Marketing for Startup: Building a Killer Marketing Program

Post on 03-Aug-2015

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Building a Killer Marketing Program

The goal of this session:Give you the tools and processes to build a marketing program

(and some tips on avoiding five very common mistakes)

About me: Consultant CMO and adviser for startups

Started Mansfield + Associates in 1992

Helped clients build an aggregate market value of close to $5 billion

Played a founder's role in successful startups including Brand3 (sold to American Express), PropertyBridge (sold to MoneyGram). Wallaby Financial (sold to BankRate)

Supported marketing and fund-raising programs with VCs and angels for over 100 companies

About me: Ways I help fast growth companies



CMO in a Box


The old model

Support sales



Trade showsPromotions


How do you respond?

People & processes: Preparing for war with the right generals and troops

People & processes: Cover the bases in all key areas of marketing

Branding: Positioning/messaging/ide

ntitySocial media PR


SEM/SEO/app store optimization

UI/UX,user testing, flows

Biz dev support (collateral, presentations, video etc. Events/conferences Investor relations

People & processes: Who should handle your marketing?

Entrepreneurial:Best startup marketers are pragmatic risk-


Creative and relentless: Need to figure out practical ways of driving


Disciplined: Follow a process of

prioritizing ideas

Collaborative:Align sales, customer support, product


Balanced: Ego takes a back seat to company goals

Mistake #1:Overload on strategic help

at the expense of tactical support.

People & processes: People organization

People & processes: Asset organization

Brand experienceGoal: Develop a credible, distinctive platform that encourages engagement

Brand experience: Starting points

Not just aboutcool-looking logos

Top downdefinition of purpose

Every touch point thatyou have with customers

Organizational cultureand behavior

Don’t rely solely onin-house branding Measure for success

Brand experience: Enter the Golden Circle



We believe in challenging the status quo and doing things differently

Our products are beautifully designed and easy to use

Products like the iPhone

Mistake #2:Thinking that branding starts and ends

with a cool logo.


Where to go next:

User acquisitionGoal: Test and implement tactics that foster sustainable growth

Gender? Age? Income? Geography? Interests? Cars? Housing? Pets? Idols? Fears? Aspirations? Religious? Clothes? Intelligence?

Conservative? Favorite colors? Role models? Entertainment?

User acquisition: Know thy user

User acquisition: Defining the funnel

Acquisition: How do users find you?

Activation: Do users have a great first experience?

Retention: Do users come back?

Revenue: How do you make money?

Referral: Do users tell others?

User acquisition: Feeding the funnel

SEO/SEM Online ads App store optimization

Email marketing Social media Content marketing

Affiliate PR Partner marketing

Mistake #3:Trying to be everywhere.

User acquisition: Key metrics

Important• Engaged users• Repeat vs first-time actions• Time between actions• Repeat action probability• Customer lifetime value (LTV)• Customer acquisition cost (CAC)

Not so Important• Registered users• Downloads• Page views

User acquisition: Automate the backend

Where to go next:

Partner developmentGoal: Identify partners that can help with the heavy lifting

Partner development: Who can help you carry the load?

Synergistic products? Similar user base?

Track record of partnership

deals?Good acquirer?

Mistake #4:The work is over when the deal is done.

Partner development: Optimizing partnerships

Understand your partner’s operation, structure & team

Leverage their existing internal & external communication channels

Give them ongoing reasonsto stay engaged Stay as close to the frontline as possible

Market leadershipGoal: Use traditional marketing to support user acquisition & partner development

Market leadership: Pick your programs

PR Association partnerships

Conference/events Content syndication

Analyst activities Webinars/roadshows

Mistake #5:Living in a bubble.

In conclusion: Cover the bases

Get organized

Branding User/customer acquisition

Partner development

Industry leadership

Where to go next

Peter Mansfield:

Schedule a one-on-one marketing