Market research on advertising

Post on 03-Jul-2015

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This shows the best website to put an advert one


Market Research on Advertising Placement

By Khrystlyn Wilson


The logo for the website VIVA is very vibrant and consists of not only complimentary colours but contradicting ones. The use of the different and bright colours allows the audience to feel compelled in clicking on the website and wanting to know what its about. This channel ranges from showing things like videos, cartoons, comedy and drama series. By having this very versatile channel and website it allows it to appeal to all kinds of audiences from 18+ both male and female. By having the bold writing as well makes it easier for the audience to read the logo and would remember the logo through not only the use of their design but also the colours.

Upon coming onto the website the audience is greeted with a vivid picture of what appears to be celebrities. This immediately creates an aura of familiarity for the audience because they would know who the celebrities are and the genre of music they specialise in. It also makes the audience wonder what relevance that they may have the website so it would make them want to scroll down and know more.

This screenshot shows the audience the kind of things that the website has to offer and contains. I think that in order to have an online advertisement on this website may be a good idea because it would be visible for audience to have a look at. It would give the client a great coverage for the advert to be seen and probably well know. However they would take into consideration that its surrounded by other things that their target audience would mostly want to look at and would probably find more interesting. This would mean that they would have to find a way for it to appeal to their audience and stand out from all the other things they may wish to watch instead.

This screenshot informs the client about the pricing during certain programmes and the timings that the advert may be shown at.

This table gives intel about the most popular programs and how many people watch it. This table shows it in order from most popular to the least This is important for the client to know so that they can know what time they should broadcast their advertisement.

This table ( Taken from the BARB website )shows the audience the amount of people that tune in to this channel and how many watch it daily as well as weekly. The client would have to know this information because they have to make sure that they don’t waste money putting a advert on a channel that no-one would barely watch. It would still be important to know this information even though a lot of people may tune to that channel it may be for the wrong audience.

This is the logo for not only E4 but also for their website. The design is an interesting concept through the use of having the ‘E’ inside the 4. Some people wouldn’t immediately realise the concept but after looking at for a while they would come to realise it. The use of having universal colours it shows that the website and channel is for both male and females. However the age range for this channel is not very clear because they may show things from peppa pig in the morning to misfits in the night. However because of that the age range may be from 2 – 29+. During the mornings the age is for 2 years olds however mid morning to afternoon then the age range goes up. Due to this the client would have to very careful of what time they wish for their advert to come on air

When clicking on the website we are presented with the homepage. The first thing that they audience would see and is their main focus would be the icon or person that is on the page. The audience would be intrigued as to what it is and what the channel is trying to portray. We also see the different channels for the various different ‘ 4 ‘ channels. This means that its easy access to the other website and would possibly give the advertisement more coverage but having it on this many websites. The use of the same colour dull colours however allows the icons to stand out due to the contrast in colours from the website.

In this screenshot it clearly shows the ways in which our client may be able to present their advertisement on the website. It gives them varies options on how they wish to proceed in putting the advert on the website. It also gives them the best ways and what is best in order for their advert to be seen and even acknowledged.

This screen shot was taken from the E4 website and it clearly shows the audience the ‘ top videos ‘ on their website. This means that is the most popular and being watched mostly by their audience. If the client is able to put their advert on this website and it comes up on this that would mean that many people have tuned in and watched the video which has made the video popular. If that happens that would mean that more people would watch it because of where it stands.

This table shows the monthly rating of the channel and how many people watch this programme. This is to compare with the table to the top so that the client may know how many people watch that programme and if airing their advert during the show would be beneficial for them in terms of viewing rates and money wise.

This table is to allow the client to compare the most popular programs and how much it is for them air their advertisement during this programme. It also shows the best price of when to sow their advertisement.


This is the official logo for the website 4MUSIC. This particular channel shows a range of things from music videos, to comedy and drama series. The music genre that is played on this channel is mostly RnB and Pop Music ( this is an abbreviation for popular music ). This logo tried to appeal to both male and female audience through the use of the colour and the design. Due to the colour being pink you may immediately think that its for girls- however due to the design of the logo you may also think that its for males aged 17+

Upon coming onto this website the audience is presented with latest news and things happening in the celebrity world and in the normal world. I believe this site would be a great platform in order to put the Cyber-Bulling advert on here because once its on the website the audience can have easy access to the video and they would be able to see if here first and be able to watch it.

This screenshot shows the audience the purpose of the website and what its main target is. It also educates the audience on if they wish to advertise on the website the kind of things that not only the client would have to take into consideration but also the website/ company. The use of the bright and bold colours would draw anyone in to read it thus making it effect for people to notice the website.

This screenshot shows the estimated costs of advertising at a certain time and during certain programmes. The client would not only have to think about how much it would cost to air the advertisement but also the time when the most people are going to be watching it.

This screenshot taken from the BARB website shows in order the most popular and least popular watched program on the channel. This goes to show that the audience would rather watch comedy or anything that contains drama. When the client is choosing when to place the advert they would have to take into consideration the amount of people that would be watching that program and would be watching the TV at the time.

This is to show the amount of people that watch this channel within a week, as well how long they watch the channel.


The logo for channel 5 is quiet boring and dull for teens. This may be because of the fact that its to appeal to all the ages and to both males and females. However the genre of programmes that they show are targeted for the tends entertainment. The target audience for this channel is very versatile due to the shows that are broadcasted on the show. The age for this channel is 18-49+. Due to the shows that air at night time is appeals mostly to the older ages, however from afternoon it’s a channel for teenagers. The client needs to take into consideration the fact that the channel may appeal more to older ages than teenagers.

Once clicking on the website the audience is presented with one of the main and popular shows on the channel. This would draw their attention because of how vivid and enlarge the whole thing is. This would make them intrigued and they would want to know what the show is about and may probably want to watch it.

This screenshot shows to anyone who would wish to have an advertisement on the website or channel of the program. It gives them the facts of when the best possibly time to air the advert and how many people tune not only to the channel but also to the website. It also tells you about the other parts of ‘ 5 ‘ and how you can also air your advert on one of those channels because their main one may not be that popular.

These are the figures of how much it would cost to air the advertisement during come of their most popular programmes. Due to the popularity of the programmes the prices have been increased so the client would have to consider if its worth paying that much money for a few seconds of advertising even though a lot of people would watch it.

This table clearly shows the amount of people that tune in to watch these programmes. Its listed in terms of most popular to least popular. The client would have to take consider if they wish to show it during a programme that isn’t very popular to save money and risk not many people seeing it, or spending a lot for an advert that’s less than a minute.


One of the main site that I have decided to look into for broadcasting the cyber-safety campaign is MTV. This is a very popular channel among 18 – 24 year olds because they show the current songs that are in the charts. It is also popular because of their up-to-date news readings and tells us about what’s happening in the world of the celebrities. The channel also shows all the music video that are current and have recently come into the charts.

This is the logo for the MTV website and channel. Even though these is no colour to it , it is still able to draw in the attention of their audience due to the contrasting colours of black and white. The logo clearly stands out on the channel and on the website so it would draw people in to try and know what the site and channel is all about. By having no colour and a plain design it appeals to both male and females and age range from 16 – 28 and possibly onwards.

This table shows the audience of MTV from their gender to their age. In this table we see that more female watch MTV than males by 2%. Even though the percentage is small that may mean a large amount of people. The table also shows that 63% of 18 – 34 year olds mainly watch the channel. This is good for the client because their target audience is mainly teens and the majority of the audience for this channel is teens.

This screenshot shows the ways that the website is trying to help if anyone wishes to put an advertisement on their website and on their channel. It gives them information on who to contact in order for this to be possible. At the top of this screenshot we can clearly see the other channels that the MTV is connected. This may be good for the client because then it means that they may possibly be able to put their ad on these other channels and get more coverage and views on the advert.

This table very clearly shows that teens love watching things that relates to them or that they can relate to. The programme that is mostly watched is a programme about teens and how wild and crazy they are. The client would then have to consider thinking about airing their advert during a programme that the teen would relate to and enjoys watching. They also have to make sure that its not going to be boring for them to watch. They also have to take into consideration the day its aired because it seems like the most popular shows were aired on a Tuesday.

This is the pricing list to air a programme during these shoes. The fact that they are so low shows that not only the shoes aren’t popular but maybe also the channel isn’t popular. This would be bad for the client because they would need to air their ad on a channel that a lot of people would be watching.

Conclusion on the best website/channel to air the advertisement

I believe that the best possible channel for the advert to be aired would be channel 5 during early peak times because more people would be tuned and would be watching that channel. However due to the price and that fact that the channel doesn’t really appeal to the target audience the channel I think that the advert should be aired is E4. This is mainly because it is target for teens and the even though not a lot of people tune in to this channel the price is reasonable and their target audience would definitely be watching this channel. I also think that they could also air it on 4music because of the versatile things that they show that targets their audience and possesses the things that they may like. However in terms of putting the ad online this may be the best website to put it on instead. This is due to the layout, setting, colours and themes that the website holds that appeals not only for males and females but also for a possibly wider audience range.