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Issue 6 • June 2004 Magazine of the Maritime Union of New Zealand ISSN 1176-3418

Port roundups

Learning from our history

Sitting on a time bomb?

Australian maritime conferencebuilding links for maritime workers

1931: Union History

Interport sports photo special

Kia kaha!Maritime workers standing tall and standing united


Building an active Union is

the key for our future

by Trevor Hanson

General Secretary

As this edition of the Maritimes goes toprint, the Maritime Union is well intoour campaign for secure jobs in themaritime industry.

Meetings have already been held in anumber of ports, and other ports arepreparing for their meetings.

Union Vice President Joe Fleetwoodand myself have visited North Islandports already, and Joe Fleetwood andAssistant General Secretary Terry Ryanare on their way to meet with SouthIsland branches.

We kicked off the campaign with ameeting in Gisborne on Thursday 6 May,and in the following weeks visitedAuckland, Mount Maunganui, Whanga-rei, New Plymouth and Napier.

Further South Island meetings areunderway.

Our campaign has straightforwardgoals.

We need to ensure a future for theNew Zealand maritime industry withpermanent, secure jobs for workers –both through law changes at a Govern-ment level, but also through activeunionism.

Key campaign goals

The main areas of change we areseeking revolve around several keyareas.

These are the need for a viable NewZealand shipping industry, moreprotection for maritime workers as“insecure” workers, and a greater levelof regulation over the industry to ensurejob security and industry stability.

This is a positive vision for anorganized and planned maritimeindustry that takes into account the vitalrole the industry serves us as a tradingnation, and which seeks good conditionsfor those working in the industry.

The alternative, negative vision ofthe future is one where the maritimeindustry continues down its currentpath of self-defeating and excessivecompetition.

This approach is leading to threats toour environment and biosecurity, lack ofport security, and the destruction of anykind of safety and security for ourworkforce.

Our campaign is important inanother sense.

The Maritime Union came togetherout of two great New Zealand tradeunions, both of which had a stronghistory of active, member-drivenunionism.

In recent years, maritime workershave been through hard times in anindustry dominated by short-termprofits at the expense of long-termstability.

The roots of the current situation canbe traced back to the late 1980s and theearly 1990s, when port reform, deregula-tion and the now discredited “freemarket” ideology swept through NewZealand.

With job losses, casualization and arollercoaster ride of contracting out,receiverships and scab unions creepingin, there has been a tendency for us toadopt a conservative, inward lookingattitude.

Our advantages

We need to turn this attitude aroundand consider what advantages we dohave.

The Maritime Union is small, but hasa strong reputation.

We receive a lot of attention from themedia.

We have a strong base of support inport communities around New Zealandfrom which to build.

Despite the attacks, the maritimeindustry has a very high level ofunionization compared to many otherindustries in New Zealand, especially inthe private sector.

We also have a solid financial basethat has been left to us by those whocame before.

The “rainy day” has come, and weneed to use our funds to promote theUnion and the maritime industry.

Despite the hard yards in recentyears, the Union has made some goodprogress in certain areas as of late.

We have had some positive results,including getting casuals sick leave andbereavement leave under changes to theHolidays Act.

In our first mediation test case, wehave negotiated time and a half forcasuals plus a lieu day for workingstatutory holidays.

We have stopped attempts tointroduce self-loading by foreign crewson the waterfront, and believe that wehave had some influence in the recentbackdown by immigration officials, whowere rubber stamping the importationof Third World workers to work NewZealand fishing vessels and possiblyeven on shore.

In the South Island, many of ourbranches are resisting attacks bycasualizing employers, and we had onerecent victory where Mainland Steve-dores found itself turned around from ajob because of the level of local antipa-thy towards their practices.

We have also held meetings withindustry figures who have realized thatwe have not melted away, and as aUnion are developing new strategies toassert our rightful place as the voice ofthe workers of the New Zealandmaritime industry.

Growing unity at homeand abroad

There is one other positive develop-ment and that is the growing unity ofmaritime unions.

On the international front, the recentMaritime Union of Australia conferencewas an eye-opener for the New Zealanddelegates.

The calls for greater unity andinternational co-operation betweenmaritime unions worldwide – andespecially around the Pacific – is a goodsign.

There is a simple lesson for workers– united we stand, divided we fall.


‘The Maritimes’Edition 6, June 2004


Trevor Hanson Report ............... 2

Phil Adams Report ................... 3

News ................................... 4

Self-Loading on ships ................ 6

ITF Report ............................. 8

Union History ......................... 9

MUA Conference ........... .... ..... 10

Maritime Campaign .................. 12

Interport Report ..................... 14

Port Roundup ......................... 15

Vice President’s Report ............. 22

Letters ................................. 23

Union Contacts ....................... 23

The Back Page ........................ 24

‘The Maritimes’ is the official national

magazine of the Maritime Union of New

Zealand, published quarterly.

ISSN 1176-3418

National Office:

PO Box 27004


New Zealand

Telephone 04 3850 792

Fax 04 3848 766



Edited and designed by Victor Billot


Editorial Board: Trevor Hanson,

Phil Adams and Joe Fleetwood

Thanks to the photographers including

Harry Holland, Shane Parker, Garry

Parsloe, Phil Adams, Mike Williams,

Kathy Whelan, Ray Fife, Russell Mayn,

Phil Spanswick, Trevor Hanson, Andy

Ball, Les Wells, and others.

Thanks to the Maritime Union of

Australia, ITF and ‘Transport

International’ for material.

Cover photo:Maritime Union members aboard the Lynx,Wellington, May 2004 (photo by Andy Ball)

Focussing on the

issues that count

by Phil Adams

National President

Politics have been in the news latelyand the Maritime Union notes withsome concern a number of issues thataffect us as workers.

In the broader political picture, theMaritime Union has clear goals.

We are committed to seeing thereturn of a Labour-led Government.

We have also made it clear that wewould like to see them working withparties such as the Greens, Progressiveand Alliance, who support our aims.

We don’t want to see the Govern-ment cutting deals with some of theunprincipled opportunists our politicalsystem seems to give rise to.

Several issues have arisen lately thatseem to be distracting ordinary NewZealanders away from the bread andbutter issues that face us all.

The foreshore and seabed issue is onethat seems to have touched off strongresponses among New Zealanders.

The bottom line is that if the workerslet ourselves be divided we will pay theprice.

The return of a National Governmentwould reverse the modest gains of thelast few years.

National has always beenagainst the worker

If any working class New Zealanderthinks that Don Brash is interested inequality or a fair go for working people,then they need their head examined.

That said, the Maritime Union shouldnot be a poodle for any Government.

We need to support those whosupport us, and maintain our indepen-dence.

One lesson our Union has learnt isthat legislative solutions by themselvesare no substitute for a strong, active andinformed Union membership.

South Island Organizer

It was decided at the NationalExecutive to convene a meeting of theSouth Island Branch Secretaries.

The meeting would look at develop-ing our structure in the south in order todeal with issues such as the Mainlandsituation and the South Island Orga-nizer.

A logical solution would be to haveboth the Port Chalmers and Lytteltonbranches manned to cover ports such asBluff, Timaru, Nelson, Picton and thestrong possibility of West Coast portsbecoming busy and the chance of ourmembership expanding.

This issue is one I believe needs aresolution, as doing nothing is lettingour membership down.

The meeting in Timaru is plannedwith the South Island Secretaries andthe General Secretary in attendance.

The situation of Les Wells as parttime organizer in Lyttelton is provingsuccessful and can be copied in otherports for the good of the members.

International unity

We are building stronger connec-tions with maritime unions around thePacific Rim, and continue to activelywork as a member of the InternationalTransport Workers’ Federation.

Internationally, the way of the futurefor unions will be to build links withother social movements and groups,and create new alliances to ensuresecure jobs for workers and a securefuture for our economy and environ-ment.

Members will have to make somemajor decisions in coming months butcollectively we can take our Union intothe future with confidence.

Remember you are the Union. Getinvolved, and make a contribution.

Send an email letter to your MP supporting the

Maritime Union campaign for secure jobs at:


Changes to maritime

ministersA Government reshuffle has seen the

Ministers responsible for the maritimeindustry and employment law changedaround.

Former Minister of Labour MargaretWilson has moved across to Minister ofCommerce, and has been replaced byPaul Swain as Minister of Labour, whois former Minister of Transport.

Pete Hodgson is the new Minister ofTransport.

Negotiations are currently on holdbetween Unions and management atthe Port of Lyttelton as the Maritimesgoes to print.

Lyttelton branch organizer Les Wellssays the two sides will return to thetable to continue discussions on 27 May.

He says the Unions are making astand against “creeping casualization”and want to ensure workers have somesecurity of income and hours of work.

The Maritime Union of NewZealand, the Rail and Maritime

Transport Union of New Zealand(RMTU) and the Foremans Union tookindustrial action in early May in supportof their claims.

The striking workers carried outlines and launch work on gas tankers inorder to ensure critical supplies tohospitals.

The Unions say the key issuesinclude protecting permanent jobopportunities for local workers, and thebackdating of pay increases.

Workers from the combined Lyttelton waterfront unions at their stopwork meeting on 2 May atthe Lyttelton Rugby Club (photo by Les Wells)

Lyttelton negotiations continue

Overseas crews

exploited on FOC

‘sweatship’Crew from a flag of convenience shipberthed in Nelson received a largepayout after the Maritime Unioninvestigated their concerns in March.

Owners of the vessel “Shohoh”agreed to pay crew US$26 000 inbackpay after the International Trans-port Workers’ Federation (ITF) wascalled in.

The Panamanian-flagged “Shohoh”is a Korean owned ship that was loadingfruit bound for the USA.

The crew comprised eight Koreanofficers, three Russian officers, and sixMyanmar (Burmese) ratings.

ITF New Zealand co-ordinator KathyWhelan says the Myanmar ratings werereceiving approximately US$350 toUS$400 per month pay, which is underhalf the International Labour Organiza-tion minimum of US$880.

The “Shohoh” was being charteredby a consortium of fruit exporters fromBeacon Shipping, the owners’ NewZealand representatives.

Maritime Union Assistant GeneralSecretary Terry Ryan says the casehighlights why New Zealand shippingis being destroyed by so-called “compe-tition.”

“This case is just the tip of theiceberg, and highlights how floatingsweatshops in New Zealand ports andcoastal waters are ripping off workersand putting New Zealand seafarers onthe scrapheap.”

Mr Ryan says the Maritime Union iscampaigning hard for a return to thesystem of cabotage, where domesticcoastal shipping is worked by NewZealand ships and New Zealand crews.

Myanmar is a poor country, locatedin South Asia. Home to around fiftymillion people, it has been governed fordecades by a military junta.

Amnesty International reported in2003 how unlawful executions, forcedlabour and the torture of politicalprisoners continued to be reported inMyanmar.

Outgoing Minister of Labour Margaret Wilsonaddresses the National Executive of theMaritime Union in Wellington, April 2004.The Maritime Union thanked her for herefforts on behalf of New Zealand workers.


‘The Maritimes’ is the official magazine of the

Maritime Union of New Zealand.

All correspondence to: ‘The Maritimes’,PO Box 27004, Wellington, New Zealand.


Deadline for all Port reports, submissions, photos and letters:26 July 2004 for next edition

The Maritime Union says that a lethalcocktail of deregulation, securitylapses, and cutprice ‘flag of conve-nience’ shipping is pointing towards amaritime disaster in a New Zealandport.

Maritime Union General SecretaryTrevor Hanson says a string of incidentsearlier this year aboard flag of conve-nience vessels shows how dysfunctionalthe maritime industry has become.

“Flag of convenience vessels areentrusted with a dangerous cargo likefertilizer which in the wrong handsbecomes a potential weapon of massdestruction, as Australian maritimeunions have noted.”

The ‘Tasman Independence’ wasturned away from the Ports of Aucklandin March 2004 when a last minutemanifest check revealed the ship wascarrying 220 tonnes of ammoniumnitrate fertilizer, and diverted toTauranga.

Potentially lethal

The fertilizer is highly explosive, andhas been reponsible for death anddestruction through both accident anddeliberate use as a cheap bomb makingmaterial.

Port of Tauranga Chief Executive JonMayson told media that the berthswhere unloading took place were atleast 1km away from residential areas.

“We are asking Mr Mayson whetherhe has any idea what would happen if220 tonnes of ammonium nitrateexploded on a ship in his port, and whatplans there are for such a scenario,” saysMr Hanson.

In a further incident, a waterfrontworker was seriously injured aboard the‘Tasman Independence’ in Wellingtonon Monday 22 March in an industrialaccident.

Mr Hanson says several MaritimeUnion members narrowly escaped deathor serious injury when machinery froman onboard crane on the ‘TasmanIndependence’ fell onto wharves atSouthport in Bluff on 14 January 2004 ina widely reported incident.

He says the events form a pattern of“systemic failure” on board visiting Flagof Convenience vessels.

“We are seeing series of incidentsincluding crane collapses, injuries tomaritime workers, and abuse andexploitation of crews, sometimes allaboard the one vessel within a shorttime frame.”

Leading towards catastrophe?

The Maritime Union says this lack ofregulation of flag of convenienceshipping and the casualization ofwaterfront labour is leading towardscatastrophe.

Mr Hanson says the New Zealandshipping industry is being destroyed byhaving to compete with cutprice flag ofconvenience vessels.

“There seems to be a culture of buckpassing and box ticking in the maritimeindustry, where potentially catastrophicthreats in our ports and coastal watersare swept under the carpet of indiffer-ence in the search for profits.”

Recent incidents in Australia indicatethe problem is an international one.

The Maritime Union of Australiarecently stated that the mixture of cheapships, unregulated multinational crews,unidentifiable ship-owners and gapingholes in maritime security is a massivethreat.

“The authorities have little idea ofwho owns these ships, or the status oftheir crews who are drawn from some ofthe world’s most impoverished nations,and who basically have free access into

New Zealand ports onboard shipscarrying potentially deadly cargoes,”says Mr Hanson.

Following adverse publicity aboutthe incidents, the Maritime Union wasapproached by Tasman Orient to discussthe concerns of the Union.

It is hoped that further dialogue maysee an improvement in the situation –watch this space.

Fascinating facts about

ammonium nitrate

New Zealand ports and internationalshippers seem to have a relaxedattitude about Ammonium Nitratefertilizer. Yet the facts speak forthemselves:

• 1947: 2300 tonnes aboard a ship inTexas port catch fire and explode,levelling the town and killing nearly 500people

• 19 April 1995: ammonium nitratefertilizer used in Oklahoma city bomb-ing by a right wing extremist ex-soldier,168 people killed.

• 12 October 2002: ammonium nitratefertilizer used in Bali nightclub bombingby Islamic fundamentalists, 192 peoplekilled.

• November 2003: ammonium nitrateused in a suicide bomb attack outside aBritish HSBC bank in Istanbul, Turkey

• 15 March 2004: ammonium nitrateused to make a bomb in a van plantedoutside US Consulate in Karachi,Pakistan.It was defused before exploding.

• 30 March 2004: eight men arrested andhalf a tonne of ammonium nitrate seizedby police in London as part of an anti-terrorism operation.Head of anti-terrorism branch PeterClarke says part of the investigation willfocus on the “purchase, storage andintended use of that material.”

• Ammonium nitrate a favourite bombingredient of the IRA in past Londonand Northern Ireland bombings

Sitting on a time bomb?


by Russell Mayn

Maritime Union Local 13 took action inAuckland when wharfies discoveredthe foreign crew of a Japanese ownedfishing vessel loading a 40 foot con-tainer of fish bait onto the vessel.

Delegates Dave Mora and DaveClarke discovered what was going onand quickly informed the branchofficials.

The Union immediately claimedcoverage of the job, and work stoppedwhilst the two parties negotiated theissue with the help of ITF inspectorKathy Whelan.

The owner’s agents Sea Resourcesclaimed the ‘cargo’ being loaded ontothe vessel was in fact ship’s stores, andas such it was the crew’s work coverage.

The ITF and Maritime Union say thatship’s stores are items that crews eat,drink or use for their own personalneed.

Auckland Branch Local 13 rejectedthe agent’s claim that a 40 foot containerfull of fish bait was in fact ship’s storesof this kind.

The agent asserted that they haddeclared fish bait as ship’s stores over along period of time, and the Ministry ofFisheries had accepted that declaration.

In response, the ITF said it wouldquestion the Ministry of Fisheries on itsinterpretation of ship’s stores and alsoget an opinion from the ImmigrationDepartment of the legality of foreignworkers (without work permits)working on NZ wharves: an issue thathas also been in the news elsewhere.

Crew members carrying out self-loading on theJapanese vessel (photo by Russell Mayn)

National Office

Telephone: 04 3850 792

Fax: 04 3848 766

Address: PO Box 27004, Wellington

Office administrator: Valentina Goray


General Secretary: Trevor Hanson

Direct dial: 04 801 7614

Mobile: 0274 453 532


National President: Phil Adams

Direct dial: 03 4728 052

Mobile: 0274 377 601


Contact the Maritime UnionNational Vice President: Joe Fleetwood

Mobile: 021 364 649


Assistant General Secretary: Terry Ryan

Mobile: 021 186 6643


ITF Inspectorate: Kathy Whelan

Direct dial: 04 801 7613

Mobile: 021 666 405


Communications Officer: Victor Billot

Mobile: 021 171 0911


In the meantime the agent hasindicated he will use Union labour inthis instance, without prejudice, whilstthe matter is sorted out – particularlythe definition of what constitutes ship’sstores.

ITF inspector Kathy Whelan says thefishing industry is a big, ever growingindustry.

“It is also a rogue industry thatprovides little if any protection for itsworkers, and national jurisdictions havelittle if any legislative constraints.”

She says the ITF has a long runningcampaign to obtain some form ofagreement in this industry to provideminimum health, safety and employ-ment conditions for workers.

“Not only are fishing workers themost exploited workers in the maritimeindustry, but the dodgy work practicesare creeping ashore and foreign fisher-men are being used to do wharfies’work for little, if any, pay.”

Ms Whelan says union membersneed to be vigilant and monitor allforeign owned and manned fishingvessels in our ports to ensure they areworked by Union members.

Auckland Branch Local 13 SecretaryRussell Mayn says it was a real boost tosee the Maritime Union and the ITFworking together to resolve theproblem.

He says Maritime Union officials toldthe Ship’s Master that the vessel wouldbe inspected at every port by the ITF,and that when they arrived back inJapan they would be welcomed by theAll Japan Dock Workers’ Union.

Mr Mayn says if this type of activitycontinues, it could theoretically end upwith fuel oil for fishing trawlers classi-fied as ship’s stores, allowing overseasseamen to drive tankers on NewZealand roads and discharge it ontovessels.

He says workers at local stevedoringcompany Leonard and Dingley haveworked with this type of cargo forfishing vessels on average 14 times ayear in the past.

Self-loading halted by Local 13Self-loading halted by Local 13


History in the making: historian David Grant (left) signs up for his new job, writing a history ofthe Seafarers’ Union. Maritime Union General Secretary Trevor Hanson does the honours for theUnion, while former Seafarers’ President Dave Morgan looks on.

Mainland WatchMainland Stevedores have encoun-tered a new setback to their plans to setup shop in the South Island.

An attempt in March was made byMainland to introduce their heavy-handed tactics to the Dunedin water-front when fishing company Amatalgave them a contract to unload fish fromthe trawler ‘Janas’ at a Sealord coldstore.

However, the ‘Mainland Rat’ wassent scurrying from the south after localreaction sent a very loud and clearmessage.

The Port Chalmers and Dunedinbranch of the Maritime Union swung inbehind our local casuals who work onthe waterfront and announced a majorpicket.

The local community got in behindthe picket and the local news mediapicked up on the story.

After all the big talk from Mainland,what was the result?

A no-show – the Janas bypassedDunedin and headed north.

Game, set and match to the MaritimeUnion and the local community.

Mainland boss Greg Dickson andAmatal boss Ken Atkinson threw a hissyfit in the local paper, attacking the Unionand Port Otago.

This strange attempt to lose friendsand not influence people didn’t gainmuch kudos for the pair.

Maritime Union President PhilAdams pointed out that Port Otago haddelivered more than $24 million individends to the Otago RegionalCouncil in the past six years.

Mainland manager Jim McDougallclaimed in a PR article in the OtagoDaily Times in January that Mainlandwould be the biggest stevedore in theSouth Island in five years.

However the Maritimes understandsthe Mr McDougall is now workingoverseas – in Iraq.

He will no doubt find the locals theremore receptive than those in the SouthIsland.

Strong Unions

need women

Women transport workers from NewZealand, Fiji, Papua New Guinea,Vanuatu and Australia attended an ITF/FNV Pacific Workshop for Women on 24– 26 March 2004 in Wellington.

The workshop recognized theprogress affiliates have made over thelast year in setting up womens’ struc-tures and boosting representation inUnions.

Women workers called on ITFaffiliates to continue providing forumsto discuss women’s issues and toprovide women members with trainingopportunities.

The representatives also wanted tosee plans put in place to educate youngpeople about the role of unions, improvework/life balance, end harassment andbullying at work, and create ‘familyfriendly’ workplaces.

Pay equity, parental leave andwomen’s representation were other keyconcerns.

Women workers wanted to build theITF’s “Strong Unions Need Women”campaign, by working to encouragemore women into the transport industry,and unionizing those currently workingin this sector.

Port Code a

positive stepThe long-awaited Port Code waslaunched in early June.

The Code of Practice for Health andSafety in port operations has beenissued by Occupational Safety andHealth (OSH) and the Maritime SafetyAuthority (MSA).

The code outlines a range of workpractices in ports that meet the require-ments of health and safety laws.

Maritime Union General SecretaryTrevor Hanson says the Union has longbeen pushing for the Code and ispleased that it has been completed.

He says that all Maritime Unionmembers should become familiar withthe Code as it will be a major tool inensuring that a safe working environ-ment is in place in New Zealand ports.

A copy of the Port Code has beenincluded in this mailout of the Mari-times.

The Port Code is also available at thefollowing website:


by Kathy Whelan

ITF Coordinator for New Zealand

It has been a very active time for theITF in New Zealand over the last fewmonths.

Here are some of the problems wehave found on inspected ships since thebeginning of 2004.

American Warrior(USA flagged fishing vessel)

18 crew members of the ‘AmericanWarrior’ in Dunedin approachedMaritime Union President Phil Adamscomplaining of victimization by theAmerican skipper.

The crew were three months into a 12month contract, and sought repatriationwhich the company would agree to onlyif the crew paid their own air fares.

After investigations, we discoveredprobably one of the worse contracts wehave ever seen in the fishing industry.

The contract provided for a guaran-teed payment of US$250 per month, anunspecified percentage of the catchwhich was paid at the Skipper’s discre-tion, and it had no health or safetyprovisions.

We put the contract before theauthorities to highlight this rogueindustry which extends to extremelevels of exploitation, and managed toobtain for the crew a payment and havethem repatriated at the Company’sexpense.

Fruit and livestock carriers

With the commencement of the fruitseason smaller ports such as Napier,Gisborne and Nelson saw an influx offlag of convenience (FOC) vesselspicking up produce for the exportmarkets.

We targeted those vessels with noITF agreements and achieved 8 agree-ments on the predominantly Filipinomanned refrigerated flag of conveniencevessels.

Similarly a Panamanian flagged,Filipino crewed livestock carrier the‘Gerard Patrick Purcell ‘ got someattention and we also achieved an ITFagreement on this vessel.

International campaign

Some joint work between theAustralian, New Zealand and JapaneseITF Inspectorates has achieved agree-ments on many flag of conveniencevessels.

We received a comment by a Japa-nese owner who said that they hadmonitored the solidarity between thethree inspectorates, and decided to signagreements on two of their vessels.

This speaks volumes for the effec-tiveness the international FOC campaignis having in the Asia Pacific region.

In this quarter also the MaritimeUnion of New Zealand, the MUA andthe ILWU, together with their respectiveITF Inspectorates have been proactiveagainst the international campaign ofemployers to take work off dockers.

We have discovered secret adden-dums to bona fide ITF Agreementswhereby the crew are forced to signagreements to dockers’ work.

Reported elsewhere in this edition ofthe Maritimes is a case on the waterfrontin Auckland whereby fishing crewswere loading a 40 foot container offrozen bait under the guise that it isships’ stores.

The fight to protect dockers’ tradi-tional areas of work is going to be a hardand relentless one.

At each turn we find yet anotherattack on dockers’ work and we need tobe extremely vigilant in ensuring weknow who is doing what on our shipsand the waterfront.

Shohoh (Panama flag, Korean/Russian Officers, Myanmar crew)

This was one of the most satisfyingcases I have dealt with in a long time.

A quick check prior to the vessel’sarrival in Nelson ascertained that it didnot have an ITF agreement on it, so wesprung into action with warning noticesbeing sent to the ship’s owners.

Bill Lewis and Taffy Hicks from theMaritime Union Nelson Branch visitedthe ship and in an excellent inspectiondiscovered that the Myanmar (Burmese)ratings were receiving only US$350 permonth (International Labour Organiza-tion minimums are US$880 per month).

The ship was on charter to a consor-tium of New Zealand fruit exporters,taking their product to the US markets.

The issue was cleared up veryquickly – we can guess why – and thecrew were paid a back pay of US$26,349between them.

The crew members were veryfrightened as in their home countryMyanmar (formerly known as Burma), itis illegal to have any trade unionaffiliations and the repercussions caninclude imprisonment.

Billy Lewis oversaw the payout tothe crew and said their fear and ner-vousness evaporated, and some smileswere seen as they were given in USdollars more money than they haveprobably ever seen in one lump sum.

An ITF agreement was also appliedto the ship and we are tracking thevessel to make sure the agreement ishonoured.

Bill Connelly – Napier Branch

I am very proud to coordinate asmall group of totally committedseafarers and wharfies who are commit-ted to the campaign and give to it theirall on a voluntary basis.

I seldom if ever name names as eachinspector is as good as the other andtheir unselfish commitment is some-thing that cannot be put into words.

I would like to however mention BillConnelly, Maritime Union Secretary inthe Port of Napier.

Napier is a very busy port in the fruitand squash season.

Bill runs a tight operation in Napierand monitors every movement, andsince he has been around the port andITF issues for such a long time thesethings are second nature to him.

It was his vigilance that lead to usachieving six ITF agreements on Flag ofConvenience vessels going into his port.

ITF international website:

ITF Newsand Views


As part of our continuing series ofarticles about the history of maritimeunionism in New Zealand, we reprintthis excerpt from the then officialjournal of the Seaman’s Union “TheSeamen’s Journal” from July 6th, 1931.

After reading this article, we see thatthe times may have changed, but theproblems and issues faced by maritimeworkers are very similar.

In the intervening decades, have wemoved forwards – or backwards?

Thanks to Mike Shakespeare ofWellington Seafarers’ Branch for sendingthe original text in.

“Between Seamen”

The two outstanding events in theindustrial world in this country duringthe past month were the return of thePublic Works tunnellers to work atpractically the Government’s own termsand the strike of the marine cooks andstewards.

The tunnellers were defeatedbecause of the apathy and indifferenceof the rest of the working class.

Had one-tenth of the interest dis-played in racing results, or football,booze etc been translated into hard cashfor the strikers and their dependants,they would not have been starved backto work, and the Government wouldhave to be paying thousands weekly onoverhead charges on the jobs that wereheld up.

A few more weeks of struggle andForbes (the then right wing Prime Ministerof New Zealand – Editor) would havebeen forced to tax his rich friends tobalance his budget instead of taking allout of the hides of the workers.

This state of affairs can, and must, beremedied. Since the splendid fight ofWaihi and the General Strike of 1913,there has been no widespread propa-ganda for industrial Unionism, militantworking-class tactics, and the essentialneed for solidarity.

Let us have no illusions on this point.The seamen up to the present have

not been attacked, but if section aftersection of our fellow workers go downto defeat, then it is only in the nature ofthings that the shipowners will be afterour wages too.

Every Union should join in a militantagitation for the amalgamation of theUnions, and spread far and wide aknowledge of militant tactics.

The day of the strike of folded armswas past twenty years ago.

Many men among tunnellers,watersiders, miners and seamen knowthis.

We have to re-awake the old fightingpolicy that existed among the Unions in1910 and 1913.

The strike of the marine cooks andstewards was a sign of the times. Whencalled upon to sign fresh articles whichgave them the bosses’ ArbitrationCourt’s 10 per cent cut, they refused.

This spontaneous revolt, thoughshort-lived, is a sign of the times.

For years the cooks and stewardshave not been noted for militancy, buttimes are changing.

Under the pressure of reduction theyhad to kick, even if it was more in thenature of a protest than the beginning ofa serious fight.

There was this to it, they knew fullwell that the members of the FederatedSeamen’s Union of New Zealand wouldnot work with scab cooks and stewards.

In view of the officers and engineersgetting the 10 per cent cut simulta-neously with the cooks and stewards,the rank and file of these twoorganisations must have been insympathy with the fight of the cooksand stewards even if they did notopenly express it.

The real lesson to be learned fromthis strike is clear. The strikers reliedupon the solidarity of the seamen andfiremen to help them by refusing to manthe ships with scab cooks and stewardshad they been obtained.

This faith in the seamen and firemenwas well founded, but to obtain its fullvalue, we put it to the cooks andstewards, they should be in one Unionwith us.

Let us make a fair start by theseamen, firemen, cooks and stewardsamalgamating, then press forwardunitedly for a working understandingwith the officers and engineers and therest of the crew.

It should be reasonable to expecttheir co-operation on the question ofwages and working conditions.

By complete unity of action alonecan we succeed in halting the down-ward movement of wages and condi-tions.

Every section of the working class isbeing hit.

Unless we are prepared to passivelysink down to a coolie level we mustfight back.

Appeals to the Arbitration Court forthe exemption are a waste of time and ofUnion funds.

The Court, naturally enough, will notgive exemptions to an order that wasissued by itself.

The worst evil lies in the fact thatwith these appeals the workers are againkept divided.

It will take months before thedifferent appeals are heard; in themeantime the Court’s Order remains inforce.

This method merely means that theUnionists of New Zealand will acceptpiecemeal, that reduction of wages theyobjected to as a body.

We workers have a right to a decentstandard of living, and to more, butrights without might are useless.

Let us organise our might and bymilitant tactics demonstrate to theemploying class, property owners, andtheir Government that we can hit back,and if we are forced to fight, we willfight in such a way that though we mayconceivably be defeated, we will makethe employing class victory so expensiveto them that they will not be in a hurryto again raise the open issue of the classstruggle.

As for us, we know the only way outof the morass of unemployment andwage reductions lies in a policy of classagainst class, the abolition of the classsystem of slavery, the establishment of aworkers’ socialist republic.

Union History:Seamen fighting back in the Great Depression

Do you have some Union

History you’d like to share?

If so send it to us!

The Maritimes,

c/o the Maritime Union of

New Zealand,

PO Box 27004,


New Zealand.


Australian and international delegates at the Maritime Union of Australia Conference,March 2004 (photo courtesy of Australian Maritime Workers Journal)

Maritime Union of Australia National SecretaryPaddy Crumlin addresses the MUA Conference(photo by Mike Williams)

New Zealand delegates at the Maritime Union of AustraliaConference watch the proceedings

Dave Morgan receives a local version of ‘the Hat’ from PaddyCrumlin at the Conference, at which he was also awarded a lifemembership of the Maritime Union of Australia

Wellington Seafarers Branch President Mike Shakespeare along withAustralian maritime unionists at the Conference

A view of the Port Botany container terminal from the control room(photo by Phil Adams)

Building international solidarity

at the MUA Conference


by Mike Shakespeare,

Wellington Seafarers Branch President

We were welcomed to the country byAboriginal leader Kevin Tory afterwhich an opening video was shown ofpast struggles from the beginning ofthe union through the two world warsup until the last big dispute.

This is commonly known as thePatrick’s Dispute where multinationalcompanies and the John HowardGovernment tried to smash the MUA,but were unable to because of theiroutstanding leadership and unbendingunity.

MUA National Secretary PaddyCrumlin gave a short speech pointing outthat we cannot win the industrial battleswithout a solid political agenda as well,before introducing the leader of theAustralian Labor Party Mark Latham.

Mark Latham started by saying howmuch of a privilege it was to be here ashe believed that the unions were verycommunity inspired as well as indus-trial and there was a great need to get inbehind the union movement.

He also believed that there was aneed for better policies in the areas ofMedicare, education, unemploymentand of a need for a race to the top not tothe bottom (what has been happeningunder conservative governments forsome time.)

Mark gave a commitment to theMUA that a Labor Government wouldsupport the retention of Cabotage and areview of the Single and ContinuousVoyage Permits amongst other issuesfacing the Maritime industry.

Let’s hope for a change to a LaborGovernment in Australia next electionsas it may well be beneficial to ourindustry as well.

Mark Latham’s speech was wellreceived by all the delegates and Paddyfinished off this segment with a little songhe had written for Mark about how he isthe man for us as he keeps his word.

Paddy Crumlin then outlined a fouryear plan for the MUA consisting of fivestrategies:1. National approach: Supportive.2. Branch Responsibilities: a fully part-icipative and empowered membership.3. Membership Responsibility: militantand progressive.4. Strong Financial Management: aneffective, respected and influential Union.5. Growth: financially strong andstructurally sound.

There was also the need to unitenationally and internationally with otherunions to learn from and aid one another.

The National Secretary’s report wasreceived by acclamation.

From the remits that the Rank andFile members put forward the executivesplit them up into 7 different committeeswhich were1. Job Security.2. Rules.3. Financial.4. Work Conditions.5. Organising.6. Growth.7. Campaigns.

International guests were asked as towhich committees they wished to sit onand were then put into their choice.

It was a privilege to be involved inthese committees as they were well runand a good chance to meet and workcloser with the delegates.

All the committees were wellattended.

The end result was a lot of gooddebate was had in the plenary sessionsover the week.

There were also many speakers bothinternational and Australian over thecourse of the conference.

These included Greg Combet, RichardWatts and Paul Goulter (ACTU), DavidCockroft and Steve Cotton (ITF), JohnMaitland (CFMEU), John Allan (TWA),Bill Shorten (AWU), Fred Ross (AMOU),Terry Snee (AIMPE), Bob McEllrath(ILWU), Trevor Hanson (MUNZ), TonyMaher (CFMEU), Mick Doleman, JimTannock, Rick Newlyn, Dean Summers,and Eddie Seymour (MUA).

The main themes that came from allthe speakers were Unity and Organising– not only nationally but internationallyas well.

Other reports were heard from SueVirago and Karen Leavy of the MUAWomen’s Conference Sydney, BillBodenham (Veterans Association,regarding an International Federation ofRetired Maritime Workers), Glen Davisand Sharon Parr (Seafarers RetirementFund), the Maritime Workers CreditUnion, Peter Jennings of the APHEDASeafarers charity organisation, and theSERF (Seafarers Retirement Fund.)

International guests came from allparts of the globe including America,New Zealand, Indonesia, Japan, Viet-nam, South Africa, Sweden, Vanuatu,East Timor, Denmark, Finland, andPapua New Guinea.

This Conference carried on the themeof Global Solidarity that came from theMUA Conference held in Newcastle,Australia, in September 2002.

The conference finished on a high notewith an invitation from Bob McEllrath ofthe ILWU to a three day conference inApril 2005 to continue with the GlobalSolidarity strategy which is beneficial toall workers, not only in the Pacific but allaround the world.

I would like to give a huge thanks tothe men and women of the MUA wholooked after all of the delegates in everyway from driving people around, to thecomradeship in our socialising which isan integral part of any gathering of likeminded people.

On the Wednesday night we at-tended a formal dinner for all thedelegates, where a special presentationwas made to David Morgan for hisuntiring work on behalf of all the ratingsboth in New Zealand and internation-ally.

The high regard that the Australianshold Dave in was shown by the bestow-ing of a life membership of the MUAwhich they do not give out lightly.

It is a very deserving honour as hehas given over 30 years of toil to theunion movement, spending vastamounts of time away from his familywhich we all know is not an easy thingto do.

Thank you very much Dave.Last but not least I would like to

thank the Wellington Branch of theMaritime Union for the opportunity toattend this conference, as these eventshelp bring about a better understandingof the issues that affect us all globallyand cement our international ties andsolidarity.

Unity is strength, Touch one Touch all.

Australian Maritime Conference Report


The Maritime Union has been takingits campaign for secure jobs in themaritime industry to ports all aroundNew Zealand.

As the Maritimes goes to press,meetings have been held in the majorityof North Island ports including Gis-borne, Auckland, Whangarei, NewPlymouth, Mount Maunganui andNapier.

Maritime Union General SecretaryTrevor Hanson and National VicePresident Joe Fleetwood have travelledto each of those ports to speak tomembers about the campaign.

In addition, thousands of ‘MaritimeAlert’ newsletters have been distributedto members and letterboxed in portcommunities with tearoff postcards tobe sent freepost to local MPs.

The Maritime Union website featuresa special email letter that you can sendto your MP as well at the web addressbelow.

Campaign aims at secure jobs

The goal of the campaign is to ensurea future for the Maritime Industry withsecure permanent jobs for workers.

This can be brought about by lawchanges to regulate the waterfrontindustry and the introduction of acabotage system for New Zealandshipping that gives priority to NewZealand crewed ships on domesticroutes.

The Maritime Union is also commit-ted to building an active membershipwho get involved in the Union.

General Secretary Trevor Hansonsays a number of recent events showthat the maritime industry is in a state ofconstant change.

The MaritimeCampaign 2004

The Government recently held ameeting with maritime and transportemployers as well as the MaritimeUnion.

The Government stated they wouldnot be introducing a cabotage system,however there was a widespreadagreement at the meeting of the need fora coastal shipping service.

There was also an acknowledgementof the need for a better career path foryounger people entering the maritimeindustry.

Mr Hanson says the maritimecampaign is focussed on gaining achange of direction for the industry,towards a regulated, high-skilled andpermanent workforce.

“The developments we have seenrecently show that while we face anuphill battle there are indications thatour concerns are being heard.”

Port Code a positive step

The launch of the Port Code was apositive step that would mean standardswere maintained in New Zealand ports.

Mr Hanson says the issues are not justabout jobs and conditions – they affect allNew Zealand.

“While individual ports and compa-nies continue down a path of self-defeating competition, then New Zealandas a whole is put in danger throughbiosecurity and environmental hazards,dependence on foreign shippers, andsafety and port security threats.”

Mr Hanson cited the problem of“Flag of Convenience” (FOC) shippingthat was frequently exposed in themedia through incidents such asdisintegrating equipment and exploita-tion of crews.

Send an email letter to your MP supporting theMaritime Union campaign for secure jobs at:

For more information, freephone 0508 MARITIME (0508 627 484)

“The Maritime Union says that NewZealand needs its own merchant fleet toensure our reliability and reputation as atrading nation, rather than relying on theshady underworld of FOC shipping.”

Casualization a major problem

Casualization of waterfront labourwas the other main focus of the cam-paign.

“Casualization of workers andcontracting out by companies lookingfor a quick buck is wrecking any kind ofworkforce stability and the workinglives of people in the industry.”

“The Government Transport Strategymade the correct analysis in saying weneed an affordable, safe, integrated andsustainable transport industry by 2010.”

“Unless immediate action is taken toensure a regulated, skilled and perma-nent workforce in our maritime indus-tries then that vision will remain adream rather than a reality,” says MrHanson.

The national executive of the Unionapproved the campaign plan in April.

The campaign is being funded by theUnion’s financial reserves, rather than alevy on members as was originallyproposed.


Gisborne Auckland


New Plymouth

Whangarei Mount Maunganui and Tauranga

Taking it to the streetsThroughout May and June 2004, the Maritime Union held meetings at North Island ports as part of theMaritime Industry campaign. The message we are sending: we need secure, permanent jobs and a futurefor the maritime industry. Photos thanks to Bill Connelly, Joe Fleetwood and others.


Port NewsBy Terry Ryan

One of New Zealand’s finest sportingtrophies, the KereKere Canoe returnedto Gisborne in February for the firsttime since the tournament was last heldthere thirty years ago, when it waspresented by the KereKere family in1973 as a memorial trophy.

The trophy is a magnificent carvedwaka, and is the premier prize contestedannually by those competing in theInterport sports competition.

The 2004 Interport event in Gisbornewas held from 8–12 February, andmarked the 50th occasion this annualtournament has been held.

The event attracted 160 competitors,plus wives and supporters to the area,for a week of competition in golf,fishing, and indoor sports (snooker,darts, pool and indoor bowls.)

The annual tournament started fromhumble beginnings in 1953, when thePresident of the New Plymouth water-siders’ cricket club wrote to his Auck-land counterpart Henry Elliot.

In March 1954 a cricket game tookplace in New Plymouth, and the Interportsports tournament was born.

From this small beginning, the eventmushroomed over the next few yearsand saw outdoor bowls, tennis, skin-diving, snooker, golf and darts all joiningthe list.

This in turn saw the InterportCouncil of Sport being formed in theearly 1960s.

Arty Pitcher, who formed the dartssection in 1957, was a member of thatfirst council.

He is now the father of the Interport,still competing annually in golf, with arecord 47 years as a competitor.

Arty, who was a winner 30 years agoin Gisborne, was largely responsible forthe 50th tournament’s organizationalstrategy, working tirelessly and visitingGisborne several times to ensure allarrangements were on track.

So once again the KereKere canoewas keenly contested by the largecontingent at the Poverty Bay GolfCourse where it was on display for theweek.

Locals turned out to pay it a visit forit is unlikely to return home for manyyears.

The canoe this year was won by theNew Plymouth and Bluff teams whocould not be separated, and who jointlyshared the trophy.

Interport ReportWinner of the Pacifica Trophy for biggestschnapper, Wayne Welch (right) with anotherof his catches (photo by Terry Ryan)

Ray Fife of Bluff with the Geo WallerMemorial Shield (photo by Terry Ryan)

Overall winner Sam Pene of Auckland iscongratulated on his trophy (photo by TrevorHanson)

Ex-Auckland Secretary Doug Phillipps, still akeen fisherman (photo by Trevor Hanson)


Port News

Port Roundup:Lyttelton Local 43

Port Roundup:

WhangareiBy Graeme Chandler

Greetings fromLyttelton.

Lyttelton is in theprocess of goingthrough talks with

Lyttelton Port Company.These have not been very productive

with us reaching stalemate over P.R.P.’s.The company will not accept a cap

on them, something we believe weagreed in principle during talks.

It becomes a major problem whenyou can’t get a company to recognizenumbers in an agreement.

Pacifica, as most of you will be awareby now, has made men redundant.

We were very lucky to be able to getvolunteers to take the redundancies.

We got more than were required, thecompany agreed to let the extra men go.

It has not stopped there; they stillattack working conditions and manningroster so as always it just keeps on going.

At Lyttelton Stevedores they areheading into talks in the near future.

As always there will be the pressureput on to the men to do more for less.

We have been in talks with Toll forsome time now and do not seem to begetting any closer to finalizing theagreement.

We have appointed Les Wells foranother six months and he is doing afine job.

By Steve Murray

Greetings from theWinterless North –here’s hoping we findyou all well.

Work has pickedup with the increased volumes of veneergoing through the port, in fact veneerseems to be replacing triboard as ourbread and butter cargo.

The fertiliser berth at Port Whangareihas stopped being dredged and is nowclosed leaving only two berths at PortWhangarei being used.

On the brighter side NorthlandStevedoring Services, the main em-ployer of Maritime Union members inWhangarei, had its first ship at MarsdenPoint. We had a few teething troubles asit was our first ship.

One problem involved getting themen out to Marsden Point as it’s anextra 30 minute drive from town.

We solved this problem by carpooling, but this meant getting up halfan hour earlier to get out there in time -and of course with daylight savings itmeant that we arrived home after dark.

Security is a lot tighter at the newMarsden facility with cameras on lightstands, but still no identity cards yet.

The wharf buffers at Marsden Pointkeep the ships a long way off the shinynew wharf, but will make it hard for anyunion purchase geared ships to reachthe wharf.

Until then, I guess we will still bedoing meat, squash, kiwifruit and the likeat Port Whangarei for a wee while yet.

Life of a working president: Graeme Chandlerbehind the wheel in Lyttelton

Dein Ferris (right) on an ITF inspection in Gisborne(photo by Trevor Hanson)

Loading fruit and vegetables, Gisborne, February 2004(photo by Trevor Hanson)

Trevor Hanson, Russell Fairbrother MP forNapier, Pauline Tangiora and Joe Fleetwood atthe Napier campaign meeting, May 2004

Phil Adams checks out the Port Botany bonusboard during the MUA Conference in Sydney


Port NewsPort Roundup:



Australian maritimeconference reportBy Brian Ford

(Auckland Seafarers Branch)

Over three hundred rank and file,national and international delegatesattended the quadrennial conference ofthe Maritime Union of Australia atCockle Bay, Darling Harbour, Sydneyfrom 15-19 March 2004.

Delegates were welcomed to thecountry by aboriginal Kevin Tory.

Leader of Australian Labor PartyMark Latham officially opened theconference and promised cabotageunder a Labor Government.

He recognised the need for a strongviable shipping industry usingAustralian seafarers under Australianflag and conditions, to encourage longterm investment to rebuild the Austra-lian Maritime industry, to re-establishAustralian defence, security systemsand also salvage services.

He also mentioned investigating the1998 waterfront dispute and bringingReith back from his perk job in Paris.

ACTU speaker Greg Combet spokeabout getting rid of the HowardGovernment and commented that underfifty percent of union members votedLabour, which needed to be targeted.

He said just under thirty percent ofthe Australian workforce are casualsgetting no sick or annual leave, andsome working for the same employer forweeks up to a year.

Other national guests addressed theconference about the attacks from thebosses and Government.

ILWU vice president Bob McEllrathaddressed the delegates on how the USAhave to get rid of the Bush administrationand the anti worker legislation they haveintroduced since 11 September, 2001.

Civil liberties are under attack withsecurity laws used to attack unions.

Bob McEllrath thanked transportworkers around the globe for theirsupport in assisting the ILWU win theirdispute with shipowners.

Maritime Union General SecretaryTrevor Hanson spoke on the close tiesthat Australian and New Zealandmaritime workers had, and the declineof the shipping industry and problemson the waterfront in New Zealand.

Other international guests noted thatwe are all fighting the same battles – theway to victory is for workers of theworld to unite and show solidarity.

The dedication of delegates fromdeveloping countries was inspiring asthey just have limited finances to attend

by Garry Parsloe

Election of officers

The AucklandSeafarers Branch Elections have beenconcluded with the in-coming executivetaking office on 1 March 2004.Those elected to office are:President: Peter Harvey.Vice President: Kevin Rooney.Secretary: Garry Parsloe.Delegates: Brian Ford, Adam Edwards,Patrick Honan, Lester Selby (FullersMarine), David Jones (Fullers Marine),Heidi Mills (Fullers customer services),Carl Dewild (Fullers maintenance).Finance Committee: Garry Parsloe,Kevin Rooney, Brian Ford.Disputes Committee: Garry Parsloe,Peter Harvey, Kevin Rooney.Health and Safety Committee: GarryParsloe, Peter Harvey, Heidi Mills.

Old Timers Committee: Garry Parsloe,Adam Edwards, Patrick Honan.

Southern Motu and Southern Tiare

The Southern Motu, which was theBlack Bart and before that the Narmaru1, is on its last trip to the Chathams.

It now seems the vessel will go toscrap.

The Southern Motu will be replacedon the Chatham Islands run by theSouthern Tiare built in Denmark in 1988.

The Southern Tiare has sailed fromRouen on its way to Australia then NewZealand.

The Southern Tiare will berth inWhangarei for some repairs then willenter the Chathams Trade in early June.

The vessel will be New Zealandflagged.

The Southern Tiare, about to start on the Chathams run

The Southern Motu: end of the line


Port News

Port Roundup:

Mt. MaunganuiBy Phil Spanswick

Greetings from MtMaunganui.

The log exportdownturn is stillaffecting the Port,

with redundancies in the MarshallingCompanies, and it seems the upturn is along way coming.

A number of our Collective Agree-ments are up for negotiation this year,and the downturn may have an effect onthe negotiations.

On 23 April there was an ACC/OSHco-ordinated meeting with the Port ofTauranga and the port users to discussHealth and Safety on the wharf.

On 28 April there was an industrymeeting of trained Health and SafetyRepresentatives at the Mt MaunganuiCosmopolitan Club.

This was a pilot meeting run by theACC/CTU and will be attended by theUnion’s trained Health and SafetyRepresentatives.

Our ITF group have inspected anumber of ships, specifically looking forcases where seafarers do wharfies’ work,and the Branch hosted an ITF delegationin late 2003 which was a good boost forour local ITF group.

The branch’s casuals are more thanhappy with the new Holidays Act 2004which gives them sickness and bereave-ment leave entitlements which they didnot receive in the past.

and many problems at home.MUA Secretary Paddy Crumlin spoke

on how transport is a global industry sothere is a need for all transport workers toorganise to ensure militant unionssurvive into the new century as we areworking for the same internationalcompanies who control transport.

He noted how we should look atunion training for new members, thenclaim costs back off the bosses.

He spoke on close ties with NewZealand, and how some union leaderslet us down over Rogernomics, as wellas how the MUA would always be thereto support us.

Other issues discussed were inter-national solidarity to help developingcountries, and the threat of casualization.

Other MUA officials spoke on unionfinances, and organizing charter vesselsand the guest industry, the dangerouswork practices in the pearl and divingindustry, and job security.

The women of the MUA had aconference over the weekend with amarch on Sunday.

Women have played a great role inthe union movement and on the picketline here.

The MUA are to be congratulated onthe excellent job they have done inorganising this conference and lookingafter the guests.

Resolutions were passed on anumber of topics including workingconditions, campaigns, job security,finances, organisation, Union rules,education, communication, and branchstructure.

The conference was held on land thatis symbolic, even sacred to the history ofmaritime workers.

Paddy Crumlin spoke of lack of themaritime workers mentioned in thehistory books, and how where we weresitting was soaked in the blood, sweat,tears and history of the maritimeworkers who fought and died forconditions we have today.

Tom and Pears would have beenproud of the solidarity and unity shownat this conference – they have moved“The Hungry Mile” but internationalsolidarity and unity can give us victory.

In the words of the song “How darewe lose, what they have won.”

Mt Maunganui member Richard Goldthorpe ofTolls hard at work (photo by Phil Spanswick)

Mt Maunganui member Tony Smart of Tollsabout to get back to work after smoko(photo by Phil Spanswick)

Mt Maunganui member Jay Cuthers at the Owens checkpoint (photo by Phil Spanswick)


Port News

Port Roundup:Auckland Local 13

Port Roundup:

NapierBy Bill Connelly

Around and about

The port is still prettybusy at the moment,with fruit, squash andvarious other export

commodities being loaded in copiousquantities.

Ohope Beach Accommodationin New Zealand

Members should be aware that theholiday accommodation at Ohope Beachis now at a premium, because we nowonly have the one unit available forrental.

Vacancies are still available, comm-encing each Sunday, on a weekly basis.

Bookings can be made through theNapier Branch, by contacting theSecretary either at the Union Office, hishome or on his mobile number.

Gold Coast Accommodationin Australia

Please note that the confirmationperiod for bookings is now 6 MONTHS,which put quite simply means thatmembers nationally can now book sixmonths in advance.

The next vacancy is:4 December 2004 to 18 December 2004

Once this vacancy is filled, then thereis nothing available until 2005.

Members who haveleft the industry

Next month another of our longserving members will retire from theindustry, after some 34 years on theNapier waterfront.Brian Ray Gunn:Joined the Napier Branch 23 February1970, Left 2 May 2004.

The Officers, Executive and membersof the Napier Branch wish Ray well inhis future endeavours and a long andhappy retirement.

Code of Practice for Health andSafety in Port Operations

It appears that common sense hasprevailed and the implementation ofthis important piece of legislation hascome to fruition.

By Denis Carlisle

Events in the Port ofAuckland have beenproviding the unionwith a constantstream of challenges.

We are involved with employmentnegotiations with Toll and the PortCompany, and while these are taking upa major portion of the Local’s time otherday to day problems still need to beaddressed.

Government Forum

Recently the officials and delegatesattended the CTU Government Forumheld at Alexander Park Raceway inAuckland, and this provided a chancefor us to pose questions to ministers on arange of subjects.

The hot topic for Local 13 were theEmployment Relations Act amend-ments, questions about Cabotage,contracting out, casual labour, yellowunions, and freeloading, these being thesubject of questions put to the Ministerof Labour.

The theme behind most of theanswers was that Government wouldprovide some of the tools for unions toprogress their campaigns but theGovernment would not legislate for a100% fix.

This means that we as unionists aregoing to have to carry on lobbyingGovernment and Members of Parlia-ment for the changes that we need to theEmployment Relations Act.

If it had been the races that night therank outsider would have been thereintroduction of Cabotage.

Self-loading stopped

On two recent occasions, overseasseamen have been successfully stoppedundertaking stevedoring work that hasbeen traditionally done by New Zealandstevedores – an issue that highlightshow vigilant all members must be.

Both of these cases were successesfor the union as Auckland MUNZmembers were placed back on the job.

A new office administrator MissMerita Reidy is now with us at Local 13.

Merita has replaced Miss ShonaGladding who recently resigned afterseven years service to travel overseas.

We wish Shona good luck for heroverseas travel and Merita good luckwith her new job.

The new Holidays Act is now uponus and has brought with it a fair amountof headaches.

It seems that it depends on who youask as to what answer you get, witheverything depending on what isdefined as a normal day of work.

I guess you just have to look on thepositive side and that is we at least havesomething more of benefit to argueabout.

It’s good to see that finally casualswill receive a minimum of time and ahalf for working on a Statutory Holiday.

All the Health and Safety Represen-tatives have now been elected in thePort – congratulations to all those whowere successful.

Port Roundup:

New Plymouth

By Shane Parker

The port has beenvery busy lately withmore and morecontainer shipscalling.

Some of them are from Asia bringingin break bulk and steel and heavy lifts,and the drill pipe for the increased oilexploration which is going on aroundhere to try and replace the Maui gasfield which is fast running out.

This has also meant increased workfor the local Seafarers.

There has been talk lately of a ferrylink between Nelson and New Ply-mouth – all very vague and wouldrequire a sizeable investment by thePort Company to make it possible.

There is also the possibility ofimporting Liquid Natural Gas if thereare no Gas strikes in the near future.

This is a very volatile product andwould require huge capital investment.

The New Plymouth branch contactnumber is mobile number 027 2755 458.


Port News

Port Roundup:

Port Chalmers

Local 10By Phil Adams

Greetings from theSouth.

The year hasbrought a busy timefor both companies in

the Port.

Port Chalmers Cargo Services

Port Chalmers Cargo Services havebeen busy with fish, logs and fertiliserand the odd bit of out of Port work.

With the amount of work these ladsare doing, it is time to look at somepermanent staff in the form of a success-ful cadet system in the ContainerTerminal.

Port Otago

The terminal is very busy withconstant 3rd shifts being the norm.

The strain this is putting on ourmembers shows more staff are needed toeliminate the stress, and the officials aretalking to Port Otago managementregarding this issue.

Three new straddles have beenordered, and with the 2 new emptycontainer lifters should see the operationworking a lot more smoothly than itcurrently is.

The terminal is presently havingproblems employing casuals as workgets busier and casuals find permanentemployment elsewhere.

What is required is more permanentskilled staff to allow people more timeoff and a roster, particularly of 3rd shiftsand weekends so everyone gets a turn.


The officials are currently negotiatingwith the Port Company.

2004 is the final year of our threeyear contract, and a review would takeplace on the start of a new term for ourcontract.

Remits from members have beentaken and the negotiating team iscurrently working its way through themto get into a position to present them tothe company.

Although accepting a three yearcontract last time was not agreeable toall, the negotiating team believe it wasthe right decision as it tied in a lot ofgood clauses that other Ports havealready lost.

In fact the ILWU in America haverecently signed a six year contract to tryto tie in the major clauses of theircontract.

As negotiations begin the memberswill be kept fully informed.

Stopwork Meetingsand Branch Elections

It is heartening to see the numbers ofmembers that turn up for our meetingsevery second month is on the increase.

An attendance of sixty at our lastmeeting bodes well for the future.

It is great to the see the youngmembers attend and take part in thedebate, as well as the Port ChalmersCargo Workers and our members fromthe Warehousing side.

We recently held well-contestedbranch elections with the results:President: David DickVice-President: Clive GilesSecretary/Treasurer: Phil AdamsExecutive: Adam Law, Iain Quarrell,Michael Lysaght, Wayne Welch, NoelCurrie with Peter Dungey co-opted fromthe sheds.Trustees: Keith Currie, Murray Gillon

Holiday Home

The holiday home is proving verypopular and is full most weeks.

The last year has seen its popularityincrease.

With winter upon us the underfloorheating will be turned on and weremind members that the temperature isset –some people kept adjusting it,nearly resulting in a disastrous fire.


At our last meeting we soughtpeople interested in doing ITF work inthe port and it was good to see interestfrom our members.

Most of the recent work has beenaround overseas fishing boats.

One example was a joint venturevessel with New Zealand interests thatbroke down and was repaired in PortChalmers.

An Indonesian crew membercomplained to us about being beaten upand wished to be repatriated.

He was like all the crew hired fortwo years with three months off in thistime.

If crew broke the contract theyreceived no money, and what moneythey did receive was sent home via anagent who took his share out and leftlittle for the crew’s family.

This particular vessel had recentlylost a crew member overboard.

So after much arguing and gettingnowhere with the New Zealand basedagent we contacted the Police for fear ofthis crew member’s life.

The police warned the captain of theship that it would be checked by policeat each port it visited, in order to checkon the crew.

We have since been told that thecrew member who complained hasreturned home with nothing.

The question we as New Zealandersmust ask is how can a New Zealandcompany be involved in this shockingtreatment of human beings?

The New Zealand joint venturecompany should be highlighted andasked to explain itself and this is not aone-off case.

Absolutely disgraceful.

Interport 2005

Preparations are well underway forthe tournament in our Port next year.

A raffle is being organised on anational level to raise funds to havetourny in a small port.

Winky Waugh is now the Chairmanof the National Sports Committee –congratulations.

Winky asks that anyone interested inhelping with next year’s event to get intouch with him.

National Executive Report

On the 5-7 April 2004, we held ourfirst Maritime Union National ExecutiveMeeting.

The meeting took 3 days and debatewas wide and varied.

It was good to see all ports parti-cipate in the debates that took place,with Dave Morgan sitting in andlending advice where needed.

The meeting indicates a positivefuture for our organisation.

Before the meeting, the Executivestood for a moment’s silence as a markof respect to the passing of AucklandVice-President Jim Nolan.

Jim was well known to membersfrom outside his home port of Auckland,and all who knew him could not faulthis commitment to his memberswhether in Auckland or around thecountry.

South Island News

Two members of the Bluff branchhave recently been in Dunedin hospital.

The local branch visited and sentflowers to Davey Low and more recentlyHarry Holland.

Treating them as our own is uniquein the Union movement and long may itcontinue.

We wish both men well.


Port News

[Port Chalmers Port Roundup continued]


In May the branch held a retirementfunction for four long standing membersof our branch and the seafaring side ofthe Union.

Rex Hill, Len Hannah, Bill Brownand Ike Amas were sent into retirementand other ventures at a function at theWIC in May.


At the last National Executive, itwas decided to launch a campaign tohighlight the problems in our industrysuch as contracting out, casualisation,the need for cabotage and greater Healthand Safety regulations.

This is a nationwide campaign aimedat involving all our members.

Please get in behind it – we need tolet MPs and the public know that wehave put up with enough and it is nowtime for action.

We must bring our industry backfrom the brink as doing nothing will seeus fade into the obscurity.

All members are requested to getinvolved, talk to their branch officialsand find out more about the campaign.

Super Fund

Members will indeed be smiling thisyear after our disastrous last year.

This year’s return of around 14%goes a long way to satisfying us andproving that our fund can turn aroundand perform.

What does disturb our officials inour Port is some young members havenot joined the Super.

This is their choice but allowing thecompany to keep the 7% they wouldpay each week into your super is givingmoney away.

With the Death Benefit and thecompulsory saving for your retirementthe Super should mean all members jointhe scheme. Don’t delay!

Veterans’ Association

At the last meeting of the NationalExecutive, it was decided to form aVeterans’ Association along the samelines as the highly successful AustralianMaritime Veterans Association.

An inaugural meeting will be heldsoon in Wellington with hopefully allPorts sending a representative.

In our port we have some verycapable retired members who couldplay a part in the formation of theVeterans Association.

The knowledge and help to thecurrent members will strengthen both

organisations given the talent of ourretired members.

MUA Conference

Recently I was lucky enough toattend the MUA conference in Sydney.

Although this will be reported on inother areas of this magazine, I wouldjust like to say how brilliantly theconference was run.

Good speakers, and very good debate,all made for an excellent conference.

Although I believe they are actuallyworse off than us (particularly withCasualisation and the collecting ofUnion Fees), you could not help but beswept up with the Australians’ positiveview for the future.

We can certainly learn a lot from this,as even though things may look bleak,keeping a positive attitude as the Aussiesdid can only be good for the Union.

Wellington members aboard the Lynx (photo by Andy Ball)

It’s something we should emulate.


Recently Mainland won a contract towork a fishing boat in our Port.

This meant our Branch Executivemembers, along with our MaritimeUnion communications officer VictorBillot, went into “action mode.”

Newspaper articles, pressure on localcompanies, and general education ofmembers but the community saw thevessel bypass the port, and thus Main-land’s return was thwarted.

Many thanks to all our members andthe local RMTU members who stoodready to fight for our permanent jobs inour Port.

I believe Mainland will be back butgiven the great response to them thistime, I am sure they will be resisted again.

Port Chalmers members at smoko


Port Roundup:


Port Roundup:

Bluffby Ray Fife

With the demise ofthe MSC NewPlymouth and P&OTaranaki, cargovolumes through the

port have been greatly reduced.This in conjunction with our seasonal

quiet period after the New Year has seenour members having plenty of time off,but as it goes with shipping patternswhen we are working we can work upto 80 hours in a week.

MUA Conference

I was fortunate to be able to attendthe Maritime Union of Australia qua-drennial conference in Sydney from 14-19 March.

Approximately three hundreddelegates and invited internationalguests attended what was a very wellorganized event, the organizers madeuse of what modern technology has tooffer to present a conference that keptthe attention of all who attended.

The issues the Australians and otherspeakers spoke on are the same issuesthat we are facing here, job security,casualisation, health and safety, andworking conditions.

Globalization and privatization,having the trade system run by bigcorporations and regulation of the labourmarket were other topics debated.

Campaigns (both political andindustrial) should be continuous to beeffective.

Success, regardless how little, is goodfor morale – and morale is very importantin these politically sensitive times.

All these issues, particularly since weare dealing with the same employers andshippers throughout the Pacific, need tobe addressed under a wider forum.

The need for closer links with otherMaritime Unions within the Pacific isparamount.

The conference determined thatmore communication and meetings willtake place to ensure that we are not leftbehind and are able to formulatestrategies to combat whatever is thrownat us.

Interport Sports 2004

Eight competitors from our branchparticipated in the Interport Sportstournament held in Gisbome.

The results obtained are the best thathas ever been achieved since our portstarted competing.

The KereKere Canoe, representingsupremacy in the 6 man teams event,was jointly won by Bluff and NewPlymouth.

The team consisted of Alan Lindsay,Paul Pou, Tom Morgan. Peter Waddel,Ray Fife and Terry Osborne.

Alan Lindsay won the “Rare Cup 54hole gross” and was the winner for the“Tareha Cup for 4 Ball pairs”.

Ray Fife won the “George Walker 54hole Stableford.”

Peter Fincher enjoyed success in theIndoor Sports, being part of a winningteam in the darts pairs, winning thedoubles in the Snooker and gainingthird place in the doubles of the 8 Ball.


We recently had another send off forone of our members who decided to callit a day after 30 years in the industry.

Vic Harding was a well liked hardworking member and we wish him allthe best in his retirement.

Ross and Keith Tangney of Bluff Branch on the ‘Relay for Life’ held inInvercargill on 6–7 March 2004. Sponsored by the Bluff Branch, theyraised approximately $1200 (photo by Harry Holland)

by Kevin Forde

Timaru has beenbusy lately with fishand fertilizer.

Members havebeen crosshired to the

Port Company to work on Maersk andTasman Orient vessels.

There has not been much out of portwork and Port Chalmers members havebeen working here as well.

Sadly we have had two deaths oflong standing members.

Graeme Blanchard had 30 years ofservice and Billy Doyle had been comingup to 43 years of service.

Another longstanding member hasretired.

Garry Kilgour was Secretary of theUnion branch for many years and alsoran the Medicare scheme for over 20years.

A new agreement has been signedwith Turnbulls Stevedoring.

The Timaru Branch will hold itsAGM in June.

Our members who travelled toInterport 2004 in Gisborne report thatthey enjoyed themselves thoroughly.

Maritime Union of New Zealand Vice President Joe Fleetwood presentsMaritime Union National Secretary Paddy Crumlin with a gift fromacross the Tasman at the MUA Conference in Sydney, April 2004


by Joe Fleetwood

Kia Ora Comrades.A delegation of ten

from the MaritimeUnion of NewZealand were invited

to attend the Maritime Union of Austra-lia (MUA) National Conference inMarch 2004.

MUA National Secretary PaddyCrumlin called upon Aboriginal leaderKevin Tory to welcome all to Australia.

A short video on past and presentstruggles was shown, and Paddy theninvited Leader of the Australian LaborParty (and hopefully next Prime Minis-ter) Mark Latham to open the Confer-ence.

Mr Latham spoke positively onmany of the ALP’s shipping resolutions,including:• the need for a strong, viable shippingindustry• employing Australian workers underthe Australian flag• to renew the ALP commitment toretain cabotage• a full review of the single and con-tinual Voyage Permit System, which theHoward Government has exploited• ensuring Australian seafarers workingin the international trade are notdisadvantaged• consideration of a tonnage tax regime• to seriously look into all vesselsinvolved in salvage and towage services• the abolishment of Australian Work-ers’ Agreements (AWAs – individualcontracts)• reintroduce collective bargaining andstrong guidelines for good faith bargain-ing

The ALP also recognizes the ITF Flagof Convenience ‘Ships of Shame’campaign, and supports national andinternational seafarers’ human, indus-trial and social rights, committing to abetter life for the majority, not theminority.

Let’s hope Mr Latham is a man of hisword, as there is no doubt in my mindour MUA comrades will strive to keepthe ALP honest and accountable.

ACTU Secretary Greg Combetstressed ‘the time is now’ for the Unionmovement to stand up and fight as acollective.

We must:• defeat the disgraceful attacks of theHoward Government on workers• educate and show commitment to theyoung

• address all social commitments athome and at work• pressure employers on the need formaternity leave

MUA National Secretary PaddyCrumlin’s report began with a shortvideo in honour of a true defender of theworking class, Tas Bull. You may begone, comrade, but never forgotten, andremembered for a lifetime dedicated tofighting the class struggle.

Paddy and other national officialsunveiled the MUA’s four year plan tocarry the Union into the future, makingall members accountable for the pro-gress and stability of the Union.

This is a nationally-based approach,consisting of branch responsibilities,membership commitment, strongfinancial management, union growth,job security, campaigning, casualization,deregulation, and supporting worker-driven communities, along with a needto recognize the enemy and recognizethe importance of global solidarity.

It was refreshing to listen to themany highly respected internationalspeakers from the world Union move-ment, including the ITF’s DavidCockroft message of solidarity, SteveCotton (ITF “No place to hide” cam-paign), CFMEU leader John Maitland,Tony Maher (very inspirational) and‘Big Bob’ McEllrath from the ILWU – hisname speaks volumes

There were many other internationalpresentations from internationalcomrades from Vanuatu, Vietnam,Holland, Japan, Papua New Guinea,Denmark, Sweden, South Africa,America, East Timor and New Zealand,who all stressed the need for interna-tional solidarity.

Your struggle is our struggle.News of the death of a comrade from

East Timor saddened the conference.He died on the job, while working

for a company that exploits theirworkers by paying them $1 an hour.

On the strength of internationalsolidarity, nearly $3000 was collectedand forwarded with our condolences tothe worker’s family.

The MUA renewed their commit-ment to help fight for the rights ofindigenous people, and there was astrong push from speakers Karen Leavyand Sue Virago to recognize the need formore women in predominantly maledominated work areas.

Remits were put to the conference onthese matters and endorsed by all.

Retired Union stalwart BillBodenham reported back to Conferenceregarding the veterans of our Unions,and the establishment of the RetiredNational Veterans Union.

I commend all past and presentveterans for leading the way forward.Thank you, comrades.

A meeting between MUNZ andMUA officials to discuss strategies andtactics on dealing with Toll Holdingswas very beneficial, as well as a discus-sion between Australian and interna-tional officials on the upcoming work-shop/conference which may be held inSan Francisco, April 2005.

CFMEU delegate John Maitlandaccepted the task of putting together adraft copy of the proposed conference,to be distributed to all unions involved.

The honour of lifetime membershipof the MUA was bestowed upon formerMaritime Union president Dave Morganfor his tireless dedication to the workingclass struggle.

The presentation of a Taiaha (Maorifighting stick) was made to MUANational secretary Paddy Crumlin onbehalf of MUNZ.

I would like to thank our brothersand sisters of the MUA for inviting us toparticipate in this historical gathering ofmaritime workers from around theworld.

It was a true example of internationalsolidarity and the internationalism thatwe must defend vigorously.In unity,Joe FleetwoodNational Vice PresidentKia kaha, tatau tatau(Be strong,we are all one)

Vice President’s Report

Control room, Port Botany


Regional Contacts

WhangareiMobile: 021 855 121Fax: 09 459 4972Address: PO Box 397, Whangarei��Auckland SeafarersPhone: 09 3032 562 Fax: 09 3790 766Mobile: 021 326 261Address: PO Box 1840, AucklandEmail:

Auckland Local 13Phone: 09 3034 652 Fax: 09 3096 851Mobile: 021 760 887Address: PO Box 2645, AucklandEmail:

Mount MaunganuiPhone:� 07 5755 668 Fax: 07 5759 043Mobile: 025 782 308Address: PO Box 5121, Mt. MaunganuiEmail:

Gisborne Local 38����Mobile: 025 6499 697Address: 5 Murphy Road,GisborneEmail:

New PlymouthPhone: 06 7589 728 Fax: 06 7513 646Mobile: 027 2755458Address: PO Box 659, New PlymouthEmail:

NapierPhone/Fax: 06 8358 622Mobile: 025 2174 289Address: PO Box 70, NapierEmail:

Wellington SeafarersPhone: 04 3859 288 Fax: 04 3848 766Mobile: 021 481 242Address: PO Box 27004, WellingtonEmail:

Wellington WaterfrontPhone: 04 3859 288 Fax: 04 3848 766Mobile: 021 606 379Address: PO Box 2773, WellingtonEmail:

Wellington Stores and Warehouse Local 21Phone: 04 3859 520 Fax: 04 3848 766Address: PO Box 27004, Wellington

NelsonPhone/Fax: 03 548 7778Address: PO Box 5016, Nelson �

Lyttelton Local 43Phone: 03 3288 306 Fax: 03 3288 798Mobile: 0274 329 620Address: PO Box 29, LytteltonEmail:�TimaruPhone/Fax: 03 6843 364Mobile: 021 2991 091Address: PO Box 813, Timaru�Port Chalmers Dunedin Local 10Phone: 03 4728 052 Fax: 03 4727 492Mobile:� 027 437 7601Address: PO Box 44, Port ChalmersEmail:

BluffPhone/Fax: 03 2128 189Mobile: 027 4475 317Address: PO Box 5, BluffEmail:

LettersMaritime campaign 2

The Merchant Navy Association(Wellington branch) held a committeemeeting on 15 March 2004 and from thismeeting it was moved unanimously that$500.00 be deposited into the CabotageCampaign Fund.

The committee has mainly veteranmembers, of whom many are not fullyconversant with present day maritimematters, but we are pleased to say wedo have two committee members whoare up with the present day problemsregards seafarers.

Our organisation has benefited fromthe ITF in our earlier concept as anAssociation and is for purpose ofwelfare.

Wishing all the best in the campaign-ing ahead.

Ian DymockPresident/SecretaryMerchant Navy Association(Wellington Branch)

Maritime Campaign

I would like to give all my support tothis campaign and I am fully aware howthese issues are having a negative effecton all New Zealanders.

I feel that if only the public weretruly aware of what is taking place intheir own small country, there would bea lot more support.

You and I both know there is still thesame image viewed by most NewZealanders about the Unions, but feelthat given all the facts they wouldsupport the campaign as well.

I have worked as a casual at TaurangaWharf for the last four years but still feelas unsure about the future as I did when Ifirst started even though I have been areliable capable worker.

Even among my casual work matesthere is conflict as they are as unsure oftheir future as I am, which makes peopletake what they can before thinkingabout other workers.

That unsureness has put me in thesituation of working more than I want insome weeks as there is no way ofknowing what next week will bring.

I hope to gather support from all thatI talk to and wish you luck in savingNew Zealand’s shipping industry.

Jenny Pountney

We want your ideas!The Maritimes welcomes contributions from members

around New Zealand.

Letters, articles and photos can be sent in – they can be

about on the job topics, personal interests, sport, history,

politics, social events, in fact anything you like.

Please send to:

‘The Maritimes’, PO Box 27004, Wellington, New Zealand

or email

or fax 03 4822 179 or phone 021 171 0911