Marketing for Startups: Getting Off The Ground

Post on 05-Dec-2014

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Today’s tech startup space is a busy and crowded one with statistics showing more than 90% of tech startups fail. It's an unfortunate truth for most entrepreneurs currently wondering how they will get their billion dollar idea off the ground. This white paper will take an in-depth look at the elements that must be part of your overall marketing strategy to ensure your startup has the best chance at long-term success.



Modern Marketing PartnersStartup Marketing Best Practices Guide


Startup Marketing Best Practices

INTRODUCTIONToday’s tech startup space is a busy and crowded one with statistics showing

that a new tech startup is launched every 48 hours in Chicago alone1. Extrapolate

that statistic nationwide and there is a lot of competition for both customers

and investors! The unfortunate truth is that the majority of startups will fail.

In fact, it is estimated that more than 90% of tech startups fail2.

Which factors determine whether your startup will succeed or fail? Clearly, a

new brand or innovative new business model will encounter, and must overcome,

a variety of obstacles. As every entrepreneur learns, there are no silver bullets

for success.

The early stages of a startup will most likely be dominated by product or service

definition and development, recruiting and managing staff, and possibly funding.

However, evidence shows that you need more than just a great product or

service to succeed. More often than not, startups fail because of marketing,

or lack thereof.

To be sure, most startups are too strapped for cash to afford all the marketing

services available to more established businesses, yet this is often who you’re

up against when trying to enter a new market. Therefore, we have identified

4 marketing disciplines that startups should focus on to achieve highly

effective marketing, while realizing cost efficiencies that won’t break the

bank. Startup marketing disciplines include competitive analysis, branding,

digital marketing, and ongoing communications.

Modern Marketing PartnersStartup Marketing Best Practices Guide


Start With Competitive Analysis

As with any marketing initiative, before you begin executing tactics, take some

time to identify and evaluate competitor’s marketing. First, who are primary

and secondary competitors? What are their brand names, products and services?

What audiences do they target? Certainly, lavish time and effort on competitor

websites. Identify site content or sitemap of each, along with strengths and

weaknesses of competitors’ websites.

Try to ascertain what marketing programs or initiatives competitors are

implementing now, and if possible, implemented in the past. For internet-based

businesses, this includes organic and paid search, along with blogging and

social media. Also determine publicity, advertising, and event marketing. If

applicable, identify whether channel programs are used, and if so, in what way.

Know that implementing copy-cat programs against an established competitor

will likely fail. As will not differentiating from a competitor.

Don’t get discouraged! Even mega-brands like Facebook and Google faced

major competition from MySpace and Yahoo, before eventually surpassing them.

Sample Perceptual

Map, plumbing


Modern Marketing PartnersStartup Marketing Best Practices Guide


Excel at Branding

With competitive insight in hand, the foundation of your startup’s marketing

program should be branding, which includes company or product naming, all

visual identities, and all customer communications or touch points.Your brand

is the sum of all perceptions customers have, including their experience with

your product or company. Brand positioning should be unique and differentiated

from competitors identified in your analysis. Following are more details on

key branding elements.

NAMING: YOUR MOST IMPORTANT MARKETING DECISIONNaming your company or product/service is surely one of the most important

decisions a startup will make. A great brand name can generate publicity

itself, while a bad brand name can kill an otherwise excellent business model.

Yet too often, brand names are not created via a disciplined process, or with

the assistance of experts. Nor tested for effectiveness.

Branding agency IDeas BIG (brand identity group) employs a 10-Step brand

name development process, complete with a name-scoring tool to add

objectivity to an often subjective process. The IDeas BIG blog describes this

process, along with multiple case studies, including tech startups.

Regardless of the source of brand name candidates (ideally you generate

50-100 brand name candidates), use a scoring tool to identify a shortlist

of approximately 10 names. Ask the following questions to winnow that

shortlist to 3-5 candidates for testing.

Next, test brand name candidates that pass above questions with friends and

family, key or prospective customers, investors and more! Ask each to vote on

their favorite, or describe why they don’t like a particular candidate. Final brand

name selection should be based on trademark and domain availability, as well

as feedback from testing.

1. Is the trademark available?

2. Is the website domain or a variation available?

3. Does it resemble a competitor?

4. Are there multiple and relevant meanings behind it?

5. Does the meaning change if translated into another language?

IDeasBIG Branding Book

Modern Marketing PartnersStartup Marketing Best Practices Guide


CREATING A VISUAL IDENTITYYour visual identity is comprised of several elements including: logo, color,

graphic elements, website design, business cards, Powerpoint templates and

more. As mentioned, begin by identifying and evaluating competitor’s visual

identities to ensure uniqueness, and frankly, superiority. For example, if

your two top competitors use blue colors, steer away from blue, perhaps

differentiating with a hot color like red or yellow.

Most often, brands begin the visual identity process with a logo. Ideally, the logo

has a visual reference or reinforcement to the brand name. Logos can be a

typeface (logotype), and/or a mark (logomark), along with a descriptor or tagline.

Like brand names, explore a range of logo options, beginning with black/white

or grayscale versions, before exploring color. Also like brand names, winnow

down logo options to a shortlist, and test logo finalists with key audiences. If

your tech startup is web-based, it might help to design website homepages

with logo finalists to judge the logo in its native habitat.

Once the logo is selected, other visual marketing applications can be created

including letterhead and business cards, Powerpoint templates, signage,

brochure and advertising templates, and of course the website and related

digital assets (to be described next).

With key marketing applications created, we recommend developing a visual

identity standards guide to ensure consistent use of the logo and other visual

identity elements.

Need logo inspiration? 99designs offers some examples and tips for creating

a fresh, unique tech logo3. As tempting as it may be to copy other popular

tech logos, be sure to stay away from designs that look generic or cliché.

Sample brand identity

guidelines for MMP client

Auto Truck Group

Modern Marketing PartnersStartup Marketing Best Practices Guide


Digital Marketing Mastery

As a tech startup, it is likely that the Internet will be relevant to your product

or service, or to your customers. Therefore, mastering the many aspects of

digital or Internet marketing will be important. From a marketing perspective,

we define digital or Internet marketing as first and foremost, your website, along

with search engine optimization or SEO, social media marketing and content.

No question, your website is perhaps the first impression a prospective

customer, job candidate or investor will experience. As described, excellent

branding impacts early and ongoing impressions. Beyond design aesthetic,

your website content and user experience will also make or break this

impression. User experience or UX, is often the function of website navigation,

simplicity, and related factors like messaging, and site speed.

One last consideration for websites is the installation and use of analytics,

or related website statistics packages available from web host providers.

We prefer Google Analytics, as Google is by far the most important search

engine, and the reports are extensive, user-friendly, and integrate nicely with

paid search (Google Adwords), and social media.

Before a prospect, job candidate or investor can experience your website,

they have to find it, which is most often the result of using a search engine.

Search engine optimization (SEO), is the meta-coding and SEO features that

support the organic or natural rank of a search result on a search engine results

page (SERP). Studies show that only the top search results (e.g. 1-5) have

significant click-through rates (CTR). Want to know more? Check out our

whitepaper on SEO Best Practices.

Related to the topic of organic search and SEO, is paid search or pay-per-click

(PPC). This is a complex subject by itself. Our philosophy is to achieve search

organically, and to use paid search for extremely competitive keywords, or

temporarily until organic search can gain traction. Competition is certainly

a consideration when evaluating organic and paid search. Diagnostic

tools including SEOmoz, SpyFu and Google Webmaster can help you with

such analysis.

Example of Google

Analytics report

Modern Marketing PartnersStartup Marketing Best Practices Guide


LEVERAGING SOCIAL MEDIAOnce an experiment for consumer and Internet brands, social media is now a

proven and critical marketing component for most startups. Why? Like many

startups, social media is Internet-based. Key to startups, social media is

extremely cost efficient, while delivering excellent search authority. Do we have

your attention? Depending on your business model, product or services, social

media can be a primary driver of website traffic, lead generation, or even sales.

How? First create social profiles and networks for at least the Big 4: Facebook,

Twitter, YouTube, Google+; and if a business-to-business (B2B) startup,

lavish efforts on LinkedIn including your profile, company page, and groups.

If business-to-consumer (B2C), Pinterest, Instagram, Foursquare and other

social networks can be important. If Ecommerce, social media can deliver

website traffic, and sales. Check out a whitepaper entitled Social Commerce,

from the Ecommerce Marketing Institute.

Next, display these social profiles and networks in a primary position on

your website, with hyperlinks to the respective profiles. This is a great user

experience (UX), and search engines give authority to proper social media

implementation. Another tip is to use social share tool bars on key website

pages, and certainly blogs.

Surely, mountains of information and tips exist regarding social media

implementation, or network-specific how-to’s. For more information, check

out the content and resources of a leading social media marketing agency,

Hot Potato.

Modern Marketing PartnersStartup Marketing Best Practices Guide


Content is King

No question, content is the fuel of digital marketing mastery. Great websites

have great content. Effective social media is dependent on interesting content.

Thought leadership content can position a brand (or tech startup), as a subject

matter expert (SME).

So what should tech startups know about content, and how to implement it?

Think in terms of educating your customer or prospect. If you can do this

effectively, prospects will likely buy from you vs. a competitor that falls short

of being the expert. What’s more, educational content is a search engine

magnet. Content topics are often keyword search phrases or strings. Finally,

great content can be used for lead generation. That is, require the prospect

register or provide some information before receiving the content.

A 2014 content study by the Content Marketing Institute and Marketing Profs

identifies 27 types of content most frequently used. Following are the top 10:

A discussion about content would not be complete without referencing blogs or

blogging. A blog is typically, and ideally, integrated with the company or brand

website, and if executed properly, attributes search authority to that website.

Still the blog can be distinct from the website with blog posts on a variety subjects,

along with corresponding meta code, and the above mentioned social share tools.

The content in blogs is a natural for distributing to corresponding social networks.

What’s more, blog analytics can be integrated with website analytics to report

and understand traffic and other metrics. While blogging takes a lot of effort,

we feel the benefits far outweigh the costs.

1. Social media (except blogs) 2. Articles on your website or other websites

3. eNewsletters 4. Blogs

5. In-person/live events 6. Case studies

7. Videos 8. Whitepapers

9. Online presentations 10. Webcast/virtual meetings

Modern Marketing PartnersStartup Marketing Best Practices Guide


Ongoing Communications

Effective startup marketing is much more than a great website, SEO, social

media or content. Marketing must plan and implement ongoing communications

with a variety of audiences including prospects and customers, channel partners,

editors, possibly analysts, and if applicable, investors. No question the types

of communications vary for these widely different targets.

First and foremost, startups must communicate with prospects, with the goal

of converting them to customers. Prospect communications might include:

Customer communications can often share many prospect communications,

but should also include such basics as email order confirmations, shipping

notifications, recognition, and related.

Certain categories employ channel partners that work with end user customers,

often on a local level. Communications to such partners is often training-related,

including providing marketing tools and resources, cooperative or co-op

programs, and market development funds (MDF).

Free publicity is critical to startup success. Analyst relations can be important

to certain tech startup scenarios. Sharing company news releases, and writing/

pitching articles are typical communications to such targets.

Last but not least, investor communications is certainly important to startups

seeking capital. Such communications may include solicitations, investor

presentations, and more.

• Training webcasts or product demonstrations

• Email campaigns (newsletters, promotions, list procurement, etc.)

• Blogging

• Promoting new content, e.g., case studies, whitepapers, guides, videos, blogs, infographics

• Telemarketing qualification

• Invites to live events or trade shows

• Direct mail

Modern Marketing PartnersStartup Marketing Best Practices Guide


Marketing or Bust

Startups are unique in the fact that brilliant business models more often fail

than succeed, and the major reason for failure is ineffective marketing. Why?

Because the skills and expertise of startups are most often related to business

model or technology, and not advanced marketing.

This guide attempts to identify the critical marketing disciplines, and

sub-disciplines required to succeed including competitive analysis, branding,

digital marketing, and ongoing communications. Digital marketing encompasses

key sub-disciplines of web design, search engine optimization, social media,

and content.

Successful startups are relentless in their marketing, including ongoing

communications to a variety of targets, from prospects, to editors, and more.

Typically, startups cannot afford marketing staff, let alone a complete department.

Fortunately, marketing can be outsourced to qualified marketing agencies

that should have both functional marketing skills, and expertise in your

business category.

ABOUT THE AUTHORSNeil Brown is CMO and partner at Modern Marketing Partners. A serial-

entrepreneur, Neil has launched over 30 startups, while providing marketing

counsel to hundreds more. Brown is author of two books on marketing

and branding, and is published in Advertising Age, Marketing News, BtoB

Marketing, Adweek, and more. He holds a BS Marketing, and MBA from

Northern Illinois University.

Amelia Salter is Account Director and partner at Modern Marketing Partners.

She has worked with startups in the U.S., India, and Australia, and serves

up extensive experience in publicity, content creation, and digital strategy.

Amelia earned a BA in Communication from the University of Illinois Urbana-

Champaign, where she worked at the Office of Technology Management, along

with the EnterpriseWorks Startup Incubator.


1 Built in Chicago2 Allmand Law3 99designs


Hot Potato Social Media

Ecommerce Marketing Institute

Content Marketing Institute

Modern Marketing Partners is an award-winning, full-service marketing and communications agency with a Startup Marketing Practice. For more information, visit our website, or follow us: MMP Blog, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google+ and LinkedIn.