March 2015 - Preferred Meals month we celebrate the birthday of author Dr. Seuss! Dr. Seuss was born...

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Did You Know? Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

Your Source For School Lunch News!March2015

What’s yourfavoriteschoolbreakfast?Write us

Please write “Favorite Breakfast” insubject line.The best answers will be fea-

tured in a future issue! Be sure to include your name, school,

school address,teachers name and grade.

Parents: See your menu online with nutritionalinformation at

EAT YOUR BREAKFAST! Studies indicate that students who eat school breakfast increase their math and reading scores and improve their cogni-tive speed and memory, according to the Food Research and Action Center. However, fewer than half of the children that receive lunch at school also receive breakfast. To build awareness among students and par-ents in the

School Breakfast Program, schools are recognizing National School Breakfast Week March 2-6, 2015. Healthy school breakfasts can be a life-saver for busy parents too. “It’s a race for any family to get their kids ready, fed and out the door in time for school,” said Erica Wienandy, Registered Dietician at Preferred Meals. “Knowing that their children can eat a healthy breakfast at school can be a huge relief for par-ents.”

The 2015 theme, “Make the Grade with School Breakfast,” is a week-

long celebration highlighting how eating a nutritious breakfast helps students achieve success in the

classroom and beyond!

This month we celebrate the birthday of author Dr. Seuss! Dr. Seuss was born Theodor Geisel in Spring-field, Massachusetts on March 2, 1904. After attend-ing college, he began a career in advertising. His

advertising cartoons, featuring Quick, Henry, the Flit!, appeared in several leading Ameri-can magazines.Dr. Seuss’s first chil-dren’s book, And To Think That I Saw It On Mulberry Street, hit the market in 1937, and

the world of children’s literature was changed forever! Brilliant, playful, and always respectful of children, Dr. Seuss would charm his way into the consciousness of four generations of youngsters and parents. In the process, he helped kids learn to read.Winner of the Pulitzer Prize in 1984 and three Acad-

emy Awards, Seuss was the author and illustrator of 44 children’s books, some of which have been made into audiocassettes, animated television specials, and videos for children of all ages. Even after his death in 1991, Dr. Seuss continues to be the best-selling author of children’s books in the world.

Dr. Seuss

By Erica Weinandy, RD, LDN Preferred Meals

make smart choices about food that will keep you healthy and strong so you can have enough energy to pay attention at school and play outside with your friends!

Make breakfast a must! Eating breakfast is a great way to make sure you have the energy to start your day. If it’s not available at school, try having oatmeal with dried raisins or plain yogurt mixed with fresh or frozen berries and a slice of whole grain bread for breakfast. Add more fruits and vegetables to your lunch routine. This school year, we have added more whole fruits like oranges, pears, bananas and apples to choose from. There are also more fresh veg-etables available like salads, baby carrots and celery or broccoli on the menu every week. Fruits and vegetables are a great way to add a mixture of flavor and texture to your lunch routine and they also have lots of vitamins, minerals and fiber in them! Yum! If you’re on the run, think ahead about

grab-and-go foods for a quick snack or meal. Plan to bring a water bottle with you instead of stopping for a soda pop. Limit eating foods that use the words “batter or pan fried,” “buttered,” “crispy,” or “breaded.” These words can mean more fat and calories are in this food. Instead, stick with foods that use words like “baked,” “steamed,” “broiled,” or “grilled.” Also, try to limit adding sauces like mayonnaise or cheese and look for sandwiches that are made with a tortilla for a lighter, healthier choice.

What we eat each day can have long term effects on our health. That is why it is so important to make sure that you strive for a healthy eating pattern. All you need to do is eat more foods that include whole grains (like oatmeal or whole wheat pasta), increase the amount of fruits and vegetables you eat and make sure you drink one cup of milk three times a day. Remember “Make the Grade with School Breakfast” and you’ll be a healthi-er, happier you!

Every day, we make choices about food. The types of food we choose to eat can be a reflection of what we eat regularly at home, what we feel like eating or what is available at the time. Other things like religion, culture, ethnic traditions, or even health concerns may influence the types of food we eat. Think about some of the choices you made today. Did you have breakfast and lunch? Did you eat all of it? Did you drink milk with either one of these meals?

This month I invite you to continue to practice your healthy eating and cele-brate National Nutrition Month® with me. This year’s theme is “Make the Grade with School Breakfast!” Sometimes it can be a challenge to eat healthy foods be-cause we lead such busy lives. Here are few reminders of how you can continue to

Can you say the tounge twister below! Try saying it as fast as possible 3 times or so!

Irish WristwatchIrish Wristwatch Irish Wristwatch

Were you able to do it! Now ask your family and friends if they can get through it