March 2011 - KangGuru in Indonesia Bulletin

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News from KangGuru including the Australia Indonesia Youth Exchange Program, Journalists on Excahgne with ACICIS, Suryadi, Alumni of Australia and much more!


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Australia Indonesia Youth Exchange Program (AIYEP)In late February, 18 young Indonesians returned home to their towns in Indonesia after a

four month experience that they will never forget. Their adventures began with living and

working in Australia in November/December 2010. Then in January 2011 they returned to

Indonesia to experience life in South-east Sulawesi. They headed to Wangi Wangi, a

beachside community of Wakatobi. It was here that the 18 Australian participants of AIYEP

joined the program. Then after 4 weeks in

Wakatobi they all moved on to the city of Kendari.

During their time in Wakatobi and Kendari the 36

AIYEPs gave cross-cultural performances to

schools, worked with community groups, played

sport with local youth and set up language clubs.

Together they built strong people to people

relationships with the local people plus even

stronger relationships between themselves, AND

between Indonesia and Australia. AIYEP is in its 29th year – fantastic!

Journalists on Exchange


Have you ever thought about becoming a journalist? Journalism is a popular career choice both in

Indonesia and in Australia. In early 2011, journalism students from Australia and New Zealand

came to Indonesia in a program organised by the Australian Consortium for In-Country

Indonesian Studies (ACICIS). Students were placed with a range of local and international media

and development organisations including Tempo Weekly magazine, Metro TV, Radio Republik

Indonesia, The Jakarta Globe and The Jakarta Post. KGI interviewed two of the students,

Isabelle and Ben, in Jakarta. Hear what Isabelle and Ben had to say about journalism as a career,

and their experiences working in Indonesia, on KGI radio broadcats in March/April and through

KGI podcasts on the KGI website -



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Alumni of Australia

In late 2010 KGI met with two young Australian Alumni in Jayapura, Papua. Kevin sat down with

Natalis and Adel and did the very first Kang Guru video interview. Natalis and Adel talked about

their time in Australia studying at university and their cross-cultural experiences in the land

DownUnder. Both women have returned to Indonesia to put their new-found knowledge and

experiences to work for Indonesia’s continuing development. Both are Australian Development

Scholarship awardees. Who knows, maybe you could also study in Australia with an Australia

Indonesia Partnership scholarship. Start enquiring about the wide range of Australian scholar-

ships NOW! For example, GOOGLE Australian Development Scholarships on the Web. Perhaps

you would you like to see the KGI video interview of Natalis and Adel for yourself?



Can you see Suryadi amongst thisgroup of teachers in Oz?

S u r y a d i - working for the future!Kang Guru Indonesia first met Suryadi Ningrat in Madura

in 2005. As a keen young English teacher at Pondok

Pesantren Al Amien he set up an English language club

and joined the KGCC network of language clubs across

Indonesia. KGI soon visited his club and the relationship

really began. Suryadi went on to become actively involved

with many other AusAID education activities including

ISELP, LAPIS and ELTIS. In December 2010 he went to

Australia as a member of a LAPIS supported study tour

group visiting the University of the Sunshine Coast and

nearby schools in Queensland. Suryadi has been a Kang Guru Champion for 7 years. He

has a wonderful command of the English language. Suryadi is now developing a very

successful career in education. His dedication and genuine interest in teaching and in

helping others to become better teachers and more successful students is very strong.

Just like KGI’s other 6 Champions, Suryadi is highly motivated and enthusiastic about his

future. Find out more and be sure to check out KGI’s video interview

with Suryadi -

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He is well-known in Indonesia and easily recognised, especially by

football fans. Kevin interviewed IRFAN BACHDIM in Bandung in

February. Irfan talked about his football career, how he now wants

to live in Indonesia forever and how he feels about learning

languages. Irfan was born in The Netherlands. His father is

Indonesian and his mother is Dutch. He grew up learning Dutch and

English. Now, here in Indonesia he needs to start learning bahasa

Indonesia. Like many Indonesian students of English, Irfan is a little

shy about speaking Indonesian in case he makes mistakes. While living

in Malang and training for football he is also studying BI. KGI i

s sure

he will soon be a very confident user of bahasa Indonesia. You


listen to Irfan’s KGI interview on KGI radio across Indones

ia in

March/April 2011. KGI will soon have Irfan’s interview podcasts on the

KGI website. By the way, Irfan was the very first person in

Indonesia to receive a brand new KGI ‘Sabang to Merauke’ t-shirt.

Thanks Indonesia

Indonesian engineers, Dr. Maryono (Ministry of Public Works), Dr Abdi (University ofGadjah Mada) and Dr. Sudinda ( Agency for Disaster Management), recently spent 10days in Australia working in flood affected communities and at the GA offices inCanberra. GA is the Australian government’s leading agency for understanding natural

hazard risks. Indonesia also donated $1 million dollars to help victims of the floods.

The Australian Ambassador to Indonesia, Mr. Greg Moriarty said, “Indonesia’s contribu-

tion to the appeal and offers of assistance are a reflection of the close support we

provide for each other as friends and neighbours during times of natural disaster. Austra-

lia values and appreciates that relationship”.

The heavy rains and floods, and a major cyclone later in February, caused tragic loss oflife, and for thousands of Australians, their houses and businesses were severely affectedby the devastating floods in Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria.

Dr. Sudinda visiting a flood-affected house inBrisbane.

Would you like to win a new‘Sabang to Merauke’ t-shirt from KGI?Be sure to check KGI’s FANS Page on

Facebook during March.

Rocky McKenzie - who is

this young indigenous

Aussie? A clue - ‘Bran Neu

Dae’, a movie starring

Jessica Mauboy. Check

the KGI website for more

info and Rocky’s

interview podcast.

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Pronunciation problems: How do I say this?

English spelling can be very confusing. Sometimes teachers and learners are

unsure how to pronounce certain words. What can you do? If you know a

native English speaker then you can always ask them. You can also use the

phonemic chart and a good dictionary to help you. Once teachers are sure of

the pronunciation of certain words then they can use drilling to help their

students. Look at the KGI website for some tips on using drilling successfully

in the classroom -

The British Council has recently produced an online phonemic chart where

you can actually hear the sounds by clicking on the phonemic symbols.

Follow this link -

Teachers often ask Kang Guru for activities which will get their

students speaking. Speaking can be quite scary for many students.

Teachers need to encourage speaking in English as a natural part of

the classroom activities and not something special to ‘test’ them.

KGI has an activity that practices a grammar point in a ‘safe’ way

and encourages the students to be creative. Want to know more?

Follow this link to find out how to conduct the activity - in Yapen

Tips for



Have some fun with your students as they prepare to take exams.Before the exam taking season begins, give them some tips so theyrevise well. Give them this list and ask them to tick the boxes of thethings they SHOULD do. Find the correct answers on the KGI website� Study at the time you find you can do the most.� Don’t study for more than thirty to forty minutes at a time.� Watch television for an hour a day to make you forget revising.� Take regular breaks.� Don’t study late at night.� SMS or telephone your friends every hour with the latest gossip.� Relax before you sleep at night.� Watch movies till early morning to help you sleep.� Reward yourself with something nice after a day’s revision.� Only revise two or three days a week and spend two or three days at the mall.� Eat healthy meals rather than snacks at your desk.� Drink lots of coffee to keep you awake.

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You can learn a lot from KGI magazines

and the KGI website. For example, you

can learn how to improve your English or

learn about the people to people links

between Australians and Indonesians.

Here’s part of an email from Oka

Sudiana, a teacher from Nusa Penida.

He thanked KGI for all the years of stories

in Different Pond Different Fish.

‘I’d love to thank for the chance of correspondence in

magazines you’ve regularly sent to me. I do realize it’s

really helpful when last October I had my first international

journey to the most amazing country, Australia. I feel so

lucky to already know about things I read from DPDF.

I almost had no such cultural shock . Thanks KGI’

If you would like to read his email and find out more about

his trip then go to the Different Pond Different Fish (DPDF)

page on the KGI website.

An active MGMP

Remember the story about Pak Khairul from

Pasuruan and their very active MGMP? (See

KGI’s September 2010 bulletin). Here are a

few ideas for you to increase and sustain the

membership of your MGMP -

* Hold regular meetings/workshops.

* Have a committee which is elected every

six months/one year and encourage all

members to accept a role in the committee.

* If possible make your schedule well in advance

- perhaps make a bookmark with the dates

and nature of the activities on it. Teachers

can refer to it regularly and be prepared.

* Have a card made with each date printed on

it. As the members attend each event they

put a sticker/stamp on their card. At the end

of the year members who have collected all

the stickers/stamps can be entered into a

grand draw for a prize.

For more ideas go to this link on the KGI website


Do you have an English Club at yourschool/college/university? Are youunsure how to get started? What arethe benefits? Maybe KGI can help?Kang Guru believes a good English clubconsists of at least ten people who -· really want to improve their English· are prepared to meet regularly· belong to the club because they

want to, not because they have to· are keen to be active and helpfulmembers?

Do you think that sounds like you?Read more information on the KangGuru March 2011 bulletin webpage.

Kang Guru fan, Muhammad Adam

from Lhokseumawe, was recently

chosen to represent Indonesia on

the Indonesia English Language

Study Program (IELSP) at Ohio

University in The United States of

America. Please listen to, and

download, his interesting story

from the KGI podcast page.

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JOEYS 2011 Resolutions

Hi all my friends! Do you know what a resolution is? A resolution is a firm decision to do/not to

do something. In early 2011 the JOEYS came up with their own New Year’s Resolutions. The

resolutions were about wanting to change/plan to do some special things during 2011. BUT the

JOEYS need your help to achieve their resolutions this year. Can you help them?

Go to and try to help the JOEYS! Special prizes are waiting for you!

KGI’s Special 2011 Competition for SMP/SMA/SMKTopic: How do YOU use KGI magazines/bulletins/materials in your English-language classroom?

Length: Maximum 250 words - entries must be written/prepared by studentsAND their teacher. Work together, okay? Send entries by email to by the end of April 2011.Prize : Members of the KGI Team will vist your school in May, 2011 for a day of fun, games and prizes.

Dear SMP students from Sabang to Merauke!The JOEYS have some good news for you. We are going to have anew JOEYS page on the KGI website! If you are a junior highschool student and you want to be member on our new JOEYs page,please send an email to Ayu at KGI. Tell us all about yourself.DON’T forget to attach a nice picture of you.Send your email as soon as you can, okay?

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The longest word in the English language,

according to the Oxford English Dictionary is


It means a lung disease caused by silica dust.

Can you say the word?

Yoga (16 years old) from SMAN 1 Ngunut, EastJava is the most loyal member of KGI Facebook.

KGI : How did you know about KGI Fans Page?Yoga : From my teacher

KGI : How often do you check KGI Fans Page?Yoga : Every time!

KGI : How often do you write on the KGI wall in a day?Yoga : At least 6 times a day

Visit for the answer.

What is a Leap Year?

A leap year is a year in which

February has 29 days. A leap

year consists of 366 days.

Other years are called

common years and they have

365 days.

Leap years come once every

four years - 2008, 2012,

2016, 2020. Did you know

that the Olympic Games are

held during leap years?

Do you believe in SUPERSTITION?In Nepal, if two people are together, andone person sneezes as the other personstarts to leave, that means bad luck—something bad will happen. The personleaving must come back and stay for 4 or 5minutes longer to cancel the bad luck, andthen it’s okay to leave.In Italy, 10, 25, and 7 are considered lucky

numbers, and 13, 17, 90, and 48considered unlucky. Wednesday the 13thand Friday the 17th are unlucky days duringthe month. The number 90 is a scarynumber. But if someone dreams about adead person, and during the dream he/shetalks with this person, then tomorrow youshould play the lottery and choose thenumber 48.Do you have any interesting/funnysuperstitions from your area? Send an

email to before March 31st

and win a brand new 2011 KGI ‘Sabang toMerauke’ t-shirt.

'Quick Fix' with AyuEach of these sentences has a mistake. Can you spot the mistakes?

I listen on the radio everyday.

Do you believe at ghost?

The plan depends in the weather.

Look at this confusing verb + preposition below!

I am tired from doing meaningless grammar exercises. ‘of’

I’m interested at you. Interested in

You remind me about my father. Remind me of

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