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Share the Journey


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Aldersga A significant place where disciples are made

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Thine Be The Glory… Thine be the glory, risen, conquering Son;

Endless is the victory, thou o’er death hast won; Angels in bright raiment rolled the stone away,

Kept the folded grave clothes where thy body lay. (Refrain) Thine be the glory, risen, conquering Son,

Endless is the victory, thou o’er death hast won. Thine Be the Glory - Lyrics by Edmund L. Budry - Music from Harmonia Sacra (from songsandhymns.org)

"Conquering Son" is not a name used often for Jesus, but it is a fitting title for the One whose resurrection Christians celebrate each Sunday, and not just on Easter day. Stanza 3 asks that this conquering hero will also help us fight. Fight our greatest enemy—death. Death is here compared to the Jordan River, which the ancient Israelites in their 40 years of wandering in the wilderness had to cross before they could finally settle in the Promised Land.

The Apostle Paul promises that victory over this final enemy is assured for those who belong to Christ: The last enemy to be destroyed is death—death has been swallowed up! Thanks be to God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ! (1 Corinthians 15)

That is good and great news for those of us who have buried believing loved ones, especially those, who like this writer, have buried them while they were still young. It is also grand news as we face our own death—our personal walk through Jordan.

But, the same power that will enable us to conquer death in the future is available to help us conquer another enemy: Sin.

We do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have One (Jesus) who has been tempted in every way just as we are, yet without sin. (Hebrews 4:15)

Are you today fighting a particular sin, or a temptation to sin? If so, do the following:

Discover what the Word says about that particular sin. Write the text on a "sticky note" and post it on the fridge, a mirror or the dashboard in your car.

Enlist the help of a trusted Christian brother or sister. Talk about your temptation. Pray about it and—are you ready for this?—even laugh together. C.S. Lewis said, "One thing the devil cannot stand is to be laughed at!"

Most importantly, talk to the High Priest, the Lord Jesus Christ, about it: "Have we trials and temptations? Take it to the Lord in prayer."

Thine be the glory, risen, conquering Son. Endless is the victory, thou o’er death hast won.

From my family to yours, Happy Easter! Pastor Chris


Share the Journey 2 March 2016

Admission is FREE - but donations will be gratefully accepted. The show is approximately an hour long & suitable for ALL ages!

Come and support our youth!


Aldersgate Youth Musical “Angels” Program

In the theatre, people that provide financial support to help underwrite the cost of doing a

show are called “Angels.” If you would like to become an Aldersgate Youth Musical “Angel,”

please fill out the form below with a check made payable to Aldersgate UMC with Youth

Musical in the subject line. All contributions are tax deductible. Forms and checks should be

given to Janet Atwater, placed in her box in the Hub, or mailed to her at:

Janet Atwater

2 Cossart Manor Road, Chadds Ford, PA 19317



Aldersgate Youth Musical “Angels” Program

Name: _______________________________________________

Address: _____________________________________________

Amount Donated: [ ] $25 [ ] $50 [ ] $100 [ ] $250 [ ] Other ____

May we list your name in the program as an “Angel”? [ ] YES [ ] NO

Presented by the

Aldersgate Youth Players

Performances in the Sanctuary:

Friday, March 4th at 7 p.m.

Saturday, March 5th at 2 p.m.

Sunday, March 6th at 2 p.m.

Share the Journey 3 March 2016

Sharon Jennelly, Director of Aldersgate

Preschool & Children’s Ministry

302.478.2575 ext.118


FALL REGISTRATIONS We are accepting fall registrations at this time. Please contact Sharon Jennelly, Director/Early Childhood Administrator, for a tour of this fabulous preschool for your family.

Check out www.aldersgatede.org , children, Aldersgate Preschool for all the details!

HAPPY TO HELP...POLISH YOUR SILVER Reminder: Rummage Sale Silver Polishing Service is available. If you have tarnished silver to donate to the Rummage Sale and do not have time to polish it, Laura Parrish is volunteering to do that for you. Call her at 302-477-1718 to arrange for pick-up or delivery before Easter. The sooner you get your silver to her, the better. (She cannot accept silver after Easter as she will then be busy pricing baskets.)


Our Aldersgate Boy Scout Troop volunteered to manage snow removal and lawn care at the Mann's home in Chalfonte.

The troop is led by John Walker and this project is coordinated by Vicki Hughes. The boys had their first job on January 23/24 following the major snow storm that dumped 16 to 20 inches.

The snow was removed in the expected great scouting fashion — timely and thorough. Becki was very please with the coordination and job well done.

—Board of Trustees

TRIP TO BARRATT’S CHAPEL There will be a trip down to Barratt’s Chapel on Saturday, March 12. Normally, this is a trip that is just open to confirmands and their mentors, but due to scheduling issues, we’re opening this year’s trip to all of Aldersgate.

We’ll leave the church parking lot at 8:30 a.m. on March 12. Barratt’s Chapel is the birthplace of the Methodist Church in North America and it’s in Delaware!

We’ll be back later that afternoon. If you’re interested in more details or in attending this event, please contact Adam West at adam.west@aldersgatede.org


March 19, 2016

11 a.m.

Join us for a fun Saturday morning with an egg hunt beginning at 11 a.m. on the playground (or in the church if raining) then to the Auditorium for games, crafts, Easter Bunny and snack till noon!

Great for families with children 10 years old and younger.

This event is an opportunity to share Aldersgate’sfellowship with the community, so bring a friend and your own Easter basket to collect the eggs!

RSVP: To register the family for this event, visit the church office, or call(302) 478-2575x118, or email sharon.jennelly@aldersgatede.org and let us know how you can volunteer to help and/or how many children and ages of the children attending by Saturday, March 12.




Share the Journey 4 March 2016


By Dorothy Whiteman, Finance Chair

I’ll start by thanking Brett Landis for his service as our Finance Chair. He handed me the reins a few weeks ago, along with a flash drive full of files. He accomplished quite a bit as our Finance Chair and I will do my best to continue his excellent work. His voice also has an eerie similarity to the voice in Taber Smith’s head, for those at the Contemporary Service on Feb 7. I look forward to working with the following 2016 “Officio” Finance Committee members: Matt Anderson, Preston Cooper, Janeen Ernst, Bill Holloway, Brett Landis, Dennis Snyder and Ferris Wharton.

The storm in January had an impact on our contributions. We had total contributions of $65,000, against our monthly budgeted amount of $68,000. In January of 2015, we had total contributions of $78,000. Net income for January was $37,000, compared to prior year net income of $35,000.

To reiterate Brett’s data from the prior month regarding our stewardship campaign in 2015, we are well ahead of our prior year pledges. For 2015, we had 195 members pledge, of whom 58 met and 60 exceeded their total pledge. For 2016, we have 240, and still counting, who have made a pledge for the year. Thank you! Your willingness to commit to a pledge to the church helps us run our finances more smoothly. It enables us to budget more generously for our programs as well as provide assurance that we can meet our expenses in a timely fashion.

If you haven’t pledged for 2016, it’s never too late. Reach out to John Prince at john.prince@aldersgatede.org or drop your pledge card to him at the church. As always, your pledges and contributions remain completely confidential. Finally, please consider making a contribution for the Sunday we all missed, as thankfully, our programs and outreach continue no matter the weather.

Let’s hope that Punxsutawney Phil is right and we can expect an early spring. While Pastor Chris loves the snow, I know he joins us in hoping we won’t have to cancel church due to another blizzard!

Aldersgate is a significant place where disciples are made.


March 13 (2nd Sunday at 11 a.m.) Mike & BJ Houser Dennis & Marybeth Snyder Bill & Pat Culliton

April 10 (2nd Sunday at 11 a.m.) Lynn Van Tine Betty Lu Ireland Kirk & Sandy Anderson Martin & Jane Wagner

May 15 (3rd Sunday, one worship service at 10 a.m.) FYI…We are asking for 3 servers from the 9 a.m. schedule and 3 from the 11 a.m. schedule to accommodate the unified worship service.

Dear Aldersgate Family,

Given Aldersgate’s history of outreach with everything from casseroles and visitation to using the church as a refuge, I would like to make an outreach to those serving in the military. A phone call would query families of those serving from Aldersgate to inquire whether the church might offer some assistance as well as ask permission to publish some information about the military service being rendered in a column called “A Star and A Stripe.”

—Dr. Owen Lugar

Share the Journey 5 March 2016


Each plant is $12.00 Completed forms and checks can be placed in MAILBOX #10 in the HUB!

For accounting purposes, please enclose payment & order form in a pew envelope/regular envelope separate from your offering. Thank you.

Name: ___________________________________ Phone: __________________

# of Plants: _____ Total Amount Enclosed: ($12/plant): ___________________


Plant #1: Please Circle: In “Memory of” or In “Honor of”



Plant #2: Please Circle: In “Memory of” or In “Honor of”



Plant #3: Please Circle: In “Memory of” or In “Honor of”



Plant #4: Please Circle: In “Memory of” or In “Honor of”


Share the Journey 6 March 2016

ALDERSGATE UMM’S MARCH MEETING Tuesday, March 15 — Fellowship Hall

11:45 a.m.

The speaker for the United Methodist Men's March meeting will be Sister Julie McCole, Program Director of Emmanuel Dining Room. She has been serving in this position for seven months. She previously was the Director of Anne's Place, a hospitality place for the poor in Chester, PA. Sister Julie says she sees each guest that comes to the dining room as her brother or sister and often catches a glimpse of the Face of Christ among the people she sees. The subject of her talk is "The Face of Christ Among God's Poor."

Aldersgate has aided Emmanuel Dining Room for many years by supplying food and workers on the 16th of every month.

Guests are welcome to attend any UMM meetings. If you are not on the contact list, please sign up in the Hub and indicate your choice of sub (turkey, roast beef, Italian or ham).

If you have questions, please contact one of the UMM coordinators, Bob Hawkins, Bob Bodwell or George McKeown at UMM@aldersgatede.org





Celebrate with your Aldersgate Family on Sunday, April 24, by participating in an outdoor project to give a little help to our corner of God’s Creation. Join in one hour projects after the 9 a.m. services and after the 11 a.m. service.

All ages welcomed, but under 14 years must be supervised by an adult.

Choose from:

Trash pickup around the church grounds

Spring cleanup in the courtyard

Litter pickup along the route of the 5K

There’ll be group leaders for each of the 6 sessions. Trash bags will be furnished. Dress for the job and the weather. Bring garden gloves and hand tools--some plastic gloves will be available.

Raindate? Same drill the following Sunday, May 1.

SNACKS provided by John Jennelly! Sponsored by your Caring for Creation Team In collaboration with the 5K Team


We asked our local expert water conservationist, 5-year-old Aldersgate Preschooler, Juliette, some questions about water.

She was sure I knew that she “doesn’t just let the water run while washing her hands or brushing her teeth!” So waste-ful! She did admit she some-times can forget but will remind her parents to turn off the water, especially at her grandparents’ house. There are places she can’t reach the faucet but plans to remind others to use the water carefully.

Our children already know how to take care of God’s creation!

— Sharon Jennelly, Director, Aldersgate Preschool and Children’s Ministry


Chili & Chocolate Cook-off Social VI ended January with a bang when 150 people packed the Auditorium to dine on 20 chili and 20 chocolate entries! The high quality of food, fun, and entertainment validated the event’s highest-ever attendance.

Grand Prize Winners were Hannah Dunlap & Becki Hayman for White Chocolate Raspberry Cheesecake Chocolate Crust, and Ethan Dunlap for Buffalo Chicken Chili.

THANK YOU to all our chefs and our set-up helpers, and Head Chili Beans: Jeff Walters, Kristin Lefebvre, and John Jennelly.

Save The Date: Saturday, January 29, 2017, 5 p.m. for Chili & Chocolate Cook-off Social VII … which will have another new, secret wrinkle! A huge THANK YOU to Jeff Walters for organizing this fabulous event!!!

Share the Journey 7 March 2016


By Bob Reis, Trustee

Our projects continue as they are very necessary in an aging building. We are work-ing on improvements to the Ladies Room in the mid-hall on the first floor classroom side. This has not been a quick turnaround due to the significant plumbing changes that have to be made. But, we are hopeful of seeing progress this summer when school is out. Our Loading Dock railing is in need of repair. At present, it creates no hazard unless one tries to swing on it. If we all refrain from taking such a ride, we should be fine until Royal can investigate and have a more substantial gate installed.

Our largest upcoming project is replacement of the windows in the office wing on the second floor. Since Sharon, Betty and John have resorted to keeping coats on or using space heaters to occupy their offices, and they get rain inside when the wind blows during a storm, we are looking to replace the windows in that area soon.

If you noticed leaks just after the recent heavy snow, they were not from our newly renovated roof. It seems that when the building was designed and built, the planners did not foresee snows that large. When we go over 14 inches some of the vents get buried and the melting snow drips inside. Since it happens so seldom, and nets no real damage, any fix would not be worth the significant cost.

When looking at our physical plant and campus did you know?

The billboard near Concord Pike and between us and Ponte’s is on Aldersgate property. The advertising company pays a monthly rental for use of the land. We do have limited right of approval for the signs that go up. While the advertiser is responsible and very easy to work with, we have vetoed one message advertising liquor in the past.

Our recent snow cost about $3,000 to remove. We pay by the inch of accumulated snow within ranges. This snowfall landed between 12 and 16 inches. The good news is we have received excellent priority service from the vendor and the State of Delaware reimburses us one quarter of our parking lot maintenance costs annually because the lot is available for Park and Ride commuters.

All of us can help in assuring we have a worship space and ministry home that is well kept and adds to our faith community. Here are some ideas on how:

Use the Park and Ride if feasible and talk it up among neighbors. We want to keep the relationship we now have and the reimbursement helps.

Have a rake and/or snow shovel? Becki Hayman, Grounds Chair, will be looking for willing volunteers this spring to spread mulch. We did not do so last year and this year we need to add to what we have done in the past. While a truckload of mulch seems like a mountainous challenge, with a dozen or two of us working and visiting, and drinking coffee it goes quickly.

Aldersgate now has a Capital Reserve Fund and it is open for donations. Remember folks, you heard it here first. If there is an improvement you think we need and want to start the ball rolling to fund that project, or just want to see Aldersgate maintain excellent facilities, see Don Moore or any Trustee. We have a substantial Handicap Ramp and were able to complete the last two sections of main roof repair because members of the family stepped up. Benches in the Labyrinth and near the glass doors were also the result of gifts. It doesn’t have to be large. Any gift for the Church’s improvement can be included and will grow.

Each month, milestone anniversaries are listed as well as all those over 50 years. While we can all benefit from knowing that marriages truly can exist for more than 5 decades, we want to recognize those milestone years

(i.e. 5, 10 15, 20 ) for all. Congratulations!

Kent & Karen Allaway — 20 years on March 23

If you are not sure we have your anniversary and would like it to be included in the future, please contact Betty Moore (302-478-2575 ext. 117) or betty.moore@aldersgatede.org. All additions or corrections are gratefully accepted to keep our records up to date.

Share the Journey 8 March 2016


By Pam Wright

There are several upcoming church events scheduled. The first is the Rummage Sale on Saturday, April 2. If you are new to Aldersgate you may not know that you are needed! Collection of donations is ongoing monthly during the year, but volunteers are needed from Monday, March 28 to Wednesday, March 30 at the Rainbow Room door to receive additional donated items. Monday and Tuesday, March 28 & 29 volunteers accept donations from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. The final day for donations is Wednesday, March 30 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. To learn more and offer your services, contact Mary Jane Prince: maryjaneprince@verizon.net

The 3rd Annual 5k Glow Run/Walk is Friday evening, May 6 at 5:30 p.m. Volunteers (non-runners/walkers) are needed at various street corners to assist runners as well as in other areas during the event. Community sponsors are also needed. Their company names are heavily publicized on t-shirts, mailings and flyers. If you or your company can be a sponsor contact: Jamie & Becki Hayman: becki@haymancreative.com

A new event is in the planning stage. Save the date, Saturday, April 30 beginning at 7 p.m. The Phillies will host the United Choirs of Brandywine (which includes Aldersgate’s choir) singing our National Anthem at the opening of the game. We are honored to be included in this tribute to Jeff Manns. Want to help? Contact: Jeff Walters.

Have an event idea? Bring it to our committee. We are here to bring your event to fruition and to increase our mission budget. Contact: Pam Wright. kywpcw@msn.com

The Fun(d) Raising Committee is composed of those who sponsor events that support our Church’s mission. Fifty percent of all profits from events go into our church mission budget. In addition, a portion of those dollars support our youth in mission. The remaining monies are placed in Aldersgate’s Capital Budget.


Saturday, April 30 at 7 p.m.

Join our choirs and other local singers to perform the National Anthem on the field at Citizens Bank Park, in honor of Jeff Manns. Performing is open to adults and youth grades 6 and above. David Lockart will conduct. Rehearsals will be in April. Optional charter bus will be available.

Everyone can buy game tickets directly at www.phillies.com/brandywine

If you’re interested in singing and not a choir member, contact Jeff Walters at unitedchoirsofthebrandywine @gmail.com

ALDERSGATE 3RD ANNUAL 5K GLOW RUN/WALK JOIN US! Friday, May 6, 2016 Race registration opens 5:30 p.m. 5K start time 7 p.m. POST RACE GLOW PARTY! Keep your light shining and cape flapping while dancing, noshing and being awarded! REGISTER NOW ONLINE! www.fusionracetiming.com LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE ON WILMINGTON! Event proceeds help to benefit local Christian based non-profit organizations supported by the Aldersgate U.M.C. Missions Team.


According to a recent study, people who engaged in daily moderate

exercise, such as a brisk walk, experienced anti-aging benefits that

could add an additional three to seven years to your life!

Share the Journey 9 March 2016


By Adam West, Director of Student Ministry

The Soup-Er Bowl canned food drive that Aldersgate had for Neighborhood House really motivated the Student Ministry. Our students wanted to figure out how to help make an impact in our community throughout the year. The idea that many of the shelves will be empty outside of the major holidays really caused our students to think about how they might be able to make them full.

After seeing how bringing in a few cans can benefit others, our Sunday School classes will begin to bring in canned goods to donate to Neighborhood House on the first Sunday of the month. Our students are always looking for ways to help make Wilmington and the world a better place through small actions.

This idea fits perfectly into the season of Lent. We’re thankful for Aldersgate for putting the idea of canned goods going to Neighborhood House in our heads. The Student Ministry would love it if your Sunday School class came up with some small actions that can help make our world a little better as well.


UMW SPRING PROGRAM — MIME THROUGH THE AGES Sunday, April 17 at 3 – 5 p.m. in the Auditorium

All women are invited to the Aldersgate UMW Spring Program on Sunday, April 17 from 3 – 5p.m. We will enjoy tea sandwiches, cookies and a wonderful program appropriate for all ages. Our program will be “Mime Through the Ages”. We will learn the history of the silent actor from ancient times through Commedia dell’arte, the French mime tradition, Marcel Marceau, and the familiar street mime, during a colorful slide show. After a short pantomime performance by Nancy Lynch, a veteran stage director, theatre educator and performer, we will have the opportunity to enjoy active mime games and learn some pantomime illusions.

Advance registration and payment can be made in the Auditorium after all services on Sunday, April 3 and Sunday, April 10. Tickets are $2 for girls and $4 for women. Childcare will be available, but only if requested when registering in advance.

As the Spring Mission project, we will be collecting disposable diapers, size 2 through 4, or a container of baby wipes to be donated to Neighborhood House. Please join us for a wonderful afternoon in fellowship.


Butter cream, peanut butter, coconut cream, and chocolate pecan Easter Eggs will be available after all church services on March 13 and 20 (the two Sundays before Easter). Price is $8 for a half-pound egg made with lots of love (we won’t mention the sugar). Proceeds from egg sales support UMW’s missions for women and children. Pre-orders will be accepted (but are NOT required) at http://eeumw.wufoo.com/forms/umw-easter-egg-preorder


Aldersgate tackled hunger and filled the food pantry at Southbridge Neighborhood House. THANK YOU to everyone who supported Hannah Circle’s Soup-er Bowl food drive. Look what was collected:

Final Score 1,022 Cans of Soup 63 Cans of Beans

57 Cans of Vegetables 65 Other Food Items

Total: 1,207

Nancy Lynch


“Mime Through

the Ages”

Share the Journey 10 March 2016


By Martha Weldin

The GO Team is happy to announce that Aldersgate has entered into a Covenant Partnership with Rev. Jonathan and Donna Baker to support their work in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

Jonathan and Donna are in the Congo right now! You can follow them at these websites:




If you do not use the internet, you can call Martha Weldin at 302-656-8901, and I can send hard copy information to your postal address. Please ask! At a minimum I can make sure you get copies of their newsletters.

An important date to remember is June 12, 2016, when the Bakers will be joining us for services. Save that date and be sure to attend church that day to hear more about their interesting work!

So what is a Covenant Partnership, anyway? Yes, it does involve supporting Jonathan and Donna financially. Our goal is to support them with a $2,500 donation in 2016. About $1,500 has been allocated in the GO budget, and we anticipate being able to collect the remainder (or more, hopefully!) through individual donations.

But, as Donna puts it, a Covenant Partnership is much more than the money! Here is an excerpt from the Congo Partners in Mission brochure:

Vision: That local churches…will enter into…partnerships with churches in the Central Congo Episcopal Area, to bring glory to God and care for our neighbors…

Purpose: To develop a healthy relationship between brothers and sisters in Christ across cultures through God’s grace that is transformational and inspirational.

Goal: To have honest and open interaction with the partners, carefully listening to one another as equal parts of the body of Christ. It is a sacred covenant to support one another and participate equally and proportion-ally in a ministry or project. The goal of the mission is a self-sustaining United Methodist Church with holistic ministries empowering people in their context, community and country.

Please keep the Bakers in your prayers as they act as the hands and feet of Jesus to the people of the Congo.


By Mary Jane Prince, Comm Chair

The Communications Team has purchased Constant Contact, email marketing software. It will primarily be used to promote events at Aldersgate. Watch for more information as processes are devel-oped for the use of this product.

The Communications Team includes: Karen Erskine, Dawn Gent, Sheena Gladden, Jamie Hayman, Kristin Lefebvre, Chris Pennington, Mary Jane Prince and Andy Shenk.

NEXT SUP! Wednesday, March 16 at 5 p.m.

The next 'SUP will be Wednesday, March 16, the same night that Aldersgate hosts the final Ecumenical Lenten Service. The meal will include homemade soups and bread. In order to accommodate the service, dinner will be served from 5 - 6 p.m. in the Auditorium, then we will pause for the service and resume when it finishes. Do not fear, food will be kept warm and will be waiting when worship concludes. We will collect food for local pantries at this event.

It was such a blessing to have so many come celebrate our postponed Mardi Gras/Shrove Tuesday supper on Ash Wednesday! Thanks for your support! We hope you are keeping our confirmands and pastors in prayer, along with our church leaders. We look forward to seeing you on Sunday and celebrating all the mileposts of the Lenten season!

Taber Smith & Betsy Diemer, Lay Leaders Layleader@aldersgatede.org

Share the Journey 11 March 2016


The Christian Summer Day Camp will be a unique experience for children ages 4-12 years old.

July 18-22 & July 25-29 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.

St. Paul’s United Methodist Church 1314 Foulk Road, Wilmington, DE

19803 (302) 478-3135

Registration: Early bird discount $115 per

week per child. After April 30, $125 per week

per child . Camp scholarships are available. Extended care available 8-9 a.m.

and 4-6 p.m. for $5 per hour per child.

Join us for Bible fun, crafts, singing, dancing, games, drama, outdoor activities and field trips.

The vision for this camp is: to provide a safe, nurturing atmosphere for children. to explore the love of Jesus Christ. to build self-esteem and nurture a feeling of respect and

concern for others and the world. Sponsored by Aldersgate and St. Paul’s United Methodist Churches. Complete and send in Registration Form 2016 with payment by April 30.

Contact Sharon Jennelly, Director of Children’s Ministry, for more information at:(302) 478-2575., Ext.118 or email





GriefShare, a grief recovery

support group, welcomes all those who

are grieving the loss of a loved one.

Tuesday mornings—10 to 11:30 a.m.

in room 236

Thursday evenings—7 to 8:30 p.m. in room 236

Please call the church office at 302-478-2575.

For more information: http://www.griefshare.org/



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Wilmington, DE


Aldersgate United Methodist Church—A significant place where disciples are made!


Pastor Chris’ Message 1

Willy Wonka Angels Program 2

Children’s Update 3

Finance Update 4

Easter Lily Form 5

UMM News 6

Care for Creation 6

Trustee Happenings 7

Fun(d) Raising Committee 8

UMW News 9

Student Ministry 9

Congo Partnership 10

Christian Summer Day Camp 11

What’s Inside...What’s Inside...What’s Inside...


April 2 @ 8 a.m. — 2:30 p.m. @ Aldersgate Annual Rummage Sale — Shop til’ you drop!

May 22 @ 6:45 p.m. @ Aldersgate Church Choir Festival Ecumenical choir from seven churches throughout Delaware. For information, contact David Lockart, Chancel Choir Director, at dlockart@comcast.net