus, Yoga ayus, Yuga ayus etc.

V. Arishta bhanga: Importance of strength Jupiter, Mercury, Venus and Lagna lord, sukla/krishna paksha birth in cancellation of the Aristha.

W. Exhaustive glossary of Jyotish terms.