Marijuana Truth or Propaganda?

Post on 17-Feb-2017

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Most varieties of pot sold today are hybrids of both Cannabis indica and Cannibas sativa, which produce different kinds of highs. .

Colorado has no such cap. You can find advertising in Colorado right now where they're advertising smokable [pot] in the upper 20's -- 28 percent THC."


Do you remember the lies of cigarette companies?


Do you remember the lies of cigarette companies?


9% of people who try marijuana become addicted

17% (or 1 in 6) for those who start using in their teens

20-50% for daily users

This impacts academics, athletics, graduation rates, college,… overall success in life.


Complaints by visitors and first time users is rampart. The cookie that killed him was within the legal limits 65 nanograms. Colorado law says juries can assume someone is driving while impaired if their blood contains more than 5 nanograms per milliliter.


Medicine or harmful drug

Alcohol is legal and regulated. Its use is our nation’s No. 3 cause of preventable death, behind diet-

related illness. Alcohol use costs our country at least $185 billion annually — which is also roughly

10 times the amount of money our state and federal governments collect from today’s taxes on the

substance (HHS)

Alcohol is eliminated from the body in a few hours, but THC stays in the body for weeks, possibly months, depending on the length and intensity of usage.

THC damages the immune system. Alcohol does not.


Pharmacognosy is the study of medicines derived from natural sources. The American Society of Pharmacognosy defines pharmacognosy as "the study of the physical, chemical, biochemical and biological properties of drugs, drug substances or potential drugs or drug substances of natural origin as well as the search for new drugs from natural sources.“

Today about 40% of our medications comes from plant extracts or synthesized plant compounds.

Isolated ingredients replaced the whole plant in mainstream medicine. These new drugs were stronger, and the dose of active ingredients given to a patient could be more accurately measured and controlled.


“Currently, their use is largely superseded by more effective modern medicines.” WHO

Quinine Available in US as approved by FDA in minute quantities. Lupus & arthritis

Before used to give a person a piece of willow bark to chew throughout the day. Today take ½ aspirin twice a day.


How do you know the amount, how often, are there side effects… how potent? How do ‘organic’ plant use answer these questions? Try and error not research.



Years ago opium was mixed with cigarettes to making smoking it easier… today drug dealers have been known to mix heroin with marijuana to make a customer more addicted and thus a more frequent customer.

Which of these “medicines” would you choose for yourself or family? Trial and error or reseach.

There is a reason we don’t smoke medicine… It is not a safe method of administration.

Oxycodone is a semi-synthetic opioid synthesized from poppy-derived thebaine

Codeine is the second-most predominant alkaloid in opium, at up to three percent. Although codeine can be extracted from natural sources, a semi-synthetic process is the primary source of codeine for pharmaceutical use.


Modern medicine now tends to use the active ingredients of plants rather than the whole plantsBoth Satavex and Epidioloex are on track for FDA approval. Sativex is already approved in several other counties and is on its last phase of the FDA approval process and Epidioloex has just been granted Orphan drug status with the FDA meaning that physicians can use it in Investigative Drug Trials for kids with sezuire disorders.

Which one do you think is safer?

Which one would you give a loved one?


Effectiveness and risks as a medicine, Interactions with other drugs, Impact on pre-existing conditions. Establish quantity of dose, Frequency and duration of administration, Route or method of administration

None of the FDA approval process has been addressed using smoked pot as a medicine.

Isn’t calling smoked pot a medicine a huge step backwards in healthcare?




“Legalization will cause consumption of marijuana to increase and this will have direct economic costs in terms of healthcare, social services and criminal justice.”


1) Volunteer to help spread the word… pass out information, e-mail friends, secure presentation engagements for speakers…

get business cards printed with information (see website) and pass out, pass out, talk to everyone

2) Donate at VoteNo2Pot….

Make a donation for billboards, literature, radio & TV ads… general funds. No money will be spent on admin costs