March 4, 2014 Presentations: Christen Papile Itati Marin Vera Kim Lanier Hospice Care vs....

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March 4, 2014

Presentations: Christen Papile Itati Marin Vera Kim Lanier

Hospice Care vs. Palliative Care Discussion on

Hospice vs. Palliative Care

Hospice = a philosophy of care that focuses on patient comfort rather than curing illnesses (usually appropriate for prognosis of 6 months or less)

Palliative care = treatment aimed at relieving the symptoms associated with serious illnesses and improving a patient's quality of life. (relieving without curing)

Unlike hospice care, palliative care can begin at any time during a serious illness and ideally at the time of diagnosis.

From: webmd

Palliative care is actually a new medical specialty that has recently emerged -- and no, it's not the same as hospice. It doesn't serve only the dying. Instead, it focuses more broadly on improving life and providing comfort to people of all ages with serious, chronic, and life-threatening illnesses.

These diseases may include cancer, congestive heart failure, kidney failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, AIDS, and Alzheimer's, among others.

Typically, a palliative care team includes a physician, nurse, and social worker, Meier says. But it often involves a chaplain, psychologist or psychiatrist, physical or occupational therapist, dietitian, and others, depending on the patient's needs. webmd

Palliative care can be given at any time during the course of an illness and in conjunction with curative and aggressive treatments.

So what about ….

