Marjolijne Frieden, President - EIB...

Post on 10-Feb-2018

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Marjolijne Frieden, President


Laurence Wangla, Program Manager

SOS Children’s Villages Ecuador

Active since 1963 in the country.

There are:

• 6 SOS Children’s Villages and 2 SOS

Youth Facilities for 760 young people;

• 1 Vocational Training Centre for 43


• 6 Programmes to support and

strengthen 1,310 vulnerable families;

• Ecuador is still characterized by

unequal wealth distribution, children

are in need of protection (e.g. only one

in five children grows up in households

free from neglect or abuse)

Situation in Ecuador after the


On April 16th, 2015, a 7.8 magnitude

earthquake struck costal areas in

north-west Ecuador.

660 persons have been killed, 16,000

persons injured.

350,000 people in need of assistance

7,000 buildings have been destroyed,

560 schools affected.

150,000 children have been affected

by the earthquake

SOS Children’s Villages response

The response focuses on the protection of children’s rights and

family strengthening. The action is coordinated with other

organizations to support children and families.

800 families and 1,550 children in 8 shelters are receiving

psychological support: post-trauma stress family support to

prevent family separation, ludic games and “return to joy”

methodology, participation in therapy sessions, specific

accompaniment of 448 families.

4 community centers are offering workshops on children’s

rights and violence prevention. More than 580 children, young

people, adults and local authorities are participating

1,050 children and adolescents and their families are building

their capacities in preventive health care

IT corner is available for 1,550 children and adolescents

Contribution of the EIBI - Perspectives

€ 62,500 donated by the European Investment Bank


These funds are dedicated to the overall

intervention, focusing on family strengthening

SOS Ecuador is teaming up with partners and other

NGOs to gradually help more than 2,600 families in

Muisne, Chamanga, Portoviejo and Pedernales

through family strengthening programmes and by

building resilience.


Sophie Glesener, Managing Director

SOS Children’s Villages Nepal

Active since 43 years in the country.

There are:

• 10 SOS Children’s Villages and

8 SOS Youth Facilities for 1,800

young people;

• 1 SOS Kindergarten for 64


• 7 SOS Schools and 3

Vocational Training Centres for

5,000 youngsters and adults;

• 8 SOS Social Centres to support

and strengthen 2,500 families;

• 1 SOS Medical Centre.

Situation in Nepal after the


On April 25th, 2015, a 7.8 magnitude

earthquake struck Nepal.

Nearly 9,000 persons have been

killed, 22,000 persons injured.

600,000 lodgings and 32,000

classrooms have been destroyed.

700,000 families have been displaced,

many children have been separated

from their family, in the worst case


Nepal is one of the poorest countries in

the world. ¼ of its population live

below the poverty line.

SOS Children’s Villages

current intervention

Notes Beneficiaries /


Community centre 3 community centres - Day care for children 78 children

Permanent Care 5 SOS Children’s Villages 48 children

Livelihood intervention Support to restore income and become more

self-sustaining 692 families

Homes in a box Help to restart a life 1,479 families

Kinship Programme Placing children within the extended family 292 children

School Reconstruction Quake-damaged schools 4 schools

Education Distribution of educational items in 9 schools 2,034 students

Private housing


Under preparation 320 families

SOS Children’s Villages current rehabilitation

intervention, 18 months after the earthquake

SOS Children’s Villages

intervention after the earthquake

25 Child Friendly Spaces for

more than 2,000 children

SOS Children’s Villages served

more than 2,000 children in several

districts (Bhaktapur, Kaski,

Kathmandu, Lalitpur, Kavre and

Bharatpur) with :

• Meals

• Therapeutic and medical care

• Informal class activities, games,

art therapy…

These spaces allow parents to take

care of the most urgent things to

do after the catastrophe

Contribution of the EIBI

€ 50,000 donated by the European

Investment Bank Institute

These funds were dedicated to the 25 Child

Friendly Spaces

Total Cost of the Child Friendly Spaces
