March 2012 Tattler

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Newsletter of the Chilliwack Hospital Auxiliary


Coming Soon

Mar 12th

Mar. General Mtg – United Church

Mar 13th

Thrift Shoppe Anniversary

Mar 17th St. Patty’s Day

Mar 28th

Vendor’s Corner - CGHospital

Apr 2nd

Apr. General Mtg – United Church

Apr 8th


Apr 23 -25th

Conference – Prince George 10 members will be attending.

To help save the economy, the Government will announce next month that the Immigration Department will start deporting seniors (instead of illegals) in order to lower Social Security and medicare costs. Older people are easier to catch and will not remember how to get back home. I started to cry when I thought of you. Then it dawned on me... oh, crap... I'll see you on the bus!

May 10th

Auxiliary Day – Vendors corner – CGH

June5, 6,15th Bursary presentations June?? TBA Strawberry Tea

Chilliwack Hospital Auxiliary Tattler March 2012 Editor: Terry Grier

Ann Davis “Bread and Roses” Luncheon:

The “Bread and Roses” luncheon sponsored by the Ann Davis Society is held each

March so that local women’s groups can honour one of their hard working


During the year Noreen Grosart holds a 50/50 draw at our meetings, with

proceeds going towards purchasing tickets to the luncheon, to show support for

the chosen member. The names of those buying tickets throughout the year are

put into the draw and names are picked for the tickets purchased. In all fairness

to those participating in the 50/50 draw, the committee asks that if your name is

chosen and you are unable to attend, let the committee know and they will pick

an alternate name. The tickets are not to be exchanged between members and

tickets will be given to the person attending at the door the day of the luncheon.

The committee consisting of Dianne Van Den Brink, Lynne Larson, Jean

Northgraves, Phyllis Mammel and Noreen Grosart get together at the beginning of

the year and choose the name of a member who has worked extra hard for

several years. Most often the member has worked hard for over 20 years for the

Auxiliary.........nothing works fast in our little world. The committee at this time

pick names for the number of luncheon tickets purchased.

This year’s recipient for the Chilliwack Hospital Auxiliary honoured at the Ann

Davies luncheon on Mar 10th is none other than Alice Lackey. Alice is very active

in the auxiliary, working the Information Booth at the hospital, the Knitting Case

and also volunteering at the Thrift Shoppe. Alice can be seen knitting booties for

the knitting case when not busy at her other jobs, as well as sewing tea cosies at

home for sale at Dickens Sweets. Where does she get all that energy! The

auxiliary is proud to have you as a member and congratulates you on this

prestigious award. Alice was given the day off at the Shoppe to attend the


Chilliwack Hospital Auxiliary Tattler page 2

March 2012

Member instrumental in saving a life!

On a sadder note... from one of our Past Presidents – Bobbie Manning

From the straight to the

In the fall, one of our members Pat Chamberlin

was working on the Information Desk at the

hospital, when she noticed that a gentleman had

collapsed in the lobby. She quickly went to his aid,

elevating his head and making sure someone

stayed with him while she ran, yes, ran to the

emergency department and called Code Blue! She

returned with the nurses and paramedics to the

lobby and the life of this gentleman was saved.

Pat is very nonchalant in her tale, saying that she

only did what she was trained to do, but was quick

to point out that she found out that even at her

age she could still run! Way to go Pat!

Dear Family and Friends I'm sure by my subject line you will realize that Arnie has passed away - very early Friday morning. He was in hospital since Monday and was to come home Friday. His oxygen needs had increased to 10 - 12 L/min which meant I had to get another machine as 2 are needed for that high a flow. It would be delivered Friday morning and then he could come home. He died about 1 am and I have been assured, he did not suffer. The last 2 years (since his serious car accident) have been increasingly difficult for him - his frustrations and struggles with his pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema and his increasing limitations because of it as well as the frustrations of early Alzheimer's, but he never lost his sense of humor. He loved living in Penticton and having our sons close - Al often came over at lunch time and they played crib or Doug would phone and say he had a short job in Oliver or Princeton or ?, and Arnie would go along for the ride; we have terrific neighbours and found a wonderful doctor and he was grateful for all those things. We have a wonderful family and I have lots of support. Love, Bobbie

Our prayers and thoughts are with you and your family Bobbie!

COCONUT PINEAPPLE TARTS ½ cup sugar 3 tbsp. Flour 1 cup corn syrup 1 cup coconut 1-6oz can crushed pineapple (undrained) 3 eggs-beaten 1 tsp. Vanilla Mix all ingredients well. Fill tart shells 2/3rd full, drizzle with 1/4 cup of melted marg or butter. Bake at 350 for 15-20 minutes.

Thank-you Patty for your

delicious recipe!

CHA Thrift Shoppe:

Come by the Thrift Shoppe on

Tuesday March 13th and help

celebrate our anniversary. Come see

the changes, enjoy a cup of coffee

and cookies, and check out the great

deals happening! Hope to see you


Chilliwack Hospital Auxiliary Tattler page 3

March 2012

Appreciation Tea: February 17th, 2012

An appreciation tea was held for the auxiliary by Psychiatry and Cedar Ridge at

Parkholm, for our contribution to be used for large sized puzzles, games, etc for

people with limited mobility and patients needing one on one cognitive therapy.

They also wanted to buy two new bingo games for these patients. The auxiliary

was presented an engraved plaque which is now on display at the Thrift Shoppe.

Linda Pelletier, Donna Goodey

Stan Kuperis, Karen Houlden

Jean Northgraves, Rita Brown

Joan Richardson

Donna Goodey, Alice Lackey,

Joan Dixon

Karen Houlden, Mary Barclay

Rita Elliott, Joyce Reid Jean Stohrer, Mary Deruyter

Chilliwack Hospital Auxiliary Tattler page 4

March 2012

Greetings from your new president!

I would like to introduce myself to everyone. Most of

you have seen me at meetings and events but since I

have only been with the auxiliary since Nov. 2010 you’re

probably wondering what makes this person tick.

I retired in 2003 from a 30 your career with BC Tel /

Telus and I take criticism very well, so if any of you have constructive pointers

I will be happy to add these to my growing knowledge of our association.

I have 1 son and 2 daughters, 6 grandchildren and 1 great grandson who just

turned three.

I belong to a fun Red Hat group and still love dressing up in red hats and

purple clothes and acting silly. I also make teddy bears and other crafts but

draw the line at knitting. Believe me; you would not want anything I’ve

knitted going into your knitting case!

There is not a lot in life that I haven’t tried...skydiving, up in a balloon (which

crashed twice), several river rafting trips, flying over Vancouver in an open

cockpit bi-plane with a snoopy scarf on, cruising around the mountains in

Hope in a glider, fling to Reno in a 2 seater plane.

Yes, I have done these bucket list things but taking on the President’s role is

scarier. My vision for the future is to increase our membership. The key to

success in our organization is enlisting more volunteers to take on added

roles of fundraising for the community.

I hope I can live up to your expectations. Donna is leaving some big shoes to

fill but with everyone’s help I might be able to manage these next 2 years. I

am really looking forward to the task at hand and please feel free to

approach me about any issues that concern you.


Karen Houlden

Get out of the car!

An elderly Florid lady did her shopping and upon returning to her car found

four males in the act of leaving with her vehicle.

She dropped her shopping bags and

drew her handgun, proceeding to

scream at the top of her lungs, “I

have a gun and I know how to use it!

Get out of the car!” The four men

didn’t wait for a second threat. They

got out and ran like mad. The lady,

somewhat shaken, then proceeded

to load her shopping bags into the

back of the car and got into the

driver’s seat. She was so shaken that

she could not get her key into the

ignition. She tried and tried, and then

she realized why. It was for the same

reason she had wondered why there

was a football, a Frisbee and two 12

packs of beer in the front seat. A few

minutes later, she found her own car

parked four or five spaces further

down. She loaded her bags into the

car and drove to the police station to

report her mistake. The sergeant to

whom she told the story couldn’t

stop laughing. He pointed to the

other end of the counter, where four

pale men were reporting a car-

jacking by a mad elderly woman

described as white, less than five feet

tall, glasses, curly white hair and

carrying a large handgun. No charges

were filed.

Moral of the story...

If you’re going to have a senior

moment... make it memorable!

Strawberry Tea:

Due to our Centennial Celebration

last year, our Strawberry Tea was

cancelled, but it is in the works again

for this coming June. Signup sheets

will be distributed at the meeting and

your help is greatly appreciated. And

yes ladies start thinking about baking

goods for the event.

This is such an important event, to

show the community our thanks for

their generous support throughout

the year, to show our

accomplishments and to have a good

time as well!

Chilliwack Hospital Auxiliary Tattlerpage 5 March 2012

2012 AGM and Installations:

February 13th at Canton Gardens, the AGM and installation of the new executive

was followed by a great lunch. It was a great time to meet and chat with other

members, some obviously having a good laugh at something said!

Lynne Larsen, Phyllis Mammel Madge Gemmel, Carmen Easton Terry Sacco

Keitha Phillips, Verna Ledoux,

Rita Brown

Gwen Goodey, Alice Lackey,

Madge Gemmel

Patty Meger, Mary Barclay Rita Elliott, Mary Deruyter

Karen Houlden, Joan Dixon Carmen Easton

Chilliwack Hospital Auxiliary Tattler page 6

March 2012

2012 AGM and Installations: cont’d Christine O’Sullivan, Area Rep, assisted by Carmen Easton presided over the installation of the new executive.

Message from Membership convenor:

Membership fees are now overdue;

please pay your dues as you are not

covered by the insurance at your

place of work until the dues are paid!

Policy & Procedures Manual was

included in your AGM envelope.

Please read it, especially the sections

pertaining to the areas that you

work, so that you are familiar with

the job description and what is

expected of you. Even if you have

been working that job for a long

time, it does not hurt to know the

dos and don’ts of the job, as things

do change over time.

Bylaws were also included in the

AGM envelope for your reference.

Please familiarize yourself with the


This is my wish for you: Comfort – on difficult days Smiles – when sadness intrudes Rainbows – to follow the clouds Laughter – to kiss your lips Hugs – when spirits sag Sunsets – to warm your heart Friendship – to brighten your being Beauty – for your eyes to see Faith – so that you can believe Confidence – for when you doubt Patience – to accept the truth Courage – to know yourself Love – to complete your life

Christine O’Sullivan (Area Rep), Donna Goodey, Karen Houlden,

Mary Turner, Bernice Gowe, Terry Sacco.

Karen Houlden (President), Mary Turner (Vice President), Bernice Gowe (Treasurer), Terry Sacco


Joan Dixon, Donna Goodey, Karen Houlden, Mary Turner, Bernice

Gowe, Terry Sacco, Carmen Easton, Mary Barclay.

Mary Turner, Karen Houlden, Donna Goodey.

Karen Houlden & Mary Turner present small gift to outgoing

President, Donna Goodey, & Vice-President, Joan Dixon.

Karen Houlden with gavel which she intends on not using. Instead she will use the silent treatment to get everyone’s attention. Good luck!

Donna Goodey with words of encouragement.

Mary Turner & Karen Houlden....yes I will be taking lots of pictures...get

used to it!