Mapping the Workplace Genome

Post on 21-Apr-2017

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theWorkplace Genome™

A Culture Management Firm

WorkXO helps forward thinking leaders in growth oriented organizations activate and align their culture to attract the right talent, optimize performance, and unleash human


In our humble opinion…The world-of-work has no shortage of “shiny objects” that promise to be the next big thing in driving engagement, happiness, coolness, etc.

This isn’t one of them.

The Workplace Genome is a research-based, field-tested culture assessment and support program that turns your workplace culture into a growth engine.

Culture isAll the words, behaviors, actions, experiences, and tangible “stuff” that reinforce and clarify what’s truly valued in your organization. It’s how you work.*

A strong culture isOne that is aligned with what really drives the organization’s success and growth. It cannot be aligned if you don’t yet know what it is.

* By the way, “Employee Engagement” is a measure of how your people (employees, leaders, etc.) feel about how you work. It is not, however, a measure of how you work. The two – culture and employee engagement - complement one another.

The Workplace Genome measures – at a nuanced level – how your people experience work in each of these key cultural dynamics, and how you’re evolving toward the “future of work” under each of them...

Our assessment – based on feedback gathered from a 12 minute survey – comes with a rich set of data and digital discovery tools to help you start understanding how your organization (really) works.

Each of the 8 Culture Markers are broken into 8 individual Building Blocks; and each tells a story about how your people experience work. This is where you start to see patterns—and even contradictions—inside your culture.

Get nuanced insights on how key demographics are distinctly

experiencing your workplace; and uncover the intricacies of the sub-

cultures within it.

There’s SO MUCH we could be doing, but we cannot be all things to all people. We help you triage by identifying those things which

are most important to driving your success. And then we help you get

down to business with them.

The Platform includes analytical tools with which you can make targeted comparisons – on the fly -by pretty much any segment, section, or cross-section of your organization.

We measure the effectiveness of your Workplace Genome; through the Employee Net Promoter Score, we establish a benchmark for how your employees really feel about how you really work.

Mapping your Workplace Genome is a good start.But there is no ROI without action.

The Workplace Genome Activation Program is a 6-month program of support, including access to resources, templates, and live support to ensure you take meaningful action based on your Genome. The methodology, tools, and templates are rooted squarely in Agile Software Development principles.

• DECODE Establish project stewardship, and brief relevant groups on the Workplace Genome results. Then dig into the data, analyze success drivers, and run the Culture Priorities Workshop, leading to carefully constructed set of Culture Upgrade PRIORITIES.

• UPGRADE Use the Priorities from the Workshop to develop and prioritize a Culture Upgrade PLAYBOOK to start moving the needle. Your team will finish knowing exactly what to do next.

Just some of the great clients we’re working with…

Get started todayContact us about discovering your Workplace Genome, in order to align your culture and drive growth.
