Marketing on Pinterest

Post on 01-Jul-2015

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Pinterest Marketing

Market to people the way they want to be marketed towards by flaunting

your passion

• Pinterest allows you to customize virtual pin boards in a simple, clean manner.

• Stats you should know: • 3rd biggest social network in the world • Mostly women (male population growing)

• Your boards can be of anything. We’ll use my site,, to demonstrate how you might build a following through Pinterest over time.

We market to college students.

College Students like Graffiti. We made a board of graffiti around Philadelphia.

Maybe a student would ask, “what do college students do in Philly?” Well, on Pinterest we can tell them in the form of a ‘pin’.

But what’s that?! Not surprisingly, cute animals with witty captions are popular among students. Humor+Cute=Success

• Pinterest is not about selling. Like all social networks it is about sharing. You want to leverage the knowledge and experience you’ve accumulated with your products to bring your potential customers value.

Customers only have so much attention. We are all looking to get the

best return on our attention paid.

• “But cute puppies and pandas don’t translate to dollars! Nice try slideshow, I think I’ll stick to pinning coupons and products.”

• Before we dive into how to pin your products, let’s check out some advantages of pinning items that may be irrelevant to your product but very relevant to your customer base.

Every time somebody shares my original pin, my board is placed at the bottom of the post.

• 4 people repinned our post, completely irrelevant to our core service, to their followers. But look a little bit closer….

When somebody repins they are forced to choose which board of their own they will repin it to. Unlike Facebook or Twitter, we

are not having our brand shared with all friends or followers, rather a targeted group of followers that are interested in the

theme of the original post.

This is also at the bottom of the board. A preview shot of the board it was repinned from. A quick look at these pups could draw somebody in. Maybe even, another college student that

just happens to be following another college student’s boards?

• Make sure you’re following the right people. When you know what sort of customer would

use your products and you follow them on Pinterest, you can get a better feel for what

else they’re into.

• Alright, but what if we have some great products that would look awesome on this site?

• Glad you asked, let’s take the “Philly: Land of the Veggies” board for example. On this board we post pictures from the finest vegetarian friendly restaurants in the city.

When you click on a picture once, it zooms. If you click it again it takes you to the source of the picture. We link these

from either the businesses Yelp page or website to drive traffic for them. You can do the same from your blog or


Add a price. In the description type in $(and amount item costs)

Look what happens. The price is up in the top left for people to see when scrolling through. Golden rule here:

Be honest.

Interact. Respond. ‘Like’. Follow people. Build relationships on here. Taken out of context, the comment below could be taken as a bit unusual. Carol was adding her caption to a picture of 2

chipmunks talking to each other.

How do I pin? Download the ‘Pin It’ button to your toolbar from Pinterest’s site. Go to ‘About’ and click

‘Pin it button’

Once it’s in your toolbar you can link from almost any site. Pinterest does allow sites to block pinning if they please. Yes,

Facebook is one that does not allow it.

When you click the ‘Pin It’ button, Pinterest will bring up every picture on the screen. Just:1)Click the picture you want

2) Choose a board and a caption

3) Push the red button

Let’s not forget to link your account to other social networks. Add your Facebook and Twitter account so

people can get more information on how you can help.

Get started

• Drive Traffic

• Build Relationships

• Create Awareness for your brand

• Humanize (don’t bug people)

• Enjoy. Remember, people are signing onto Pinterest to surf pictures and tell their friends

“I want that.”

• By the time you see this the number of people on the network may change drastically. It’s the

3rd largest social network in the world. It’s extremely simple to use, and it’s a place to

connect with customers.


• If you need an invitation to the site or just want to talk about how your shop could use

Pinterest, e-mail me at and I’ll do my best

to help.• Good luck!