march virtue pink day bullying piece

Post on 25-May-2015

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Anti Bullying message


You are practicing tolerance when… You try and change

yourself before trying to change others…

You accept people the way they are …faults and all.

Tolerance is not …

…judging others by the way they look, sound or dress.

When tolerance breaks down…it fuels intolerance.

….and intolerance can lead to bullying behaviours

What is bullying?

Bullying is where there is an imbalance of power...and repeated abuse...PhysicalVerbalEmotional

What is bullying?

Bullying can be repeated physical attacks...HittingPushingSpittingKickingStealing

What is bullying?

Bullying can be repeated verbal attacks...ThreatsName callingLyingNegative remarks

What is bullying?

Bullying can be repeated emotional intimidation...ExclusionSpreading rumours

and gossipingIntimidationHumiliation

Roles of Bullying

Bully Target Bystander Active Bystander:

assisting or reinforcing bully

Passive Bystander: avoiding or refusing to intervene

What is ‘BYSTANDER’?

In almost every case of bullying there is a bystander...

What is ‘BYSTANDER’?

The bystander sees or witnesses what’s going on

They see the scuffles in the school hallway, and read the vicious stream of insults on Facebook, but sadly...most of the time…. look away, or log off

Every bystander’s choice...

The bystander who sees or witnesses what’s going on...has a choice...

Every bystander’s choice...

A bystander who stands by and laughs at what is going on …is really giving their silent approval.

You’re not objecting…not ignoring it…

Every bystander’s choice...

To Act..and do something.

To Be Afraid and do nothing.

What it means to be courageous...

And doing the right thing sometimes takes courage...

What research says about the BYSTANDER role...

Canadian research says, “One student

confronting a bully is often enough to stop the abuse instantly”

What can you do as a BYSTANDER to bullying...?

These 3 response ranked higher than even getting an adult to intervene....

1. comfort them after the fact

2. Help them get away from the situation

3. give them advice

What can you do as a VICTIM of bullying...?

Tell them to STOP.

It takes a bit of courage...

Do you have it? How long are you willing to allow someone to treat you this way?

You deserve and have a right to respect!

What can you do as a VICTIM of bullying...?

It’s not your fault It’s about the bully, not

you You don’t deserve to

be bullied. You deserve to be safe.

It’s okay to ask for help

You deserve and have a right to respect!

What can you do as a VICTIM of bullying...?

It won’t stop??

You talk… You share… You ask for help…

What can you do as a VICTIM of bullying...?

Who can help?

Friends… Teachers… Principals… Parents… Kids Help Phone…

What research says about the bully…

Usually suffer themselves from poor self-esteem

So starved for attention…craves the attention of others…even if it is negative attention

Are usually not entirely comfortable with themselves…so much so that they need to make others feel worse to make themselves feel better…

What we need to do… Is it kind? Is it


Expect respect…you have a right to it.

Don’t give a bully an audience. Show some class, show some character…do something.